24 research outputs found

    Pelvic girdle pain - associations between risk factors in early pregnancy and disability or pain intensity in late pregnancy: a prospective cohort study

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Recent studies have shown high prevalence rates for pelvic girdle pain (PGP) in pregnancy. Some risk factors for developing PGP have been suggested, but the evidence is weak. Furthermore there is almost no data on how findings from clinical examinations are related to subsequent PGP. The main purpose for this study was to study the associations between socio-demographical, psychological and clinical factors measured at inclusion in early pregnancy and disability or pain intensity in gestation week 30.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>This is a prospective cohort study following women from early to late pregnancy. Eligible women were recruited at their first attendance at the maternity care unit. 268 pregnant women answered questionnaires and underwent clinical examinations in early pregnancy and in gestation week 30. We used scores on disability and pain intensity in gestation week 30 as outcome measures to capture the affliction level of PGP. Multiple linear regression analysis was used to study the associations between potential risk factors measured in early pregnancy and disability or pain intensity in gestation week 30.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Self-reported pain locations in the pelvis, positive posterior pelvic pain provocation (P4) test and a sum of pain provocation tests in early pregnancy were significantly associated with disability and pain intensity in gestation week 30 in a multivariable statistic model. In addition, distress was significantly associated with disability. The functional active straight leg raise (ASLR) test, fear avoidance beliefs and the number of pain sites were not significantly associated with either disability or pain intensity.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>The results suggest that a clinical examination, including a few tests, performed in early pregnancy may identify women at risk of a more severe PGP late in pregnancy. The identification of clinical risk factors may provide a foundation for development of targeted prevention strategies.</p

    Dynamic balance in patients with degenerative lumbar spinal stenosis; a cross-sectional study

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    Background Degenerative lumbar spinal stenosis (LSS) is a prevalent condition in adults over the age of 55 years. The condition is associated with activity limitations that are related to increased pain when engaging in weight-bearing activities, such as walking and standing, and release of pain while sitting down or bending forward. The limitation on ambulation is also associated with impaired balance although the types of balance problems are sparsely described in this patient group. The purpose of this study was to assess dynamic balance in persons with LSS by the Mini-BESTest and explore the associations with self-reported balance and functional disability. Methods Sixty two participants were included in this cross-sectional study. The main outcome measure was the Mini-BESTest, providing a total score and sub-scores for 4 balance control systems (Anticipatory Adjustment, Reactive Response, Sensory Orientation, Stability of Gait). The Swiss Spinal Stenosis Questionnaire provided sub-scores for self-reported balance problems and walking function (FUNC). Results The participants showed large inter-individual variation in all measures of balance. The Mini-BESTest score ranged from very good to poor and the mean value was 22.8 (SD 3.5). Nineteen participants (31%) reported having frequent balance problems. Logistic regression analyses showed that both the total Mini-BESTest score (OR (95% CI) 1.6 (1.2, 2.0)(P = .001) and 3 of the 4 balance control systems (Anticipatory Adjustment, Sensory Orientation, Stability in Gait) were significantly associated with self-reported balance problems (.001 ≤ P ≤ .01). The strongest association was seen between Sensory Orientation and balance problems, implying that it is 4.4 times more likely that persons would have no or occasional balance problems with each unit of increase in Sensory Orientation. The total score for the Mini-BESTest was significantly associated with FUNC (P = .042). Conclusions The dynamic balance of persons with LSS showed a large heterogeneity with a large fraction of the participants displaying no balance impairments. The test results were associated with the participants’ self-reported balance problems and walking function. The Mini-BESTest thus appears to provide additional information to self-reported disability, and by identifying different kind of balance control impairments, the Mini-BESTest could be useful for physiotherapists working with person-centered rehabilitation in persons with LSS

    Comparison of two methods for interpreting lifting performance during functional capacity evaluation

