148 research outputs found

    Luzes e sombras na trajetória dos Satyros

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    This article aims to discuss the relation between the mise-en-scène and the light design in Os Satyros’ history, since its foundation in 1989, emphasizing the aspects of the chiaroscuro game, their light operation and its impact in the aesthetics of the performance, the physical impact of lights in the reception by the spectator and potentialities of augmented lighting, based on cyborg concepts by Donna Haraway and Amber Case. The work was written based on Os Satyros’ ideas about lighting. The goal is to discuss the new lighting capabilities for contemporary theater.A proposta deste artigo é discutir a relação entre a encenação e a iluminação na trajetória de Os Satyros, desde sua fundação em 1989, destacando os aspectos do jogo de chiaroscuro, a operação das luzes e seu impacto na estética do espetáculo, o impacto físico da iluminação na recepção do espectador e as potencialidades da iluminação expandida, a partir dos conceitos ciborgues de Donna Haraway e Amber Case. O trabalho foi escrito a partir das reflexões realizadas pelo grupo dentro de suas próprias pesquisas sobre a iluminação. O objetivo é discutir as novas potencialidades luminotécnicas do teatro contemporâneo. 

    Generic equations for pattern formation in evolving interfaces

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    12 pages, 2 figures.-- PACS nrs.: 68.35.B-, 68.08.-p.-- ArXiv pre-print available at: http://arxiv.org/abs/0705.1488We present a general formalism which allows us to derive the evolution equations describing one-dimensional (1D) and isotropic 2D interface-like systems, that is based on symmetries, conservation laws, multiple scale arguments, and exploits the relevance of coarsening dynamics. Our approach becomes especially significant in the presence of surface morphological instabilities and allows us to classify the most relevant nonlinear terms in the continuum description of these systems. The formalism applies to systems ranging from eroded nanostructures to macroscopic pattern formation. In particular, we show the validity of the theory for novel experiments on ion plasma erosion.This work has been partially supported by MECD (Spain), through grants nos. FIS2006-12253-C06-01, FIS2006-12253-C06-03, FIS2006-12253-C06-06, and the FPU programme (JM-G).Publicad

    Observation and modeling of interrupted pattern coarsening: surface nanostructuring by ion erosion

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    4 pages, 3 figures.-- PACS nrs.: 68.35.Ct, 05.45.-a, 79.20.Rf, 81.16.Rf.We report the experimental observation of interrupted coarsening for surface self-organized nanostructuring by ion erosion. Analysis of the target surface by atomic force microscopy allows us to describe quantitatively this intriguing type of pattern dynamics through a continuum equation put forward in different contexts across a wide range of length scales. The ensuing predictions can thus be consistently extended to other experimental conditions in our system. Our results illustrate the occurrence of nonequilibrium systems in which pattern formation, coarsening, and kinetic roughening appear, each of these behaviors being associated with its own spatiotemporal range.This work has been supported by Grant Nos. CSD2008-0023, CSD2007-00010, and FIS2009-12964- C05-01, -04 (MICINN, Spain), and CCG08-CSIC/MAT- 3457 (CAM, Spain).Publicad

    Pattern-wavelength coarsening from topological dynamics in silicon nanofoams

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    We report the experimental observation of a submicron cellular structure on the surface of silicon targets eroded by an ion plasma. Analysis by atomic force microscopy allows us to assess the time evolution and show that the system can be described quantitatively by the convective Cahn-Hilliard equation, found in the study of domain coarsening for a large class of driven systems. The space-filling trait of the ensuing pattern relates it to evolving foams. Through this connection, we are actually able to derive the coarsening law for the pattern wavelength from the nontrivial topological dynamics of the cellular structure. Thus, the study of the topological properties of patterns in nonvariational spatially extended systems emerges as complementary to morphological approaches to their challenging coarsening properties.This work has been partially supported by MICINN and MEC (Spain) via Grants No. IS2009-12964-C05-01, No. FIS2009-12964-C05-03, No. FIS2012-38866-C05-01, No. IS2012-38866-C05-01-05, No. MAT2011-27470-C02-02, and No. CSD2009-00013.Publicad

    Mapping the Field of Donation-Based Crowdfunding for Charitable Causes: Systematic Review and Conceptual Framework

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    [Abstract]: This study compiles the main findings in the field of academic research on pure donation-based crowdfunding (DCF) soliciting monetary contributions for charitable causes. To this purpose, a systematic literature review is conducted, resulting in 92 scientific publications analyzed for the first time in this field of research. The prevailing thematic dimensions and research gaps are identified and discussed. The incipient literature on DCF, with a majority of publications from 2015 onward in the form of empirical articles using quantitative methodolo gies, focuses on antecedents related to individual donors, organizational promoters as main actors, and online chan nels and design-related features of campaigns as enablers. However, the effects of DCF on relevant stakeholders (particularly beneficiaries and society in general) remain largely obscure. Based on this analysis, an integrated conceptual framework on DCF is proposed to guide future research. This framework, susceptible of empirical evalu ation, allows characterizing the DCF as a distinct and emerging type of philanthropic funding model based on specific and novel antecedents, actors, enablers and effects

