1,068 research outputs found

    Axiomatic foundations of quantum mechanics revisited: the case for systems

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    We present an axiomatization of non-relativistic Quantum Mechanics for a system with an arbitrary number of components. The interpretation of our system of axioms is realistic and objective. The EPR paradox and its relation with realism is discussed in this framework. It is shown that there is no contradiction between realism and recent experimental results.Comment: submitted to International Journal of Theoretical Physics, uses Latex, no figure

    Photodetachment study of the 1s3s4s ^4S resonance in He^-

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    A Feshbach resonance associated with the 1s3s4s ^{4}S state of He^{-} has been observed in the He(1s2s ^{3}S) + e^- (\epsilon s) partial photodetachment cross section. The residual He(1s2s ^{3}S) atoms were resonantly ionized and the resulting He^+ ions were detected in the presence of a small background. A collinear laser-ion beam apparatus was used to attain both high resolution and sensitivity. We measured a resonance energy E_r = 2.959 255(7) eV and a width \Gamma = 0.19(3) meV, in agreement with a recent calculation.Comment: LaTeX article, 4 pages, 3 figures, 21 reference

    Robust estimation of microbial diversity in theory and in practice

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    Quantifying diversity is of central importance for the study of structure, function and evolution of microbial communities. The estimation of microbial diversity has received renewed attention with the advent of large-scale metagenomic studies. Here, we consider what the diversity observed in a sample tells us about the diversity of the community being sampled. First, we argue that one cannot reliably estimate the absolute and relative number of microbial species present in a community without making unsupported assumptions about species abundance distributions. The reason for this is that sample data do not contain information about the number of rare species in the tail of species abundance distributions. We illustrate the difficulty in comparing species richness estimates by applying Chao's estimator of species richness to a set of in silico communities: they are ranked incorrectly in the presence of large numbers of rare species. Next, we extend our analysis to a general family of diversity metrics ("Hill diversities"), and construct lower and upper estimates of diversity values consistent with the sample data. The theory generalizes Chao's estimator, which we retrieve as the lower estimate of species richness. We show that Shannon and Simpson diversity can be robustly estimated for the in silico communities. We analyze nine metagenomic data sets from a wide range of environments, and show that our findings are relevant for empirically-sampled communities. Hence, we recommend the use of Shannon and Simpson diversity rather than species richness in efforts to quantify and compare microbial diversity.Comment: To be published in The ISME Journal. Main text: 16 pages, 5 figures. Supplement: 16 pages, 4 figure

    The Color of Childhood: The Role of the Child/Human Binary in the Production of Anti-Black Racism

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    The binary between the figure of the child and the fully human being is invoked with regularity in analyses of race, yet its centrality to the conception of race has never been fully explored. For most commentators, the figure of the child operates as a metaphoric or rhetorical trope, a non-essential strategic tool in the perpetuation of White supremacy. As I show in the following, the child/human binary does not present a contingent or merely rhetorical construction but, rather, a central feature of racialization. Where Black peoples are situated as objects of violence it is often precisely because Blackness has been identified with childhood and childhood is historically identified as the archetypal site of naturalized violence and servitude. I proceed by offering a historical account of how Black peoples came to inherit the subordination and dehumanization of European childhood and how White youth were subsequently spared through their partial categorization as adults

    Similar or Different? The Role of the Ventrolateral Prefrontal Cortex in Similarity Detection

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    Patients with frontal lobe syndrome can exhibit two types of abnormal behaviour when asked to place a banana and an orange in a single category: some patients categorize them at a concrete level (e.g., “both have peel”), while others continue to look for differences between these objects (e.g., “one is yellow, the other is orange”). These observations raise the question of whether abstraction and similarity detection are distinct processes involved in abstract categorization, and that depend on separate areas of the prefrontal cortex (PFC). We designed an original experimental paradigm for a functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) study involving healthy subjects, confirming the existence of two distinct processes relying on different prefrontal areas, and thus explaining the behavioural dissociation in frontal lesion patients. We showed that: 1) Similarity detection involves the anterior ventrolateral PFC bilaterally with a right-left asymmetry: the right anterior ventrolateral PFC is only engaged in detecting physical similarities; 2) Abstraction per se activates the left dorsolateral PFC

    Homicide in Canada and the crime drop

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    In contrast to the Canadian crime drop of the 1990s, homicide appeared as an anomaly with a peak in the 1970s. Yet previous studies tend to refer only to completed homicides, and here we also include attempts. The resulting trend is remarkably similar to that in Canadian property crime for five decades. This seems unlikely to be a coincidence and we speculate about a causal link

