83 research outputs found

    Topological Darkness: How to Design a Metamaterial for Optical Biosensing with Virtually Unlimited Sensitivity

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    Due to the absence of labels and fast analyses, optical biosensors promise major advances in biomedical diagnostics, security, environmental and food safety applications. However, sensitivity of the most advanced plasmonic biosensor implementations has a fundamental limitation caused by losses in the system and or geometry of biochips. Here, we report a scissor effect in topologically dark metamaterials which is capable of providing virtually unlimited bona fide sensitivity to biosensing thus solving the bottleneck sensitivity limitation problem. We explain how the scissor effect can be realized via a proper design of topologically dark metamaterials and describe strategies for their fabrication. To validate the applicability of this effect in biosensing, we demonstrate the detection of folic acid (vitamin important for human health) in the wide 3-log linear dynamic range with the limit of detection of 0.125 nM, which is orders of magnitude better than previously reported for all optical counterparts. Our work opens possibilities for designing and realising plasmonic, semiconductor and dielectric metamaterials with ultra-sensitivity to binding events.Comment: 22 pages, 4 figure

    Biocompatibility of Bare Nanoparticles Based on Silicon and Gold for Nervous Cells

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    This work aimed to investigate the biocompatibility of bare (ligand-free) lasersynthesized nanoparticles (NPs) based on silicon (Si) and gold (Au) with primary hippocampal cultures. 1%, 5% and 7% of culture medium were replaced by 0.1 mg/mL NP solution on day 14 of culture development in vitro. Our studies revealed that the NPs caused a dose-dependent cytotoxic effect, which was manifested by an increase the number of dead cells and a decrease of the spontaneous functional calcium activity of neural networks. Au NPs revealed less pronounced cytotoxic effect than Si ones and it can be explained by larger size and better solubility of Si NPs. Keywords: bare nanoparticles, primary hippocampal cultures, neurotoxicit

    Анализ медицинского облучения пациентов в рентгеновской диагностике России за полвека наблюдения (1970-2019 гг.)

