3,428 research outputs found

    The use of TOMS data for tropospheric ozone studies

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    Instances were identified where enhancements of tropical ozone are associated with sporadic widespread biomass burning. A strong positive correlation exists between total ozone and the distribution of carbon monoxide in the tropics, indicating that total ozone data can be used for tropospheric ozone studies. Using ozone profiles derived from the Stratospheric Aerosol and Gas Experiment (SAGE), preliminary findings show enhanced tropospheric ozone concentrations over Africa and the eastern Atlantic at tropical latitudes. Other preliminary studies also suggest that Total Ozone Mapping Spectrometer (TOMS) data may provide a means of identifying widespread air pollution episodes over the United States during the summer

    Is transport in time-dependent random potentials universal ?

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    The growth of the average kinetic energy of classical particles is studied for potentials that are random both in space and time. Such potentials are relevant for recent experiments in optics and in atom optics. It is found that for small velocities uniform acceleration takes place, and at a later stage fluctuations of the potential are encountered, resulting in a regime of anomalous diffusion. This regime was studied in the framework of the Fokker-Planck approximation. The diffusion coefficient in velocity was expressed in terms of the average power spectral density, which is the Fourier transform of the potential correlation function. This enabled to establish a scaling form for the Fokker-Planck equation and to compute the large and small velocity limits of the diffusion coefficient. A classification of the random potentials into universality classes, characterized by the form of the diffusion coefficient in the limit of large and small velocity, was performed. It was shown that one dimensional systems exhibit a large variety of novel universality classes, contrary to systems in higher dimensions, where only one universality class is possible. The relation to Chirikov resonances, that are central in the theory of Chaos, was demonstrated. The general theory was applied and numerically tested for specific physically relevant examples.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figure

    Faster Methods for Contracting Infinite 2D Tensor Networks

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    We revisit the corner transfer matrix renormalization group (CTMRG) method of Nishino and Okunishi for contracting two-dimensional (2D) tensor networks and demonstrate that its performance can be substantially improved by determining the tensors using an eigenvalue solver as opposed to the power method used in CTMRG. We also generalize the variational uniform matrix product state (VUMPS) ansatz for diagonalizing 1D quantum Hamiltonians to the case of 2D transfer matrices and discuss similarities with the corner methods. These two new algorithms will be crucial to improving the performance of variational infinite projected entangled pair state (PEPS) methods.Comment: 20 pages, 5 figures, V. Zauner-Stauber previously also published under the name V. Zaune

    Spin Diffusion in Double-Exchange Manganites

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    The theoretical study of spin diffusion in double-exchange magnets by means of dynamical mean-field theory is presented. We demonstrate that the spin-diffusion coefficient becomes independent of the Hund's coupling JH in the range of parameters JH*S >> W >> T, W being the bandwidth, relevant to colossal magnetoresistive manganites in the metallic part of their phase diagram. Our study reveals a close correspondence as well as some counterintuitive differences between the results on Bethe and hypercubic lattices. Our results are in accord with neutron scattering data and with previous theoretical work for high temperatures.Comment: 4.0 pages, 3 figures, RevTeX 4, replaced with the published versio

    Superconducting to normal state phase boundary in arrays of ultrasmall Josephson junctions

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    We study the competition between Josephson and charging energies in two-dimensional arrays of ultrasmall Josephson junctions, when the mutual capacitance is dominant over the self-capacitance. Our calculations involve a combination of an analytic WKB renormalization group approach plus nonperturbative Quantum Monte Carlo simulations. We consider the zero frustration case in detail and we are able to make a successful comparison between our results and those obtained experimentally.Comment: 14 pages + 2 postscript figures, REVTEX. THU-9412

    Scar Intensity Statistics in the Position Representation

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    We obtain general predictions for the distribution of wave function intensities in position space on the periodic orbits of chaotic ballistic systems. The expressions depend on effective system size N, instability exponent lambda of the periodic orbit, and proximity to a focal point of the orbit. Limiting expressions are obtained that include the asymptotic probability distribution of rare high-intensity events and a perturbative formula valid in the limit of weak scarring. For finite system sizes, a single scaling variable lambda N describes deviations from the semiclassical N -> infinity limit.Comment: To appear in Phys. Rev. E, 10 pages, including 4 figure

