41 research outputs found

    Masywne przerzuty do skóry jako pierwszy objaw raka piersi — opis przypadku

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    Introduction: Metastases to the skin are relatively rare, but they are an important diagnostic and therapeutic challenge. In women skin metastases are the most commonly associated with breast cancer. In the men they are often associated with lung cancer. Skin metastasis most often are in form of blue-purple nodules and tumours with tendency of necrosis. Aim: The aim of this paper is to present the case of a patient with diagnosed breast cancer with skin involvement. Case report: The 48-years old female patient was admitted to The Department of Dermatology for diagnosis and treatment of dermal lesions in form of numerous blue-purple nodules and ulcerations localised on the skin of the chest. The ultrasound examination suggested a primary malignant lesion in the left breast spreading to the right side and numerous satellite nodules. A whole nodule was collected for histopathological and immunohistochemical examinations in order to make the final diagnosis. Histopathology tests confirmed the diagnosis of tumour metastases of the skin and positive immunohistochemical reactions for cytokeratin 7 (CK7) and for oestrogen receptors (ER) pointed mammary glands as the primary site. The patient was urgently referred to the Oncology Centre. Conclusions: The occurrence of skin metastasis in all tumour processes significantly worsens the prognosis of the patient. These changes should be quickly recognized by the oncologist or dermatologist. Sometimes the localization of primary tumour is not possible to determine without taking the biopsy for histopathological and immunohistochemistry assays. Rapid treatment of appropriate chemotherapy or radiotherapy can prolong life and reduce pain.Wstęp: Przerzuty nowotworów do skóry stanowią istotny problem diagnostyczy i terapeutyczny, chociaż występują stosunkowo rzadko. Przerzuty do skóry obserwowane są najczęściej w przebiegu raka sutka u kobiet i raka płuca w przypadku mężczyzn. Zazwyczaj mają one postać sinofioletowych guzków i guzów, niekiedy z tendencją do rozpadu. Cel pracy: Celem pracy jest przedstawienie przypadku pacjentki z rozpoznanym nowotworem piersi przebiegającym z zajęciem skóry. Opis przypadku: 48-letnia pacjentka została przyjęta do Kliniki Dermatologii w celu diagnostyki i leczenia zmian skórnych o charakterze licznych sinofioletowych guzków z tendencją do rozpadu oraz owrzodzeń zlokalizowanych na skórze gładkiej klatki piersiowej. W badaniu USG piersi całość obrazu przemawiała za procesem nowotworowym pierwotnie wywodzącym się z piersi lewej, z progresją zmian na stronę prawą, z licznymi guzkami satelitarnymi. Pobrano w całości guzek do badania histopatologicznego oraz immunohistochemicznego w celu ustalenia rozpoznania ostatecznego. Wynik badania histopatologicznego potwierdził rozpoznanie przerzutów nowotworowych do skóry, dodatnie odczyny immunohistochemiczne dla cytokeratyny 7 (CK 7) i receptorów estrogenowych (ER) wskazywały na sutek jako miejsce guza pierwotnego. Pacjentka została w trybie pilnym skierowana do Centrum Onkologii. Wnioski: Wystąpienie przerzutów do skóry w przypadku wszystkich procesów nowotworowych znacznie pogarsza rokowanie pacjenta. Zmiany te powinny być szybko rozpoznane przez prowadzącego onkologa lub dermatologa. Czasem punkt wyjścia nowotworu nie jest możliwy do ustalenia bez pobrania materiału do badania histopatologicznego i immunohistochemicznego. Szybkie wdrożenie odpowiedniej chemioterapii lub radioterapii pozwala przedłużyć życie chorych oraz zmniejszyć dolegliwości bólowe.

    Potential mechanism of action of cyclosporin a in human dermal fibroblasts—Transcriptomic analysis of CYPs

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    Effect of cyclosporin A (CsA) in a therapeutic concentration, on the expression of cytochrome P450 genes (CYPs), was investigated in normal human dermal fibroblast cells. The expression of 57 genes, encoding cytochrome P450 isoforms, was estimated using the microarray method. Amongst 396 normalized fluorescence signals related to cytochrome P450 activity, only 91 were strictly connected to CYPs and were analyzed using two methods: a self-organizing feature map of artificial neural networks and typical statistical analysis with significance level at p ≤ 0.05. Comparing the samples from fibroblasts cultured with CsA and those cultured without, up-regulated changes of CYP19A1, 1B1, 7A1, 7F1, 17A1 and down-regulated 2D6 gene expression were observed. The mRNAs with increased changes were in the same neuron of the self-organizing feature map. All distinguished CYPs encode monooxygenases, which plays an important role in steroids biosynthesis and metabolism. Based on the obtained results, we can conclude that CsA in therapeutic concentration changes the expression profile of CYPs in human dermal fibroblasts, especially affecting genes linked to steroids synthesis and/or metabolism. It shows the potential mechanism of action of CsA in human dermal fibroblast cell

