21 research outputs found

    Domesticating the «digital wilds»: fanfiction under examination through the eyes of a fanfictioner

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    El fanfiction es una práctica letrada vernácula con importantes potencialidades formativas en el que se ponen en funcionamiento competencias lectoras, escritoras y literarias. Este trabajo tiene por objeto explorar el ámbito del fanfiction hispanófono y, a la postre, ofrecer algunas ideas para ―domesticar‖ estas actividades desarrolladas en espacios de afinidad. Para ello, haciendo uso de una metodología etnográfica participativa, presentamos un estudio de caso de Cristy, reconocida fanfictioner en España y Latinoamérica. Los resultados muestran que se trata de una actividad creativa con una importante implicación intelectual, emocional y social prolongada en el tiempo. Además, la participante actualiza constantemente sus producciones e incluye elementos multimodales de promoción y difusión a través de redes sociales. Finalmente, estos resultados se han cristalizado en una serie de propuestas de aula para el aula de lenguas, primeras y/o extranjeras. Con ellas, esperamos motivar estudios y experiencias que las desplieguen y desarrollen.Fanfiction is a vernacular literacy practice with huge pedagogic potential as it fosters reading, writing and literary skills. This study is intended to explore Spanish-speaking fanfiction and suggest some ideas to domesticate‘ these activities that occur in affinity spaces. With an ethnographic and participatory methodological approach, we present a case study on Cristy, a renown fanfictioner. The results show that it is a creative activity with an important intellectual, emotional and social involvement prolonged over time. In addition, the participant constantly updates their productions and includes multimodal elements for promotion and dissemination through social networks. The results from the case study inspired a number of suggestions to incorporate in anguage classrooms, whether first or foreign languages, so that future studies may develop and deploy them

    Estructuras de hormigón armado bajo carga dinámica severa. Parte III: ejemplo de simulación numérica

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    Publicamos la tercera parte y última de este artículo sobre estructuras de hormigón armado bajo carga dinámica severa en el que, los autores, nos han ido exponiendo diferentes ejemplos. En esta ocasión, se pone patente que con el desarrollo de los ordenadores durante las últimas décadas se ha dado la posibilidad de utilizar el método de los elementos finitos (FEM: Finite Elements Method) para estudiar los efectos de una carga dinámica severa, como en el caso de las explosiones. A continuación se describe el uso del método para este tipo de situaciones de carga

    Estructuras de hormigón armado bajo carga dinámica severa. Parte I: Aspectos teóricos

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    En el ámbito de las estructuras de protección, tales como polvorines o refugios de protección civil, el hormigón armado es el material más empleado, fundamentalmente por su masividad, sus buenas características de absorción de energía y, cuando está adecuadamente reforzado, por su comportamiento dúctil. En ambos tipos de estructuras, la principal amenaza proviene de las explosiones causadas por armas de guerra, en particular, por armas convencionales. Por otro lado, en España viene actuando la organización terrorista ETA desde finales de los años 60, a lo que últimamente hay que añadir el denominado terrorismo internacional. En ambos casos, sus apariciones se manifiestan, generalmente, mediante la detonación de explosivos, aspecto que ha hecho que tanto entidades públicas como privadas hayan estado seriamente interesadas por el comportamiento de las estructuras cerramientos, etc. A título de ejemplo, se puede recordar el atentado perpetrado el día 31 de diciembre de 2008 en la sede de EITB de Bilbao, o el perpetrado el día 9 de febrero de 2009 en la sede de la empresa constructora Ferrovial-Agroman situada en el Campo de las Naciones de Madrid

    Estructuras de hormigón armado bajo carga dinámica severa

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    Para entender el comportamiento de las estructuras de hormigón sometidas a una carga severa de armas de guerra, o de artefactos terroristas, conviene comprender la naturaleza y la física de las explosiones y la creación de una onda explosiva y sus reflexiones. Los autores de este artículo analizan con detalle el impacto de los explosivos, las ondas que se generan y los efectos sobre los edificios dependiendo si la explosión es confinada o no, si en superficie o aérea, etc. Influirá, lógicamente, el tipo de explosivo utilizado, cuestión que también se aborda en el artículo

    Estructuras de hormigón armado bajo carga dinámica severa. Parte II: comportamiento de los materiales

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    En la revista Cimbra n° 394 se publicaba la primera parte de este artículo en donde se analizaba con detalle el impacto de los explosivos, las ondas que se generan y los efectos de éstas sobre los edificios. Ahora, los autores de este artículo, se detendrán en el comportamiento de los materiales que actúa de manera diferente si es sometido a una carga estática que a una dinámica