    El rol de la educación en materia de discriminación derivada de factores étnicos y religiosos

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    Plantear el rol de la educación en materia de discriminación derivada de factores étnicos y religiosos nos conduce necesariamente a afirmar la igualdad en la diferencia: la Dignidad Humana.Sabemos que todos los seres humanos somos diferentes, sexo, edad, religión, nacionalidad, profesión, nivel educativo etc. sin embargo por encima de cualquier diferencia, todas las personas somos iguales en nuestra naturaleza humana; por el solo hecho de ser personas somos merecedores (dignos) de gozar de características que conforman la dignidad humana. En la actualidad la dignidad humana es la base sobre la que se construye la justicia y el derecho, o sea, que solo por pertenecer a la especie humana nos corresponde gozar de derechos y justicia. Este principio está protegido constitucionalmente en el artículo dieciséis “…todos los habitantes son iguales ante la ley…”.No obstante, sabemos que la convivencia presenta conflictos, las sociedades asisten con frecuencia a conflictos entre sus miembros que van desde las guerras hasta las persecuciones políticas, religiosas o raciales. Muchos de estos conflictos se producen sobre la base de una actitud de discriminación, que se genera cuando se utilizan las diferencias existentes entre las personas para afirmar la superioridad de unas sobre otras. La discriminación origina situaciones de desigualdad. La Universidadcomo ámbito de estudio, reflexión y de formación de profesionales, y más aun nuestra Universidad Católica debe fortalecer a través de los procesos de formación de sus alumnos los principios de promoción y defensa de la dignidad humana. La eliminación de toda forma de discriminación, especialmente la discriminación de género, étnica y racial, y de las diversas formas de intolerancia, así como la promoción y protección de los derechos humanos de los pueblos indígenas y los inmigrantes y el respeto a la diversidad étnica, cultural y religiosa en las Américas, contribuyen al fortalecimiento de la democracia y la participación ciudadana. (Dulitzky Ariel, 2006).Por lo anteriormente analizado es que desde este proyecto de investigación nos vamos a posicionar desde la perspectiva intercultural, ya que consideramos que esta conceptualización es superadora en relación al concepto de muticulturalidad, y contribuyen a combatir la discriminación y la intolerancia religiosa y racial. La perspectiva  intercultural pone énfasis en el terreno de la interacción entre sujetos o entidades culturales diferenciados. El núcleo de la novedad interculturalista se halla en proponer algo sustantivo sobre el deber ser de las relaciones interétnicas, más allá de que no deben ser relaciones no discriminatorias entre iguales y basadas en el respeto y las tolerancia.

    Parasites dominate hyperdiverse soil protist communities in Neotropical rainforests

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    High animal and plant richness in tropical rainforest communities has long intrigued naturalists. It is unknown if similar hyperdiversity patterns are reflected at the microbial scale with unicellular eukaryotes (protists). Here we show, using environmental metabarcoding of soil samples and a phylogeny-aware cleaning step, that protist communities in Neotropical rainforests are hyperdiverse and dominated by the parasitic Apicomplexa, which infect arthropods and other animals. These host-specific parasites potentially contribute to the high animal diversity in the forests by reducing population growth in a density-dependent manner. By contrast, too few operational taxonomic units (OTUs) of Oomycota were found to broadly drive high tropical tree diversity in a host-specific manner under the Janzen-Connell model. Extremely high OTU diversity and high heterogeneity between samples within the same forests suggest that protists, not arthropods, are the most diverse eukaryotes in tropical rainforests. Our data show that protists play a large role in tropical terrestrial ecosystems long viewed as being dominated by macroorganisms

    The Network Architecture of Cortical Processing in Visuo-spatial Reasoning

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    Reasoning processes have been closely associated with prefrontal cortex (PFC), but specifically emerge from interactions among networks of brain regions. Yet it remains a challenge to integrate these brain-wide interactions in identifying the flow of processing emerging from sensory brain regions to abstract processing regions, particularly within PFC. Functional magnetic resonance imaging data were collected while participants performed a visuo-spatial reasoning task. We found increasing involvement of occipital and parietal regions together with caudal-rostral recruitment of PFC as stimulus dimensions increased. Brain-wide connectivity analysis revealed that interactions between primary visual and parietal regions predominantly influenced activity in frontal lobes. Caudal-to-rostral influences were found within left-PFC. Right-PFC showed evidence of rostral-to-caudal connectivity in addition to relatively independent influences from occipito-parietal cortices. In the context of hierarchical views of PFC organization, our results suggest that a caudal-to-rostral flow of processing may emerge within PFC in reasoning tasks with minimal top-down deductive requirements