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8 research outputs found
Campus Building Energy Usage Analysis and Prediction: A SVR Approach Based on Multi-scale RBF Kernels
A Ratnaweera
B Dong
+12 more
CD Lewis
E Ceperic
HX Zhao
HX Zhao
J Yang
M Szafranski
N Cristianini
Q Li
RE Edwards
V Cherkassky
VN Vapnik
VN Vapnik
Publication venue
'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
Publication date
Field of study
No full text
Low Noise Amplifier Synthesis Using Multidimensional MLP Neural Network
Ceperic V.
Cheung W. T.
+9 more
Kalantari F.
Kotti M.
M. R. Mosavi
M. Rafei
S. E. Sorkhabi
Sanchez-Lopez C.
So W. K.
Wang X.
Zhang Q. J.
Publication venue
'Informa UK Limited'
Publication date
Field of study
No full text
Design of low-power voltage/current references and supply voltage for 9-bit fully differential ADC
Ceperic V.
Jarvinen J. A. M.
+10 more
Lee S.-K.
Radiom S.
Rodriguez-Rodriguez J.
Souri K.
Van Elzakker M.
Venuto D. D.
Yan L.
Yip M.
Zhang D.
Zhang Y.
Publication venue
Publication date
Field of study
No full text
Adaptive support vector machine-based surface quality evaluation and temperature monitoring. Application to billet continuous casting process
A Faggian
Bast Jurgen
+27 more
Boucherit Med Seghir
Bouhouche Salah
C Barlocco
IK Craig
K Desai
K Harste
K Manabu
K Manabu
K Sigeru
L Dukman
Laib dit Leksir Yazid
LH Chiang
LO David
M El-Bealy
O Marjanovic
P Kadlec
S Bouhouche
S Bouhouche
T Kohonen
T Kourti
TD Xuan
TD Xuan
V Ceperic
VN Vapnik
W Biao
Y Zhang
Z Ge
Publication venue
'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
Publication date
Field of study
No full text
ANN and fuzzy based household energy consumption prediction with high accuracy
A Sfetsos
A Tealab
+33 more
A Tealab
B Muthukumar
B Nepal
B Sarıca
C Deb
C Huntingford
CF Huang
CH Cheng
E Ceperic
F Amara
H Sun
L Cao
LJ Cao
LY Wei
M Bose
M Zounemat-Kermani
NI Sapankevych
P Melin
R Menaka
RE Abdel-Aal
S Fong
S Singh
SM Chen
SM Chen
SN Fallah
SR Singh
SR Singh
V Bianco
YS Lee
Z Erdoğan
Z Tang
ZA Farhath
Publication venue
'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
Publication date
Field of study
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Energy Consumption and Price Forecasting Through Data-Driven Analysis Methods: A Review
A Azadeh
A Azadeh
+73 more
A Gupta
A Khashman
A Kialashaki
A Safari
A Sukhadia
A Sözen
A Sözen
A Yousefi
A Özmen
AA Godarzi
B Darshana
B Naik
D Antanasijević
D Cinar
D Patel
D Patel
D Shah
E Ceperic
F Cheng
G Creamer
G Micheli
H Chiroma
H Pandya
H Patel
H Thakkar
I Nwaogazie
J Barunik
J Chai
J Li
J Shawe-Taylor
J Szoplik
K Ahir
K Debnath
K Jani
K Jha
K Ju
K Kundalia
K Li
K Shah
K Yadav
L Huang
M Bahman
M Batta
M Bkassiny
M Desai
M Forouzanfar
M Gandhi
M Pathan
M Prajapati
M Shah
M Su
M Sun
MH Alobaidi
N Shah
N Shah
O Müller
P Parekh
P Patel
PMR Bento
R Munodawafa
R Pandya
S Panchiwala
T Limanond
T Talaviya
V Kakkad
V Parekh
W Zhang
X Luo
Y Fan
Y Fernando
Y Murat
ZW Geem
Publication venue
'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
