11 research outputs found

    Citizen Hatchery Unit Sumber Mina Lestari Partnership, DAU Sub District, Malang Regency

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    The aims of the research are to know and to analize 1) “UPR Sumber Mina Lestari” partnership pattern, 2) stake holder role on “UPR Sumber Mina Lestari”, 3) strengthen effort on “UPR Sumber Mina Lestari”. The research use descriptive qualitative method. The data collected by interview, observation, and literature study. The research show that “UPR Sumber Mina Lestari” is hatchery fishes group with “Nila Gift” as primary comodities. Partnership pattern on the group is contract partnership with synergy type. UPR have a role as fasilitator for the members. UPR produce fish seeds and fish feeds for the members, build good relation with fish medicine seller, marketing institution, government, researcher and academician and bank. Stake holder have role as supporter that accelerate the business. Government, researcher and academician give information, knowledge and skill to the members; bank give loans with UPR as assurance for the members; and marketing institution buy the product pass through UPR. To strengthen the group, they need to develop the partnership pattern, such as 1) follow choaching from government, researcher or academician actively, especially on hathery technique and business financial, 2) bring about government program that empowerment small scale entreprises, 3) establish cooperation in order to increase the capital, 4) establish new business sub unit like processing fish food, fish restaurant, and education tourism of fresh water fish pond

    Analysis of Factors That Influence Production of Dried Anchovy (Stolephorus SP.) in Palang Sub District, Tuban Regency

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    The Purposes of this research were to understand the respondent characteristic, to identify and analyse production factors USAge in manufacturing of dried anchovy business and analyse influence of production factors of dried anchovy business on production of dried anchovy. These data are analys using quantitative. Define the number of sampel and technique sampling is slovin method and purposive sampling respectively. Data are taken by interview, questionnaire, and documentation by type of data primary and secondary. This research result indicate respondent characteristic based on the age 45-55 years, the education level of senior high school graduate/ equivalent, cost of living for family members about 5-6 people and long-lasting experince about 1-10 years. The independent variable influence dependent variable significantly and those generate production function model ­Cobb-Douglass Y = -3,276 X10,148 X20,762 X30,340 D10,011 D20,075. Furthermore, the partial independent variable which influence dependent variable are large of area, financial capital, and employees. This research is able to give some suggestions: 1. The owner of the dried anchovy business applicate current technology, like drying machine in production process. 2. The government should give financial capital to improve anchovy production 3. The university is capable of supporting technology like anchovy drying machine

    The Performance Evaluation of Catfish Hatchery Business in Maguan Village, Ngajum Subdistrict, Malang Regency, East Java

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    The aims of the research are to know and to analyze the performance of catfish hatchery business in Desa Maguan viewed from the perspective of finance and non finance. The research use survey method with qualitative and quantitative descriptive research. The result show that the business performance is 77,44% in "very healthy" condition with A category. The business in financial perspective has very good performance with AA category with score 93,75. The strategy in financial perspective are they need to increase net profit with productive investment (adding pond) and to minimize costs. From the perspective of customers, this business has a poor performance compared to other perspectives with the BBB category with a score of 56.25%. The strategy in customer perspective is they need to enhance customer satisfaction which can be obtained by looking ahead of product, price, promotion, and place. On the internal business perspective, the business has a pretty good performance with A category with a score of 70%. The strategy in internal business perspective are they should be keeping quality standards on fish fry, adding new pond, and giving aftersales service. In the learning and growth perspective has a very good performance with the category of AA with a score of 91.7%. The strategy should be achieved to maintain and to improve learning and growth perspective is improvement of employee's satisfaction by giving bonus and accompany employees while they are working

    Analysis Of Potency And Probability Of Subsector Development Of Marine Fisheries Capture In Malang Regency

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    This study objectives to analyze the estimated development of the production of the fish catches, analyze the factors which affect on the production amount, and to analyze the base or non bases are on Malang Regency. The method used is quantitative and the type of secondary data from BPS and DKP with documentation collecting technique. Quantitative data analysis of this research are quadratic trend, multiple linear regression and LQ. The calculation shows that marine fisheries catches production has increased an average of 6.5%. Factors that affecting of the production increase are the number of fishing vessel and fishermen amount. While the average value of LQ during the last 5 years shows that Sumbermanjing Subdistrict is a base region so it has the opportunity to develop

