1,193 research outputs found
Coró-do-milho Liogenys suturalis.
O Cerrado brasileiro possui enorme destaque no cenário agrícola nacional, tanto pela sua biodiversidade quanto pelo seu potencial para a produção de alimentos. A ocupação agrícola do Cerrado, nos últimos 30 anos, proporcionou um desenvolvimento excepcional, onde os sistemas de produção de grãos e de carne foram bastante modificados.bitstream/item/38753/1/CT200714.pdfDocumento on-line
Highlights on gamma rays, neutrinos and antiprotons from TeV Dark Matter
We analyze the possibility that the HESS γ-ray source at the Galactic center could be explained as the secondary flux produced by annihilation of TeV dark matter (DM) particles with locally enhanced density, in a region spatially compatible with the HESS observations themselves. We study the inner 100 pc considering (i) the extrapolation of several density profiles from state-of-the-art N-body þ hydrodynamics simulations of Milky Way-like galaxies, (ii) the DM spike induced by the black hole, and (iii) the DM particles scattering off by bulge stars. We show that in some cases the DM spike may provide the enhancement in the flux required to explain the cutoff in the HESS J1745-290γ-ray spectra as TeV DM. In other cases, it may help to describe the spatial tail reported by HESS II at angular scales ≲0.54° toward Sgr A*
A study on disability glare vision in young adult subjects
The full assessment of the visual system must include the evaluation of the optical quality of the eye and neural visual functions. The objective evaluation of the retinal image quality is often carried out by computing the point spread function (PSF) of the eye. The central part of the PSF is associated with optical aberrations and the peripheral areas with scattering contributions. In that sense, visual acuity and contrast sensitivity function tests can be considered the perceptual neural response to those contributions characterizing the eye’s PSF. However, in natural viewing conditions, visual acuity tests may provide good vision while contrast sensitivity tests can reveal visual impairment in glare vision conditions, such as exposure to bright light sources or night driving conditions. Here we present an optical instrument for the study of disability glare vision under extended Maxwellian illumination to assess the contrast sensitivity function under glare conditions. The limit of the Total Disability Glare threshold, tolerance, and glare adaptation will be investigated as a function of the angular size of the glare source (GA) and the contrast sensitivity function in young adult subjects
La relación interpersonal con los atributos del enfoque centrado en la persona y la calidad en el servicio de un programa universitario
El presente documento se integra a partir de una indagación realizada en un contexto laboral que tuvo como objetivo establecer una posible correspondencia entre la relación interpersonal con los atributos del Enfoque Centrado en la Persona (ECP) establecida por una asesora del área de humanidades en la promoción y venta de cursos y diplomados y la percepción de los usuarios, clientes y alumnos de una universidad privada de la localidad, respecto a la calidad del servicio ofrecido. Para demostrar o descartar la correspondencia mencionada se recabaron los testimonios escritos de una población de estudio conformada por once sujetos. El instrumento utilizado para la recolección de la información fue el cuestionario. El objeto de estudio es la relación interpersonal con los atributos del ECP con aplicación en labores de promoción de cursos y talleres. Este documento da cuenta de la correspondencia entre los atributos relacionales del ECP con la calidad en el servicio prestado. La metodología empleada para el análisis de los datos es la cualitativa con el uso del método hermenéutico-interpretativo. La decisión de emplear la metodología cualitativa es porque acepta la participación de dos personas en un indisoluble vinculo de relación: la voz del otro y lo que el asesor recuperó. Se rescatan las experiencias y voces del otro para ampliar el conocimiento. El interés es analizar el desempeño de las funciones del promotor y la relación que establece con los clientes, para lo que se recuperó la percepción de estos respecto a la calidad del servicio brindado. Se documentó el servicio brindado en la venta y promoción de los cursos y diplomados y con base en ello, se reporta la importancia de la relación interpersonal y cómo los atributos del ECP fueron herramientas claves para que el cliente decidiera inscribirse y permanecer, e incluso, regresar a cursar otro programa del catálogo de servicios académicos ofertados
Wall turbulence at high friction Reynolds numbers
[EN] A new direct numerical simulation of a Poiseuille channel flow has been conducted for a friction Reynolds number of 10000, using the pseudospectral code LISO. The mean streamwise velocity presents a long logarithmic layer, extending from 400 to 2500 wall units, longer than it was thought. The maximum of the intensity of the streamwise velocity increases with the Reynolds number, as expected. Also, the elusive second maximum of this intensity has not appeared yet. In case it exists, its location will be around y(+) approximate to 120, for a friction Reynolds number extrapolated to approximately 13 500. The small differences in the near-wall gradient of this intensity for several Reynolds numbers are related to the scaling failure of the dissipation, confirming this hypothesis. The scaling of the turbulent budgets in the center of the channel is almost perfect above 1000 wall units. Finally, the peak of the pressure intensity grows with the Reynolds number and does not scale in wall units. If the pressure at the wall is modeled as an inverse quadratic power of Re-tau, then p(infinity)'(+) approximate to 4.7 at the limit of infinite Reynolds number.The authors gratefully acknowledge computing time provided by the Gauss Centre for Supercomputing e.V. on the GCS Supercomputer SuperMUC-NG at Leibniz Supercomputing Centre under Project No. pr92la, on the supercomputer Lichtenberg II at TU Darmstadt under Project No. project00072, and on the supercomputer CLAIX-2018 at RWTH-Aachen, Project No. bund0008. We are thankful to Mr. Monkewitz for providing us a copy of his model. S.K. and M.O. acknowledge funding by the German Research Foundation (DFG) through the Project No. OB96/39-1 and OB96/48-1. S.H. and F.A.A. were supported by Contract No. RTI2018-102256-B-I00 of MINECO/FEDER. F.A.A. is partially funded by GVA/FEDER Project No. ACIF2018. Finally, the authors thank Paul Hollmann for corrections with Latex.Hoyas, S.; Oberlack, M.; Alcántara-Ávila, F.; Kraheberger, SV.; Laux, J. (2022). Wall turbulence at high friction Reynolds numbers. Physical Review Fluids. 7(1):1-10. https://doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevFluids.7.0146021107