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    BACKGROUND: Functional capacity evaluation (FCE) requires determination of effort by observation of effort indexes for performance interpretation. Waddell signs have been shown to be associated with decreased functional performance. Whether determination of effort by observational criteria and Waddell sign testing can be used interchangeably to interpret lifting performance is unknown. OBJECTIVE: The purposes of this study were to assess the concurrent validity of submaximal effort and Waddell signs and to determine whether these contribute independently to lifting performance. DESIGN: This investigation was an analytical cross-sectional study. METHODS: A total of 130 people who had chronic nonspecific low back pain and were referred for fitness-for-work evaluation were included. Physical effort was determined on the basis of observational criteria for lifting from floor to waist, lifting from waist to shoulder, and horizontal lifting during FCE. A second assessor conducted Waddell sign testing. The concurrent validity of Waddell signs and submaximal effort was assessed by calculating sensitivity and specificity. Hierarchical regression analysis was used to determine the contributions of Waddell signs and submaximal effort to lifting performance. Age and sex were covariates. RESULTS: The FCE assessor found a low sensitivity of Waddell signs for submaximal effort determination. Between 53% and 63% of the participants who were classified as showing submaximal effort had Waddell signs. Waddell signs and submaximal effort were independent contributors to lifting performance. The contribution of submaximal effort was larger than that of Waddell signs, as shown by 20% to 29% higher explained variance in lifting performance when submaximal effort was added to the model first versus 3% to 6% higher explained variance when Waddell signs were added first. LIMITATIONS: Assessor variability could have influenced the study results. CONCLUSIONS: In people with chronic nonspecific low back pain, Waddell sign testing and determination of physical effort by observational criteria should not be used interchangeably to interpret lifting performance during FCE

    The association between pregnancy, pelvic girdle pain and health-related quality of life – a comparison of two instruments

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    Background The main purposes in this cross-sectional study were to study the impact of pregnancy and pelvic girdle pain (PGP) on health related quality of life (HRQoL), by comparing the scores on different domains of two HRQoL instruments in pregnant women with population norms as well as in women with severe and less severe PGP. Further, to explore the association between PGP and HRQoL and whether the two instruments differ in the way they assess the influence of PGP on HRQoL. Methods Pregnant women in gestation week 30 completed questionnaires containing the Short Form Health Survey (SF-36) and the Nottingham Health Profile (NHP). Additional variables, self-reported PGP, pain location in the pelvis and response on clinical tests were also collected. HRQoL scores were compared with expected age adjusted mean scores and comparisons between groups with different severity of PGP were made, using Mann-Whitney U, t-tests and Hodges-Lehman method. Results Two hundred eighty-three pregnant women, mean age 31.3 (SD 4.2) years, participated. We found statistical significant differences in all domains of both HRQoL instruments in late pregnancy compared to the expected age-adjusted means of the reference populations (p ≤ 0.003) except for Social isolation (p = 0.775). Women with PGP had lower HRQoL than women without, and the most affected women scored lowest. SF-36 detected a deficit in Social Function compared to norms whereas the NHP showed no evidence of Social Isolation. Conclusions Both instruments revealed changes in HRQoL in pregnant women compared with population norms. Pregnancy itself influences HRQoL and having PGP gave an additional impact. The consistency of the correlations between SF-36 and NHP domains across the sub-groups found in this study suggests convergent validity across levels of impairment. The results in social domains vary between SF-36 and NHP in pregnant women and might be due to the basic design (construction) of the tools

    The Effects of High- Versus Moderate-Intensity Exercise on Fatigue in Sarcoidosis

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    Background: Fatigue is a common symptom in patients with sarcoidosis. Despite lacking evidence on whether high-intensity interval training (HIIT) will aggravate fatigue, moderate-intensity exercise is often recommended. This study aimed to investigate whether a single session of HIIT would affect fatigue differently from a single session of moderate-intensity continuous training (MICT). Methods: Forty-one patients with pulmonary sarcoidosis were recruited to a cross-over study. All patients completed one treadmill session of HIIT (85% of peak heart rate (HRpeak)) and one of MICT (70% of HRpeak). Fatigue was assessed with the Visual Analogue Scale 0–100 mm, before (T0), after (T1), and 24 hours after (T2) each exercise session. Paired sample t-test was used to compare changes in fatigue from T0 to T1 and from T0 to T2 between HIIT and MICT. Results: No statistically significant difference in fatigue levels was found between HIIT and MICT, either at T1 (3.6 (13.5) and 1.4 (13.5)) or at T2 (8.2 (17.0) and 2.1 (17.1)). Conclusions: A single session of HIIT did not affect fatigue differently than a single session of MICT. These preliminary findings support the need for further research on the long-term effect of HIIT on fatigue in patients with sarcoidosis

