5,355 research outputs found

    On open quantum systems, effective Hamiltonians and device characterization

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    High fidelity models, which support accurate device characterization and correctly account for environmental effects, are crucial to the engineering of scalable quantum technologies. As it ensures positivity of the density matrix, one preferred model for open systems describes the dynamics with a master equation in Lindblad form. The Linblad operators are rarely derived from first principles, resulting in dynamical models which miss those additional terms that must generally be added to bring the master equation into Lindblad form, together with concomitant other terms that must be assimilated into an effective Hamiltonian. In first principles derivations such additional terms are often cancelled (countered), frequently in an ad hoc manner. In the case of a Superconducting Quantum Interference Device (SQUID) coupled to an Ohmic bath, the resulting master equation implies the environment has a significant impact on the system's energy. We discuss the prospect of keeping or cancelling this impact; and note that, for the SQUID, measuring the magnetic susceptibility under control of the capacitive coupling strength and the externally applied flux, results in experimentally measurable differences between models. If this is not done correctly, device characterization will be prone to systemic errors.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figure

    Higher Descent Data as a Homotopy Limit

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    We define the 2-groupoid of descent data assigned to a cosimplicial 2-groupoid and present it as the homotopy limit of the cosimplicial space gotten after applying the 2-nerve in each cosimplicial degree. This can be applied also to the case of nn-groupoids thus providing an analogous presentation of "descent data" in higher dimensions.Comment: Appeared in JHR

    The homotopy theory of dg-categories and derived Morita theory

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    The main purpose of this work is the study of the homotopy theory of dg-categories up to quasi-equivalences. Our main result provides a natural description of the mapping spaces between two dg-categories CC and DD in terms of the nerve of a certain category of (C,D)(C,D)-bimodules. We also prove that the homotopy category Ho(dg−Cat)Ho(dg-Cat) is cartesian closed (i.e. possesses internal Hom's relative to the tensor product). We use these two results in order to prove a derived version of Morita theory, describing the morphisms between dg-categories of modules over two dg-categories CC and DD as the dg-category of (C,D)(C,D)-bi-modules. Finally, we give three applications of our results. The first one expresses Hochschild cohomology as endomorphisms of the identity functor, as well as higher homotopy groups of the \emph{classifying space of dg-categories} (i.e. the nerve of the category of dg-categories and quasi-equivalences between them). The second application is the existence of a good theory of localization for dg-categories, defined in terms of a natural universal property. Our last application states that the dg-category of (continuous) morphisms between the dg-categories of quasi-coherent (resp. perfect) complexes on two schemes (resp. smooth and proper schemes) is quasi-equivalent to the dg-category of quasi-coherent complexes (resp. perfect) on their product.Comment: 50 pages. Few mistakes corrected, and some references added. Thm. 8.15 is new. Minor corrections. Final version, to appear in Inventione

    Search for Sterile Neutrinos with a Radioactive Source at Daya Bay

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    The far site detector complex of the Daya Bay reactor experiment is proposed as a location to search for sterile neutrinos with > eV mass. Antineutrinos from a 500 kCi 144Ce-144Pr beta-decay source (DeltaQ=2.996 MeV) would be detected by four identical 20-ton antineutrino targets. The site layout allows flexible source placement; several specific source locations are discussed. In one year, the 3+1 sterile neutrino hypothesis can be tested at essentially the full suggested range of the parameters Delta m^2_{new} and sin^22theta_{new} (90% C.L.). The backgrounds from six nuclear reactors at >1.6 km distance are shown to be manageable. Advantages of performing the experiment at the Daya Bay far site are described

    A side-by-side comparison of Daya Bay antineutrino detectors

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    The Daya Bay Reactor Neutrino Experiment is designed to determine precisely the neutrino mixing angle θ_(13) with a sensitivity better than 0.01 in the parameter sin^22θ_(13) at the 90% confidence level. To achieve this goal, the collaboration will build eight functionally identical antineutrino detectors. The first two detectors have been constructed, installed and commissioned in Experimental Hall 1, with steady data-taking beginning September 23, 2011. A comparison of the data collected over the subsequent three months indicates that the detectors are functionally identical, and that detector-related systematic uncertainties are smaller than requirements

    SVtL: System Verification through Logic: tool support for verifying sliced hierarchical statecharts

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    SVtL is the core of a slicing-based verification environment for UML statechart models. We present an overview of the SVtL software architecture. Special attention is paid to the slicing approach. Slicing reduces the complexity of the verification approach, based on removing pieces of the model that are not of interest during verification. In [18] a slicing algorithm has been proposed for statecharts, but it was not able to handle orthogonal regions efficiently. We optimize this algorithm by removing false dependencies, relying on the broadcasting mechanism between different parts of the statechart model

    Editorial: In vivo opto-physiological imaging

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    Interval total colorings of graphs

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    A total coloring of a graph GG is a coloring of its vertices and edges such that no adjacent vertices, edges, and no incident vertices and edges obtain the same color. An \emph{interval total tt-coloring} of a graph GG is a total coloring of GG with colors 1,2,.Ë™.,t1,2,\...,t such that at least one vertex or edge of GG is colored by ii, i=1,2,.Ë™.,ti=1,2,\...,t, and the edges incident to each vertex vv together with vv are colored by dG(v)+1d_{G}(v)+1 consecutive colors, where dG(v)d_{G}(v) is the degree of the vertex vv in GG. In this paper we investigate some properties of interval total colorings. We also determine exact values of the least and the greatest possible number of colors in such colorings for some classes of graphs.Comment: 23 pages, 1 figur
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