    Active role of flower shops in the commercialization of roses

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    Retail florist activities are essential elements in the rose (Rosa spp.) market since they generate significant income and employment. In these jobs, florists gain recognition by their designs that captivate consumers. At the same time, they are key entrepreneurs in the commercialization of roses. Then, the objective of the research was to know the entrepreneurial role of florists in the commercialization of roses (Rosa spp.) in southern Veracruz, Mexico. An exploratory research was conducted in flower shops, five in Coatzacoalcos, nine in Minatitlán and six in Acayucan. Interviews were conducted with florists (n = 20). The categories of analysis used were the demographic, psychosocial and sociocultural profile of the florists as innovative entrepreneurs. In regards to the demographic profile, these economic agents have the experience and knowledge necessary to develop their activity. In short, florists are identified as family micro-enterprises with establishments that are 20 years old. In the psychosocial profile, florists present low innovative capacity with respect to the composition of their floral arrangements; however, they are characterized as risk takers with the ability to solve problems. Finally, the sociocultural profile demonstrates the florists-intermediary-producers collaboration; such entrepreneurial activity generates economic incentives with local-regional influence. Therefore, florists need to strengthen their links with other florists, producers and distributors to improve their innovative capabilities that will benefit both themselves and consumers

    Hydrogen Sulfide Improves Cardiomyocyte Function in a Cardiac Arrest Model

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    [EN] Background: Cardioplegic arrest is a common procedure for many types of cardiac surgery, and different formulations have been proposed to enhance its cardio-protective effect. Hydrogen sulfide is an important signaling molecule that has cardio-protective properties. We therefore studied the cardio-protective effect of hydrogen sulfide in cardiac cell culture and its potential therapeutic use in combination with cardioplegia formulations. Materials/Methods: We added hydrogen sulfide donor GYY4137 to HL-1 cells to study its protective effect in nutrient starved conditions. In addition, we tested the potential use of GYY4137 when it is added into two different cardioplegia formulations: Cardi-Braun (R) solution and del Nido solution in an ex vivo Langendorff perfused rat hearts model. Results: We observed that eight-hour pre-treatment with GYY4137 significantly suppressed apoptosis in nutrient-starved HL-1 cells (28% less compared to untreated cells; p<0.05), maintained ATP content, and reduced protein synthesis. In ex vivo experiments, Cardi-Braun (R) and del Nido cardioplegia solutions supplemented with GYY4137 significantly reduced the pro-apoptotic protein caspase-3 content and preserved ATP content. Furthermore, GYY4137 supplemented cardioplegia solutions decreased the S-(5-adenosyl)-L-methionine/S-(adenosyl)-L-homocysteine ratio, reducing the oxidative stress in cardiac tissue. Finally, heart beating analysis revealed the preservation of the inter-beat interval and the heart rate in del Nido cardioplegia solution supplemented with GYY4137. Conclusions: GYY4137 preconditioning preserved energetic state during starved conditions, attenuating the cardiomyocytes apoptosis in vitro. The addition of GYY4137 to cardioplegia solutions prevented apoptosis, ATP consumption, and oxidative stress in perfused rat hearts, restoring its electrophysiological status after cardiac arrest. These findings suggested that GYY4137 sulfide donor may improve the cardioplegia solution performance during cardiac surgery.Instituto de Salud Carlos III grants (PI10/743, PI13/0414) and RETICS RD12/0019/0025 co-funded by FEDER "Una Manera de Hacer Europa". AG. acknowledges a fellowship from Erasmus Mundus Eurotango Program. ADJ acknowledges support from the Ramon y Cajal program (RYC-2008-02378). P.S. acknowledges support from PI10/743, PI13/414 grants and the Miguel Servet I3SNS and RETICS Program (RD12/0025). We thank Dr Kenneth McCreath for helpful comments on the manuscript.Garcia, NA.; Moncayo-Arlandi, J.; Vázquez Sánchez, A.; Genoves, P.; Calvo Saiz, CJ.; Millet Roig, J.; Martí, N.... (2017). Hydrogen Sulfide Improves Cardiomyocyte Function in a Cardiac Arrest Model. Annals of Transplantation. 22:285-295. https://doi.org/10.12659/AOT.901410S2852952

    Disease surveillance during the reintroduction of the Iberian Lynx (Lynx pardinus) in southwestern Spain

