19 research outputs found

    Diagnostics of evolution of risk collapse complications at student group with anomalous cardiovascular reaction

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    The description of investigation of predisposition to potential danger of collapse complications at 429 first-year students during physical training is presented using the analysis of pulse wave form. With the help of developed device the group of students with predisposition to risk of collapse complications during physical activity has been revealed. The results of clinical examination have confirmed the predisposition of the given group to risk of collapse complication

    Optical control of semiconductor synchronized microwave oscillators in the power suppression mode

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    The influence of optical radiation on the performance of the synchronized microwave Gunn-diode oscillator in the coherent signals subtraction mode has been described theoretically and investigated experimentally. The high sensitivity of the oscillator characteristics to the change of the optical intensity affecting the semiconductor diode structure has been shown. It is suggested to use this mode for the creation of optoelectronic microwave systems with the controlled amplitude and phase of the output signal and for the high-accuracy indication of optical radiation

    Low-frequency magnetic field effect on solubility of oxalate type human organominerals in water in vitro

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    The research goal is to determine low-frequency AMF effect on dissolution of urinary stone material in vitro in water with human urinary stones (oxalate type). Materials and Methods. The structural changes in aqueous solutions may occur when exposed to low-frequency alternating magnetic fields (AMF). It depends on chemical composition of the solutions under the study. Results. Organic components (63.1 %), leading to the density decrease of the solution, urea (18.8%), leading to its increase, and oxalic acid (19.7%) have been determined in stone composition. The decrease of transmittance T (%) by the time of oxalate dissolution has indicated increase in concentration of dissolved sample. The sample has been exposed to AMF of 2-9 Hz on the background of the control sample. The growth of this dependence with AMF increasing of 11-22 Hz has established less concentration of dissolved sample in the test solution than in the control one. Conclusion. The main task has been to determine the influence of AMF of 2-22 Hz on solubility of urinary stones placed in water for an hour. The article is to conclude that maximal solubility of oxalate mineral sample by AMF of 2-22 Hz has been reached. It is 14% more than in the control solution. The effectiveness of AMF influence on solubility of organomineral decreases with frequency increasing. It has been confirmed by photometric and areometric measurements

    State of cardiovascular system during exercise in sportsmen

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    The purpose of the article is to study the state of cardiovascular system of sportsmen involved in rowing and canoeing, both before and after training. Material et methods: The research has been performed by means of the developed mobile devices that allow non-invasive screening assessment of the potential risk of collapse complications. Results: The article outlines the results of the survey carried out to determine the presence of vagotonic tone with deficient activity supply and abnormal pulse wave that may lead to circulatory collapse in exercise. Conclusion: The technique of pulse wave and vegetative regulation assessment before and after training enables to prevent the circulatory collapse development in stressful physical exertion in sportsmen


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    The results of investigation ofcorrelation between patients' sclera colour and presence ofundifferentiated dysplasia of connective tissue are described in the work. The experimental technique, the scheme of determination and the example of analysis of sclera’s colour in normal and pathological states are presented

    Application of laser autodyne for vibration assessment of tympanic membrane

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    Research is devoted to assessing the state of the middle ear structures by usage of modern nanotechnology methods. The history of the problem, various ancient and modern methods for studying the mobility of the middle ear structures have been described. The results of the research of eardrum movements by laser autodyne and their value in differential diagnosis of ear diseases have been presented. The research goal is to assess vibrations of middle ear structures by modern nanotechnological techniques. Materials: The study included 207 persons, divided into groups of healthy individuals and patients with sensorineural deafness, otosclerosis, adhesive otitis and tubootitis. Results: Exact frequency response vibration patterns of the middle ear and tympanic membrane have been obtained. Measurements have been made in open sound field in normal ears and ears with various pathology of middle and inner ear. The value of this method in differential diagnosis of ear diseases has been investigated. Conclusion: The use of laser autodyne for measuring middle ear structures vibration is a perspective and objective method of assessing auditory function. It is very necessary in modern otolaryngology for differential diagnosis of hearing patholog

    Estimation Of Blood Vessels Functional State By Means Of Analysis Of Temperature Reaction On Occlusive Test

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    Temperature reaction of distant phalanges in the case of the occlusive test has been registered. It has been revealed that the temperature reaction on the occlusive test for the group of patients with disturbances of vessel tone regulation differs from the reaction of norm group. Possible influence of vessel regulation state and volumetric blood supply on the skin temperature dynamics has been estimated. Diagnostic ability of the temperature occlusive test has been investigate

    Efficiency of nistagmus treatment method using videooculography in a long-term observation

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    The purpose of the study was to investigate the efficiency of nistagmus treatment method using videooculography in a long-term observation. Material and methods. 288 patients were examined. The nystagmogram had been record-ering at the time of the patient's admission, every day after the treatment and after the entire course of treatment. The video image had been recordering for 1 minute at the sight of the patient directly. Based on the diagnostic results, there had been determining the following parameters: the main nystagmus frequency, the amplitude of the nystagmus (maximum deviation from the central position). The treatment procedure had been carrying out for 7-10 minutes in average, depending on the degree of decrease in the amplitude of the nystagmus. It is necessary to correct the frequency of light stimulus when the main nystagmus frequency changes. Results. Suppression of nystagmus in patients after a single treatment procedure persisted for different times (from several seconds to several minutes), after which the gradual recovery of the nystagmus occurred before the values of the amplitudes less than before the start of the treatment procedure. The result of repeated procedures was a further decrease in nystagmus amplitudes and an increase in the time of preservation of the suppression effect. One course included 7-10 treatment procedures. On average, for 2 courses of treatment per year in 60% of patients the amplitude of nystagmus decreased by 40-85%, in 30% of patients the amplitude of nystagmus did not change more than 8-12%, in 10% of patients there were no significant changes. Conclusion. The developed method using videooculography is effective in the diagnosis and treatment of nystagmus, as it allows to reveal the frequency of nystagmus of each patient with further treatment by light stimulus of the patient at this frequency and the possibility of its correction.</p

    Dynamic thermal imaging control of an eye in postoperative period after cataract phacoemulsification

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    The research goal is to study the impact of various schemes of antibacterial therapy in the postoperative period in patients after cataract phacoemulsification with distant thermography. Under observation there were 68 patients with cortical initial cataract. All patients were subjected to cataract phacoemulsification. Patients were divided into 2 groups: 34 patients of the first group after the operation dropped into the operated eye medication «Oftaquiks» 1 drop 5 times a day for one day before surgery and for 5 days postoperatively. 34 patients from the second group as an antibacterial drug received medication &quot;Cipromed&quot; in a similar way. Inflammatory reaction in postoperative period in the first group was not evident. In the second group the presence of inflammatory reaction of various degrees was revealed. Period of its reduction was 6,3 ± 2 days. The temperature difference between the non-operated and operated eye in the 3d day in most cases was less than 1 day after surgery. In the first group of patients the average temperature difference in the 3d day after surgery was 0.35 ± 0.21 ° C, and in the second group of patients - 1.3±0.83°C. Advantages of dynamic thermal imaging method for monitoring the state of the eye, including the analysis of time dependencies of temperature in the process of natural load test, which allows to select the optimal drug correction of postoperative cataract pha-coemulsification were reveale