    Dampak Pengumuman Stock Split terhadap Return, Variabilitas Tingkat Keuntungan dan Aktivitas Volume Perdagangan Saham (Studi pada Perusahaan Manufaktur yang Terdaftar di Bej Tahun 1997-1999)

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    The study has as its rationale the fact that there were stock split at the JSX during 1997 – 1999. This fact emerged after the monetary, economic and political crisis. Stock split aimed at determining stock price on optimal trading range and to increase stock liquidity. The study aimed at determining if a stock split policy influenced the return, security return variability and trading volume activity before, during or after the stock split anouncement. The study used event study method with market model. The sample were manufacturer companies at the JSX during 1997 – 1999 (41 companies). Statistical test on return, security return variability and trading volume activity used T Test : Paired Two Samples For Mean before, during or after the stock split anouncement. Statistical test on cumulative average abnormal return used T Test : One Sample For Means. Statistical test was measured on longer periods and shorter periods. The study on longer periods result showed that stock split was signify impact to return, abnormal return on before-during period dan after-during period but not signify impact on before-after period. And stock split was not signify impact to cumulative average abnormal return (CAAR), security return variability (SRV) and trading volume activity (TVA). The study on shorter periods result showed that stock split was signify impact to return, abnormal return on before-during period dan after-during period but not signify impact on before-after period. And stock split was not signify impact to cumulative average abnormal return (CAAR), security return variability (SRV) and trading volume activity (TVA). This was probably due to not enough information content of stock split anouncement, was shown on not consistency on many variabels in result and indicated that the form of Indonesian capital market especially The Jakarta Stock Exchange not yet efficient in semi strong efficientcy, was shown on significant on abnormal return result. So stock split policy at the Jakarta Stock Exchange during 1997 – 1999 not consistent with the purpose to determining the stock price in optimal trading range

    Tourist Visits Forecasting and Carrying Capacity of Bee Jay Bakau Resort Probolinggo

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    City of Probolinggo offers nine main tourist attractions, such as Environmental Study Park (TWSL), Probolinggo Museum, Dr. Moh. Saleh Museum, Red Church, Tri Dharma Temple, Coastal Fishing Port, Bayuangga Swimming Pool, Olimpic Swimming Pool, and Bee Jay Bakau Resort (BJBR). One of the main destinations with ecotourism concept in Probolinggo city is BJBR. It is important to handle a research about forecasting the tourism visits and carrying capacity to support decision making in BJBR management. The purpose of this study is to analyze the forecasting of the foreign and domestic tourists visits at BJBR and analyze the carrying capacity. Quantitative methods using ARIMA and Winter are used in this study. This study also uses carrying capacity area analysis to analyze the carrying capacity of BJBR. The result shows that BJBR Probolinggo provides varied tourist attractions that affect the number of visits. The best forecasting is Winter method because the forecasting error is smaller than ARIMA method, which is, the average on visiting are 14,866tourist/month or 496 tourists/day. Meanwhile, the carrying capacity of the BJBR is 1,110 tourists/day. The management should consider tourist visit forecasting and the carrying capacity

    Tourist Visits Forecasting and Carrying Capacity of Bee Jay Bakau Resort Probolinggo

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    City of Probolinggo offers nine main tourist attractions, such as Environmental Study Park (TWSL), Probolinggo Museum, Dr. Moh. Saleh Museum, Red Church, Tri Dharma Temple, Coastal Fishing Port, Bayuangga Swimming Pool, Olimpic Swimming Pool, and Bee Jay Bakau Resort (BJBR). One of the main destinations with ecotourism concept in Probolinggo city is BJBR. It is important to handle a research about forecasting the tourism visits and carrying capacity to support decision making in BJBR management. The purpose of this study is to analyze the forecasting of the foreign and domestic tourists visits at BJBR and analyze the carrying capacity. Quantitative methods using ARIMA and Winter are used in this study. This study also uses carrying capacity area analysis to analyze the carrying capacity of BJBR. The result shows that BJBR Probolinggo provides varied tourist attractions that affect the number of visits. The best forecasting is Winter method because the forecasting error is smaller than ARIMA method, which is, the average on visiting are 14,866tourist/month or 496 tourists/day. Meanwhile, the carrying capacity of the BJBR is 1,110 tourists/day. The management should consider tourist visit forecasting and the carrying capacity