112 research outputs found

    Morphological Characterization of Pure Cuban Game Hens.

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    Several external, qualitative and quantitative morphological features of 102 adult pure Cuban game hens were assessed in the province of Camagüey, Cuba. The results were arranged phenotypically to calculate the total freque n-cies. The fowls were weighed individually and their body parts were measured. The mean, minimum, maximum, standard deviation and variation coefficients were determined for live weight and body part length. The results of the correlation coefficient for live weight, thorax characteristics and tarsus was positive but low. The external aspect was characterized by reddish plumage (60 %); single or serrated combs (82 %), and yellow-brown bills (52 %)

    La genética molecular en la conservación de los recursos zoogenéticos

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    Background: Advances in molecular biology techniques, such as PCR testing, and the use of polymorphic sequences of mitochondrial DNA in the d-Loop region, have been frequently used to describe maternal lines in animals, especially in birds. Aim. To conduct a review of laboratory techniques applied to molecular genetics, and their importance in the preservation of zoogenetic resources. Development: Molecular markers, especially microsatellites, became more useful and profitable, as protocols and technology were optimized; genetic methods provide reliable information that helps in the preservation of zoogenetic resources, particularly when the most traditional methods are inadequate. Conclusions: The utilization of molecular techniques offers objective measurements of the diversity among, and inside races, which permits to study their genetic relations, and to provide evidence of unique genetic attributes or genetic isolation phenomena from the past. Key words: birds, microsatellites, sequencing, zoogenetic resources (Source: DeCS)Antecedentes: Los avances en las técnicas de biología molecular, como son el descubrimiento de la Reacción en Cadena de la Polimerasa (PCR) y el empleo de secuencias polimórficas del ADN mitocondrial en la región d-Loop se han utilizado para describir líneas maternas en animales, la mayoría en aves. Objetivo. Realizar una revisión sobre las técnicas de laboratorio aplicadas a genética molecular y su importancia en la conservación de los recursos zoogenéticos. Desarrollo: Los marcadores moleculares en especial los microsatélites, se hicieron cada vez más útiles, rentables y generalizados a medida que se perfeccionaban los protocolos y la tecnología, los métodos genéticos proporcionan información confiable para contribuir a la conservación de los recursos zoogenéticos de manera especial en circunstancias en las que las orientaciones más tradicionales son inadecuadas. Conclusiones: El empleo de técnicas moleculares proporciona medidas objetivas de la diversidad entre y dentro de razas, permite estudiar las relaciones genéticas entre ellas, así como evidenciar atributos genéticos únicos o fenómenos de aislamiento genético en el pasado. Palabras clave: aves, microsatélites, recursos zoogenéticos, secuenciación (Fuente: DeCS

    Proceso de atención enfermera a pacientes histerectomizadas por cáncer de cuello de útero o cáncer de cérvix.

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    El cáncer de cuello de útero o de cérvix, es una proliferación excesiva de las células que recubren el cuello del útero, tienen capacidad de invadir tejidos sanos por proximidad o a distancia (metástasis). Su diagnóstico correcto se realiza a través de una citología cervico – vaginal. El tratamiento consiste en la realización de una conización (si hay poca invasión) o una histerectomía. Se está demostrando que la vacuna VPH está reduciendo los casos de cáncer de cérvix y lesiones precursoras del mismo. Es una patología que por su afectación a la salud y a la calidad de vida de las pacientes es necesaria una referencia para la actuación enfermera. Los objetivos del trabajo consistieron en elaborar un plan de cuidados estandarizado de enfermería en el que se identifiquen los principales diagnósticos, objetivos e intervenciones para poseer un método de actuación enfermera ante una histerectomía tras cáncer de cérvix. Se realiza una revisión bibliográfica a fin de realizar una actualización del tema previa al PAE, a través de artículos en un rango de 2005 a 2016, entre los meses de febrero a mayo de 2016. El plan de cuidados que se realiza utiliza como base las 14 Necesidades Básicas de Virginia Henderson, además de la taxonomía NANDA, NIC y NOC. Tras la valoración enfermera se identifican y priorizan los diagnósticos de enfermería para una paciente recién histerictomizada. Se llevan a cabo las distintas actividades e intervenciones correspondientes a los diagnósticos, realizando una revaloración tras haber pasado un tiempo prudencial de actuación (2 – 3 meses). La aplicación del plan de cuidados permite enriquecer la atención, servicio y cuidado a pacientes histerectomizadas por cáncer de cérvix. Los cuidados enfermeros tienen en cuenta y satisfacen las necesidades universales de estas pacientes, siendo de especial importancia el aspecto psicológico, con el objetivo de ayudarles en el afrontamiento de las consecuencias del proceso

