212 research outputs found

    An Analysis of Musculoskeletal Variables, Comparative to Team Norms, Leading to an ACL Rupture

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    Microarray analysis of Shigella flexneri-infected epithelial cells identifies host factors important for apoptosis inhibition

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p><it>Shigella flexneri </it>inhibits apoptosis in infected epithelial cells. In order to understand the pro-survival effects induced by the bacteria, we utilized apoptosis-specific microarrays to analyze the changes in eukaryotic gene expression in both infected and uninfected cells in the presence and absence of staurosporine, a chemical inducer of the intrinsic pathway of apoptosis. The goal of this research was to identify host factors that contribute to apoptosis inhibition in infected cells.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>The microarray analysis revealed distinct expression profiles in uninfected and infected cells, and these changes were altered in the presence of staurosporine. These profiles allowed us to make comparisons between the treatment groups. Compared to uninfected cells, <it>Shigella-</it>infected epithelial cells, both in the presence and absence of staurosporine, showed significant induced expression of <it>JUN</it>, several members of the inhibitor of apoptosis gene family, nuclear factor κB and related genes, genes involving tumor protein 53 and the retinoblastoma protein, and surprisingly, genes important for the inhibition of the extrinsic pathway of apoptosis. We confirmed the microarray results for a selection of genes using <it>in situ </it>hybridization analysis.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Infection of epithelial cells with <it>S. flexneri </it>induces a pro-survival state in the cell that results in apoptosis inhibition in the presence and absence of staurosporine. The bacteria may target these host factors directly while some induced genes may represent downstream effects due to the presence of the bacteria. Our results indicate that the bacteria block apoptosis at multiple checkpoints along both pathways so that even if a cell fails to prevent apoptosis at an early step, <it>Shigella </it>will block apoptosis at the level of caspase-3. Apoptosis inhibition is most likely vital to the survival of the bacteria <it>in vivo</it>. Future characterization of these host factors is required to fully understand how <it>S. flexneri </it>inhibits apoptosis in epithelial cells.</p

    A new L-dwarf member of the moderately metal-poor triple system HD 221356

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    We report on the discovery of a fourth component in the HD 221356 star system, previously known to be formed by an F8V, slightly metal-poor primary ([Fe/H]=-0.26), and a distant M8V+L3V pair. In our ongoing common proper motion search based on VISTA Hemisphere Survey (VHS) and 2MASS catalogues, we have detected a faint (J=13.76+/-0.04 mag) co-moving companion of the F8 star located at angular separation of 12.13+/-0.18 arcsec (position angle of 221.8+/-1.7), corresponding to a projected distance of ~312 AU at 26 pc. Near-infrared spectroscopy of the new companion, covering the 1.5-2.4 micron wavelength range with a resolving power of R~600, indicates an L1+/-1 spectral type. Using evolutionary models the mass of the new companion is estimated at ~0.08 solar masses, which places the object close to the stellar-substellar borderline. This multiple system provides an interesting example of objects with masses slightly above and below the hydrogen burning mass limit. The low mass companions of HD 221356 have slightly bluer colours than field dwarfs with similar spectral type, which is likely a consequence of the sub-solar metallicity of the system.Comment: 7 pages, 4 figures, accepted for publication in MNRA

    An L Band Spectrum of the Coldest Brown Dwarf

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    The coldest brown dwarf, WISE 0855, is the closest known planetary-mass, free-floating object and has a temperature nearly as cold as the solar system gas giants. Like Jupiter, it is predicted to have an atmosphere rich in methane, water, and ammonia, with clouds of volatile ices. WISE 0855 is faint at near-infrared wavelengths and emits almost all its energy in the mid-infrared. Skemer et al. 2016 presented a spectrum of WISE 0855 from 4.5-5.1 micron (M band), revealing water vapor features. Here, we present a spectrum of WISE 0855 in L band, from 3.4-4.14 micron. We present a set of atmosphere models that include a range of compositions (metallicities and C/O ratios) and water ice clouds. Methane absorption is clearly present in the spectrum. The mid-infrared color can be better matched with a methane abundance that is depleted relative to solar abundance. We find that there is evidence for water ice clouds in the M band spectrum, and we find a lack of phosphine spectral features in both the L and M band spectra. We suggest that a deep continuum opacity source may be obscuring the near-infrared flux, possibly a deep phosphorous-bearing cloud, ammonium dihyrogen phosphate. Observations of WISE 0855 provide critical constraints for cold planetary atmospheres, bridging the temperature range between the long-studied solar system planets and accessible exoplanets. JWST will soon revolutionize our understanding of cold brown dwarfs with high-precision spectroscopy across the infrared, allowing us to study their compositions and cloud properties, and to infer their atmospheric dynamics and formation processes.Comment: 19 pages, 21 figures. Accepted for publication in Ap

