507 research outputs found

    Безопасность медико-санитарных учреждений при стихийных бедствиях - требование времени

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    Centrul Medicina Calamităţilor al Centrului Naţional Ştiinţifico-Practic Medicină de Urgenţă, Biroul de Coordonare al Organizaţiei Mondiale a Sănătăţii în Republica MoldovaIn the case of the rising number of emergencies and disasters it is vital that healthcare facilities remain able to continue to offer immediate services in the times in which they are most needed. The question of the safety of these healthcare facilities in periods of disasters is an important one world-wide, so much so that in 2009 World Health Day will be dedicated to the protection of health facilities in emergencies and will be celebrated under the motto: “Save lives. Make hospitals safe in emergencies”. Во время чрезвычайных ситуаций и стихийных бедствий, количество которых постоянно возрастает, работа медико-санитарных учреждений приобретает жизненную значимость. В то же время они также подвержены воздействию ударов стихии, которые могут вывести их из строя, тогда когда они особенно необходимы. В связи с этим проблема безопасности медико-санитарных учреждений при стихийных бедствиях приобретает всё большую актуальность во всём мире. В 2009 году Всемирный День Здоровья будет посвящен защите медицинских учреждений в чрезвычайных ситуациях и пройдет под девизом: „Спасем жизни. Обеспечим безопасность больниц в чрезвычайных ситуациях”

    Bringing Video Communication to the Community: Opportunities and Challenges

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    The rise of online social networks, the wide availability of video communication technology and the deployment of high-speed broadband networks together provide the opportunity for video to become a medium for mass social communication among communities. However, current solutions provide poor support for ad hoc social interactions among multiple groups of participants. This position paper summarises the results of more than 5 years’ research to make communication and engagement easier between groups of people separated in space. It shows how communication can be effectively combined with different shared activities, and how the technical capabilities of Communication Orchestration and Dynamic Composition work together to improve the quality of human interactions. The paper also describes ongoing work to develop the Service-Aware Network as a means of optimising the quality of a user’s communication experience while making most efficient use of network resources. We believe these developments could enable video-mediated communication to become an effective and accepted enabler for social communication within community groups globall

    Superconductivity in two-band systems with variable charge carrier density. The case of MgB2

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    The theory of thermodynamic properties of two-band superconductor with reduced density charge carriers is developed on the base of phonon superconducting mechanism with strong electron-phonon interaction. This theory is adapted to describe the behavior of critical temperature Tc, energy gaps Delta1, Delta2, and the relative jump of electron specific heat (Cs - Cn)/Cn in the point T = Tc along with the variation of charge carrier density in the compound MgB2 when substitutional impurities with different valence are introduced into the system. It is shown, that according to the filling mechanism of energy bands which overlap on Fermi surface, the quantities Tc, Delta1, Delta2 decrease when this compound is doped with electrons and remain constant or weakly change when the system is doped with holes. The theory qualitatively agrees with the experimental data. Also is shown that the consideration of inter- and intraband scattering of electrons on impurity potential improves this agreement.Comment: 19 pages, 6 figures, 1 table. to be published in JETP (first number 2007

    Experiments with Distributed Theatre

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    The Tempest was probably the last play that Shakespeare wrote alone. It is unlikely that he would contemplate it being performed 400 years later, and