21 research outputs found

    Influence of river discharge on phytoplankton structure and nutrient concentrations in four tropical semiarid estuaries

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    This study evaluated changes in phytoplankton and nutrients after an increase in river discharge in four estuaries of northeastern Brazil. Samples were taken during a markedly freshwater-deprived period (Nov/2010, dry season), and during a rainy season (May/2011). While two estuaries are located in urban areas (Ceará - CE and Cocó - CO), the others are markedly freshwater-deprived (Pacoti - PAC and Pirangi - PIR). Our findings indicate that increased freshwater had opposing effects on estuaries impacted by anthropogenic discharges (CO, CE and PIR) compared with the other, less impacted (PAC). In CO and CE, the freshwater flow during the rainy period had a nutrient diluting effect and controlled phytoplankton blooms. In PIR, only phosphorus and inorganic nitrogen decreased in the rainy season. In contrast, an increase of all nutrients was observed in PAC, and of TN in PIR, followed by an increase in phytoplankton biomass. In the rainy season, eutrophic freshwater species dominated in all the estuaries. In the dry season, blooms of Cryptomonas/Rhodomonas and Synechocystis aquatilis were, respectively, observed in CE and CO. Also in the dry season, PAC and PIR had a predominance of marine species under a condition of hypersalinity. Canonical correspondence analysis suggested the variation observed for salinity, silica, and TN are the main driver of phytoplankton structure.Neste estudo foram avaliados os efeitos do aumento da vazão fluvial sobre o fitoplâncton e os nutrientes em quatro estuários do Nordeste do Brasil. Para isso, foram coletadas amostras durante um período de forte déficit hidrológico (Nov/2010, período seco), e durante um período chuvoso (maio/2011). Dois estuários estão localizados em áreas urbanas (Ceará - CE e Cocó - CO) e dois têm forte déficit de água doce (Pacoti - PAC e Priangi - PIR). Os efeitos do aumento da descarga fluvial foram diferentes entre os que recebem descargas antrópicas (CO, CE e PIR) e aquele menos impactado (PAC). No CO e CE, o fluxo fluvial no período chuvoso diluiu os nutrientes e controlou as florações fitoplanctônicas. No PIR, o fósforo e o nitrogênio inorgânico decresceram neste período. Foi observado um aumento de todos os nutrientes no PAC, e de NT no PIR, seguidos de um aumento do fitoplâncton. No período chuvoso, espécies dulcícolas de ambientes eutróficos dominaram nos estuários. No período seco, observaram-se florações de Cryptomonas/Rhodomonas (CE) e Synechocystis aquatilis (CO). No período seco, sob a condição de hipersalinidade, predominaram espécies marinhas no PAC e PIR. A Análise de Correspondência Canônica sugeriu a salinidade, a sílica e o NT como os principais responsáveis pela variação do fitoplâncton

    Interaction of antimicrobial peptide Plantaricin149a and four analogs with lipid bilayers and bacterial membranes

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    The amidated analog of Plantaricin149, an antimicrobial peptide from Lactobacillus plantarum NRIC 149, directly interacts with negatively charged liposomes and bacterial membranes, leading to their lysis. In this study, four Pln149-analogs were synthesized with different hydrophobic groups at their N-terminus with the goal of evaluating the effect of the modifications at this region in the peptide's antimicrobial properties. The interaction of these peptides with membrane models, surface activity, their hemolytic effect on red blood cells, and antibacterial activity against microorganisms were evaluated. The analogs presented similar action of Plantaricin149a; three of them with no hemolytic effect (< 5%) until 0.5 mM, in addition to the induction of a helical element when binding to negative liposomes. The N-terminus difference between the analogs and Plantaricin149a retained the antibacterial effect on S. aureus and P. aeruginosa for all peptides (MIC50 of 19 µM and 155 µM to Plantaricin149a, respectively) but resulted in a different mechanism of action against the microorganisms, that was bactericidal for Plantaricin149a and bacteriostatic for the analogs. This difference was confirmed by a reduction in leakage action for the analogs. The lytic activity of Plantaricin149a is suggested to be a result of the peptide-lipid interactions from the amphipathic helix and the hydrophobic residues at the N-terminus of the antimicrobial peptide

