266 research outputs found


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    Penelitian bertujuan untuk mengetahui peningkatan keterampilan berpikir kritis dan penguasaan konsep setelah penerapan model pembelajaran inkuiri abduktif pada siswa SMA. Penelitian ini dilatarbelakangi oleh rendahnya penguasaan konsep dan keterampilan berpikir kritis dari hasil studi pendahuluan di sekolah yang sama. Penelitian ini menggunakan pre eksperimen dan desain penelitian one-group pretest-posttest design yang melibatkan 33 siswa kelas X di salah satu SMA di kota Bandung. Aspek keterampilan berpikir kritis yang diukur adalah interpretasi, analisis, evaluasi, inferensi, dan eksplanasi, sedangkan aspek penguasaan konsep yang diukur adalah mengingat, pemahaman dan analalisis. Hasil analisis dari skor pretest-posttest didapatkan bahwa model pembelajaran inkuiri abduktif dapat meningkatkan keterampilan berpikir kritis dengan nilai rata-rata gain yang dinormalisasi 0,47 dengan kategori sedang. Jika ditinjau tiap aspek, semua aspek keterampilan berpikir kritis dengan kategori sedang, aspek eksplanasi menunjukan peningkatan paling besar yaitu 0,68. Model pembelajaran inkuiri abduktif ini juga dapat meningkatkan penguasaan konsep dengan nilai rata-rata gain yang dinormalisasi 0,62. Semua aspek penguasaan konsep meningkat dengan kategori sedang, aspek analisis menunjukan peningkatan yang paling besar yaitu sebesar 0,65. Kata kunci : Model Pembelajaran Inkuiri Abduktif, Keterampilan Berpikir Krtis, Penguasaan Konsep The aims of this study to determine the increase in critical thinking skills and mastery of the concept after the application of abductive inquiry learning model at high school students. This research is motivated by the lack of mastery of concepts and critical thinking skills of the preliminary study in the same school. This study used a pre-experimental research design and one-group pretest-posttest design involving 33 students of class X in one high school in Bandung. Aspects of critical thinking skills measured is the interpretation, analysis, evaluation, inference, and explanatory, while the measured aspects of mastery of concepts is remain, understanding and analalisis. The results of analysis of pretest-posttest scores showed that abductive inquiry learning model can improve critical thinking skills with an average value of 0.47 with a normalized gain medium category. If considered each aspect, all aspects of critical thinking skills with moderate category, explanatory aspects showed the greatest increase is 0.68. Abductive inquiry learning model can also improve the mastery of concepts with an average value of 0.62 normalized gain. All aspects of the concept of mastery increases the medium category, the aspect of the analysis showed the greatest increase in the amount of 0.65 Keywords : Keyword: abductive inquiry learning model, critical thinking skills, and mastery of the concep


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengembangkan Lembar Kerja konteks Sel Surya Tersensitasi Zat Warna (Dye Sensitized Solar Cell, DSSC) untuk membangun literasi kimia siswa SMA. Desain penelitian yang dikembangkan menggunakan model 4D (define, design, develop, dan desseminate) dengan metode deskriptif dan evaluatif. Tahap pertama adalah pendefinisian (define), yaitu menganalisis keberadaan konteks teknologi pada buku dan LKS yang beredar di kota Bandung serta syarat-syarat pengembangan untuk menentukan tujuan pembelajaran berdasarkan PISA 2012 dan Kurikulum 2013. Tahap kedua adalah mendesain (design) yaitu merancang produk awal berupa LKS praktikum dan non-praktikum berdasarkan tujuan pembelajaran yang telah dirumuskan. Tahap ketiga adalah pengembangan (develop) LKS inkuiri terbimbing berdasarkan hasil validasi para ahli dan uji keterlaksanaan. Pada penelitian ini belum dilakukan tahap keempat yaitu penyebaran (disseminate). Instrumen penelitian yang digunakan adalah lembar perumusan tujuan pembelajaran, rancangan optimasi bahan, lembar validasi teks dasar dan isi LKS, lembar observasi keterlaksanaan dan pedoman penilaian jawaban. Hasil penelitian diperolehnya tujuan pembelajaran yang berisi konteks DSSC dan konten ikatan kovalen, sel volta, dan unsur titanium yang dirangkai menggunakan kata kerja operasional yang mengakomodir KI dan KD serta kompetensi PISA 2012 serta LKS praktikum dan non-praktikum untuk membangun literasi kimia siswa SMA. Hasil proses validasi menyatakan valid terhadap produk oleh lima validator dengan perbaikan berdasarkan saran-saran validator, sedangkan hasil uji keterlaksanaan inkuiri terbimbing diperoleh rata-rata persentase keterlaksanaan setiap tahapan inkuiri sebesar 93,75%, termasuk kategori sangat baik dan rata-rata persentase ketepatan jawaban siswa terhadap tugas-tugas dalam LKS sebesar 84,2%, termasuk kategori sangat baik. ;---The aim of this study to produce work sheet Dye Sensitized Solar Cell (DSSC) that can be used in building chemical literacy. Research design in this study use 4D model (define, design, develop, and disseminate) with descriptive and evaluative method. The first step is define, this step is analyzing the existence of study books and work sheets that contain renewable technology circulating in Bandung city as well as the terms of the development to determine the purpose of learning based on PISA 2012 and 2013 Curriculum. The second step is design, this step is designing starting product those are practicum work sheet and non practicum worksheet depend on the purpose of learning that has formulated. The third step is develop guided inquiry LKS that has constructed depend on result of the experts and feasibility test. In this study has not done the fourth stage is disseminate. Instruments of this study are Sheet of the formulation of the purpose of learning, design optimize material, sheet of validation text primary and the contents of LKS, sheet of observation feasibility and guidelines assessment answer. The result of this study of procures the purpose of learning that contains the context of DSSC and content voltaic cell, conjugate bonding, and the transition titanium which have developed use a verb operational to accommodate KI and KD as well as PISA 2012 competence and experiment work sheet also non experiment in building chemical literacy high school student. The result of validation process shows that five experts stated valid to product with improvements based on experts suggestions, whereas the result of feasibility guided inquiry test obtained feasibility percentage average every inquiry steps is 93.7% which means very good category and percentage average of the accuracy of answers students in against duties in LKS is 84.2% which means very good category