Turbulence Statistics of Arbitrary Moments of Wall-Bounded Shear Flows: A Symmetry Approach
[EN] The calculation of turbulence statistics is considered the key unsolved problem of fluid mechanics, i.e., precisely the computation of arbitrary statistical velocity moments from first principles alone. Using symmetry theory, we derive turbulent scaling laws for moments of arbitrary order in two regions of a turbulent channel flow. Besides the classical scaling symmetries of space and time, the key symmetries for the present work reflect the two well-known characteristics of turbulent flows: non-Gaussianity and intermittency. To validate the new scaling laws we made a new simulation at an unprecedented friction Reynolds number of 10 000, large enough to test the new scaling laws. Two key results appear as an application of symmetry theory, which allowed us to generate symmetry invariant solutions for arbitrary orders of moments for the underlying infinite set of moment equations. First, we show that in the sense of the generalization of the deficit law all moments of the streamwise velocity in the channel center follow a power-law scaling, with exponents depending on the first and second moments alone. Second, we show that the logarithmic law of the mean streamwise velocity in wall-bounded flows is indeed a valid solution of the moment equations, and further, all higher moments in this region follow a power law, where the scaling exponent of the second moment determines all higher moments. With this we give a first complete mathematical framework for all moments in the log region, which was first discovered about 100 years ago.The authors gratefully acknowledge computing time on the Gauss Centre for Supercomputing e.V. on the GCS Supercomputer SuperMUC-NG at Leibniz Supercomputing Centre under Project No. pr92la, on the supercomputer Lichtenberg II at TU Darmstadt under Project No. project00072, and on the supercomputer CLAIX-2018 at RWTH-Aachen under Project No. bund0008. S. V. K. gratefully acknowledges funding from projects OB96/39-1 and M. O. for partial funding from OB 96/48-1, both financed by the German Research Foundation (DFG) . S. H. and F. A.-A. were supported by Contract No. RTI2018-102256-B-I00 of Ministerio de Ciencia, innovacion y Universidades/FEDER. F. A.-A. is partially funded by GVA/FEDER project ACIF2018. Finally, the authors thank Paul Hollmann for help with the manuscript.Oberlack, M.; Hoyas, S.; Kraheberger, SV.; Alcántara-Ávila, F.; Laux, J. (2022). Turbulence Statistics of Arbitrary Moments of Wall-Bounded Shear Flows: A Symmetry Approach. Physical Review Letters. 128(2):1-6. https://doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevLett.128.02450216128
Iterative-trained semi-blind deconvolution algorithm to compensate straylight in retinal images
The optical quality of an image depends on both the optical properties of the imaging system and the physical properties of the medium in which the light travels from the object to the final imaging sensor. The analysis of the point spread function of the optical system is an objective way to quantify the image degradation. In retinal imaging, the presence of corneal or cristalline lens opacifications spread the light at wide angular distributions. If the mathematical operator that degrades the image is known, the image can be restored through deconvolution methods. In the particular case of retinal imaging, this operator may be unknown (or partially) due to the presence of cataracts, corneal edema, or vitreous opacification. In those cases, blind deconvolution theory provides useful results to restore important spatial information of the image. In this work, a new semi-blind deconvolution method has been developed by training an iterative process with the Glare Spread Function kernel based on the Richardson-Lucy deconvolution algorithm to compensate a veiling glare effect in retinal images due to intraocular straylight. The method was first tested with simulated retinal images generated from a straylight eye model and applied to a real retinal image dataset composed of healthy subjects and patients with glaucoma and diabetic retinopathy. Results showed the capacity of the algorithm to detect and compensate the veiling glare degradation and improving the image sharpness up to 1000% in the case of healthy subjects and up to 700% in the pathological retinal images. This image quality improvement allows performing image segmentation processing with restored hidden spatial information after deconvolution
Temporal–spectral signaling of sensory information and expectations in the cerebral processing of pain
The perception of pain is shaped by somatosensory information about threat. However, pain is also influenced by an individual's expectations. Such expectations can result in clinically relevant modulations and abnormalities of pain. In the brain, sensory information, expectations (predictions), and discrepancies thereof (prediction errors) are signaled by an extended network of brain areas which generate evoked potentials and oscillatory responses at different latencies and frequencies. However, a comprehensive picture of how evoked and oscillatory brain responses signal sensory information, predictions, and prediction errors in the processing of pain is lacking so far. Here, we therefore applied brief painful stimuli to 48 healthy human participants and independently modulated sensory information (stimulus intensity) and expectations of pain intensity while measuring brain activity using electroencephalography (EEG). Pain ratings confirmed that pain intensity was shaped by both sensory information and expectations. In contrast, Bayesian analyses revealed that stimulus-induced EEG responses at different latencies (the N1, N2, and P2 components) and frequencies (alpha, beta, and gamma oscillations) were shaped by sensory information but not by expectations. Expectations, however, shaped alpha and beta oscillations before the painful stimuli. These findings indicate that commonly analyzed EEG responses to painful stimuli are more involved in signaling sensory information than in signaling expectations or mismatches of sensory information and expectations. Moreover, they indicate that the effects of expectations on pain are served by brain mechanisms which differ from those conveying effects of sensory information on pain
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