14 research outputs found

    Evaluation of Dirofilaria immitis antigen detection comparing heated and unheated serum in dogs with experimental heartworm infections

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    Abstract Background To evaluate whether heated serum allows for earlier detection of Dirofilaria immitis antigen, dogs with experimental D. immitis infections underwent weekly blood sampling to compare antigen results using both heated and unheated serum. Methods One of two isolates (JYD-34 or Big Head™) were used to infect naïve laboratory beagle dogs. Serum was collected from dogs weekly and divided into two aliquots, heated and unheated. The samples designated as heated were placed in a heat block at 104 °C for 10 min then centrifuged with collection of the resulting supernatant. Two commercial ELISAs, DiroCHEK® (Synbiotics Corporation, Zoetis) and PetChek® (IDEXX Laboratories, Inc.), were used to conduct D. immitis antigen testing on all serum samples. Results There was no statistical difference in the mean number of days from infection to positive D. immitis antigen status between the two commercial testing kits (DiroCHEK® versus PetChek®) with either heated or unheated serum. When unheated serum was utilized, very strong agreement between the two assays was demonstrated using Lin’s concordance correlation coefficient (R c  = 0.98). However, when heated serum was compared, Lin’s concordance correlation coefficient was only R c  = 0.64, showing a lesser agreement. There was a statistical difference in the mean number of days from infection to a positive test result for unheated serum when compared to mean days to positive status with heated serum. For DiroCHEK® the heated serum yielded a positive result 126.9 ± 18.9 days postinfection while the unheated serum yielded a positive result 162.6 ± 23.0 days postinfection; this was a significant 35.7 ± 32.2 days longer, on average, compared with heated serum. With PetChek® the heated serum yielded a positive result 131.5 ± 11.7 days postinfection while the unheated serum yielded a positive result 162.8 ± 23.8 days postinfection; this was a significant 31.3 ± 25.5 days longer, on average, compared with heated serum. The detection of D. immitis antigen earlier using heated serum was consistent for both heartworm isolates. Conclusion Our results suggest heat treatment of serum may allow earlier detection of D. immitis antigen but with less consistency demonstrated across two testing platforms as compared with antigen detection using unheated serum

    Blocking the transmission of heartworm (Dirofilaria immitis) to mosquitoes (Aedes aegypti) by weekly exposure for one month to microfilaremic dogs treated once topically with dinotefuran-permethrin-pyriproxyfen

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    Abstract Background This study assessed the influence of a topical ectoparasiticide (dinotefuran-permethrin-pyriproxyfen, DPP, Vectra®3D, Ceva Animal Health) on the acquisition of heartworm microfilariae by mosquitoes exposed to microfilaremic dogs weekly for 1 month. Methods Six beagle dogs (9.2 ± 1.6 kg body weight) infected with Dirofilaria immitis were allocated to two groups of three dogs: an untreated control group and a DPP-treated group. Dogs were treated on Day 0 and exposed under sedation for 1 h to 80 ± 20 unfed Aedes aegypti. Each dog was exposed to mosquitoes released into mosquito-proof containers on Days −7 (pretreatment), 7, 14, 21 and 28. Up to 20 engorged mosquitoes were aspirated from the cage as soon as they were blood-fed. They were dissected and the blood from each midgut was stained for a microfilaria (MF) count. After each exposure, mosquitoes were classified as live, moribund or dead and engorged or nonengorged. The number of dead mosquitoes was recorded daily for 16 days, when the live mosquitoes were dissected to count the infective third-stage larvae (L3). Results Prior to treatment, 95% of the engorged mosquitoes in both groups had MF. After treatment, engorgement rates for the treated group were 0%, 2.3%, 2.7% and 2.2% for Days 7, 14, 21 and 28, respectively, with anti-feeding efficacy (repellency) of 100%, 98.0%, 95.8% and 97.0%, respectively. A total of 22 mosquitoes fed on treated dogs; most of them were dead within 24 h, and all were dead within 72 h. Only 2 unfed mosquitoes exposed to treated dogs survived the incubation period and no L3 were found in them. A total of 121 of the 132 (91.6%) surviving mosquitoes that had engorged on untreated dogs had an average of 12.3 L3 per mosquito (range, 0-39). Conclusions DPP was more than 95% effective in inhibiting blood-feeding and killing both engorged and nonengorged mosquitoes exposed weekly to microfilaremic dogs for 28 days after treatment. Treatment with DPP was completely effective in killing the few mosquitoes that fed on the treated dogs before they lived long enough for the microfilariae to develop to L3 and, consequently, was completely effective in blocking the transmission of L3 to other animals. DPP can break the life cycle of D. immitis and prevent infected dogs and infected mosquitoes from being effective reservoirs and can slow down the spread of heartworms, even those resistant to macrocyclic lactone preventives