    One more neighbor: The first brown dwarf in the VVV survey

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    Context. The discovery of brown dwarfs (BDs) in the solar neighborhood and young star clusters has helped to constraint the low-mass end of the stellar mass function and the initial mass function. We use data of the Vista Variables in the V\'ia L\'actea (VVV), a near-infrared (NIR) multiwavelength (Z Y J H Ks) multi-epoch (Ks) ESO Public Survey mapping the Milky Way bulge and southern Galactic plane to search for nearby BDs. Aims. The ultimate aim of the project is to improve the completeness of the census of nearby stellar and substellar objects towards the Galactic bulge and inner disk regions. Methods. Taking advantage of the homogeneous sample of VVV multi-epoch data, we identified stars with high proper motion (> 0.1"/yr), and then selected low-mass objects using NIR colors. We searched for a possible parallax signature using the all available Ks band epochs. We set some constraints on the month-to-year scale Ks band variability of our candidates, and even searched for possible transiting companions. We obtained NIR spectra to properly classify spectral type and then the physical properties of the final list of candidates. Results. We report the discovery of VVV BD001, a new member of the local volume-limited sample (within 20pc from the sun) with well defined proper motion, distance, and luminosity. The spectral type of this new object is an L5+-1, unusually blue dwarf. The proper motion for this BD is PM(\alpha)=-0.5455+-0.004 "/yr, PM(\delta)=-0.3255+-0.004 "/yr, and it has a parallax of 57+-4 mas which translates into a distance of 17.5 +- 1.1 pc. VVV BD001 shows no evidence of variability (\Delta Ks <0.05mag) over two years, especially constrained on a six month scale during the year 2012.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figures, 1 table, Accepted for publication in Astronomy and Astrophysics Letter

    A deep WISE search for very late type objects and the discovery of two halo/thick-disc T dwarfs : WISE 0013+0634 and WISE 0833+0052

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    This article has been accepted for publication in Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society ©: 2013 The Authors. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the Royal Astronomical Society. All rights reservedA method is defined for identifying late-T and Y dwarfs in WISE down to low values of signal-to-noise. This requires a WISE detection only in the W2-band and uses the statistical properties of the WISE multiframe measurements and profile fit photometry to reject contamination resulting from non-point-like objects, variables and moving sources. To trace our desired parameter space, we use a control sample of isolated non-moving non-variable point sources from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS), and identify a sample of 158 WISE W2-only candidates down to a signal-to-noise limit of eight. For signal-to-noise ranges >10 and 8-10, respectively, similar to 45 and similar to 90 per cent of our sample fall outside the selection criteria published by the WISE team, mainly due to the type of constraints placed on the number of individual W2 detections. We present follow-up of eight candidates and identify WISE 0013+0634 and WISE 0833+0052, T8 and T9 dwarfs with high proper motion (similar to 1.3 and similar to 1.8 arcsec yr(-1)). Both objects show a mid-infrared/near-infrared excess of similar to 1-1.5 mag and are K band suppressed. Distance estimates lead to space motion constraints that suggest halo (or at least thick disc) kinematics. We then assess the reduced proper motion diagram of WISE ultracool dwarfs, which suggests that late-T and Y dwarfs may have a higher thick-disc/halo population fraction than earlier objects.Peer reviewe

    In-depth study of moderately young but extremely red, very dusty substellar companion HD206893B

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    Accepted for publication in Astronomy & Astrophysics. Reproduced with permission from Astronomy & Astrophysics. © 2018 ESO.The substellar companion HD206893b has recently been discovered by direct imaging of its disc-bearing host star with the SPHERE instrument. We investigate the atypical properties of the companion, which has the reddest near-infrared colours among all known substellar objects, either orbiting a star or isolated, and we provide a comprehensive characterisation of the host star-disc-companion system. We conducted a follow-up of the companion with adaptive optics imaging and spectro-imaging with SPHERE, and a multiinstrument follow-up of its host star. We obtain a R=30 spectrum from 0.95 to 1.64 micron of the companion and additional photometry at 2.11 and 2.25 micron. We carried out extensive atmosphere model fitting for the companions and the host star in order to derive their age, mass, and metallicity. We found no additional companion in the system in spite of exquisite observing conditions resulting in sensitivity to 6MJup (2MJup) at 0.5" for an age of 300 Myr (50 Myr). We detect orbital motion over more than one year and characterise the possible Keplerian orbits. We constrain the age of the system to a minimum of 50 Myr and a maximum of 700 Myr, and determine that the host-star metallicity is nearly solar. The comparison of the companion spectrum and photometry to model atmospheres indicates that the companion is an extremely dusty late L dwarf, with an intermediate gravity (log g 4.5-5.0) which is compatible with the independent age estimate of the system. Though our best fit corresponds to a brown dwarf of 15-30 MJup aged 100-300 Myr, our analysis is also compatible with a range of masses and ages going from a 50 Myr 12MJup planetary-mass object to a 50 MJup Hyades-age brown dwarf...Peer reviewedFinal Accepted Versio