Publication date
Field of study
No full text
Empirical modelling of survey-based expectations for the design of economic indicators in five European regions
A Bennett
A Cowles
+130 more
A Girardi
A Guizzardi
A Lemmens
A Terai
A Zameer
AE Drake
AH Gandomi
AK Alexandridis
C Christiansen
C Dreger
C Driver
C Ferreira
C Lawrenz
C Müller
DB Fogel
DE Goldberg
E Acosta-González
E Acosta-González
E Kudymowa
E Sarradj
E Vladislavleva
Enric Monte
F Jean-Baptiste
F Larkin
F Miah
F Mokinski
FA Fortin
G Bruno
G Löffler
G Wilson
G Yang
GA Vasilakis
H Seitz
H Theil
H Thinyane
I Nolte
I Visco
I Wilms
I Zelinka
J Breitung
J Duda
J Garnitz
J Ghonghadze
J Hansson
J Mitchell
J Mitchell
J Mitchell
J Muth
J Smith
JA Carlson
JH Holland
JM Berk
JR Koza
K Abberger
K Balcombe
K Kłopocka
K Lahiri
K Lahiri
K Lahiri
K Martinsen
KC Lee
L Yao
LJ Fogel
LR Klein
LY Wei
M Bovi
M Bovi
M Common
M Graff
M Hutson
M Ivaldi
M Nardo
M Paloviita
M Schmeling
M Álvarez-Díaz
MA Kaboudan
ME Kotanchek
MH Pesaran
MH Pesaran
MH Pesaran
MK Maschek
N Robinzonov
O Anderson
O Claveria
O Claveria
O Claveria
O Claveria
O Claveria
O Claveria
Oscar Claveria
P Barmpalexis
P Białowolski
P Vermeulen
PH Franses
R Batchelor
R Batchelor
R Batchelor
R Bergström
R Lehmann
R Poli
RA Batchelor
RA Batchelor
RA Batchelor
RJ Hyndman
S Altug
S Bruestle
S Dees
S Leduc
S Lui
S Lui
S Makridakis
S Mittnik
S Wren-Lewis
Salvador Torra
SH Chen
SH Chen
T Jonsson
T Jonsson
T Yu
T Łyziak
V Ceperic
V Kumar
VK Dabhi
W Banzhaf
X Chen
Y Peng
YJ Gong
Z Qiao
Ž Lacová
Publication venue
'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
Publication date
Field of study
No full text
Evolutionary Computation for Macroeconomic Forecasting
A Girardi
A Guizzardi
+113 more
A Stangl
A Terai
AE Drake
AF Sheta
AH Gandomi
B Can
C Driver
C Ferreira
C Müller
CF Huang
D Marković
D Petković
DB Fogel
DE Goldberg
E Acosta-González
E Acosta-González
E Acosta-González
E Kauppi
E Sarradj
E Vladislavleva
Enric Monte
F Jean-Baptiste
F Larkin
F Mokinski
FA Fortin
G Kapetanios
G Löffler
G Wilson
G Yang
G-B Huang
GA Vasilakis
H Theil
I Nolte
I Wilms
I Zelinka
J Breitung
J Duda
J Garnitz
J Ghonghadze
J Hansson
J Mitchell
J Mitchell
J Mitchell
J Smith
JA Carlson
JH Holland
JM Berk
JR Koza
JR Koza
K Abberger
K Lahiri
K Martinsen
KC Lee
KF Zimmermann
L Waltman
L Yao
LJ Fogel
LR Klein
M Bovi
M Common
M Graff
M Hutson
M Nardo
M Rahiala
M Schmeling
M Álvarez-Díaz
M Álvarez-Díaz
MC Ramos-Herrera
ME Kotanchek
MH Pesaran
MH Pesaran
MH Pesaran
MK Maschek
N Erjavec
N Robinzonov
O Anderson
O Claveria
O Claveria
Oscar Claveria
P Barmpalexis
P Białowolski
P Bruestle
P Bruno
P Krömer
P Sorić
P Vermeulen
P Österholm
R Batchelor
R Batchelor
R Bergström
R Lehmann
R Poli
RJ Hyndman
S Altug
S Dees
S Henzel
S Leduc
S Lui
S Lui
S Mittnik
Salvador Torra
SH Chen
SH Chen
T Jonsson
T Łyziak
V Ceperic
VK Dabhi
W Cai
X Chen
Y Peng
YJ Gong
Z Qiao
Publication venue
'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
Publication date
Field of study
No full text