18 research outputs found

    Resonance-assisted tunneling in near-integrable systems

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    Dynamical tunneling between symmetry related invariant tori is studied in the near-integrable regime. Using the kicked Harper model as an illustration, we show that the exponential decay of the wave functions in the classically forbidden region is modified due to coupling processes that are mediated by classical resonances. This mechanism leads to a substantial deviation of the splitting between quasi-degenerate eigenvalues from the purely exponential decrease with 1 / hbar obtained for the integrable system. A simple semiclassical framework, which takes into account the effect of the resonance substructure on the KAM tori, allows to quantitatively reproduce the behavior of the eigenvalue splittings.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figures, gzipped tar file, to appear in Phys. Rev. Lett, text slightly condensed compared to first versio

    Theory of Vibrationally Inelastic Electron Transport through Molecular Bridges

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    Vibrationally inelastic electron transport through a molecular bridge that is connected to two leads is investigated. The study is based on a generic model of vibrational excitation in resonant transmission of electrons through a molecular junction. Employing methods from electron-molecule scattering theory, the transmittance through the molecular bridge can be evaluated numerically exactly. The current through the junction is obtained approximately using a Landauer-type formula. Considering different parameter regimes, which include both the case of a molecular bridge that is weakly coupled to the leads, resulting in narrow resonance structures, and the opposite case of a broad resonance caused by strong interaction with the leads, we investigate the characteristic effects of coherent and dissipative vibrational motion on the electron transport. Furthermore, the validity of widely used approximations such as the wide-band approximation and the restriction to elastic transport mechanisms is investigated in some detail.Comment: Submited to PRB, revised version according to comments of referees (minor text changes and new citations

    Morphometric differentiation between two juvenile tuna species [Thunnus thynnus (Linnaeus, 1758) and Euthynnus alletteratus (Rafinesque, 1810)] from the Eastern Mediterranean Sea

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    The main objective of this study was to analyse the differences in morphometric characteristics among specimens of Atlantic juvenile bluefin tuna Thunnus thynnus [12.2-46.5 cm fork length (FL)] and juvenile little tuna Euthynnus alletteratus (14.1-26.4 cm FL). A total of 353 bluefin tuna (young of the year) and 288 little tuna (young of the year) were collected from the commercial hand line fisheries in the eastern Mediterranean Sea between July and October of 2011-2013 with three round-bent hook sizes (numbers 10, 12 and 14; Mustad 2315S). By using univariate and multivariate analysis, 11 morphometric characters were investigated. anova revealed highly significant differences (P < 0.001) for all morphometric parameters among the two species. The principal component analysis showed that the difference between the species resulted mainly from preanal length (LA), caudal fin hight (CC), snout length (SnL), eye diameter (ED) and postorbital length (PO). The stepwise discriminant analysis revealed that juveniles of the two tuna species were correctly classified, with a percentage of 99.2%. Length of pectoral fin (LP) was the strongest predictor in the discriminant functions

    Reading Agamben backwards: Syrian refugees, biopolitics and sovereignty in Turkey

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    Despite the growing literature that adapts the Italian thinker Giorgio Agamben’s theory of sovereignty to the analysis of the ruling Justice and Development Party’s (AKP) increasing authoritarian politics in Turkey, this article draws attention to the theoretical pitfalls of this tendency and argues that these studies mostly fall into the trap of mistaking the consolidation of populist power with the establishment of sovereignty. Utilising the AKP’s biopolitical agenda over Syrian refugees fleeing to Turkey as a case study, we attempt to realize a theoretical twist and offer to read Agamben backwards; that is to say, instead of starting with the assumption that the AKP has established sovereignty in the country, we question whether the party is indeed able to perform a consistent type of biopolitics over the Syrian refugees that would suggest the existence of such sovereignty in the first place. Consequently, our analysis reveals that it is not an Agambenian ‘state of exception’ established by the AKP leadership in Turkey that makes recent Turkish politics look more authoritarian than ever; instead, what we witness is a continuation of a strong state tradition inherited from Turkey’s founding Kemalist era that still determines the boundaries of state–society relations in the country.Malgré la publication croissante d’une littérature scientifique transposant la théorie de la souveraineté du penseur italien Giorgio Agamben à l’analyse des politiques autoritaires en plein essor du Parti de la justice et du développement (AKP) au pouvoir en Turquie, cet article attire l’attention sur les écueils théoriques de cette tendance et avance l’idée que ces études font majoritairement l’erreur de confondre la consolidation d’un pouvoir populiste avec l’instauration de la souveraineté. Utilisant comme étude de cas l’agenda biopolitique qu’adopte l’AKP pour les réfugiés syriens fuyant en Turquie, nous tentons d’opérer un renversement théorique et de lire Agamben à rebours?; c’est-à-dire que, au lieu de commencer par l’hypothèse que l’AKP a instauré sa souveraineté sur le pays, nous nous demandons plutôt si le parti est en réalité capable d’exercer un type cohérent de biopolitique sur les réfugiés syriens, qui suggérerait, en premier lieu, l’existence d’une telle souveraineté. De cette façon, notre analyse révèle que ce n’est pas un ‘état d’exception’ agambenien qu’a établi le leadership de l’AKP en Turquie, et qui fait que les politiques turques récentes ont l’air plus autoritaires que jamais?; ce que nous observons plutôt est le prolongement de la tradition d’un État fort, héritée de l’époque fondatrice de la Turquie kémaliste, et qui continue de tracer les frontières des relations entre l’État et la société dans le pays