515 research outputs found

    Hydrologic and Nutrient Modeling within an Agricultural Watershed in Southeast Kansas

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    Access to safe, clean water is important to support society. Agricultural watersheds are often contaminated due to agricultural activities. Identification of specific factors contributing to impairment of water bodies is important to target remediation efforts. This research is designed to explore water quality within the Middle Neosho Watershed in southeastern Kansas to make more informed decisions in potential corrective actions

    Calcium Carbonate Precipitation as Influenced by Stream Primary Production

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    The potential influence of periphyton photosynthesis on calcium carbonate precipitation was studied for the Logan River, Bear River Mountains, northern Utah. The water chemistry, hydrology, and benthic primary production of the river were monitored for one year. periphyton photosynthesis and calcium carbonate precipitation were measured concurrently in laboratory experiments utilizing radioisotopic tracers. These experiments investigated the effects of water temperature, velocity, and macronutrient concentration on photosynthetically induced calcium carbonate precipitation. In these experiments, the biologic induction of calcium carbonate precipitation was not correlated with water nutrient level. It did, however, reflect water temperature, and was greatest at approximately 10 degrees C. Furthermore, benthic calcium carbonate precipitation decreased nearly uniformly as water velocity increased. Application of the experimental results to the Logan River system suggests that biological activity would have the greatest influence in the high-altitude, first and second-order tributaries to the river, and would decline in importance in the downstream direction. Biological activity may account for up to 25 percent of the precipitation of calcium carbonate in the Logan River during certain times of the year

    Partial-Transfer Absorption Imaging: A versatile technique for optimal imaging of ultracold gases

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    Partial-transfer absorption imaging is a tool that enables optimal imaging of atomic clouds for a wide range of optical depths. In contrast to standard absorption imaging, the technique can be minimally-destructive and can be used to obtain multiple successive images of the same sample. The technique involves transferring a small fraction of the sample from an initial internal atomic state to an auxiliary state and subsequently imaging that fraction absorptively on a cycling transition. The atoms remaining in the initial state are essentially unaffected. We demonstrate the technique, discuss its applicability, and compare its performance as a minimally-destructive technique to that of phase-contrast imaging.Comment: 10 pages, 5 figures, submitted to Review of Scientific Instrument

    Bioremediation of Heavy Metals and Organic Toxicants by Composting

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    Hazardous organic and metallic residues or by-products can enter into plants, soils, and sediments from processes associated with domestic, municipal, agricultural, industrial, and military activities. Handling, ingestion, application to land or other distributions of the contaminated materials into the environment might render harm to humans, livestock, wildlife, crops, or native plants. Considerable remediation of the hazardous wastes or contaminated plants, soils, and sediments can be accomplished by composting. High microbial diversity and activity during composting, due to the abundance of substrates in feedstocks, promotes degradation of xenobiotic organic compounds, such as pesticides, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), and polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs). For composting of contaminated soils, noncontaminated organic matter should be cocomposted with the soils. Metallic pollutants are not degraded during composting but may be converted into organic combinations that have less bioavailability than mineral combinations of the metals. Degradation of organic contaminants in soils is facilitated by addition of composted or raw organic matter, thereby increasing the substrate levels for cometabolism of the contaminants. Similar to the composting of soils in vessels or piles, the on-site addition of organic matter to soils (sheet composting) accelerates degradation of organic pollutants and binds metallic pollutants. Recalcitrant materials, such as organochlorines, may not undergo degradation in composts or in soils, and the effects of forming organic complexes with metallic pollutants may be nonpermanent or short lived. The general conclusion is, however, that composting degrades or binds pollutants to innocuous levels or into innocuous compounds in the finished product

    JC Virus infected choroid plexus epithelial cells produce extracellular vesicles that infect glial cells independently of the virus attachment receptor

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    The human polyomavirus, JCPyV, is the causative agent of progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy (PML) in immunosuppressed and immunomodulated patients. Initial infection with JCPyV is common and the virus establishes a long-term persistent infection in the urogenital system of 50-70% of the human population worldwide. A major gap in the field is that we do not know how the virus traffics from the periphery to the brain to cause disease. Our recent discovery that human choroid plexus epithelial cells are fully susceptible to virus infection together with reports of JCPyV infection of choroid plexus in vivo has led us to hypothesize that the choroid plexus plays a fundamental role in this process. The choroid plexus is known to relay information between the blood and the brain by the release of extracellular vesicles. This is particularly important because human macroglia (oligodendrocytes and astrocytes), the major targets of virus infection in the central nervous system (CNS), do not express the known attachment receptors for the virus and do not bind virus in human tissue sections. In this report we show that JCPyV infected choroid plexus epithelial cells produce extracellular vesicles that contain JCPyV and readily transmit the infection to human glial cells. Transmission of the virus by extracellular vesicles is independent of the known virus attachment receptors and is not neutralized by antisera directed at the virus. We also show that extracellular vesicles containing virus are taken into target glial cells by both clathrin dependent endocytosis and macropinocytosis. Our data support the hypothesis that the choroid plexus plays a fundamental role in the dissemination of virus to brain parenchyma

