274 research outputs found

    Role of cytokines in resistance to African trypanosomes

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    The expression and role of cytokines in resistance to experimental Trypanosoma congolense infections in the highly susceptible BALB/c and relatively resistant C57BL/6 mice was studied. Higher levels of IL-4, IL-10 and IFN-ã were detected in the plasma of infected BALB/c than in C57BL/6 mice. In contrast, plasma levels of TNF-á were higher in C57BL/6 than in BALB/c mice. IL-10 and IFN-ã mRNA transcripts accumulated earlier and in higher concentrations in the spleens of susceptible than in resistant mice. TNF-á mRNA levels in the spleens were similar, but the hepatic TNF-á mRNA levels were higher in resistant than in susceptible mice on day 9. The kinetics of IL-4, IL-10 and IFN-ã spot-forming cells in the spleens were essentially similar but significantly higher numbers were detected in BALB/c than in C57BL/6 mice. Unstimulated and concanavalin A (Con A)-stimulated splenocytes from BALB/c mice secreted high amounts of IL-4, IL-10 and IFN-ã in cultures starting from day 4. Secretion of IL-4 by splenocytes from infected C57BL/6 mice was undetectable throughout the period tested. Secretion of IL-10 and IFN-ã became appreciable on day 6 but were down regulated by day 8. Treatment of infected BALB/c mice with Berenil resulted in cure and caused a dramatic decline in the secretion of IL-10 and IFN-ã by BALB/c splenocytes. Con A-induced proliferation of splenocytes from infected BALB/c mice was progressively suppressed. Anti-IL-10 or anti-IFN-ã antibodies effectively reversed this suppression. Whereas in vivo administrations of anti-IL-10 antibodies to BALB/c mice early during infection only moderately prolonged their survival period, anti-IFN-ã antibodies shifted the phenotype of susceptible BALB/c mice to a resistant-like phenotype. Most of the IL-4, IL-10 and IFN-ã found in the infected BALB/c mice were produced by adherent Thy1.2\sp+CD4\sp-8\sp- splenocytes in synergy with adherent Thy1.2\sp- cells. These adherent cells suppressed T and B cell responses. Infected BALB/c mice mounted an earlier IgM response to various antigens of T. congolense than did C57BL/6 mice. In contrast, C57BL/6 mice made a strong and sustained IgG2a and IgG3 response to these antigens. It is hypothesized that resistance to T. congolense infection in mice is mediated by a TH1 cell response

    Protective Immunity and Vaccination Against Cutaneous Leishmaniasis

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    Although a great deal of knowledge has been gained from studies on the immunobiology of leishmaniasis, there is still no universally acceptable, safe, and effective vaccine against the disease. This strongly suggests that we still do not completely understand the factors that control and/or regulate the development and sustenance of anti-Leishmania immunity, particularly those associated with secondary (memory) immunity. Such an understanding is critically important for designing safe, effective, and universally acceptable vaccine against the disease. Here we review the literature on the correlate of protective anti-Leishmania immunity and vaccination strategies against leishmaniasis with a bias emphasis on experimental cutaneous leishmaniasis

    Effect of Extension Programs on Adoption of Improved Farm Practices by Farmers in Adana, Southern Turkey

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    This study was undertaken to ascertain the effect of extension training on adoption of improved farm practices by farmers in Adana, Southern Turkey. It was discovered that most (72.5%) of the farmers were women and were educated. Most of them were also married. Generally, the farmers received training on crops such as wheat, sugar beet, maize, barley, cotton and water melons improved farming practices. The medium of training included farm/home visits, farmers’ meeting, and radio. Others were television, newspapers and agricultural exhibitions. The methods mostly used to train the farmers were individual contact method, group and result demonstrations, audio and film shows. Improved practices adopted by farmers were improved varieties of arable crops, spacing, row planting, tillage practices, and fertilizer application, weed control, and disease and pest control. The trainings on all the arable crops were very timely and apart from yam seeds, other crop inputs were readily available. Adoption of improved crop practices/technologies correlated significantly and positively with timeliness of training (r=0.91) and method of training (r=0.79). Timeliness of training correlated significantly with method of training (r=0.95). Number of media used correlated significantly with adoption of improved crop technologies (r=0.46) also availability of inputs correlated with timeliness of training (r=0.47) at 5% level of significance. It is, therefore, recommended that training of farmers be intensified to enhance adoption of other crops improved farm practices; more extension agents should be employed to increase the use of home visits and demonstration. Keywords: extension training, farmers, adoption, improved farm practice

    The Effect of Cost of Distribution on the Pump Price of Petroleum Products in the South East Nigeria

