124 research outputs found


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    The purpose of this study is to examine the influence of corporate standing and attitude towards social media on consumer response. Social media advertising is progressively adopting plots in specialists and researchers. We had assumed total respondents 200 and we achieved the target. Meanwhile, we adopted the convenience sampling technique in this research. We distributed the questionnaires in order to collect and analyze the data while using linear regression. And that helped us in the compilation of the research work. We found a significant relationship between the consumer’s attitudes toward social media advertising and their responses. Again, it was noted that corporate reputation significantly influences this relationship absolutely between the relationship of corporate standing and consumer response. This study is limited to the convenience audience and it is designed as a cross-sectional only. So, there remains a lot of gaps to be filled up in sense of the Area or we can say it as a geographical perspective and the audience’s perspective that we call the target market of the research. And it makes it difficult to generalize the findings and assume for variations that happened in the attitude of consumers. This study says about the influential role of the corporate reputation in consumer’s attitudes toward social media advertising

    The Goal Attainment and Future Direction of Business among SME Entrepreneurs

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    Future directions, explained as entrepreneurs’ intention to collaborate may play an important role in endurance, sustainability and growth of entrepreneurial businesses. Based on the theoretical foundation of entrepreneur’s goals attainment theory, this research aimed to empirically investigate the influence of entrepreneurs’ personal goals attainment on their intentions to collaborate with other businesses. Self-administered survey questionnaires were used to collect quantitative data from 285 conveniently-selected Malaysian SME entrepreneurs. The Multiple Regression Analyses of the collected data revealed that there is a positive and significant relationship between entrepreneurs’ intrinsic reward goals attainment and their intention to collaborate. On the other hand, it is found that attainment of economic gains, perceived autonomy and family concern goals have no relationship with entrepreneurs’ intention to collaborate. The concluding part of this paper presents the study implications along with limitations of this study and some future recommendations.&nbsp

    Entrepreneurs’ intention to invest in current business: an empirical study of Malaysian SME entrepreneurs

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    Entrepreneurs’ intention to invest in their current businesses may play an important role in determining future sustainability, survival and growth of these businesses. Using a theoretical framework based on entrepreneurs’ goals attainment theory (EGAT), this study evaluated the relationship between entrepreneurs’ personal goal attainment and their intention to invest. The study employed a positivist methodological framework and gathered primary data from 285 Malaysian entrepreneurs through self-administered survey questionnaires. Regression analyses showed that entrepreneurs’ attainment of economic and intrinsic reward goals had significant positive relationships with their intention to invest. Desire for independence was considered as an important motivation for entrepreneurship. However, it was found that attainment of independence goals had no significant influence on entrepreneurs’ intention to invest. Further, it was also found that more educated entrepreneurs had stronger intention to invest in their current businesses


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    To study the influence of Perceived cost, risk, convenience and enjoyment on online consumer purchases. Being more convenient online shopping seems painless compared to in store shopping, why consumers are still reluctant to shop online?.A sample of 220 questionnaires was filled from different departments at University of Sargodha. Respondents were asked to fill the questionnaire based on four factors (Perceived cost, Perceived risk, Perceived convenience, Perceived enjoyment), there were 2 general questions. Out of 220, 207 questionnaires were returned. One sample test is applied in this study to check the reliability of independent variables. Analysis was also done on basis of gender and their ages. The most important factor out of four, which can persuade the customer's online buying decision, is delivery cost for purchased items and it has negative relationship with dependent variable, moreover perceived risk has also negative relationship with dependent one. Perceived convenience and Perceived enjoyment has positive relationship with online shopping preference. As online shopping is easier to do but due to extra delivery cost and risk factors consumers do not adopt online shopping and these factors should be minimized to promote online shopping. Online shopping should be promoted and to gain the consumer confidence, delivery cost and risk factor should be minimized. As online shopping is easier to do as compared to offline shopping but people still reluctant to use internet for online shopping, so to promote online shopping delivery cost and risk factor should be minimized to gain consumers attraction and confidence. People want to experience online shopping but it won’t be promoted until delivery cost and perceived risk factors be reduced. A little work has been done on exploring the factors that influence the online buying decision. These factors are called situational factors and include delivery charges, risk factors, convenience factors and enjoyment factors. In Pakistan consumers are not too much affiliated to online shopping as compared to European countries and not too much researches have been done related to online shopping in Pakistan , so this research been conducted to promote online shopping

    Entrepreneur as an authentic leader: A study of small and medium sized enterprises in Pakistan

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    The aim of this paper is to explore the authentic leadership styles of an entrepreneurs and its impact on employee’s commitment and satisfaction. By using the authentic leadership model, this study seeks to give a tentative test of the connection among employees’ awareness of the business creator as an authentic leader and the employees’ attitudes. Findings are that the opinion of employees’ about authentic leadership serves as the intoxicating analyst of employee job satisfaction and organizational commitment

    Positive Predictive Value of Magnetic Resonance Imaging in Intradural Spinal Tumors Taking Histopathology as Gold Standard

