115 research outputs found

    Variations on Kaluza-Klein Cosmology

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    We investigate the cosmological consequences of having quantum fields living in a space with compactified dimensions. We will show that the equation of state is not modified by topological effects and so the dynamics of the universe remains as it is in the infinite volume limit. On the contrary the thermal history of the universe depends on terms that are associated with having non-trivial topology. In the conclusions we discuss some issues about the relationship between the c=1c=1 non-critical string-inspired cosmology and the result obtained with matter given by a hot massless field in S^{1}\times \mbox{\bf R}.Comment: 22 pages, 7 figures in a uuencoded file (using uufiles), LaTeX, FTUAM-93/13 (LaTeX errors corrected

    On Nieh-Yan transport

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    [EN] We study nondissipative transport induced by the Nieh-Yan anomaly. After computing the torsional terms in the equilibrium partition function using transgression, we find the constitutive relations for the covariant axial-vector, heat, stress, and spin currents. A number of new transport effects are found, driven by background torsion and the spin chemical potential. Torsional constitutive relations in two-dimensional systems are also analyzed.This work has been supported by Spanish Science Ministry grants PGC2018-094626-B-C21 (MCIU/AEI/FEDER, EU) and PGC2018-094626-B-C22 (MCIU/AEI/FEDER, EU), as well as by Basque Government grant IT979-16

    Comments on noncommutative gravity

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    We study the possibility of obtaining noncommutative gravity dynamics from string theory in the Seiberg-Witten limit. We find that the resulting low-energy theory contains more interaction terms than those proposed in noncommutative deformations of gravity. The role of twisted diffeomorphisms in string theory is studied and it is found that they are not standard physical symmetries. It is argued that this might be the reason why twisted diffeomorphisms are not preserved by string theory in the low energy limit. Twisted gauge transformations are also discussed.Comment: 37 pages. Typos corrected. Final version to appear in Nuclear Physics

    Can the Type-IIB axion prevent Pre-big Bang inflation?

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    We look at the possibility of superinflationary behavior in a class of anisotropic Type-IIB superstring cosmologies in the context of Pre-big Bang scenario and find that there exists a rather narrow range of parameters for which these models inflate. We then show that, although in general this behavior is left untouched by the introduction of a Ramond-Ramond axion field through a SL(2,R) rotation, there exists a particular class of axions for which inflation disappears completely. Asymptotic past initial conditions are briefly discussed, and some speculations on the possible extension of Pre-big Bang ideas to gravitational collapse are presented.Comment: harvmac, epsf. 3 figures include

    Gravitational shocks as a key ingredient of Gamma-Ray Bursts

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    We identify a novel physical mechanism that may be responsible for energy release in γ\gamma-ray bursts. Radial perturbations in the neutron core, induced by its collision with collapsing outer layers during the early stages of supernova explosions, can trigger a gravitational shock, which can readily eject a small but significant fraction of the collapsing material at ultra-relativistic speeds. The development of such shocks is a strong-field effect arising in near-critical collapse in General Relativity and has been observed in numerical simulations in various contexts, including in particular radially perturbed neutron star collapse, albeit for a tiny range of initial conditions. Therefore, this effect can be easily missed in numerical simulations if the relevant parameter space is not exhaustively investigated. In the proposed picture, the observed rarity of γ\gamma-ray bursts would be explained if the relevant conditions for this mechanism appear in only about one in every 10410510^4-10^5 core collapse supernovae. We also mention the possibility that near-critical collapse could play a role in powering the central engines of Active Galactic Nuclei.Comment: 9 pages, 3 figure

    Entropy generation and inflation in wave collision induced pre-big-bang cosmology

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    We study inflation and entropy generation in a recently proposed pre-big-bang model universe produced in a collision of gravitational and dilaton waves. It is shown that enough inflation occurs provided the incoming waves are sufficiently weak. We also find that entropy in this model is dynamically generated as the result of the nonlinear interaction of the incoming waves, before the universe enters the phase of dilaton driven inflation. In particular, we introduce a measure for the entropy produced in the collision in terms of the focusing lengths of the incoming waves

    Thermofield Dynamics of the Heterotic String - Physical Aspects of the Thermal Duality -

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    The thermofield dynamics of the D = 10 heterotic thermal string theory is described in proper reference to the thermal duality symmetry as well as the thermal stability of modular invariance in association with the global phase structure of the D = 10 heterotic thermal string ensemble.Comment: 8 pages, LaTeX, Minor correction