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    During last 50 years, firstly in the RSFSR in the USSR (1970-80), then in the Russian Federation - RF (1990-2019), the authors studied the radiation safety issues of patients from medical exposure. The reader is offered a complex radiation-hygienic analysis of the 50-year medical exposure of patients and of the population in Russia to inform and analyze the available data on the most common type of use of ionizing radiation sources in the national economy. For a half century, several generations of people have changed and medical diagnostic X-ray equipment and technologies have also radically changed. The information from this article was obtained on the basis of radiation-hygienic statistics, as well as considered our research. The data is presented at the federal level in the form of the volume of research carried out- determined by the number of X-ray procedures, as well as the level of medical exposure in the form of effective dose of patients in Russia - a huge region with a population of about 150 million people, where about 200 million X-Ray procedures were performed annually, i.e. about 10 billion X-Ray procedures for the entire observation period. During the study, a collective effective dose was - 6.5 million person-Sv at the rate of 100 thousand person-Sv and more per year. The paper presents the dynamics and the structure of the studied indicators depending on the type of medical exposure, as well as its localization. The contribution of the X-ray diagnostics to the total volume of radiation diagnostics, which is developing dynamically, is presented. It was found that throughout the study, there were two oppositely directed processes: an increase in the number of X-Ray procedures and a decrease in the effective doses of patients. At present, the minimum dose has been reached, after that it has been increasing began, associated with the use of new computer technologies. It was determined that, depending on the localization, the main radiation load during X-ray procedures falls on the skeleton and digestive organs. It is shown that during the study period (in 1986) there was an accident at the Chernobyl, which significantly affected on medical activities and, in particular, X-ray diagnostic indicators. The paper shows the consequences of these situations. In general, the data presented is huge in volume and significant in information content. The information obtained on the basis of such a unique data is representative and allows, firstly, to analytically study the issues of radiation protection of patients and, secondly, to plan the strategy and tactics of its development.На протяжении 50 лет вначале в РСФСР в составе СССР (1970–1980 гг.), затем в Российской Федерации (1990–2019 гг.) авторы занимались вопросами радиационной безопасности при медицинском рентгенодиагностическом облучении пациентов. Читателю предлагается интегральный радиационно-гигиенический анализ 50-летнего медицинского рентгенодиагностического облучения пациентов и населения России с целью информирования и анализа имеющихся данных по наиболее значимому виду использования источников ионизирующего излучения в народном хозяйстве, поскольку на протяжении полувека сменилось несколько поколений людей, радикально изменилась медицинская диагностическая рентгеновская техника и технологии. Приведенные в статье сведения получены на основе радиационно-гигиенической статистики, а также по данным собственных исследований. Материал представлен на федеральном уровне в виде объема проводимых исследований – определяемом количеством рентгенологических процедур, а также уровня медицинского рентгенодиагностического облучения в виде эффективной дозы облучения пациентов России – огромного региона с населением около 150 млн человек, где ежегодно выполнялось около 200 млн рентгенологических процедур, т.е. около 10 млрд рентгенологических процедур за все время наблюдения. За время исследования была сформирована коллективная эффективная доза, равная 6,5 млн чел.-Зв из расчета 100 000 чел.-Зв и выше в год. В работе приведена динамика и структура исследуемых показателей в зависимости от вида излучения, а также его локализации. Показан вклад рентгенодиагностики в общий объем лучевой диагностики, которая динамично развивается. Найдено, что на всем протяжении исследования происходили два разнонаправленных процесса: увеличение числа рентгенологических процедур при одновременном снижении эффективной дозы облучения пациентов. В настоящее время достигнут минимум дозы, после чего началось ее повышение, связанное с использованием новых технологий, преимущественно за счет компьютерной томографии. Определено, что в зависимости от локализации основная лучевая нагрузка при проведении рентгенологических процедур ложится на скелет и органы пищеварения. В целом, представлен громадный по объему и значимый по информативности материал. Полученные на основе столь уникального материала сведения являются представительными и позволяют, во-первых, аналитически исследовать вопросы радиационной защиты пациентов и, во-вторых, планировать стратегию и тактику ее развития

    Phase separation effects and the nematic-isotropic transition in polymer and low molecular weight liquid crystals doped with nanoparticles

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    Properties of the nematic–isotropic phase transition in polymer and low molecular weight liquid crystals doped with nanoparticles have been studied both experimentally and theoretically in terms of molecular mean-field theory. The variation of the transition temperature and the transition heat with the increasing volume fraction of CdSe quantum dot nanoparticles in copolymer and low molecular weight nematics has been investigated experimentally and the data are interpreted using the results of the molecular theory which accounts for a possibility of phase separation when the system undergoes the nematic–isotropic transition. The theory predicts that the nematic and isotropic phases with different concentrations of nanoparticles may coexist over a broad temperature range, but only if the nanoparticle volume fraction exceeds a certain threshold value which depends on the material parameters. Such unusual phase separation effects are determined by the strong interaction between nanoparticles and mesogenic groups and between nanoparticles themselves

    Giant and tunable excitonic optical anisotropy in single-crystal CsPbX3_3 halide perovskites

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    During the last years, giant optical anisotropy demonstrated its paramount importance for light manipulation which resulted in numerous applications ranging from subdiffraction light guiding to switchable nanolasers. In spite of recent advances in the field, achieving continuous tunability of optical anisotropy remains an outstanding challenge. Here, we present a solution to the problem through chemical alteration of the ratio of halogen atoms (X = Br or Cl) in single-crystal CsPbX3_3 halide perovskites. It turns out that the anisotropy originates from an excitonic resonance in the perovskite, which spectral position and strength are determined by the halogens composition. As a result, we manage to continually modify the optical anisotropy by 0.14. We also discover that the halide perovskite can demonstrate optical anisotropy up to 0.6 in the visible range -- the largest value among non-van der Waals materials. Moreover, our results reveal that this anisotropy could be in-plane and out-of-plane, depending on perovskite shape -- rectangular and square. Hence, it can serve as an additional degree of freedom for anisotropy manipulation. As a practical demonstration, we created perovskite anisotropic nanowaveguides and show a significant impact of anisotropy on high-order guiding modes. These findings pave the way for halide perovskites as a next-generation platform for tunable anisotropic photonics.Comment: 18 pages, 3 figure