    The Magic of Howl’s Moving Castle: An Analysis of Character Development in a Fantasy Novel

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    The present study aims to examine the influence of magical events on the development of the major character in the novel Howl’s Moving Castle by Diana Wynne Jones. The present study uses qualitative approach, particularly descriptive qualitative method. The data were collected by critically selecting the words, phrases, and sentences that reflect events with magical happenings. In analyzing the data, this study employs Nikolajeva’s (1988) magic laws and Tolkien’s (1966) functions of fantasy. The analysis reveals that the magical events influence the development of the main character through the magic laws, which portray certain functions of fantasy. The magic law that dominantly appears in the novel is consistency (i.e., the idea that the secondary world has rules that must be obeyed). Meanwhile, in terms of functions of fantasy, recovery (i.e., recapture the fundamental vision of things) becomes the dominant function primarily shown. The findings of the present study also indicate that, in the fantasy genre, the development of the character is triggered by the elements of surprise and the element of wonder presented in the novel. Keywords: character development, fantasy, magic, magical event

    The Legitimation Construction in Regent of Garut’s Statements on His Unregistered Marriage: A Critical Discourse Analysis

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    Legitimation is one form ofthe social actionswhichis often done eventhough it isprobably less recognized. The present study examines the legitimation construction by the Regent of Garut and also the ideologies underlying the legitimation. It uses van Leeuwen’s (2008) framework regarding discursive construction of legitimation under the theory of Critical Discourse Analysis. This study is largely qualitative, but some quantification is employed to support the description. The collected data are in the form of statements delivered by Regent of Garut related to his unregistered marriage to a young girl. The data are analyzed in the unit of clause to reveal the legitimation construction in the texts. This study finds that from four major types of legitimation asserted by van Leeuwen (2008),only three types of legitimation are evidenced in the texts, i.e. rationalization (44.44%), authorization (44.44%), and moral evaluation (11.11%). Hence, the Regent of Garut’s actions in the texts are strongly legitimized through the logical explanation to support the unregistered marriage, supported by referring to high status as the basis of the actions, and the reference to moral value of humanity to avoid adultery. The ideologies underlying the legitimation are feudalism and masculinism.Keywords: Critical Discourse Analysis, Legitimation, Regent Of Garut, Unregistered Marriage, Ideology

    Pengukuran Faktor Emisi Gas Karbon Monoksida (CO) Dan Karbon Dioksida (CO2) Pada Asap Mainstream Rokok Non Filter

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    Pengukuran faktor emisi karbon monoksida (CO) dan karbon dioksida (CO2) pada asap mainstream rokok non filter ditentukan dari pengukuran konsentrasi gas CO dan CO2, menghitung luas penampang dan kecepatan pompa hisap alat. Penelitian ini menggunakan Gas Analyser Stargas Mode 898 dalam kotak chamber dengan dimensi 30 x 20 x 20 cm3. Mainstream smoke adalah asap yang muncul dari ujung mulut rokok selama dihisap. Pompa hisap rokok merupakan alat yang digunakan untuk menghisap rokok yang sudah ditentukan kecepatan hisapnya sesuai kecepatan hisap perokok. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa besar faktor emisi CO2 pada asap mainstream rokok non filter lebih besar daripada faktor emisi CO. Faktor emisi gas CO asap mainstream rokok non filter ditemukan pada kisaran 14 mg/batang sampai 20 mg/batang, sedangkan faktor emisi asap gas CO2 mainstream rokok non filter antara 90 mg/batang dan 116 mg/batang