    The association between different outcome measures and prognostic factors in patients with neck pain: a cohort study

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    Background Health domains like pain, disability, and health-related quality of life are commonly used outcomes for musculoskeletal disorders. Most prognostic studies include only one outcome, and it is unknown if prognostic factors and models may be generic across different outcomes. The objectives of this study were to examine the correlation among commonly used outcomes for neck pain (pain intensity, disability, and health-related quality of life) and to explore how the predictive performance of a prognostic model differs across commonly used outcomes. Methods We conducted an observational prospective cohort study with data from patients with neck pain aged 18–84 years consulting Norwegian chiropractors. We used three different outcomes: pain intensity (Numeric Pain Rating Scale), the Neck Disability Index (NDI), and health-related quality of Life (EQ-5D). We assessed associations between change in outcome scores at 12-weeks follow-up with Pearson’s correlation coefficient. We used multivariable linear regression models to explore differences in explained variance and relationship between predictors and outcomes. Results The study sample included 1313 patients and 941 (72%) completed follow-up at 12 weeks. The strongest correlation was between NDI and EQ-5D (r = 0.57) while the weakest correlation was between EQ-5D and pain intensity (r = 0.39). The correlation between NDI and pain intensity was moderate (r = 0.53) In the final regression models, the explained variance ranged from adjusted R2 of 0.26 to 0.60, highest with NDI and lowest with pain intensity as outcome. The predictive contributions of the included predictors were similar across outcomes. Among the investigated predictors, pain patterns and the baseline measure of the corresponding outcome measure contributed the most to explained variance across all outcomes. Conclusions The highest correlation was found between NDI and EQ-5D and the lowest with pain intensity. The same prognostic model showed highest predictive performance with NDI as outcome and poorest with pain intensity as outcome. These results suggest that we need more knowledge on the reasons for the differences in predictive performance variation across outcomes

    Impact of job adjustment, pain location and exercise on sick leave due to lumbopelvic pain in pregnancy: a longitudinal study

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    Objective: To identify factors associated with sick leave due to lumbopelvic pain (LPP) in pregnancy. Design: Prospective cohort study using participants from a randomized controlled trial (RCT) designed to study the effect of exercise during pregnancy on pregnancy related diseases. Setting: St. Olavs Hospital, Trondheim University Hospital and Stavanger University Hospital, April 2007 to December 2009. Subjects: Healthy pregnant women. Main outcome measures: Self-reported sick leave due to LPP in late pregnancy (gestation week 32–36). Results: In total, 532/716 (74%) women reported LPP at 32–36 weeks of pregnancy, and 197/716 (28%) reported sick leave due to LPP. Not receiving job adjustments when needed (Odds ratio, OR with 95% confidence interval, CI, was 3.0 (1.7–5.4)) and having any pain in the pelvic girdle versus no pain (OR 2.7 (1.3–5.6), OR 2.7 (1.4–5.2) and OR 2.2 (1.04–4.8)) for anterior, posterior and combined anterior and posterior pain in the pelvis respectively, were associated with sick leave due to LPP in late pregnancy. Also higher disability, sick listed due to LPP at inclusion and lower education, were significant explanatory variables. There was a trend of reduced risk for sick leave due to LPP when allocated to the exercise group in the original RCT (OR 0.7 (0.4–1.0)). Conclusion: Facilitating job adjustments when required might keep more pregnant women in employment. Furthermore, pain locations in pelvic area, disability, lower education and being sick listed due to LPP in mid pregnancy are important risk factors for sick leave in late pregnancy.Key points Current awareness: More than half of pregnant women are on sick leave during pregnancy and the most frequently reported cause is lumbopelvic pain. This paper adds:Inability to make job adjustments, pain locations in pelvic area, disability and lower education level were the most important risk factors for sick leave in late pregnancy. Facilitating early job adjustment might be a precaution to keep more pregnant women in work. Allocation to an exercise group tended to reduce the risk of sick leave in late pregnancy.Registration number: Clinical trial gov (NCT 00476567)