    Long-term evaluation of viability of microfilariae and intravenously transplanted adult Dirofilaria immitis in microfilaremic dogs treated with low-dose, short- and long-treatment regimens of doxycycline and ivermectin

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    Abstract Background Microfilarial (mf) counts were monitored over 21.3 months for any rebound that might occur in counts, and adulticidal efficacy was assessed following administration of low dosage with short- and long-treatment regimens of doxycycline and ivermectin to heartworm-microfilaremic dogs. Methods Twelve heartworm-naïve beagles infected with 10 pairs of adult Dirofilaria immitis by intravenous transplantation were randomly allocated to three groups of four dogs. All treatments started on day 0. On day 0, Group 1 (short-treatment regimen) received doxycycline orally at 10 mg/kg once daily for 30 days plus ivermectin orally (minimum, 6 mcg/kg) on days 0 and 30. Group 2 (long-treatment regimen) received doxycycline orally at 10 mg/kg once daily until individual dogs became mf-negative (72–98 days) and ivermectin every other week until individual dogs became mf-negative (6–7 doses). Group 3 was the untreated control. Mf counts and antigen (Ag) tests were conducted. Dogs were necropsied for recovery and enumeration of heartworms on day 647. Results Day −1 mean mf counts were 15,613, 23,950, and 15,513 mf/ml for groups 1, 2, and 3, respectively. Mean counts for Groups 1 and 2 declined until days 239 and 97, respectively, when all were negative. Group 3 had high mf counts throughout the study. There was not a rebound in mf counts in any of the treated dogs after they became amicrofilaremic. All dogs in group 1 and group 3 were Ag-positive throughout the study and had at least one live female worm at necropsy. All dogs in treated Group 2 were positive for Ag through day 154, but were antigen-negative on days 644 and 647, as all had only male worms. Mean live adult worm recoveries for Groups 1, 2, and 3 were 6.8 (range, 5–8), 3.3 (range, 1–6), and 16.0 (range, 14–17), respectively, with a percent reduction in adult worm counts of 57.5% for Group 1 and 79.3% for Group 2. Conclusions These data lend support to the use of the American Heartworm Society Canine Guidelines for adulticide therapy recommending the initiation of doxycycline plus a macrocyclic lactone (ML) at the time of the heartworm-positive diagnosis. Graphical Abstrac

    Current status of immunodeficient mouse models as substitutes to reduce cat and dog use in heartworm preclinical research

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    Chemoprophylactic prevention of veterinary heartworm disease in companion animals, caused by the vector-borne nematode parasite Dirofilaria immitis, is a multi-billion-dollar global market. Experimental use of cats and dogs in preclinical heartworm drug testing is increasing due to evolving drug-resistance to frontline macrocyclic lactones and renewed investment in alternative preventative drug research. We and others recently published data demonstrating proof-of-concept of utilising lymphopenic severe-combined immunodeficient (SCID) or Recombination Activating Gene (RAG)2 deficient mice with additional knockout of the IL-2/7 receptor gamma chain (γc) as alternative preventative drug screening research models of dirofilariasis. Here we summarise the current knowledge of candidate immunodeficient mouse models tested, including a comparison of susceptibility using different background strains of mice, different D. immitis isolates, following use of anti-inflammatory treatments to further suppress residual innate immunity, and efficacies achieved against different reference anthelmintics. We supplement this precis with new data on treatment response to the veterinary anthelmintic, oxfendazole, and initial evaluation of D. immitis susceptibility in CB.17 SCID and C57BL/6 RAG2-/-γc-/- mice. We conclude that in addition to NSG and NXG mice, RAG2-/-γc-/- mice on either a BALB/c or C57BL/6 background offer an alternative screening model option, widening access to academic and commercial laboratories wishing to pursue initial rapid in vivo drug screening whilst avoiding potentially unnecessary cat or dog testing

    Shifting the paradigm in Dirofilaria immitis prevention: blocking transmission from mosquitoes to dogs using repellents/insecticides and macrocyclic lactone prevention as part of a multimodal approach