    A spectroscopic and proper motion search of Sloan Digital Sky Survey : red subdwarfs in binary systems

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    Red subdwarfs in binary systems are crucial for both model calibration and spectral classification. We search for red subdwarfs in binary systems from a sample of high proper motion objects with Sloan Digital Sky Survey spectroscopy. We present here discoveries from this search, as well as highlight several additional objects of interest. We find 30 red subdwarfs in wide binary systems including: two with spectral type of esdM5.5, 6 companions to white dwarfs and 3 carbon-enhanced red subdwarfs with normal red subdwarf companions. 15 red subdwarfs in our sample are partially resolved close binary systems. With this binary sample, we estimate the low limit of the red subdwarf binary fraction of similar to 10 per cent. We find that the binary fraction goes down with decreasing masses and metallicities of red subdwarfs. A spectroscopic esdK7 subdwarf + white dwarf binary candidate is also reported. 30 new M subdwarfs have spectral type of >= M6 in our sample. We also derive relationships between spectral types and absolute magnitudes in the optical and near-infrared for M and L subdwarfs, and we present an M subdwarf sample with measured U, V, W space velocities.Peer reviewe

    Retrieving Young Cloudy L-Dwarfs : A Nearby Planetary-Mass Companion BD+60 1417B and Its Isolated Red Twin W0047

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    © 2024. The Author(s). Published by the American Astronomical Society. This work is licensed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 licence: https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/We present an atmospheric retrieval analysis on a set of young, cloudy, red L-dwarfs -- CWISER J124332.12+600126.2 and WISEP J004701.06+680352.1 -- using the \textit{Brewster} retrieval framework. We also present the first elemental abundance measurements of the young K-dwarf (K0) host star, BD+60 1417 using high resolution~(R = 50,000) spectra taken with PEPSI/LBT. In the complex cloudy L-dwarf regime the emergence of condensate cloud species complicates retrieval analysis when only near-infrared data is available. We find that for both L dwarfs in this work, despite testing three different thermal profile parameterizations we are unable to constrain reliable abundance measurements and thus the C/O ratio. While we can not conclude what the abundances are, we can conclude that the data strongly favor a cloud model over a cloudless model. We note that the difficulty in retrieval constraints persists regardless of the signal to noise of the data examined (S/N \sim 10 for CWISER J124332.12+600126.2 and~40 for WISEP J004701.06+680352.1). The results presented in this work provide valuable lessons about retrieving young, low-surface gravity, cloudy L-dwarfs. This work provides continued evidence of missing information in models and the crucial need for JWST to guide and inform retrieval analysis in this regime.Peer reviewe

    Discovery of a brown dwarf companion to the A3V star β Circini

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    We report the discovery of an L dwarf companion to the A3V star β Circini. VVV J151721.49−585131.5, or β Cir B, was identified in a proper motion and parallax catalogue of the VISTA Variables in the Vía Láctea survey as having near-infrared luminosity and colour indicative of an early L dwarf, and a proper motion and parallax consistent with that of β Cir. The projected separation of ∼3.6 arcmin corresponds to 6656 au, which is unusually wide. The most recent published estimate of the age of the primary combined with our own estimate based on newer isochrones yields an age of 370–500 Myr. The system therefore serves as a useful benchmark at an age greater than that of the Pleiades brown dwarfs and most other young L dwarf benchmarks. We have obtained a medium resolution echelle spectrum of the companion which indicates a spectral type of L1.0 ± 0.5 and lacks the typical signatures of low-surface gravity seen in younger brown dwarfs. This suggests that signs of low-surface gravity disappear from the spectra of early L dwarfs by an age of ∼370–500 Myr, as expected from theoretical isochrones. The mass of β Cir B is estimated from the BHAC15 isochrones as 0.056 ± 0.007 Msun.Peer reviewe