3,165 research outputs found

    Aviation Law Comes Home to the Main Street Lawyer

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    Well controlled in length and highly aligned ZnO nanorods were grown on the gold-coated glass substrate by hydrothermal growth method. ZnO nanorods were functionalised with selective thallium (I) ion ionophore dibenzyldiaza-18-crown-6 (DBzDA18C6). The thallium ion sensor showed wide linear potentiometric response to thallium (I) ion concentrations ( M to  M) with high sensitivity of 36.87 ± 1.49 mV/decade. Moreover, thallium (I) ion demonstrated fast response time of less than 5 s, high selectivity, reproducibility, storage stability, and negligible response to common interferents. The proposed thallium (I) ion-sensor electrode was also used as an indicator electrode in the potentiometric titration, and it has shown good stoichiometric response for the determination of thallium (I) ion

    Study of Characteristics Physical and Chemical Fishing Area Jaring Insang (Gill Net) at Waters Rupat Utara Bengkalis District Riau Province

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    This research was conducted on September-October 2014 at the waters of the Rupat Utara Bengkalis district Riau Province, using survey method. Data taken consisted of waters environment parameters area of the physical and chemical include the water temperature, salinity, current speed, brightness, depth, and the degree of acidity (PH). Measurements were performed for ten days along with decision gill net. During the 10 days of observation obtained catches up to 94.5 kg, catches the highest number of 16 kg and the lowest catch is 7 kg, with the physical and chemical conditions. 270-300 C temperature, salinity 25-29 ‰, current speed from 0.10 to 0.33 m / sec, the brightness of 0.57 m - 1.22 m, depth of 18-30 m, and the degree of acidity (pH) 6- 8. Multiple linear regression analysis showed a very strong correlation between the catch with the environmental parameters with regression coefficient 0.948 and turns physical and chemical parameters waters have contributed to the variation 89.9% on the results of fishing


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    Lipid fraction of biomass has been identified as carbon neutral substitution to fuels from fossil sources in the transportation sector. Although, the diesel engine, invented by Rudolph Diesel over a century ago first ran on peanut oil, the current combustion engines are designed to run on hydrocarbon fuels derived from petroleum. Therefore, a substitute for diesel fuel from renewable source will need to have identical or closely similar properties. The most popular of the existing technology for processing vegetable or animal oils is based on the conversion of the triglycerides constituents to fatty acids methyl esters (FAME). FAME technology does not produce diesel fuel with identical properties as petro-diesel. Other alternative processing routes are dilution of the vegetable oils, emulsification, pyrolysis and hydrotreating. These routes are discussed in this paper. Appropriate technologies for small scale production of diesel range hydrocarbon fuel from vegetable oil without the need for co-reactants such methanol or hydrogen as part of the feedstock is emphased. Also alternative catalyst systems in place of the expensive precious metal supported catalysts are suggested

    Perintisan Ushul Fiqh dan Kategorisasinya

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    Kebolehan berijtihad yang dilakukan para sahabat atas petunjuk Rasulullah melalui beberapa riwayat, menunjukkan bahwa metodologi penetapan hukum Islam tersebut telah tumbuh sejak masa Rasulullah, dan hal ini dilakukan juga oleh para sahabat yang sangat memahami benar bagaimana Rasulullah menetapkan suatu keputusan hukum yang diajukan pada beliau. Akan tetapi metodologi ini tidak tersusun selayaknya susunan suatu ilmu. Kedekatan para sahabat dengan Rasulullah sangat memungkinkan mudahnya para sahabat dalam berijtihad, sehingga metodologi bukanlah suatu keharusan pada masa tersebut. Walaupun sebenarnya dalam tataran praktisnya metodologi ini telah dipraktekkan pada masa sahabat.Dengan meluasnya wilayah kekuasaan Islam ke belahan dunia Barat dan Timur, dari daratan Spanyol sampai perbatasan Cina, dan berkembangnya berbagai bidang ilmu pada masa Tabi\u27in, tidak hanya berdampak pada beragamnya persoalan hukum yang terjadi di masing-masing wilayah tersebut, tapi juga sering terjadi perbedaan antara ulama disetiap wilayah dalam memutuskan persoalan hukum yang dihadapinya, walaupun persoalan hukum yang dihadapi ulama saat itu memiliki kesamaan kasus. Atas dasar ini lahirlah beberapa aliran dalam menetapkan metodologi hukum Islam, yang dijadikan acuan masing-masing kelompoknya. Terdapat aliran Jumhur ulama ushul fiqh yang membangun metodenya secara teoritis, tanpa terpengaruh pada masalah furu\u27. Aliran Fuqaha yang justru banyak dipengaruhi oleh masalah furu\u27 dalam mazhab mereka, dan terdapat pula aliran yang mengkompromikan keduanya

    Analisis Kebutuhan Terminal Agropolitan Di Kabupaten Gowa

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    Gowa is one area that has a high potential in the agricultural sector . As one support agricultural development of the area needed a tool that can serve as a place to accommodate and distribution of agricultural goods, especially in rural areas can then add value to agricultural products so as to increase local revenues in Gowa. But in fact in Gowa is not available a facility that can accommodate and distribution of agricultural goods . Marketing activities and unloading of agricultural products are generally often take place in locations traditional markets and partly carried out at several locations that are not on the allotment, as in Jalan Poros Pallangga - Limbung the course of an arterial road function. Who every day experience the congestion caused by these activities. Based on the above issues will be carried out through research that this study is " Needs Analysis Terminal Agro in Gowa ". The aim of this study is to determine the needs and development of Agro Terminal in Gowa. The method of approach used in this study is descriptive. From the analysis we found that As one of the region support the development of Agriculture then it should be in Gowa has Terminal Agro. The Agro terminal function and acts as a central collection and distribution of agricultural potential in each region Agropolitan more targeted and effective as a center for buying and selling agricultural commodities, which in turn will improve the quality and quantity of production are likely to be developed by the public or that can trigger proper allocation of new investments on activities based Agropolitan
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