    Spectrum Estimation of Density Operators with Alkaline-Earth Atoms

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    We show that Ramsey spectroscopy of fermionic alkaline-earth atoms in a square-well trap provides an efficient and accurate estimate for the eigenspectrum of a density matrix whose n copies are stored in the nuclear spins of n such atoms. This spectrum estimation is enabled by the high symmetry of the interaction Hamiltonian, dictated, in turn, by the decoupling of the nuclear spin from the electrons and by the shape of the square-well trap. Practical performance of this procedure and its potential applications to quantum computing and time keeping with alkaline-earth atoms are discussed

    Nitric oxide-driven modifications of lipoic arm inhibit α-ketoacid dehydrogenases

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    Pyruvate dehydrogenase complex (PDHC) and oxoglutarate dehydrogenase complex (OGDC), which belong to the mitochondrial α-ketoacid dehydrogenase family, play crucial roles in cellular metabolism. These multi-subunit enzyme complexes use lipoic arms covalently attached to their E2 subunits to transfer an acyl group to coenzyme A (CoA). Here, we report a novel mechanism capable of substantially inhibiting PDHC and OGDC: reactive nitrogen species (RNS) can covalently modify the thiols on their lipoic arms, generating a series of adducts that block catalytic activity. S-Nitroso-CoA, a product between RNS and the E2 subunit\u27s natural substrate, CoA, can efficiently deliver these modifications onto the lipoic arm. We found RNS-mediated inhibition of PDHC and OGDC occurs during classical macrophage activation, driving significant rewiring of cellular metabolism over time. This work provides a new mechanistic link between RNS and mitochondrial metabolism with potential relevance for numerous physiological and pathological conditions in which RNS accumulate

    4-Hydroxy-3-Methoxybenzoic Acid Methyl Ester: A Curcumin Derivative Targets Akt/NFκB Cell Survival Signaling Pathway: Potential for Prostate Cancer Management

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    AbstractTranscription factor NFKB and the serine/threonine kinase Akt play critical roles in mammalian cell survival signaling and have been shown to be activated in various malignancies including prostate cancer (PCA). We have developed an analogue of curcumin called 4hydroxy-3-methoxybenzoic acid methyl ester (HMBME) that targets the Akt/NFκB signaling pathway. Here, we demonstrate the ability of this novel compound to inhibit the proliferation of human and mouse PCA cells. HMBME-induced apoptosis in these cells was tested by using multiple biochemical approaches, in addition to morphological analysis. Overexpression of constitutively active Akt reversed the HMBME-induced growth inhibition and apoptosis, illustrating the direct role of Akt signaling in HMBME-mediated growth inhibition and apoptosis. Further, investigation of the molecular events associated with its action in LNCaP cells shows that: 1) HMBME reduces the level of activated form of Akt (phosphorylated Akt); and 2) inhibits the Akt kinase activity. Further, the transcriptional activity of NFκB, the DNA-binding activity of NFκB, and levels of p65 were all significantly reduced following treatment with HMBME. Overexpression of constitutively active Akt, but not the kinase dead mutant of Akt, activated the basal NFκB transcriptional activity. HMBME treatment had no influence on this constitutively active Aktaugmented NFκB transcriptional activity. These data indicate that HMBME-mediated inhibition of Akt kinase activity may have a potential in suppressing/decreasing the activity of major survival/antiapoptotic pathways. The potential use of HMBME as an agent that targets survival mechanisms in PCA cells is discussed

    Forest structure and aboveground biomass in the southwestern United States from MODIS and MISR

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    Red band bidirectional reflectance factor data from the NASA MODerate resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) acquired over the southwestern United States were interpreted through a simple geometric–optical (GO) canopy reflectance model to provide maps of fractional crown cover (dimensionless), mean canopy height (m), and aboveground woody biomass (Mg ha−1) on a 250 m grid. Model adjustment was performed after dynamic injection of a background contribution predicted via the kernel weights of a bidirectional reflectance distribution function (BRDF) model. Accuracy was assessed with respect to similar maps obtained with data from the NASA Multiangle Imaging Spectroradiometer (MISR) and to contemporaneous US Forest Service (USFS) maps based partly on Forest Inventory and Analysis (FIA) data. MODIS and MISR retrievals of forest fractional cover and mean height both showed compatibility with the USFS maps, with MODIS mean absolute errors (MAE) of 0.09 and 8.4 m respectively, compared with MISR MAE of 0.10 and 2.2 m, respectively. The respective MAE for aboveground woody biomass was ~10 Mg ha−1, the same as that from MISR, although the MODIS retrievals showed a much weaker correlation, noting that these statistics do not represent evaluation with respect to ground survey data. Good height retrieval accuracies with respect to averages from high resolution discrete return lidar data and matches between mean crown aspect ratio and mean crown radius maps and known vegetation type distributions both support the contention that the GO model results are not spurious when adjusted against MISR bidirectional reflectance factor data. These results highlight an alternative to empirical methods for the exploitation of moderate resolution remote sensing data in the mapping of woody plant canopies and assessment of woody biomass loss and recovery from disturbance in the southwestern United States and in parts of the world where similar environmental conditions prevail
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