    Teaser Bull Preparation by Surgically Made Ventral Prepuce Foramen

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    This surgical technique (opening of an artificial ventral prepuce orifice) was used to prepare 50 Holstein x Zebu teaser bulls. This study was made at Triangulo 5 and Triangulo 3 cattle companies, and on El Taburete Farm in the province of Camagüey, Cuba. Healing and recovery, surgery time, and costs of medication and surgical materials, were evaluated. Exploratory examination was made ten months after the procedure to verify the general state of the animal and the success of surgery. This technique demonstrated its simplicity, cost effectiveness, and celerity, both in execution and animal recovery. The surgically made ventral prepuce orifice is recommended to cut down production costs of cattle raising, and it could be used in other species of interest as well, like ovine-caprine

    Nitro-oleic acid regulates T cell activation through post-translational modification of calcineurin

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    Nitro-fatty acids (NO2-FAs) are unsaturated fatty acid nitration products that exhibit anti-inflammatory actions in experimental mouse models of autoimmune and allergic diseases. These electrophilic molecules interfere with intracellular signaling pathways by reversible post-translational modification of nucleophilic amino-acid residues. Several regulatory proteins have been identified as targets of NO2-FAs, modifying their activity and promoting gene expression changes that result in anti-inflammatory effects. Herein, we report the effects of nitro-oleic acid (NO2-OA) on pro-inflammatory T cell functions, showing that 9- and 10-NOA, but not their oleic acid precursor, decrease T cell proliferation, expression of activation markers CD25 and CD71 on the plasma membrane, and IL-2, IL-4, and IFN-γ cytokine gene expressions. Moreover, we have found that NO2-OA inhibits the transcriptional activity of nuclear factor of activated T cells (NFAT) and that this inhibition takes place through the regulation of the phosphatase activity of calcineurin (CaN), hindering NFAT dephosphorylation, and nuclear translocation in activated T cells. Finally, using mass spectrometry-based approaches, we have found that NO2-OA nitroalkylates CaNA on four Cys (Cys129, 228, 266, and 372), of which only nitroalkylation on Cys372 was of importance for the regulation of CaN phosphatase activity in cells, disturbing functional CaNA/CaNB heterodimer formation. These results provide evidence for an additional mechanism by which NO2-FAs exert their anti-inflammatory actions, pointing to their potential as therapeutic bioactive lipids for the modulation of harmful T cell-mediated immune response

    Resources, Reproductive Performance, and Animal Management on Equine Breeding Farms in Azuay, Ecuador

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    Background: The general operations of horse breeding systems are seldom studied. The aim of this paper was to carry out a thorough characterization of horse farms in the province of Azuay, Ecuador. Methods: Out of the 63 breeding farms authorized by the state agency of Azuay with more than five animals, and operational for over two years, 45 were chosen for sample collection. The information considered variables area, pasture, animals, zootechniques, reproduction, health, and expenses. The analysis showed the basic statigraphs, principal components with Varimax rotation and k-mean cluster analysis, and the statistics for each cluster. Results: The first component explained more than a third of total variation, and related the determining variables of infrastructure, total area, pasture, and area for facilities. The second component is co-related to the number of parturitions and estrus repetition. The third component is co-related to management and greater animal wellbeing. Two clusters with differences in terms of area, number of animals, availability of resources, and reproductive performance, were found. Conclusions: Today, the main factors to tackle horse system improvements in the province of Azuay are grassland improvements, animal management, and reproductive performance.Background: The general operations of horse breeding systems are seldom studied. The aim of this paper was to carry out a thorough characterization of horse farms in the province of Azuay, Ecuador. Methods: Out of the 63 breeding farms authorized by the state agency of Azuay with more than five animals, and operational for over two years, 45 were chosen for sample collection. The information considered variables area, pasture, animals, zootechniques, reproduction, health, and expenses. The analysis showed the basic statigraphs, principal components with Varimax rotation and k-mean cluster analysis, and the statistics for each cluster. Results: The first component explained more than a third of total variation, and related the determining variables of infrastructure, total area, pasture, and area for facilities. The second component is co-related to the number of parturitions and estrus repetition. The third component is co-related to management and greater animal wellbeing. Two clusters with differences in terms of area, number of animals, availability of resources, and reproductive performance, were found. Conclusions: Today, the main factors to tackle horse system improvements in the province of Azuay are grassland improvements, animal management, and reproductive performance

    El Valhuero (Toro, Zamora): una inhumación tardoantigua en un yacimiento de la Edad del Bronce

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    El hallazgo en un yacimiento de la Edad del Bronce de una sepultura aparentemente asignable por su decúbito y orientación W-E a un periodo histórico motivó su  datación radiocarbónica, confirmándose su presunto carácter post-prehistórico. Se estudia el enterramiento y se plantea su encuadre en el contexto de la Antigüedad Tardía de la zona