    Exploring visual pain trajectories in neck pain patients, using clinical course, SMS-based patterns, and patient characteristics: a cohort study

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    Background The dynamic nature of neck pain has so far been identified through longitudinal studies with frequent measures, a method which is time-consuming and impractical. Pictures illustrating different courses of pain may be an alternative solution, usable in both clinical work and research, but it is unknown how well they capture the clinical course. The aim of this study was to explore and describe self-reported visual trajectories in terms of details of patients’ prospectively reported clinical course, their SMS-based pattern classification of neck pain, and patient’s characteristics. Methods Prospective cohort study including 888 neck pain patients from chiropractic practice, responding to weekly SMS-questions about pain intensity for 1 year from 2015 to 2017. Patients were classified into one of three clinical course patterns using definitions based on previously published descriptors. At 1-year follow-up, patients selected a visual trajectory that best represented their retrospective 1-year course of pain: single episode, episodic, mild ongoing, fluctuating and severe ongoing. Results The visual trajectories generally resembled the 1-year clinical course characteristics on group level, but there were large individual variations. Patients selecting Episodic and Mild ongoing visual trajectories were similar on most parameters. The visual trajectories generally resembled more the clinical course of the last quarter. Discussion The visual trajectories reflected the descriptors of the clinical course of pain captured by weekly SMS measures on a group level and formed groups of patients that differed on symptoms and characteristics. However, there were large variations in symptoms and characteristics within, as well as overlap between, each visual trajectory. In particular, patients with mild pain seemed predisposed to recall bias. Although the visual trajectories and SMS-based classifications appear related, visual trajectories likely capture more elements of the pain experience than just the course of pain. Therefore, they cannot be seen as a proxy for SMS-tracking of pain over 1 year

    Characteristics, course and outcome of patients receiving physiotherapy in primary health care in Norway: design of a longitudinal observational project

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    Background Physiotherapists (PTs) in primary health care manage patients with large variation in medical diagnosis, age, functional status, disability and prognosis. Lack of knowledge and systematically collected data from patients treated by PTs in primary health care has prompted this longitudinal observational physiotherapy project. This paper aims to describe a method for developing a database of patients managed by PTs in primary health care, with the main purpose to study patients’ characteristics, treatment courses and prognostic factors for favourable outcome. Methods This is a longitudinal observational project, following patients through their physiotherapy treatment periods in primary health care in Norway and until one year after inclusion. The project involves both private practitioners and municipally employed PTs working in primary health care in nine municipalities in Norway. The patients are recruited to three different cohorts depending on age and whether they are referred to a private practitioner or a municipally employed PT. All data are recorded electronically, transferred and stored securely. For all patients we have included extensive questionnaires to obtain information about demographics, disability and function, pain-related variables, psychosocial factors, treatments and evaluation of treatment as well as response to clinical tests. The PTs have access to use their own patients’ data. We have also prepared for linkage to national patient registers and data collected in population-based studies to be able to gather further important data. Discussion This project will have important implications for physiotherapy services in primary health care. The database contains more than 3000 patients, and data collection is ongoing. Data collected so far suggest that the patients included are representative of the larger population of patients treated by private practitioners or municipally employed PTs in Norway. This large scale prospective physiotherapy project will provide knowledge about the patient groups, applied treatments and short- and long-term outcome of the patients. Trial registration ClinicalTrials.gov Identifier: NCT03626389 . Registered on August 13th 2018 (retrospectively registered)