33 research outputs found
Hubungan Motivasi Perawat dengan Kepatuhan Pelaksanaan Pemberian Obat Oral
The motivation of nurses is influenced by internal and external factors that affect the implementation of the oral medication obeyed in Utama Room of Arifin Achmad Public Hospital Pekanbaru. Job Motivation is a boost of encouragement from the nurse consist of (a sense of awareness, sense of responsibility, work interests, loyalty, discipline) and encouragement from the outside (the recognition of others, opportunities for advancement, promotion and career opportunities, a sense of security in the work, remuneration appropriate and lack of monitoring of others) that directs the actions and behavior of nurses to achieve its objectives. The purpose of this research was to determine the relationship of work motivation nurse with oral medication obeyed. Design research was descriptive correlation with cross sectional approach. The total sample of 46 respondents using purposive sampling technique. Measuring tools such as questionnaires and observation sheets. Results of univariate analysis obtained entirely of women (100%) mostly educated D3 with employment status largely honorary workers (76.1%), long work over 4 years (43.5%). While the bivariate analysis results obtained ρ value 0.004 < (α = 0.05) using the chi square test, the conclusion there is a significant relationship between motivation nurse with compliance implementation oral medication obeyed. Suggested for hospital nurses supervise compliance and further increase the motivation of nurses and provide reword and punishment to those who do not run the SOP
Peningkatan Keterampilan Proses Peserta Didik Menggunakan Metode Discovery IPA Kelas IV di SD
Penelitian ini bertujuan mendeskripsikan peningkatan keterampilan proses peserta didik, rancangan dan kemampuan pendidik melaksanakan pembelajaran dengan menggunakan metode discovery pada pelajaran Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam di kelas IV SDN 22 Kecamatan Bonti. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah deskriptif. Hasil analisis kemampuan pendidik dalam merencanakan pembelajaran pada siklus I dengan rata-rata 2,43 meningkat menjadi 3,37 pada siklus II. Hasil analisis data kemampuan pendidik dalam melaksanakan pembelajaran pada siklus I dengan rata-rata 2,49 meningkat menjadi 3,33 pada sikus II. Hasil analisis data keterampilan proses peserta didik katagori baik pada siklus I sebesar 46% meningkat menjadi 64% pada siklus II, dan katagori cukup sebesar 27% meningkat menjadi 36% pada siklus II, sedangkan katagori kurang pada siklus I sebesar 27% menurun 0% pada siklus II. Berdasarkan data yang diperoleh dapat disimpulkan bahwa dengan menggunakan metode discovery dapat meningkatkan kemampuan pendidik dalam merancang dan melaksanakan pembelajaran serta meningkatkan keterampilan proses peserta didik dalam pembelajaran Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam di kelas IV Sekolah Dasar Negeri 22 Kecamatan Bonti. Kata kunci: Keterampilan Proses, Discovery dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam. Abstrack: The objective of research is to describe the increase plan and abilities of educators to implement learning ability with students skill processing using discovery methods in nature science teaching fourth grade at SDN 22 Bonti district. The research method used is descriptive. The results of data analysis for plan to learning in the first cycle is about 2,49 then increase to 3,37 in the scond cycle. The result of data analysis a study of the ability of educators in first cycle whit an average of 2,43 incerased to 3,33 in the scond cycle. The results of data analysis for students skill processing in good category in the first cycle is 46% increased to 64%, and students skill rocessing in enough category in the first cycle is 27% increased to 36% in the scond cycle, with students skill processing in less category in the first cycle is 27% to go down 0% in the scond cycle. Based on the data obtained it can be concluded that by using the discovery methods can enhance plan learning and improve ability of educators to education process with students skill process on nature science teaching fourth grade at SDN 22 Bonti district
Playing Lego Increase Cognitive Development on Preschool Child (4-5 Years Old)
Introduction: The preschool cognitive development can be stimulated with playing activity. The preschool child who stimulateless, their creativity will be checked and it can effect their cognitive development. Playing lego is one of the stimulation which give chance to the preschool child to express creativity and explorate their skill in playing construction. This research was aimed to analyze the effect of playing lego to the preschool cognitive development. Method: Quasy experimental pre post test design was used in this research. Total sample were 18 preschool child (4-5 years old). The independent variable was playing lego and the dependent variable was the cognitive development. Data were analyzed by Wilcoxon Signed Rank Test and Mann Whitney U Test with the significance α<0.05. Result: Result showed that the control group has significance level p=0.059 and the treatment group has significance level p=0.008. The result of Mann Whitney U Test showed p=0.001. Discussion: It can be concluded that playing lego can effect the preschool cognitive development in spatial factor, reasoning, memory, and perceptual speed. It can be suggested to the further research to examine the effect of playing lego to the motoric development or social development
Peningkatan Keterampilan Proses Siswa melalui Pendekatan Keterampilan Proses pada Pembelajaran IPA Kelas IV SD
The aim of this study was to improve the skills of the fourth grade students of State Elementary School The method used in this research is descriptive nature of this study is qualitative and type of research is classroom action research (PTK) which collaborate with teachers in the implementation of the fourth grade. Subjects in this study is the fourth grade students of State Elementary School 19 Cape tengang totaling 30 students. Data collection techniques in this study is the observation of direct and indirect communication. While the data collection tool portfolio of student worksheets. The conclusion of this study is in terms of the ability to observe an increase from the first cycle to the second cycle of 26.66%, which in the first cycle 63.34% to 90.00% in the second cycle. Classify by 20:00% were in the first cycle 70.00% to 90.00% in the second cycle. Communicating amounted to 25.00%, which in the first cycle 65.00% to 90.00% in the second cycle. Concluded at 23:34%, which in the first cycle Being 60.00% 83.34% in the second cycle