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    This article belongs to the Section Wildlife.The restoration of Iberian lynx (Lynx pardinus) populations in Extremadura (Southwestern Spain) have been carried out since 2014. One of the measures to ensure the success of this program is to examine the effects that diseases may have on reintroduction. Since diseases may be greatly located at certain sites because of the specific ecological requirements of the pathogens and/or vectors, reintroduced individuals may present a risk of infection once released. To determine which pathogens the reintroduced individuals may encounter, we performed a molecular and sero-epidemiological survey in reintroduced and wild-born lynxes. From 2015 to 2019, 69 Iberian lynxes (40 reintroduced and 29 wild-born) were sampled and screened against 10 viral, bacterial and piroplasmid agents. In parallel, 195 sympatric carnivores from the families Canidae, Felidae, Viverridae, Herpestidae and Mustelidae were tested against current or past infections to six common canine/feline viruses. In the Iberian lynx, low contact rates of active infection were obtained for the feline leukemia provirus (FeLV: 1.5%; 1/67), feline parvovirus (FPV: 1.5%; 1/67) and Cytauxzoon sp. (6.7%; 1/15). We also confirmed the emergence of Aujeszky’s disease (suid herpesvirus-1) in this population (SuHV-1: 11.8%; 2/17). Evidence of previous exposure was detected for canine distemper virus (CDV: 5.8%; 3/52), feline coronavirus (1.9%; 1/52), FPV (7.7%; 1/13) and feline calicivirus (FCV: 5.3%; 1/19). From 25 recovered lynx carcasses, we could confirm infectious etiology involvement in the death of four individuals (SuHV-1 in two individuals, coinfection of Cytauxzoon spp. and Aeromonas veronii in one lynx and a Streptococcus canis myositis in another lynx). We confirmed the circulation of CDV, FPV, FeLV, FCV and the feline immunodeficiency virus within the sympatric carnivore community. Due to the low contact rate of infectious agents in such a small, endangered population, we recommend continuing a disease surveillance program to determine the prognostic factors of survival, understand the role that disease may play during the reintroduction and anticipate disease outbreaks that may pose a risk for the entire reintroduced population.[Simple Summary]: The restoration of Iberian lynx (Lynx pardinus) populations in Extremadura (Southwestern Spain) have been carried out since 2014. To evaluate the effect that infectious diseases may have on their reintroduction, we performed a molecular and sero-epidemiological survey in reintroduced and wild-born lynxes and sympatric carnivores. From 2015 to 2019, 69 Iberian lynxes were screened against 10 viral, bacterial and piroplasmid agents. In parallel, 195 sympatric carnivores were tested against current or past infections to six common canine/feline viruses. In the Iberian lynx, low contact rates of active infection were obtained for feline leukemia provirus (FeLV: 1.5%; 1/67), feline parvovirus (FPV: 1.5%; 1/67) and Cytauxzoon sp. (6.7%; 1/15). We confirmed the emergence of Aujeszky’s disease (suid herpesvirus-1) in this population (SuHV-1: 11.8%; 2/17). We detected the circulation of FeLV, parvovirus, canine distemper virus (CDV), feline calicivirus (FCV) and feline immunodeficiency virus within the sympatric carnivore community and FCV, FPV, CDV and feline coronavirus in lynxes. Due to the low contact rate of infectious agents in such a small, endangered population, we recommend continuing a disease surveillance program to determine the prognostic factors of survival, understand the role that disease may play during the reintroduction and anticipate disease outbreaks that may pose a risk for the entire reintroduced population.This research was funded by the European Union through its LIFE project Life+IBERLINCE (LIFE+10NAT/ES/570) “Recuperación de la distribución histórica del lince ibérico (Lynx pardinus) en España y Portugal”.Peer reviewe

    Domesticar la ‘selva digital’: El fanfiction a examen a través de la mirada de una fanfictioner

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    Fanfiction is a vernacular literacy practice with huge pedagogic potential as it fosters reading, writing and literary skills. This study is intended o explore Spanish-speaking fanfiction and suggest some ideas to domesticate these activities that occur in affinity spaces. With an ethnographic and participatory methodological approach, we present a case study on Cristy, a renown fanfictioner. The results show that it is a creative activity with an important intellectual, emotional and social involvement prolonged over time. In addition, the participant constantly updates their productions and includes multimodal elements for promotion and dissemination through social networks. The results from the case study inspired a number of suggestions to incorporate in language classrooms, whether first or foreign languages, so that future studies may develop and deploy them.El fanfiction es una práctica letrada vernácula con importantes potencialidades formativas en el que se ponen en funcionamiento competencias lectoras, escritoras y literarias. Este trabajo tiene por objeto explorar el ámbito del fanfiction hispanófono y, a la postre, ofrecer algunas ideas para “domesticar” estas actividades desarrolladas en espacios de afinidad. Para ello, haciendo uso de una metodología etnográfica participativa, presentamos un estudio de caso de Cristy, reconocida fanfictioner en España y Latinoamérica. Los resultados muestran que se trata de una actividad creativa con una importante implicación intelectual, emocional y social prolongada en el tiempo. Además, la participante actualiza constantemente sus producciones e incluye elementos multimodales de promoción y difusión a través de redes sociales Finalmente, estos resultados se han cristalizado en una serie de propuestas de aula para el aula de lenguas, primeras y/o extranjeras. Con ellas, esperamos motivar estudios y experiencias que las desplieguen y desarrollen

    Mesh size effect on finite‑element modeling of blast‑loaded reinforced concrete slab

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    The dramatic increase in computation efficiency over the last three decades has made the finite-element simulation approach the dominant tool for investigating blast phenomena and their effects on building structures. However, the simulation results depend greatly on the mesh size selected for the numerical model, which may generate an inaccuracy in predicting the phenomena correctly. Thus, mesh size for finite-element simulations, appears to be an epistemic uncertainty that is inherent to the simulation process. This paper investigates the reliability of finite-element simulations of a reinforced concrete slab subjected to a certain level of explosion, in terms of mesh size sensitivity. Full-scale free air blast experiments are performed to monitor the blast-structure interaction phenomenon and help validating the numerical simulations. Fifteen finite-element simulations are evaluated with coarse to fine range mesh sizes, and the effects of mesh resolution on the numerical simulations are analyzed. An optimum mesh size is determined for a given set of loading conditions, and established by the amount of internal energy that gives rise to the expected damage on the slab