396 research outputs found

    Migrant Farmworkers\u27 Perceptions of Pesticide Risk Exposure in Adams County, Pennsylvania: A Cultural Risk Assessment

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    Agricultural exceptionalism, a system in which regular labor laws and standards do not apply to farm labor, makes migrant farmworkers particularly vulnerable populations—economically, socially, and in terms of environmental health. To address inequities inherent in migrant farmworker margin­aliza­tion, studies advocate for actively engaging the migrant farmworker population in the conversation surrounding these issues. We conducted 40 semi­structured interviews with migrant farmworkers in Adams County, Pennsylvania, to understand pesti­cide risk exposure perceptions and practices. We employed the Health Belief Model as our cultural risk assessment frame, using it in combination with technical risk assessment, which uses government calculations (from the Environmental Protection Agency) to quantify pesticide risk exposure. We used mixed methods analyses (quantitative and qualitative) to compare and understand farmworker demographics, perceived risk, perceived control, and risk behavior. Results show that demo­graphics —e.g., age, education, visa status—are important factors in risk perception. They also confirm observations present in many earlier studies. While trainings and educational materials are valuable to help build awareness of risk, a systemic lack of control over their circumstances make it hard for migrant farmworkers to engage in safe behavior. Results also highlight the limitations of technical risk assessment. Such calculations, however, rarely account for risk perceptions and experiences of farm­workers themselves. Acknowledging the voices of migrant farmworkers is an essential first step in rebalancing inequities of power in our food systems, and cultural risk assessment can help frame recommendations that target different stake­holders across the pesticide regulatory spectrum to ensure migrant farmworker needs and safety

    Kualitas Pewarnaan Ekstrak Kayu Tegeran (Cudrania Javanensis) Pada Batik

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    The Tegeran wood extract has been used as the yellow color source for batik soga. As a single color for batik, it is rarely used because tend to have poor color fastness and less bright color. This research aim is to analyze Tegeran wood extract as a single dye for batik. Tegeran wood extracted on various temperature (room temperature, 50ºC, 75ºC, 100ºC) using water as the solvent for an hour. Then it is used for batik dyeing with 8 times soaking at room temperature. The batik wax releasing process is conducted by base hot water for an hour. Batik is then analyzed using various testing parameters such as shade, color intensities and color fastness properties. The acidity of Tegeran extract from extraction process at room temperature, 50ºC, 75ºC dan 100ºC are in line 5, 4, 4-5, 3-4. Shades of color are yellow to dark brown. Color intensity score for cotton batik range is 22,24 – 40,33 and for silk batik is 38,39 – 46,75. The color fastness score to wet rubbing is (4 – 5), and to washing and direct sunlight is 4. From the result, it can be concluded that Tegeran wood extract can be used as batik dye with bright color and good color fastness properties

    Stem Cells for Augmenting Tendon Repair

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    Tendon healing is fraught with complications such as reruptures and adhesion formation due to the formation of scar tissue at the injury site as opposed to the regeneration of native tissue. Stem cells are an attractive option in developing cell-based therapies to improve tendon healing. However, several questions remain to be answered before stem cells can be used clinically. Specifically, the type of stem cell, the amount of cells, and the proper combination of growth factors or mechanical stimuli to induce differentiation all remain to be seen. This paper outlines the current literature on the use of stem cells for tendon augmentation

    Potential psychosocial influences on gender differences in physical activity among Qatari adolescents: a first insight through descriptive observation

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    Adolescents in Qatar have some of the highest levels of inactivity and gender inequality in physical activity (PA) among all adolescents in the world. Contextual psychosocial influences remain unknown to date. The current study is a secondary analysis of 1,157 Qatari students (13 to 20 years of age) who completed a national cross-sectional survey. Males reported significantly higher daily PA than females (p < 0.0001) and increasing daily PA with personal importance for PA (p = 0.0140). However, compared to females, significantly higher proportion of daily active males were in the lowest level of self-efficacy (p = 0.0096), body shape satisfaction (p = 0.0003), likeness of body in pictures (p = 0.0011), and highest levels of psychological distress (p = 0.0313). Our results support positive association between adverse psychosocial constructs and daily PA in both genders; poor psychosocial profile was more pronounced among adolescent males. Future strategies aiming to increase PA should take into consideration these differences

    Rupa Karsa: Eksplorasi Kayu Limbah Dalam Seni Kajian Estetika Pada Karya Edi Eskak

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    Works of art increasingly show dynamic development nowadays. Many experiments carried out by the artists in creating works. One of many artists works in exploring and experimenting by utilizing wood waste is Edi Eskak. This is interesting because it is an alternative way that offers innovative art techniques and produce environmentally friendly works of art. Review of the work of Edi Eskak in "Rupa Karsa" theme has done by observing the artwork and creation concept, then analyzed using a theoretical approach of aesthetical meanings. The results indicate that the resulting artwork has a unique aesthetic value in such a mosaic formed from laminated wood. His work has meaning and philosophical character. Characteristics of the work result from the use of waste wood that easily recognizable as different as from the works of other artists. Philosophical meaning "Karsa Arts" is about the head as a place of thought and expression and therefore the meaning of the work can be used as a reflection of life. This study is expected to inspire the use of the utilization of waste materials for the more creative creation

    Sustainable Development of Regional Infrastructure Systems in the Face of Climate Change

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    The functioning and sustainable development of infrastructure systems in the face of climate change are discussed. The review of foreign approaches to work systems in terms of adverse climatic factors is presented. The regional systems of water supply and sewage systems and their readiness to work in conditions associated with climate change are considered. The problems and obstacles of development for systems were identified. The use of innovative technologies, training staff and improving the quality of management decisions were proposed as directions of improvement of system of water supply and sewage systems

