109 research outputs found

    Thermodynamic aspects of rock friction

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    Rate- and state-dependent friction law for velocity-step tests is analyzed from a thermodynamic point of view. A simple macroscopic non-equilibrium thermodynamic model with a single internal variable reproduces instantaneous jump and relaxation. Velocity weakening appears as a consequence of a plasticity related nonlinear coefficient. Permanent part of displacement corresponds to plastic strain, and relaxation effects are analogous to creep in thermodynamic rheology.Comment: 13 pages 3 figures. Revision: thermodynamic compatibility of velocity weakenin

    Models of ballistic propagation of heat at low temperatures

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    Heat conduction at low temperatures show various effects that cannot be described by the Fourier law, like the second sound and ballistic propagation. In this paper the performance of various theories is compared in case of ballistic and wave like propagation of heat pulses in NaF

    Microinertia and internal variables

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    The origin of microinertia of micromorphic theories is investigated from the point of view of non-equilibrium thermodynamics. In the framework of dual internal variables microinertia stems from a thermodynamic equation of state related to the internal variable with the properties of mechanical momentum.Comment: 14 pages, no figure

    Scalar, vectorial and tensorial damage parameters from the mesoscopic background

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    In the mesoscopic theory a distribution of different crack sizes and crack orientations is introduced. A scalar damage parameter, a second order damage tensor and a vectorial damage parameter are defined in terms of this distribution function. As an example of a constitutive quantity the free energy density is given as a function of the damage tensor. This equation is reduced in the uniaxial case to a function of the damage vector and in case of a special geometry to a function of the scalar damage parameter.Comment: 14 pages, 2 figure

    Relativistic hydrodynamics - causality and stability

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    Causality and stability in relativistic dissipative hydrodynamics are important conceptual issues. We argue that causality is not restricted to hyperbolic set of differential equations. E.g. heat conduction equation can be causal considering the physical validity of the theory. Furthermore we propose a new concept of relativistic internal energy that clearly separates the dissipative and non-dissipative effects. We prove that with this choice we remove all known instabilities of the linear response approximation of viscous and heat conducting relativistic fluids. In this paper the Eckart choice of the velocity field is applied.Comment: 14 pages, 2 figures, completely revise

    Thermodynamics and flow-frames for dissipative relativistic fluids

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    A general thermodynamic treatment of dissipative relativistic fluids is introduced, where the temperature four vector is not parallel to the velocity field of the fluid. Generic stability and kinetic equilibrium points out a particular thermodynamics, where the temperature vector is parallel to the enthalpy flow vector and the choice of the flow fixes the constitutive functions for viscous stress and heat. The linear stability of the homogeneous equilibrium is proved in a mixed particle-energy flow-frame.Comment: 9 page

    Splitting the source term for the Einstein equation to classical and quantum parts

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    We consider the special and general relativistic extensions of the action principle behind the Schr\"odinger equation distinguishing classical and quantum contributions. Postulating a particular quantum correction to the source term in the classical Einstein equation we identify the conformal content of the above action and obtain classical gravitation for massive particles, but with a cosmological term representing off-mass-shell contribution to the energy-momentum tensor. In this scenario the - on the Planck scale surprisingly small - cosmological constant stems from quantum bound states (gravonium) having a Bohr radius aa as being \Lambda=3/a^2.Comment: 13 pages, revise
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