    Transition metal dichalcogenide nanospheres for high-refractive-index nanophotonics and biomedical theranostics

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    Recent developments in the area of resonant dielectric nanostructures have created attractive opportunities for concentrating and manipulating light at the nanoscale and the establishment of the new exciting field of all-dielectric nanophotonics. Transition metal dichalcogenides (TMDCs) with nanopatterned surfaces are especially promising for these tasks. Still, the fabrication of these structures requires sophisticated lithographic processes, drastically complicating application prospects. To bridge this gap and broaden the application scope of TMDC nanomaterials, we report here femtosecond laser-ablative fabrication of water-dispersed spherical TMDC (MoS2 and WS2) nanoparticles (NPs) of variable size (5 to 250 nm). Such NPs demonstrate exciting optical and electronic properties inherited from TMDC crystals, due to preserved crystalline structure, which offers a unique combination of pronounced excitonic response and high refractive index value, making possible a strong concentration of electromagnetic field in the NPs. Furthermore, such NPs offer additional tunability due to hybridization between the Mie and excitonic resonances. Such properties bring to life a number of nontrivial effects, including enhanced photoabsorption and photothermal conversion. As an illustration, we demonstrate that the NPs exhibit a very strong photothermal response, much exceeding that of conventional dielectric nanoresonators based on Si. Being in a mobile colloidal state and exhibiting superior optical properties compared to other dielectric resonant structures, the synthesized TMDC NPs offer opportunities for the development of next-generation nanophotonic and nanotheranostic platforms, including photothermal therapy and multimodal bioimaging

    Giant optical anisotropy in transition metal dichalcogenides for next-generation photonics

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    Large optical anisotropy observed in a broad spectral range is of paramount importance for efficient light manipulation in countless devices. Although a giant anisotropy was recently observed in the mid-infrared wavelength range, for visible and near-infrared spectral intervals, the problem remains acute with the highest reported birefringence values of 0.8 in BaTiS3 and h-BN crystals. This inspired an intensive search for giant optical anisotropy among natural and artificial materials. Here, we demonstrate that layered transition metal dichalcogenides (TMDCs) provide an answer to this quest owing to their fundamental differences between intralayer strong covalent bonding and weak interlayer van der Walls interaction. To do this, we carried out a correlative far- and near-field characterization validated by first-principle calculations that reveals an unprecedented birefringence of 1.5 in the infrared and 3 in the visible light for MoS2. Our findings demonstrate that this outstanding anisotropy allows for tackling the diffraction limit enabling an avenue for on-chip next-generation photonics.Comment: 20 pages, 5 figure

    Broadening in the rolling of sintered strips Part 1

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    Phase-sensitive plasmonics biosensors: from bulk to nanoscale architechtures and novel functionalities

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    Conference on Synthesis and Photonics of Nanoscale Materials XIII, San Francisco, CA, FEB 15-17, 2016International audienceWe overview our on-going activities on the improvement of physical sensitivity of plasmonic biosensors. Our approach is based on the employment of phase properties of light reflected from plasmonic transducer instead of amplitude ones in order to improve its detection limit in studies of biomolecular interactions between a target analyte and its corresponding receptor. Originally, phase-sensitive biosensing concept was demonstrated in conventional Surface Plasmon Resonance (SPR) geometry using a thin Au film in Kretschmann-Raether arrangement, but the resulting sensitivity had some limitations because of a rough relief of the gold film surface. We then demonstrate the possibility for the extension of this concept to novel nanoscale architectures of designed plasmonic metamaterials in order to further improve the sensitivity of plasmonic biosensing technology. The latter approach also profits from much enhanced electric field in coupled nanostructures exposed to illumination, therefore enabling spectroscopy analysis (Raman, Fluorescence, IR etc) methods to increase sensitivity level (potentially down to single molecule)