    Likelihood Analysis of Repeating in the BATSE Catalogue

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    I describe a new likelihood technique, based on counts-in-cells statistics, that I use to analyze repeating in the BATSE 1B and 2B catalogues. Using the 1B data, I find that repeating is preferred over non-repeating by 4.3:1 odds, with a well-defined peak at 5-6 repetitions per source. I find that the post-1B data are consistent with the repeating model inferred from the 1B data, after taking into account the lower fraction of bursts with well-determined positions. Combining the two data sets, I find that the odds favoring repeating over non-repeating are almost unaffected at 4:1, with a narrower peak at 5 repetitions per source. I conclude that the data sets are consistent both with each other and with repeating, and that for these data sets the odds favor repeating.Comment: 5 pages including 3 encapsulated figures, as a uuencoded, gzipped, Postscript file. To appear in Proc. of the 1995 La Jolla workshop ``High Velocity Neutron Stars and Gamma-Ray Bursts'' eds. Rothschild, R. et al., AIP, New Yor

    Giant Antiferromagnetically Coupled Moments in a Molecule-Based Magnet with Interpenetrating Lattices

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    The molecule-based magnet [Ru2_2(O2_2CMe)4_4]3_3[Cr(CN)6_6] contains two weakly-coupled, interpenetrating sublattices in a body-centered cubic structure. Although the field-dependent magnetization indicates a metamagnetic transition from an antiferromagnet to a paramagnet, the hysteresis loop also exhibits a substantial magnetic remanance and coercive field uncharacteristic of a typical metamagnet. We demonstrate that this material behaves like two giant moments with a weak antiferromagnetic coupling and a large energy barrier between the orientations of each moment. Because the sublattice moments only weakly depend on field in the transition region, the magnetic correlation length can be directly estimated from the magnetization.Comment: 3 figure

    Echoes and revival echoes in systems of anharmonically confined atoms

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    We study echoes and what we call 'revival echoes' for a collection of atoms that are described by a single quantum wavefunction and are confined in a weakly anharmonic trap. The echoes and revival echoes are induced by applying two, successive temporally localized potential perturbations to the confining potential, one at time t=0t=0, and a smaller one at time t=τt=\tau. Pulse-like responses in the expectation value of position are predicted at $t \approx n\tau$ ($n=2,3,...$) and are particularly evident at $t \approx 2\tau$. A novel result of our study is the finding of 'revival echoes'. Revivals (but not echoes) occur even if the second perturbation is absent. In particular, in the absence of the second perturbation, the response to the first perturbation dies away, but then reassembles, producing a response at revival times $mT_x$ ($m=1,2,...$). Including the second perturbation at $t=\tau$, we find temporally localized responses, revival echoes, both before and after $t\approx mT_x$, e.g., at $t\approx m T_x-n \tau$ (pre-revival echoes) and at $t\approx mT_x+n\tau$, (post-revival echoes), where $m$ and $n$ are $1,2,...$ . Depending on the form of the perturbations, the 'principal' revival echoes at $t \approx T_x \pm \tau$ can be much larger than the echo at $t \approx 2\tau$. We develop a perturbative model for these phenomena, and compare its predictions to the numerical solutions of the time-dependent Schr\"odinger Equation. The scaling of the size of the various echoes and revival echoes as a function of the symmetry and size of the perturbations applied at $t=0$ and $t=\tau$ is investigated. We also study the presence of revivals and revival echoes in higher moments of position, , p>1p>1, and the effect of atom-atom interactions on these phenomena.Comment: 33 pages, 13 figures, corrected typos and added reference

    Theory of 2δ\delta-kicked Quantum Rotors

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    We examine the quantum dynamics of cold atoms subjected to {\em pairs} of closely spaced δ\delta-kicks from standing waves of light, and find behaviour quite unlike the well-studied quantum kicked rotor (QKR). Recent experiments [Jones et al, {\em Phys. Rev. Lett. {\bf 93}, 223002 (2004)}] identified a regime of chaotic, anomalous classical diffusion. We show that the corresponding quantum phase-space has a cellular structure, arising from a unitary matrix with oscillating band-width. The corresponding eigenstates are exponentially localized, but scale with a fractional power, L0.75L \sim \hbar^{-0.75}, in contrast to the QKR for which L1L \sim \hbar^{-1}. The effect of inter-cell (and intra-cell) transport is investigated by studying the spectral fluctuations with both periodic as well as `open' boundary conditions.Comment: 12 pages with 14 figure