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    The public actors in the petroleum industries are the Ministries, Department and Agencies (MDAs) such as the Nigerian National Petroleum Corporation (NNPC), Department of Petroleum Resources (DPR), Pipelines and Products Marketing Company Ltd (PPMC), Petroleum Equalization Fund (mgt) Board (PEF), Petroleum Products Pricing Regulatory Agency  (PPPRA) among others, while the private actors consist of both indigenous and expatriate firms such as independent petroleum marketers and major marketers. Both ensure that consumers got the products at the right quantity, right quality, right place and at right price. This paper aims to find out the effect of cost of distribution on the pump price of petroleum products. The only two government owned petroleum depots in the South East are located in Emene Enugu and Osisioma Aba, though moribund which compels marketers to travel very far away to source these essential commodities. Pipelines are the best and cheapest mode of distributing these products but, all have been vandalized but marketers bridge the products with trucks. The order price of products, transport freight, associations/unions levies and dues; rent, wages, salaries and allowances; spare parts, electricity, generator bills and maintenance, bank charges and interest rates and insurance premium; extortions from government officials have remain regular costs of distribution. Keywords: Distribution, Price, Petroleum Products, South East Nigeri

    Feeding of the hungry by Jesus (Lk 9:10–17) as model for addressing the COVID-19 hunger challenge in Anambra State, Nigeria

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    Feeding of the hungry is a theologically significant miracle in the ministry of Jesus, little wonder it is recorded by all the gospel writers (Mathew, Mark, Luke and John). In Judaism, feeding the hungry and hearkening to the needs of the poor and vulnerable are core demands of the religion. In fact, such a service far outweighs any service that anyone could render to God. The hungry people, who Jesus attended to, are desperately hopeless and Jesus exemplified heightened selflessness, love and care. The coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) hunger is very peculiar and severe. The hunger is a result of the lockdown of commercial activities, which paralysed businesses and grounded economic activities to a halt, and placed both the rich and the poor in the same boat. The appalling situation that prompted this research is that, whilst food and monetary donations are being made by concerned philanthropists, hungry people still abound in the state because of ineffective strategies in the sharing of the palliatives. This research adopted a historical–critical method of analysis and the new method in New Testament interpretation in interpreting the pericope (Lk 9:10–17). Focus was placed on the core text; parallel passages are compared to bring out the original meaning of the text and how it can be pragmatised in Anambra State. Results showed that Jesus effectively satisfied both the physical and spiritual hunger of the crowds (hoi ochloi). He was able to draw the attention of his disciples to the need to cater for the hungry; there is surplus and no wastage. Additionally, compassion, love and selflessness are seen to be important virtues needed for equitable distribution of aid to the poor. If Jesus’ strategies are adopted where applicable, Anambra State can be hunger-free. CONTRIBUTION : This article reveals that Jesus effectively and holistically fed a hungry crowd of 5000 men. Their psychological, emotional and physical hunger were satisfied. Jesus’ strategies were contextualised within Anambra state where the COVID-19 lockdown generated much hunger. The article falls within the scope of Africa Platform for NT scholars.This research is part of the research project ‘Africa Platform for NT Scholars’, directed by Prof. Dr Ernest van Eck, Department of New Testament Studies and Related Literature, Faculty of Theology and Religion, University of Pretoria.http://www.hts.org.zaam2022New Testament Studie

    A biblical approach to the reduction of child poverty in Anambra state, Nigeria

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    Child poverty reduction is one of the most important and urgent tasks that requires attention in most regions of the world, nations and Anambra state specifically. The population of impoverished children is progressively increasing in Nigeria because of economic recession and poor security situations that lead to displacement and death of their parents. Although children constitute half of the entire population, commensurate attention is not given to them to match the dimensions of poverty they face. This study argued that child poverty is multidimensional, evidenced in lack of safe drinking water, adequate nutrition, shelter, decent sanitation, medical advice or health services (immunisations) and education, to mention a few. The article highlighted the laudable efforts of the United Nations International Children’s Emergency Fund (UNICEF) and Anambra government and maintained that multiple strategies can help in solving this problem. To complement these efforts, the enforcement of biblical policies or principles about children’s rights would in no small measure reduce child poverty. It was concluded that a proper repositioning of children would be matched with implementation of biblical strategies. Biblical intervention could help children socially, mentally and psychologically and in their general well-being. Biblical principles would erase wrong socio-cultural notions about children.http://www.hts.org.zapm2021New Testament Studie

    Low Dose Leishmania major Promotes a Transient T Helper Cell Type 2 Response That Is Down-regulated by Interferon γ–producing CD8+ T Cells

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    An unresolved issue in the field of T helper (Th) cell development relates to the findings that low doses of antigen promote Th2 cell development in vitro, whereas several classic in vivo studies suggest the opposite. Here we resolve this paradox by studying the early immune response in mice after infection with different doses of Leishmania major. We found that low parasite doses induced a Th2 response in C57BL/6 (B6) mice, whereas high doses induced a Th1 response. However, the Th2 response in low dose–infected mice was transient and the animals healed. The appearance of a Th1 response after low dose infection was dependent upon the concomitant activation of interferon γ–producing CD8+ T cells. In the absence of CD8+ T cells, the Th2 response was maintained. However, either neutralization of interleukin (IL)-4 or administration of IL-12 promoted a Th1 response after low dose infection of CD8-deficient mice, indicating that the required role for CD8+ T cells was limited to modulation of CD4+ T cell responses. Thus, the discrepant results seen between in vivo and in vitro studies on the effects of antigen dose on Th cell differentiation may depend upon whether CD8+ T cells participate in the immune response