Peningkatan Motivasi Belajar Peserta Didik Pembelajaran IPA dengan Menggunakan Metode Demonstrasi di Kelas IV
Increase the motivating of learning science using demonstrate method to the fourth grade students. The purpose of this research is to increase the motivating of learning to the fourth grade students. In elementary School 71 west Pontianak. This methad of research is descriptive. Based on the result of this research can conclude there is an increase of the achievement of the teacher in lesson plan fromcycle I 63,24 to cycle II 95,58, the increase is 32,34. Teaching learning in cycle I 65 become 93,33 in cycle II. So the increase is 28,33. The increase of student motivating learning in cycle I is 61 intrinsik motivate become 93 in cycle II, so the increase is 32. The increase of motivating learning in cycle I 63 ekstrinsik motivating become 96, so the increase is 33. Its mean that motivating of student in learning science using demonstrate methat to the fourth grade student ofelementary school 71 west Pontianak more increase
Peningkatan Aktivitas Pembelajaran Tematik Terpadu di Kelas 1
This study aims to increase physical activity, mental and emotional learners through integrated thematic teaching first grade elementary school Darul Fikri Kubu Raya.Metode research is descriptive with the form of research is the Classroom Action Research (CAR). Student participants amounted to 19 people. The results of the research that has been conducted turns out there is increased activity of students from the first cycle to the second cycle. Physical activity increases the cycle I 86.20 68.96%, 75.20% mental activity increased 96.14%, 68.96% and emotional activity increased 86.24%
Peningkatan Aktivitas Peserta Didik dengan Metode Eksperimen Pembelajaran IPA Kelas Va Sds Nasional Fajar Harapan
The background of this study is the low activity and learning outcomes of students in the learning of Natural Sciences (IPA) in the class of the National Private Elementary Schools VA Dawn Hope , North Pontianak . A common problem of this study is whether the use of experimental methods to increase the activity of learning activities and learning outcomes of students in the learning of Natural Sciences ( IPA ) in the class of the National Private Elementary Schools VA Dawn Hope , North Pontianak ? The purpose of this study was to describe the increase in activity and learning outcomes of students in the learning of Natural Sciences ( IPA ) class VA National Private Primary School Dawn Hope , North Pontianak . The method used in this research is descriptive , while the form of research is action research ( PTK ) . Subjects in the study were students in the class VA National Private Primary School Dawn Hope , North Pontianak totaling 45 students, with research in the classroom setting . Data collection techniques used direct observation techniques and engineering documentation . While the data collection tool is the observation sheet and test instrument . The results achieved in this study was the preparation of lesson plans have been implemented. Learning implementation process has also been implemented. Activities of learners in the learning process has increased from 63.56 % in first cycle to second cycle 85.78%, an increase of 22% . Learning outcomes has also increased from an average of 68.44 % in first cycle to second cycle at 85.33%, an increase 16.89%. In conclusion the application of experimental methods in the study of Natural Science (IPA) can increase the activity and learning lessons Natural Sciences (IPA) learners. Advice based on the results of this study, the experimental method can be used as an alternative to improve the activity and learning outcomes of students
Meningkatkan Hasil Belajar Siswa pada Pembelajaran IPS Menggunakan Media Efektif Kelas IV Sdn
The method considered suitable and managed to improve learning outcomes Elementary School fourth grade students in the learning of social science to improve student learning outcomes is efetif media.This research aims to improve the learning outcomes of fourth grade students of State Elementary School 20 Gala in learning by using the Social Sciences Effective media. The subjects were fourth grade students of State Elementary School 23 Pongga the number of students 13 people. In this research using descriptive method. This research was conducted by 2 cycles with the implementation procedures, the collection of data through observation and documentation study. After all cycles carried out the students seemed enthusiastic and excited about learning when to follow. The result showed that after using effective methods to improve learning outcomes of students in the first cycle to obtain a score of 57 categorized less while on the second cycle increased to 77 categorized as excellent. The conclusion of this study is to improve student learning outcomes towards learning social science after use media effectively increased 20% from cycle I
Peningkatan Aktivitas Peserta Didik Pembelajaran IPS dengan Menggunakan Media Gambar di Kelas IV Sdn 17 Pontianak Kota
The background of this research is learning IPS in SDN 17 Pontianak City, especially the fourth grade social studies lesson was carried out by conventional methods, such as lectures and question. As a result of activities and learning outcomes of students is low . For that reason, this study will use a class action method using demonstration to improve the learners in the learning activity. A common problem of this study is " Does the demonstration method can improve the learning process in the Social Sciences fourth grade SDN 17 Pontianak City?" The purpose of the study to describe the improvement of the learning process of learners in the learning of Social Sciences at the demonstration using grade IV SDN 17 Pontianak City. The method used is descriptive method. Collaborative nature. Research subjects who teaches social studies teachers and learners fourth grade SDN 17 Pontianak City. Setting research in the classroom setting. The technique used is the technique of direct observation and measurement techniques. While the data collection tool is a matter of observation sheets and instruments. The data collected is data about the learning process. The results of this study, it can be concluded that in fact the demonstration method proven to improve the learning process of students on average 56.57% in first cycle to 84.57 % in second cycle, an increase to 28%. Demonstrations have proven methods to improve learning outcomes of learners IPS average value of 67.42% in first cycle to an average of 84.57% in srcond cycle, an increase to 39.35%. Based on these conclusions, it can be suggested that the demonstration can be used as alternative methods in an effort to improve the learning activity