316 research outputs found

    Evaluation of Lightning Incidence to Elements of a Complex Structure: A Monte Carlo Approach

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    There are complex structures for which the installation and positioning of the lightning protection system (LPS) cannot be done using the lightning protection standard guidelines. As a result, there are some "unprotected" or "exposed" areas. In an effort to quantify the lightning threat to these areas, a Monte Carlo statistical tool has been developed. This statistical tool uses two random number generators: a uniform distribution to generate origins of downward propagating leaders and a lognormal distribution to generate returns stroke peak currents. Downward leaders propagate vertically downward and their striking distances are defined by the polarity and peak current. Following the electrogeometrical concept, we assume that the leader attaches to the closest object within its striking distance. The statistical analysis is run for 10,000 years with an assumed ground flash density and peak current distributions, and the output of the program is the probability of direct attachment to objects of interest with its corresponding peak current distribution

    A New Lightning Instrumentation System for Pad 39B at the Kennedy Space Center Florida

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    This viewgraph presentation describes a new lightning instrumentation system for pad 39B at Kennedy Space Center Florida. The contents include: 1) Background; 2) Instrumentation; 3) Meteorological Instrumentation; and 4) Lessons learned. A presentation of the data acquired at Camp Blanding is also shown

    Effective attraction between oscillating electrons in a plasmoid via acoustic waves exchange

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    We consider the effective interaction between electrons due to the exchange of virtual acoustic waves in a low temperature plasma. Electrons are supposed to participate in rapid radial oscillations forming a spherically symmetric plasma structure. We show that under certain conditions this effective interaction can result in the attraction between oscillating electrons and can be important for the dynamics of a plasmoid. Some possible applications of the obtained results to the theory of natural long-lived plasma structures are also discussed.Comment: 14 pages in LaTeX2e, two columns, 3 eps figures; minimal changes, some typos are corrected; version published on-line in Proc. R. Soc.

    Triggered-Lightning Interaction with a Lightning Protective System: Current Distribution and Electromagnetic Environment

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    A new comprehensive lightning instrumentation system has been designed for Launch Complex 39B (LC3913) at the Kennedy Space Center, Florida. This new instrumentation system includes the synchronized recording of six high-speed video cameras; currents through the nine downconductors of the new lightning protection system for LC3913; four dH/dt, 3-axis measurement stations; and five dE/dt stations composed of two antennas each. A 20:1 scaled down model of the new Lightning Protection System (LPS) of LC39B was built at the International Center for Lightning Research and Testing, Camp Blanding, FL. This scaled down lightning protection system was instrumented with the transient recorders, digitizers, and sensors to be used in the final instrumentation installation at LC3913. The instrumentation used at the ICLRT is also a scaled-down instrumentation of the LC39B instrumentation. The scaled-down LPS was subjected to seven direct lightning strikes and six (four triggered and two natural nearby flashes) in 2010. The following measurements were acquired at the ICLRT: currents through the nine downconductors; two dl-/dt, 3-axis stations, one at the center of the LPS (underneath the catenary wires), and another 40 meters south from the center of the LPS; ten dE/dt stations, nine of them on the perimeter of the LPS and one at the center of the LPS (underneath the catenary wire system); and the incident current. Data from representative events are presented and analyzed in this paper

    Evaluation of the Performance Characteristics of CGLSS II and U.S. NLDN Using Ground-Truth Dalta from Launch Complex 398, Kennedy Space Center, Florida

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    A new comprehensive lightning instrumentation system has been designed for Launch Complex 39B (LC39B) at the Kennedy Space Center, Florida. This new instrumentation system includes seven synchronized high-speed video cameras, current sensors installed on the nine downconductors of the new lightning protection system (LPS) for LC39B; four dH/dt, 3-axis measurement stations; and five dE/dt stations composed of two antennas each. The LPS received 8 direct lightning strikes (a total of 19 strokes) from March 31 through December 31 2011. The measured peak currents and locations are compared to those reported by the Cloud-to-Ground Lightning Surveillance System (CGLSS II) and the National Lightning Detection Network (NLDN). Results of comparison are presented and analyzed in this paper

    Evaluation of Grounding Impedance of a Complex Lightning Protective System Using Earth Ground Clamp Measurements and ATP Modeling

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    A new Lightning Protection System (LPS) was designed and built at Launch Complex 39B (LC39B), at the Kennedy Space Center (KSC), Florida, which consists of a catenary wire system (at a height of about 181 meters above ground level) supported by three insulators installed atop three towers in a triangular configuration. A total of nine downconductors (each about 250 meters long, on average) are connected to the catenary wire system. Each of the nine downconductors is connected to a 7.62-meter radius circular counterpoise conductor with six equally spaced 6-meter long vertical grounding rods. Grounding requirements at LC39B call for all underground and above ground metallic piping, enclosures, raceways, and cable trays, within 7.62 meters of the counterpoise, to be bounded to the counterpoise, which results in a complex interconnected grounding system, given the many metallic piping, raceways, and cable trays that run in multiple direction around LC39B. The complexity of this grounding system makes the fall of potential method, which uses multiple metallic rods or stakes, unsuitable for measuring the grounding impedances of the downconductors. To calculate the downconductors grounding impedance, an Earth Ground Clamp (a stakeless grounding resistance measuring device) and a LPS Alternative Transient Program (ATP) model are used. The Earth Ground Clamp is used to measure the loop impedance plus the grounding impedance of each downconductor and the ATP model is used to calculate the loop impedance of each downconductor circuit. The grounding impedance of the downconductors is then calculated by subtracting the ATP calculated loop impedances from the Earth Ground Clamp measurements

    Evaluation of the Performance Characteristics of CGLSS II and U.S. NLDN Using Ground-Truth Data from Launch Complex 398, Kennedy Space Center, Florida

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    A new comprehensive lightning instrumentation system has been designed for Launch Complex 39B (LC39B) at the Kennedy Space Center, Florida. This new instrumentation system includes six synchronized high-speed video cameras, current sensors installed on the nine downcouductors of the new lightning protection system (LPS) for LC39B; four dH/dt, 3-axis measurement stations; and five dE/dt stations composed of two antennas each. The LPS received 8 direct lightning strikes (a total of 19 strokes) from March 31 through December 31, 2011. The measured peak currents and locations are compared to those reported by the CGLSS 11 and the NLDN. Results of comparison are presented and analyzed in this paper


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    The comprehensive review of the development of hybrid cars production from the origins through the year 2012 shows significant differences between various countries and regions over the world as for the levels of manufacturing and sales.Представлен анализ парка гибридных автомобилей с начала их производства по отдельным странам, регионам и всему миру. Выделены основные преимущества гибридных автомобилей, находящие отклик у покупателей. Отдельно проведен и кратко сформулирован обзор мер государственной и международной поддержки производству гибридных автомобилей. На основании сложившихся тенденций определены перспективы развития новой автомобильной отрасли до 2015 года. Адресно рассмотрены вопросы продаж гибридных автомобилей в России. Констатируется, что на развитие гибридных силовых установок отечественными производителями выделяются немалые инвестиции, созданы опытные образцы, проведены испытания. Но их серийного производства в стране нет

    a comparison between analytical solutions for lightning induced voltages calculation

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    An exact closed form solution for the calculation of lightning-induced voltages on overhead lines has been recently proposed by A. Andreotti et al. (2012). Predictions of this exact formulation are compared here to those based on approximate analytical solutions proposed in the literature. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.5755/j01.eee.20.5.296