    Effect of proteins from the red seaweed Hypnea musciformis (Wulfen) Lamouroux on the growth of human pathogen yeasts

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    A protein fraction, rich in lectin, obtained from the red seaweed Hypnea musciformis by precipitation with ammonium sulfate (F40/70) was screened for chitinase and beta-1,3-glucanase activity and assessed for antifungal potential against the human pathogen yeasts Candida albicans and C. guilliermondii. The F40/70 fraction showed chitinase and beta-1,3-glucanase enzymes, with specific activities of 276.43 and 1880.7 Units.mg -1 protein, respectively. It was capable of inhibiting the growth of C. guilliermondii at the concentrations of 45, 100 and 450 µg protein.ml -1 but it showed only a discrete inhibition against C. albicans irrespective of the tested concentrations. The inhibitory action was shown to be fungistatic and the presence of the glycoprotein fetuin, for which the lectin in the fraction had affinity, abolished the antifungal action. The complete growth recovery following fetuin treatment indicated that chitinase and beta-1,3-glucanase were not involved in the growth inhibition of these yeasts.Uma fração protéica, rica em lectina, obtida por precipitação com sulfato de amônia (F40/70), da alga marinha vermelha Hypnea musciformis foi avaliada quanto à presença de atividade quitinásica e beta-1,3-glucanásica e potencial antifúngico contra as leveduras patogênicas Candida albicans e C. guilliermondii. A fração F40/70 mostrou ambas as atividades enzimáticas, com atividades específicas de 276,43 e 1880,7 Unidades.mg-1 proteína, respectivamente. Essa fração foi capaz de inibir de forma significativa o crescimento da levedura C. guilliermondii nas concentrações de 45, 100 e 450 µg proteína.ml -1 porém mostrou apenas uma discreta ação contra C. albicans, independente das concentrações testadas. A ação inibitória foi fungistática e a presença da glicoproteína fetuína, para a qual a lectina na fração tem afinidade, aboliu a ação antifúngica. A recuperação completa do crescimento das leveduras após tratamento com fetuína indicou que as atividades quitinásica e beta-1,3-glucanásica não estão envolvidas na inibição do crescimento dessas leveduras

    Larvicidal Activity of the Essential Oil from Lippia Sidoides Cham. against Aedes aegypti Linn.

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    The aim of this work was to study the larvicidal activity of Lippia sidoides essential oil against Aedes aegypti larvae. The essential oil and its hydrolate (saturated solution of essential oil in water) were obtained by vapor extraction and their chemical composition determined by GL-chromatography coupled to mass spectroscopy. Bioassays were run with the essential oil, pure and diluted hydrolate and with their main constituents thymol and carvacrol. The results obtained showed that L. sidoides essential oil and its hydrolate have larvicidal action against the mosquito A. aegypti, causing an almost instantaneous mortality. Thymol, an alkylated phenol derivative and one of the major components of L. sidoides essential oil, was identified as the active principle responsible for the larvicidal action, causing 100% larval mortality at the lowest tested concentration of 0.017% (w/v). These results suggest that the essential oil of L. sidoides is promising as larvicide against A. aegypti and could be useful in the search of newer, more selective, and biodegradable larvicidal natural compounds to be used in official combat programs and at home

    Crude glycerol from biodiesel industry as substrate for biosurfactant production by Bacillus subtilis ATCC 6633

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    Glycerol, a co-product of the biodiesel industry, may be a suitable raw material for the production of high added-value compounds by the microorganisms. This study aimed to use the glycerol obtained from the biodiesel production process as the main carbon source for biosurfactant production by Bacillus subtilis ATCC 6633. Results indicated that the strain lowered the surface tension of the cell-free fermented broth to 31.5 ± 1.6 mN/m, indicating the production of biosurfactant. The critical micelle concentration (CMC = 33.6 mN/m) obtained was similar to the previously reported for biossurfactants isolated from other Bacillus. The produced biosurfactant was able to emulsify n-hexadecane and soybean oil