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    Abstract Background This study assessed the influence of a topical ectoparasiticide (dinotefuran-permethrin-pyriproxyfen, DPP, Vectra® 3D, Ceva Animal Health) combined with a macrocyclic lactone (milbemycin oxime, MBO, Interceptor®, Virbac) on transmission of heartworm L3 from mosquitoes to dogs and subsequent development of worms in treated dogs exposed to infected mosquitoes. Methods Thirty-two beagle dogs were allocated to four groups of eight: Group 1, untreated controls; Group 2, treated topically with DPP on Day 0; Group 3, treated orally with MBO on Day 51; and Group 4, treated with DPP on Day 0 and MBO on Day 51. Dogs were exposed under sedation for 1 h to Dirofilaria immitis (JYD-34)-infected Aedes aegypti on Days 21 and 28. At the end of each exposure, mosquitoes were classified as live, moribund, or dead and engorged or non-engorged. Live or moribund mosquitoes were incubated for daily survival assessment for 3 days. Mosquitoes were dissected before and after exposure to estimate the number of L3 transmitted to each dog. Dogs were necropsied 148 to 149 days postinfection. Results A total of 418 mosquitoes fed on the 16 dogs in Groups 1 and 3, while only 6 fed on the 16 DPP-treated dogs in Groups 2 and 4. Mosquito anti-feeding (repellency) effect in Groups 2 and 4 was 98.1 and 99.1%, respectively. The estimated numbers of L3 transmitted to controls, DPP-treated, MBO-treated and DPP + MBO-treated dogs were 76, 2, 78, and 1, respectively. No heartworms were detected in any of the DPP + MBO-treated dogs (100% efficacy), while 8 out of 8 were infected in the control group (range, 21–66 worms per dog), 8 out of 8 were infected in the MBO-treated group (58% efficacy), and 3 out of 8 were infected in the DPP-treated group (96% efficacy). Conclusions DPP repelled and killed most mosquitoes that were capable of transmitting heartworm L3 to dogs. The “Double Defense” protocol of DPP + MBO had better efficacy for protecting dogs against heartworm transmission and infection than MBO alone. This added DPP benefit is more pronounced when macrocyclic lactone-resistant strains of heartworms are involved or lack of compliance in macrocyclic lactone administration is known or suspected

    An In Vitro/In Vivo Model to Analyze the Effects of Flubendazole Exposure on Adult Female Brugia malayi.

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    Current control strategies for onchocerciasis and lymphatic filariasis (LF) rely on prolonged yearly or twice-yearly mass administration of microfilaricidal drugs. Prospects for near-term elimination or eradication of these diseases would be improved by availability of a macrofilaricide that is highly effective in a short regimen. Flubendazole (FLBZ), a benzimidazole anthelmintic registered for control of human gastrointestinal nematode infections, is a potential candidate for this role. FLBZ has profound and potent macrofilaricidal effects in many experimental animal models of filariases and in one human trial for onchocerciasis after parental administration. Unfortunately, the marketed formulation of FLBZ provides very limited oral bioavailability and parenteral administration is required for macrofilaricidal efficacy. A new formulation that provided sufficient oral bioavailability could advance FLBZ as an effective treatment for onchocerciasis and LF. Short-term in vitro culture experiments in adult filariae have shown that FLBZ damages tissues required for reproduction and survival at pharmacologically relevant concentrations. The current study characterized the long-term effects of FLBZ on adult Brugia malayi by maintaining parasites in jirds for up to eight weeks following brief drug exposure (6-24 hr) to pharmacologically relevant concentrations (100 nM-10 μM) in culture. Morphological damage following exposure to FLBZ was observed prominently in developing embryos and was accompanied by a decrease in microfilarial output at 4 weeks post-exposure. Although FLBZ exposure clearly damaged the parasites, exposed worms recovered and were viable 8 weeks after treatment

    Tissue damage score following recovery of FLBZ-exposed <i>B</i>. <i>malayi</i> females from naïve jirds.

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    <p>A, B. Worms incubated for 24 hr prior to transplantation and recovered from jirds for 5 days, 4 weeks or 8 weeks after. Data is a combination of two experiments. In experiment one worms transplanted into each of three jirds for all treatment groups were maintained for 5 days or 4 weeks. Worms transplanted into each of three jirds per treatment group in experiment two were maintained for 4 weeks or 8 weeks. The 4 week data were combined for presentation purposes. A minimum of 25 worms were assessed histologically C, D. Worms incubated for 6, 12, or 24 hr prior to recovery at 8 weeks. Worms were transplanted into each of three jirds per treatment group, following the appropriate duration of <i>in vitro</i> exposure to FLBZ. The number of worms assessed histologically ranged from 11 to 39. Damage scored as minor (1), moderate (2), severe (3), or no damage (0) by two methods: A, C. Individual section scoring method; B, D. Classical histopathological survey method.</p