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    Objective: To observe the positive predictive value of MRI, taking histopathology as gold standard in detecting spinal intradural tumors.Materials and Methods: Total 180 cases were included through non-probability purposive sampling, at Ganga Ram Hospital, Radiology department, Lahore. The radiological diagnosis obtained through MRI, was observed. The cases fit in inclusion criteria were underwent surgery and their histopathological findings were observed. Comparison between the outcomes of MRI and histopathology were undertaken, keeping histopathology as gold  standard. Positive predictive value of MRI in the diagnosis of intradural spinal tumor was calculated andpresented in the form of percentages and frequency.Results: There were total 180 patients presenting in OPD with the mean age of 45.71 Âą 13.57 years. There were 112 (62%) male. Male to female ratio was 1.6:1. There were 134 (74.4%) cases who were positive for malignant spinal intradural tumor on histopathology showing the PPV of MRI as 74.4%.Conclusion: Magnetic Resonance Imaging is very beneficial imaging tool for early diagnosis of spinal cord tumors

    Entrepreneurship and SMEs in Malaysia: Need to Nurture Women Entrepreneurship

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    This paper sheds light on the importance of entrepreneurship phenomenon and the role of SMEs in entrepreneurship. Based on the existing body of knowledge, it aims at highlighting the need to promulgate neglected women entrepreneurship phenomenon in Malaysia. For this, it glances through the literature regarding SMEs and entrepreneurship developments around the world and in Malaysia. It also presents the role casted by the Malaysian government in fostering entrepreneurship through promoting and inculcating SMEs, providing a big thrust to economy through their innovation. However, it is described that despite of all its developments a yet to be explored phenomenon of women entrepreneurship is still standing silently in the queue waiting for its turn to be acknowledged fully. It is therefore suggested to invite more researches on women entrepreneurship specifically in Malaysia to explore its importance and as such draw attention of policy makers and stakeholders to incubate and flourish this phenomenon

    The epidemic of HIV/AIDS in developing countries; the current scenario in Pakistan

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    HIV (Human Immunodeficiency virus) causes (acquired immunodeficiency syndrome) AIDS, in which the immune system of body totally fails to develop any defense against the foreign invaders. Infection with HIV occurs by transfer of blood, semen, and breast milk. HIV/AIDS is a global problem and it results nearly 25 million deaths worldwide. Developing countries like Pakistan have issues regarding Public Health. Currently, epidemic of HIV/AIDS is established in Pakistan and there is a threat of an expanded HIV/AIDS outbreak in the country. The major reason is that population is engaging in high-risk practices, low awareness about HIV/AIDS, and treacherous blood transfusion practices. A supplementary threat to Pakistan is India because both sharing a border and India is facing a rapidly growing HIV/AIDS epidemic. Local NGOs, National and International organizations are warning that in near future Pakistan may experiences bad situation regarding HIV/AIDS

    How Internship Experience Mediates Career Decision? Insight from Business Institutions

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    This research paper aims to examine business graduates’ pre-employment decisions relevant to pursue a satisfied and successful career after going through internship training. Subjects were the students who have undergone through an internship program and data was analyzed by using SPSS software. A five point Likert Scale has been used to examine the relation of dependent variable person career (PC) fit and independent variables (job attributes, PO-fit and PJ-fit).The internees degree of perceived pay, benefits, promotion as related to future growth opportunities , job location, peers’ relationship, firm’s image and job duties as major factors and key criterion to pursue a satisfied and successful career .The results also indicate that person job (PJ) fit contributes more than person organization (PO) fit towards person career (PC) fit.Offering internship programs and trainings allows employers the opportunity of exploring full time fresh graduates pool and best talent to recruit


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    Objective: The main purpose of the study is to determine the survival and death rate of the female after surgical operation. This is determined by the two different methods of treatment between the females suffering from ovarian cancer. Methods: The study arranged was of a retroactive type and it was held at Mayo Hospital, Lahore from February to September 2017. The study was associated with the data obtained in 1999 and 2008 about the female’s treatment suffering from ovarian cancer. The clinical data obtained during the previous analysis was again studied and revised. And similar knowledge was obtained about the environmental, medical, therapeutically, pathological aspects of studies. Overall existence of patients was compared with growthfree existence. The comparison was made between patients who went either debulking surgery or neoadjuvant chemotherapy before surgery. Mathematical identification was performed by using SPSS. Results: Total 118 patients were undergone surgical cure. Out of which 66% gained the primary debulking surgery and rest of the 34% received neoadjuvant chemotherapy. The average age and tumour antigen 125 level before treatment was same. In the debulking group, two stages of patients were identified. That group had 94.8% patients with stage 3 carcinoma and 5.1% stage 4 carcinoma. While in other groups the percentage of patients in stage 3 and 4 were 80% and 20% correspondingly. The most favourable occurrence of debulking was 56.8% in the earlier group as compared to 79.4% in the second group. At the time of surgery, the total loss of blood was recorded as 1500 ml. The loss of blood was almost the same in the different exhaustive care unit. In addition to the loss of blood, the rate of urinary swathe, bowel grievance and bowel reactions were also analogous. The growth free existence was also comparable in both groups. Conclusion: Equivalent existence rates and peri-operative difficulties can be created by neo-adjuvant chemotherapy followed by intermission debulking. Keywords: Ovarian epithelial cancer, Chemotherapy, Gynecological surgical procedure, Survival analysis
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