    Imaging in a rare case of neuroendocrine tumour with skin metastases

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    Purpose: Disseminated malignancies are a diagnostic and therapeutic challenge that is often encountered in radiology. Finding the primary tumour is crucial for planning proper surgical and oncological treatment. Computed tomography (CT) of the thorax and abdomen is typically the initial examination. However, abdominal magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) or positron emission tomography (PET/CT) or PET/MRI are often subsequently performed. Histopathological examination of metastatic tumours is performed as well, followed by immunohistochemistry. The aim of the report was to present diagnostic workup in a rare case of skin metastases. Case report: A 72-year-old patient was admitted to a dermatology ward because of skin lesions - violaceous nodules localised on the hair-covered skin of the head. On abdominal CT, a generalised neoplastic process with metastases in the liver, pancreas, adrenal glands, lymph nodes, bones, thoracic wall, and a suspected metastasis in the right breast was revealed. Histopathology of the skin nodules confirmed a neuroendocrine tumour. Metastases of a pancreatic neuroendocrine tumour or small-cell lung cancer were suspected on immunohistochemistry. The patient died before we were able to localise the primary source of the tumour and provide treatment. Conclusions: Skin metastases are relatively rare, aggravate the prognosis, and usually indicate spread of the neoplastic process in the internal organs. It is not always possible to localise the primary tumour using radiological imaging. In such cases, co-operation with the pathologist is crucial as are the results of histopathological and immunohistochemical examinations

    Is there respectful maternity care in Poland? Women’s views about care during labor and birth.

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    Background: Abuse against women in labor starts with subtle forms of discrimination that can turn into overt violence. Therefore it is crucial to work towards prevention and elimination of disrespect and ill-treatment in medical facility perinatal care in which staff allows such abuse. The aim of the study was to analyze the experiences of women related to perinatal care. Special emphasis was put on experiences that had traits indicating disrespectful and offensive care during childbirth in medical facilities providing perinatal care. Methods: This was a cross-sectional survey. A questionnaire was prepared for respondents who gave birth in medical facilities. Information about the study was posted on the website of a non-governmental foundation dealing with projects aimed at improving perinatal care. The respondents gave online consent for processing the submitted data. 8378 questionnaires were submitted. The study was carried out between February 06 and March 20, 2018. The results were analyzed using the Chi-square independence test. The analysis was carried out at the significance level of 0.05 in Excel, R and SPSS. Results: During their hospital stay, 81% of women in the study experienced violence or abuse from medical staff on at least one occasion. The most common abuse was having medical procedures without prior consent. Inappropriate comments made by staff related to their own or a woman’s situation were reported in 25% of situations, whilst 20% of women experienced nonchalant treatment. In the study 19.3% of women reported that the staff did not properly care for their intimacy and 1.7% of the respondents said that the worst treatment was related to feeling anonymous in the hospital. Conclusions: The study shows that during Polish perinatal care women experience disrespectful and abusive care. Most abuse and disrespect involved violation of the right to privacy, the right to information, the right to equal treatment, and the right to freedom from violence. The low awareness of abuses and complaints reported in the study may result from women’s ignorance about relevant laws related to human rights

    Relief and changes in the vegetation cover and the flora of the Zadroże Dune near the city of Toruń: Comparison of the conditions in 1948 and 2009

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    The relief of the Zadroże Dune was described, as well as the comparison was done on its vegetation cover and the flora in its two phases of the development, i.e. before the afforestation of the dune and approximately 60 years after reconstruction of the forest. The first state was described in the paper dated 1949. During that period the dune constituted the first common study area for the research team consisting of ecologists and geographers from the Nicolaus Copernicus University. Our contemporary scientific studies were carried out in 2009. In the comparative analysis, a particular attention was paid to the distribution, the number and the size of heath patches with Arctostaphylos uva-ursi. In the description of the contemporary state of vegetation, the structure and the biomass of tree stands were included. The GIS and GPS technologies were applied in the comparative analysis of the vegetation, in the comparison of the former and contemporary cartographic materials, aerial and satellite images, as well as in the development of a digital elevation model. As a result of comparisons of the vegetation cover, it was found that the surface area of heaths decreased from 59.21 ares in 1948 to 2.96 ares in 2009. As a result of comparisons of the flora, it was found that 7 and 26 species of lichens occurred in 1948 and 2009 respectively, 5 and 42 species of mosses, 0 and 7 species of liverworts, as well as 102 and 204 species of vascular plants. The number of families, within which the species of vascular plants are classified, increased from 31 to 52. The compared floras have only 66 species in common. The percentage contribution of geographical and historical groups has undergone only inconsiderable changes during the 60-year period. Contribution proportions of non-synanthropic spontaneophytes and apophytes has changed slightly. Whereas, the contribution of alien species, mainly kenophytes and ergasiophytes significantly increased. This paper discuss the significance of natural and anthropogenic factors, which brought about this considerable range of transformations in the species composition and in the contribution of alien species

    Yil102c-A is a Functional Homologue of the DPMII Subunit of Dolichyl Phosphate Mannose Synthase in Saccharomyces cerevisiae

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    : In a wide range of organisms, dolichyl phosphate mannose (DPM) synthase is a complex of tree proteins Dpm1, Dpm2, and Dpm3. However, in the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae, it is believed to be a single Dpm1 protein. The function of Dpm3 is performed in S. cerevisiae by the C-terminal transmembrane domain of the catalytic subunit Dpm1. Until present, the regulatory Dpm2 protein has not been found in S. cerevisiae. In this study, we show that, in fact, the Yil102c-A protein interacts directly with Dpm1 in S. cerevisiae and influences its DPM synthase activity. Deletion of the YIL102c-A gene is lethal, and this phenotype is reversed by the dpm2 gene from Trichoderma reesei. Functional analysis of Yil102c-A revealed that it also interacts with glucosylphosphatidylinositol-N-acetylglucosaminyl transferase (GPI-GnT), similar to DPM2 in human cells. Taken together, these results show that Yil102c-A is a functional homolog of DPMII from T. reesei and DPM2 from humans