    Elimination of Fixed Checkin/Check-Out Time as a Source of Entrepreneurial Edge in Hotel Business

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    This research uses the travails of a young engineer, Nigel, during his international travels and challenges he encountered with erratic check-in/checkout time at hotels, to explore the elimination of fixed check-in/check-out as an entrepreneurial opportunity that can generate competitive advantage. The hotel industry in Malaysia, a Southeast Asian country of about 28million people, provides the contextual background for the study. The situation analysis of Malaysia hotel industry was used to expound on the industry’s dynamics, strengths, opportunities, threats and weakness, with emphasis on the importance of tourism and its growth projections for Malaysia; the influence of government policies; import of increasing crime rate and shortage of labour; relevance of Malaysian’s natural resources and its strategic location in the region. The key concepts associated with the research objective are service quality and entrepreneurship; hence available literatures in these areas were reviewed as a foundation to establish the connection between the two. Discussion on service quality explored its link to profitability of a business; how it is measured and service recovery when unsatisfactory service encounter occurs. For the entrepreneurship part, existing literatures on entrepreneurial cognition and entrepreneurial orientation were used to explore how both contribute towards opportunity recognition and competitive advantage. Using questionnaire responses from 101 guests in Malaysian hotels and interview responses from six entrepreneurs in Malaysia hotel industry, the hypotheses derived from the main research questions were checked for fulfilment. Subsequently, four of the five hypotheses were seen as fully supported while one was only partially supported. The research concludes with the following findings: • Check-in/check-out time is an important aspect of hotel experience and a gap exists in fulfilling this need. Implementing a 24-hour boarding basis (by eliminating fixed check-in/check-out time) will fill this gap and lead to more patronage, while proving a source of competitive advantage. • Entrepreneurial orientation behaviours like innovativeness and alertness, lead to recognition of opportunities/new market space and entrepreneurial cognition is a key contributing factor

    The Pivotal Role of Regulatory T Cells in the Regulation of Innate Immune Cells

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    The distinction between innate and adaptive immunity is one of the basic tenets of immunology. The co-operation between these two arms of the immune system is a major determinant of the resistance or susceptibility of the host following pathogen invasion. Hence, this interactive co-operation between cells of the innate and adaptive immunity is of significant interest to immunologists. The sub-population of CD4+ T cells with regulatory phenotype (regulatory T cells; Tregs), which constitute a part of the adaptive immune system, have been widely implicated in the regulation of the immune system and maintenance of immune homeostasis. In the last two decades, there has been an explosion in research describing the role of Tregs and their relevance in several immunopathologies ranging from inflammation to cancer. The majority of these studies focus on the role of Tregs on the cells of the adaptive immune system. Recently, there is significant interest in the role of Tregs on cells of the innate immune system. In this review, we examine the literature on the role of Tregs in immunology. Specifically, we focus on the emerging knowledge of Treg interaction with dendritic cells, macrophages, neutrophils, and γδ T cells. We highlight this interaction as an important link between innate and adaptive immune systems which also indicate the far-reaching role of Tregs in the regulation of immune responses and maintenance of self-tolerance and immune homeostasis

    Effect of Advertising on product growth of Techno Phone in Enugu State, Nigeria

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    The purpose of this seminar work is focuses on effect of advertising on product growth of techno phone in Enugu State, Nigeria. Specifically the study aimed to pursue the following objectives: to determine whether advertising increase  sales of  techno phone, to ascertain the effect of advertising on profit of techno phone, to determine the nature of the relationship between advertising and  market share  of techno phone. The study has a population /sample size of (25)   using connivance sampling method at 5% error to tolerance and 95% level of confidence. Instruments used for data collection were primary questionnaires and interview. The total number of 25 copies of the questionnaire were distributed at a spot and collected . Survey research design was adopted for the study. Three hypotheses were tested using Pearson product moment correlation coefficient and simple linear regression  tool. The findings indicate that advertising significantly increase  sales  volume of  techno phone ( r  = 0.616;  F= 14.065; t  = 3. 750; p< 0.05).  Advertising significantly affect profit of techno phone (r = 0.651; F= 16.888 ; t  = 4.110; p< 0.05). There is a positive relationship between advertising and  market share  of techno phone  (r =.802, P<.05). The study concluded that effectiveness of advertising reach the target indexes of sales volume, market share, awareness and consumer preferences, i.e. achievement of all planned goals and objectives. The study recommends that organization should embark advertisement constantly, because it will help in educating their customers on how used their product and at same time increase the profit volume of the organizatio