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    The imbalance between supply and demand in Bandung City transport system has been the cause of the declining of this city transport performance. Supply approach by increasing road network capacity is considered as no longer effective due to limited developable road space. Demand approach seems to be a prospective solution to the problem. Among others, carpooling is considered as a promising scheme to reduce traffic volume by increasing average vehicle occupancy rate. The scheme is developed by attracting some travelers whose trip destination are in one corridor to join the same vehicle. This research figures out the feasibility of the implementation of carpooling scheme from the traveler preferences point of view. Based on Arcamanik Residential Area, Bandung City, the result of the research shows that this scheme is potential to be implemented with the percentage of respondent willingness to change mode in the beginning is 93%. However, after ride matching was introduced, respondents willing to join this scheme decline to 71% on leaving and 79% on the way back home. This research furthermore identifies some constraints in fulfilling traveler preference on carpooling scheme. The constraints are on the point to point pick-up system and walking distance preference that cannot totally be fulfilled


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    Praktik Pengalaman Lapangan (PPL) Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta semester khusus tahun 2014 yang berlokasi di MAN Yogyakarta 2 telah dilaksanakan oleh mahasiswa pada tanggal 01 Juli – 17 September 2014. Kelompok PPL di lokasi ini terdiri dari 22 mahasiswa dari 9 program studi, yaitu Pendidikan Sejarah, Pendidikan Geografi, Pendidikan Sosiologi, Pendidikan Fisika, pendidikan Biologi, Pendidikan bahasa Jerman, Pendidikan Akuntansi, Bimbingan dan Konseling, Pendidikan Kesehatan Jasmani dan Rekreasi. Tujuan Praktik Pengalaman Lapangan (PPL) adalah melatih mahasiswa agar memiliki pengalaman faktual tentang proses pembelajaran dan kegiatan kependidikan lainnya di sekolah, sebagai bekal untuk mengembangkan diri sebagai tenaga keguruan yang profesional yang memiliki pengetahuan, sikap dan ketrampilan. Kegiatan yang telah dilaksanakan meliputi penyusunan RPP, praktek mengajar, pembuatan soal evaluasi, serta kegiatan lainnya yang diselenggarakan di sekolah. Praktek mengajar dimulai dari tanggal 12Agustus 2014 - 12September 2014, dilakukan sebanyak 12 kali pertemuan di kelas XI IPS 3.Program kegiatan PPL dapat terlaksana dengan baik dan lancar berkat adanya bimbingan dan arahan dari guru pembimbing dan dosen pembimbing selama praktek mengajar serta peran aktif peserta didik selama berlangsungnya kegiatan belajar mengajar (KBM). Namun terdapat hambatan yang ditemui praktikan dalam melaksanakan PPL yakni praktikan masih kurang dalam penguasaan kelas, selama pembelajaran berlangsung seringkali praktikan mengalami kesulitan dalam mengontrol siswa terutama saat penguasaan kelas dan menerangkan materi karena ada sebagian siswa yang tidak memperhatikan. Praktikan menyadari bahwa munculnya hambatan dalam pelaksanaan kegiatan PPL adalah hal yang wajar.Karena hal ini merupakan salah satu tantangan yang harus dihadapi praktikan selama kegiatan PPL


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menguji pengaruh Dukungan Organisasi, Kepuasan kerja, Motivasi Kerja terhadap Komitmen Organisasi Hotel Bintang 4 di Yogyakarta. Penelitian ini dilakukan pada karyawan Hotel Horison Ultima Riss Yogyakarta yang berjumlah 51 orang. Sampel penelitian ini menggunakah metode nonprobability sampling dengan teknik pengambilan sampel yaitu sampling jenuh atau sensus. Pengumpulan data sampel dilakukan dengan pembagian kuesioner dalam bentuk Link Google Form yang dikirim melalui nomor WhatsApp masing-masing karyawan. Jumlah kuesioner yang dibagikan dan diolah adalah sebanyak 20 kuesioner. Pengolahan data dalam penelitian ini menggunakan teknik analisis regresi linear berganda, dibantu oleh program SPSS versi 20.0. Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa Dukungan Organisasi, Kepuasan Kerja, dan Motivasi Kerja berpengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap Komitmen Organisasional. Hal ini membuat Komitmen Organisasional lebih ditingkatkan dan menjadi lebih baik demi terciptanya lingkup kerja yang positif dan nyaman

    Perspektif Komunikasi dalam Pembelajaran Jarak Jauh: Membangun Kehadiran Pengajar dan Kehadiran Sosial

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    Covid-19 pandemic has changed the learning model in education to distance learning. The sudden change make students dissatisfy with the learning process thus declining the quality of learning. Research questions of this study are: (1) how to plan a distance learning that focus on building social presence? (2) how does message design of learning material contributes to social presence and student understanding?; and (3) how does the communication skills of the teacher contributes in building teaching presence? To answer these questions, this study used an action research design using class observation, in-depth interviews, and group interviews as data collection method. The action research design also acts to evaluate the research actions that have been given in the classroom. The findings of the study shows that  the teaching presence in distance learning are determined from teachers’ communication skills which include: digital literacy, instructional roles or communicating messages in building classroom climate, as well as the ability to design message of learning material that can encourage the creation of social presence. This study also found that students’ understanding of the learning material also need to be encouraged by teachers’ ability in encouraging students to think analytically and critically
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