    Bibliometric Map of Literatura on Donation-Based Crowdfunding for Charitable Causes

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    [Abstract]: By bibliometric analyzing 92 publications in the field of pure donation-based crowdfunding for charitable causes soliciting monetary contributions, and providing a comprehensive bibliometric map with the software VOSviewer, this work overviews the prevailing themes, the main cross-cutting aspects, commonalities and differences underlying the resulting clusters, and illustrates them through a sample of key contributions in the literature distributed in different research categories.[Resumen]: Mediante el análisis bibliométrico de 92 publicaciones en el ámbito del crowdfunding solidario puro para causas benéficas que solicitan contribuciones monetarias, y la elaboración de un mapa bibliométrico exhaustivo con el software VOSviewer, este trabajo sobrevuela los temas predominantes, los principales aspectos temáticos transversales, los puntos comunes y las diferencias que subyacen a los clústeres resultantes, y los ilustra a través de una muestra de contribuciones clave en la literatura distribuidas en diferentes categorías de investigación

    Determinants of success of donation-based crowdfunding through digital platforms : The influence of offline factors

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    The purpose of this research consist of exploring the extent to which factors traditionally explaining the success of offline fundraising campaigns for social causes may also influence the success of donationbased crowdfunding (DCF) campaigns promoted by social economy organizations (SEO) through digital platforms. Firstly, factors determining the success of offline fundraising campaigns for social causes are identified from previous literature. Secondly, a set of hypotheses linking these determinants to DCF campaigns is proposed. Thirdly, their explanatory capacity is measured through quantitative analysis based on a database of 360 campaigns fostered by small, medium and large-size organizations via Microdonaciones, a donation-based crowdfunding digital platform, for the period between 2012 and 2017. Logistic regression analysis is used to test the hypotheses proposed. Results confirm the high explanatory capacity of determinants related to the geographical scope of the campaign, the volume of potential beneficiaries involved ?in these two cases in unexpected ways-, and the information provided by the promoting organizations. However, factors related to the timing of the campaigns do not influence their success. This research suggests that not only the funding channels and tools but also the nature of the fundraising campaigns themselves have been digitally transformed. Implications of this research may assist SEO in establishing effective relationships with new digital donors in order to achieve sustainable growth.

    When the winner takes it all: online campaign factors influencing the success of donation-based crowdfunding for charitable causes

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    [Abstract] This research explores the extent to which campaign factors may influence the success of donation-based crowdfunding (DCF) promoted online with social purposes. Factors that may explain the success of online fundraising campaigns for social causes are firstly identified from previous literature and linked to DCF campaigns through a set of hypotheses: disclosure, imagery, updating, and spreadability. Following, their explanatory capacity is measured through quantitative analysis (logistic regression) based on 360 all-or-nothing campaigns fostered by nonprofits through an online platform. Results confirm the high explanatory capacity of determinants related to the updating and spreadability of the campaign. However, factors related to the disclosure and imagery do not influence their success. This research suggests that the success of online campaigns is closely related to share and update transparent information of those details that contributors deem relevant. Implications are drawn for the effective technical design and management of DCF campaigns channeled through digital media, and specifically for the engagement with potential online communities of funders in digital platforms

    Allochthonous vs. autochthonous energy resources for aquatic insects in cloud forest streams, Veracruz, Mexico

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    Background. Recent tropical studies question the assumption that forested headwater streams rely on allochthonous resources as their main energy source, suggesting that autochthonous resources are more important. Goals. Here, we characterized the energy base, as gut contents, of cloud forest streams with contrasting riparian vegetation cover in Veracruz, Mexico, during dry, rainy and nortes (e.g., less dry and cold) seasons. Methods. Two first-order streams were selected for the study - one flowing through forest and the other through pasture with sparse riparian vegetation. Gut content analyses showed aquatic insect diets composed of diatoms, green algae, fungi, plant tissue, and amorphous detritus. Results. The forest stream had taxa with gut contents composed of 31 to 99% allochthonous material, while the pasture stream reached a maximum of 82% during nortes. Diatoms accounted for most of the autochthonous material in guts, especially in the pasture stream during the dry season. A significant proportion of ingested allochthonous material was fungi, mainly in the forest stream during the rainy season. Conclusions. Overall, our study supports the view that in forested tropical streams autochthonous material is an important food resource. However, allochthonous material was found to be an important food item, even in pasture streams with limited riparian cover