    Searching for the Fusarium spp. which are responsible for trichothecene contamination in oats. Using metataxonomy to compare the distribution of toxigenic species in fields from Spain and the UK

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    The contamination of oats with Fusarium toxins poses a high risk for food safety. Among them, trichothecenes are the most frequently reported in European oats, especially in northern countries. The environmental conditions related to the climate change scenario might favour a distribution shift in Fusarium species and the presence of these toxins in Southern European countries. In this paper, we present an ambitious work to determine the species responsible for trichothecene contamination in Spanish oats and to compare the results in the United Kingdom (UK) using a metataxonomic approach applied to both oat grains and soil samples collected from both countries. Regarding T-2 and HT-2 toxin producers, F. langsethiae was detected in 38% and 25% of the oat samples from the UK and Spain, respectively, and to the best of our knowledge, this is the first report of the detection of this fungus in oats from Spain. The relevant type B trichothecene producer, F. poae, was the most frequently detected Fusarium species in oats from both origins. Other important trichothecene producers, such as the Fusarium tricinctum species complex or Fusarium cerealis, were also frequently detected in oat fields. Many Fusarium toxins, including T-2 and HT-2 toxins, deoxynivalenol, or nivalenol, were detected in oat samples. The results obtained in this work revealed a clear change in the distribution of trichothecene producers and the necessity to establish the potential of these species to colonize oats and their ability to produce mycotoxins

    Caracterización morfológica de la gallina fina cubana.

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    Se evaluaron algunas  características morfológicas exteriores, cualitativas y cuantitativas de  102 gallinas  finas cubanas adultas, en la provincia de Camagüey, Cuba. Los resultados se ordenaron por rasgo fenotípico para calcular sus frecuencias totales. Las aves fueron pesadas individualmente y se les midieron las partes del cuerpo. A los valo-res del peso vivo y a la longitud de las partes del cuerpo se les determinó el valor promedio, mínimo, máximo, de s-viación estándar y coeficiente de variación. Se calculó el coeficiente de correlación para el peso vivo, perímetro tor á-cico y largo del tarso, que fue positiva pero baja. En su aspecto exterior predominó el plumaje indio o rojo (60  %), la presencia de cresta sencilla o sierra (82 %) y el color del pico amarillo marrón (52 %).Morphological Characterization of Pure Cuban Game Hens.ABSTRACTSeveral external, qualitative and quantitative morphological features of 102 adult pure Cuba n game hens were assessed in the province of Camagüey, Cuba. The results were arranged by phenotypically to calculate the total fr e-quencies. The fowls were weighed individually and their body parts were measured. The mean, minimum, max i-mum, standard deviation and variation coefficient were determined for life weight and body part length. The results of the correlation coefficient for live weight, thorax characteristics and tarsus was positive but low. The external a spect was characterized by Indian or reddish plumage (60 %); simple or serrated crests (82 %), and yellow-brown bills (52 %)

    Antioxidants and Oxidative Stress in Children: Influence of Puberty and Metabolically Unhealthy Status

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    Oxidative stress could help explain the relationship between childhood obesity and a metabolically unhealthy (MU) status. Moreover, puberty could also influence this relationship, since it entails physiological cardiometabolic changes. We aimed to evaluate plasma antioxidants and oxidative stress biomarkers in MU and metabolically healthy (MH) prepubertal and pubertal children and their associations with pro-inflammatory and endothelial damage biomarkers, taking puberty into account. A total of 1444 Spanish children aged 3–17 years (48.9% males, 66% prepubertal, 47.1% with obesity) were recruited. Blood pressure, anthropometric and biochemical parameters were measured, and children were categorized as having a MU or MH status according to risk factors. Retinol, carotenes, tocopherols, total antioxidant capacity (TAC), oxidized low-density lipoprotein and selected pro-inflammatory and endothelial damage biomarkers were analyzed. General linear models adjusted for age, sex, recruitment center and body mass index, partial correlations and stepwise linear regressions were performed. Lower carotenes and tocopherols levels were found in MU than in MH children. Plasma TAC was lower in prepubertal and higher in pubertal children with obesity compared to normal-weight children. Antioxidants and oxidative stress biomarkers showed novel associations with several pro-inflammatory and endothelial damage biomarkers, with pubertal differences, supporting the importance of considering both the antioxidant and oxidative stress status and puberty in the prevention of metabolic diseases in childhood.Plan Nacional de Investigacion Cientifica, Desarrollo e Innovacion Tecnologica (I + D + I), Instituto de Salud Carlos III-Health Research Funding (FONDOS FEDER) PI051968 PI11/01425 PI1102042 PI11/02059 PI16/01301 PI16/012 PI1600871CIBEROBN Network CB12/03/30038 CB15/00131 CB15/0004