    Pain Management in the Elderly: An FDA Safe Use Initiative Expert Panel's View on Preventable Harm Associated with NSAID Therapy

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    Optimization of current pain management strategies is necessary in order to reduce medication risks. Promoting patient and healthcare provider education on pain and pain medications is an essential step in reducing inadequate prescribing behaviors and adverse events. In an effort to raise awareness on medication safety, the FDA has launched the Safe Use Initiative program. The program seeks to identify areas with the greatest amount of preventable harm and help promote new methods and practices to reduce medication risks. Since the establishment of the program, FDA's Safe Use initiative staff convened a panel of key opinion leaders throughout the medical community to address pain management in older adults (≥65 years of age). The aim of the expert panel was to focus on areas where significant risk occurs and where potential interventions will be feasible, implementable, and lead to substantial impact. The panel suggested one focus could be the use of NSAIDs for pain management in the elderly

    Hubungan Kebiasaan Merokok Di Dalam Rumah Dengan Kejadian Ispa Pada Anak Umur 1-5 Tahun Di Puskesmas Sario Kota Manado

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    ISPA (Infeksi Saluran Pernapasan Akut) akan terjadi apabila kekebalan tubuh menurun.Beberapa upaya dapat dilakukan untuk menurunkan resiko penyakit ISPA, antara lain denganmenghilangkan kebiasaan merokok di dalam rumah. Kejadian ISPA pada anak di Puskesmas SarioKota Manado menduduki peringkat pertama diantara 10 penyakit yang paling menonjol. Tujuanpenelitian ini untuk mengidentifikasi kebiasaan merokok di dalam rumah dan kejadian ISPA sertauntuk menganalisis hubungan antara kebiasaan merokok dengan kejadian ISPA.Desain penelitianyang digunakan adalah desain Cross Sectional dan data dikumpulkan dari responden menggunakanlembar kuisioner.Sampel pada penelitian ini berjumlah 51 responden yang didapat menggunakanteknik consecutive sampling.Hasil penelitianuji statistik menggunakan uji chi-square pada tingkatkemaknaan 95% (α ≤ 0,05),maka didapatkan nilai p= 0,002. Ini berarti bahwa nilai p< α(0,05).Kesimpulan dalam penelitian ini ada hubungan antara kebiasaan merokok dengan kejadianISPA pada anak. Rekomendasi untuk peneliti selanjutnya diharapkan dapat meneliti mengenaifaktor-faktor lain seperti Ventilasi Rumah, Kepadatan Hunian, Status sosioekonomi yang dapatmenyebabkan penyakit ISPA

    Quantification of an atmospheric nucleation and growth process as a single source of aerosol particles in a city

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    Effects of a new aerosol particle formation (NPF) and particle diameter growth process as a single source of atmospheric particle number concentrations were evaluated and quantified on the basis of experimental data sets obtained from particle number size distribution measurements in the city centre and near-city background of Budapest for 5 years. Nucleation strength factors for a nucleation day (NSFNUC) and for a general day (NSFGEN) were derived separately for seasons and full years. The former characteristic represents the concentration increment of ultrafine (UF) particles specifically on nucleation days with respect to accumulation-mode (regional background) concentrations (particles with equivalent diameters of 100–1000 nm; N100−1000) due solely to the nucleation process. The latter factor expresses the contribution of nucleation to particle numbers on general days; thus, it represents a longer time interval such as season or year. The nucleation source had the largest effect on the concentrations around noon and early afternoon, as expected. During this time interval, it became the major source of particles in the near-city background. Nucleation increased the daily mean concentrations on nucleation days by mean factors of 2.3 and 1.58 in the near-city background and city centre, respectively. Its effect was largest in winter, which was explained by the substantially lower N100−1000 levels on nucleation days than those on non-nucleation days. On an annual timescale, 37 % of the UF particles were generated by nucleation in the near-city background, while NPF produced 13 % of UF particles in the city centre. The differences among the annual mean values, and among the corresponding seasonal mean values, were likely caused by the variability in controlling factors from year to year. The values obtained represent the lower limits of the contributions. The shares determined imply that NPF is a non-negligible or substantial source of particles in near-city background environments and even in city centres, where the vehicular road emissions usually prevail. Atmospheric residence time of nucleation-mode particles was assessed by a decay curve analysis, and a mean of 02:30 was obtained. The present study suggests that the health-related consequences of the atmospheric NPF and growth process in cities should also be considered in addition to its urban climate implications

    First Irish pregnancies after IVF with gestational carrier

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    In this report, our early experience with screening, monitoring and coordinating IVF utilising gestational carrier treatment is described. Although congenital and iatrogenic etiologies for uterine factor infertility manifest distinctly different reasons for considering a gestational carrier approach, we outline a unified management strategy for both conditions. One patient had congenital absence of the uterus and proximal vagina (Mayer-Rokitansky-Kuster-Hauser syndrome variant), while another patient presented post-hysterectomy and adjuvant brachytherapy for invasive squamous cervical carcinoma. Conception was established for both patients, the first pregnancies to be achieved using an IVF/gestational carrier technique in Ireland. As demonstrated here, selected patients with at least one intact ovary who suffer from uterine factor infertility can be excellent candidates for IVF with embryo transfer to a carefully screened gestational carrier. The role of individual and group counselling is reviewed; professional legal advice is prudent in complex cases