79 research outputs found

    Why Securitising the Sahel Will Not Stop Migration

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    Assessment of risk factors of myocardial infarction incidence

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    Catedra Sănătate Publică şi Management USMF “Nicolae Testemiţanu”Considering the major actuality of risk factors in AMI (Acut Myocardial Infarction)occurrence, this study examines 146 patients with vices (smoking, alcoholism, irrational nutrition, salt and coffee abuse, psycho-social stress) and physiological parameters (BMI level, cholesterol, triglycerides). Our study shows the increased and decreased levels of these indexes, predominating in Moldova due to the socio-economical deficiencies, all these being essential features and circumstances influencing health indicators in population. The data obtained serve as an imperative to mobilize the society, relevant bodies and public opinion, so that the situation be overcome successfully. The AMI morbidity rate proved to depend on the particular area in Moldova the patient comes from, the mean annual length of hospitalization due to different diseases, this being 12.5 days. The morbidity rate predominates in males(54,1%). Our purpose was to assess the social-medical aspects in AMI patients and the risk factors causing it. Considerînd actualitatea factorilor de risc primordiali în apariţia IMA , în prezentul studiu s-a analizat la 146 de pacienţi viciile (tabagismul, alcoolismul, alimentaţia iraţională şi necalitativă, abuzul de sare şi cafea, stresul psiho-social) şi anumiţi parametri fiziologici (nivelul IMC, colesterolului, trigliceridelor). S-a redat în acest studiu nivelurile crescute şi micşorate ale acestor indici, care predomină în RM, datorită deficienţelor de ordin socio-economic, estimînd faptul că toate acestea sunt circumstanţe ce determină esenţial particularităţile indicatorilor de sănătate a populaţiei. Cele constatate sunt un imperativ pentru mobilizarea societăţii, a organelor de resort şi a opiniei publice la desfăşurarea eficientă de depăşire a acestei situaţii. Astfel s-a apreciat că frecvenţa morbidităţii prin IMA depinde de regiunea din RM în care s-a aflat pacientul, durata medie anuală de spitalizare prin diverse maladii în RM s-a dovedit a fi cea mai mare prin IMA de 12,5 zile , frecvenţa morbidităţii în funcţie de sex predomină la cel masculin 54,1%

    Evaluation of the Keys from the Traditional Romanian Costume

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    The paper presents the result of the study focused on the analysis of the structural elements of the traditional Romanian costume - the join points called keys that ensure the processing of the edges of the components of the pieces of the traditional costume their combination and the increase of the artistic value The diversity aesthetic and technical complexity of the keys denotes the creativity and aesthetic taste of the creators In addition to the structural diversity of the keys the functional characteristics are equally representative of them Thus the last part of the study is directed to the evaluation of the durability of the keys demonstrating high strength and a long service life The study was done within the State Project 20 80009 0807 17 Education for the revitalization of the national cultural heritage through traditional processing technologies used in the Republic of Moldova in the context of multiculturalism diversity and European integration running at Technical University of Moldov

    Analysis of the Identity Peculiarities of the Traditional Romanian Shirts from the Republic of Moldova

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    The traditional shirt blouse submitted in the traditional costume patrimony is one of the most important elements that is valued by artistic and symbolic valences attributed to the creators that told and still tell with the help of a single needle and thread their life stories aspirations explaining the connection between people and nature the divine Several terms are used concerning this garment identified as 8 Romanian shirt old shirt shirt Carpathian shirt The traditional costume is an expression of popular art which as Nicolae Iorga claims 8 is of the political and social substrate and is the most precious source of identity of the psychology of the Romanian peopl

    Some results of the activity of the regional agencies of medical insurance in Soroca in primary medicine

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    Rezumat. În lucrare se descrie unele rezultate ale activităţii Agenţiei Teritoriale de Asigurări Medicale Soroca în asistenţa medicală primară. în materialele studiului se descriu: situaţia, problemele şi soluţiile de rezolvare a obiectivelor de activitate în acordarea asistenţei medicale primare a IMSP a CMF Soroca, Floreşti şi Drochia.Summary. In this article described some results of the regional agencies of medical insurance in Soroca in primary medicine. In the material studies are described the situation, the problems the solutions of the objectives in the activity of primary medicine in IMPS CMF Soroca, Floreşti, Drochia

    Tumoral mycosis fungoides Vidal-Brocq – a case report

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    Generalităţi. Micozisul fungoid este cel mai important limfom cutanat, care se întâlneşte mai frecvent la bărbaţi, în proporţie 2:1 vs femeile. Raportul T-limfoame, B-limfoame este de 65% la 20% din totalul limfoamelor maligne. Conform particularităţilor morfopatologice, 15% rămase nu pot fi clasifi cate nici la T, nici la B limfoame. O formă clinică mai rar întâlnită, cu apariţia unor formaţiuni tumorale pe pielea intactă, aparent sănătoasă, este micozisul fungoid tumoral (MFT). Uneori, după instalarea tumorilor, apar manifestări clinice clasice de micozis fungoides (micozis inversat). Prezentare de caz. Pacientul se prezintă la consultaţie în Spitalul Dermatologie şi Maladii Comunicabile cu leziuni multiple, localizate predominant pe abdomen şi partea laterală stângă a trunchiului, reprezentate de tumori solitare cu diametrul cuprins între 0,5 şi 2,0-3,0 cm, bine delimitate, cu bază largă de implantare, cu suprafaţă netedă, neregulată, roşie-violacee, dure la palpare şi, apărute mai recent, placarde eritematoase. Leziunile au debutat în urmă cu 15 ani, prin 2 tumori solitare în regiunea toracică, a căror excizie, a dus la diseminarea erupţiilor cutanate, din afi rmaţiile pacientului. Diagnosticul a fost stabilit în baza rezultatului histopatologic, după excizia tumorii din regiunea abdomenului. Tratament: excizie chirurgicală, dermacorticoizi topici și sistemici, chimioterapie cu citostatice (metotrexat, vincristină), PUVA terapie, tratament simptomatic (antihistaminic). Concluzie. Micozisul fungoid tumoral este o variantă clinică rară de limfom T cutanat, cu o posibilă diseminare cutanată după excizie sau radioterapie.Background. Mycosis fungoides, the most common cutaneous lymphoma, is more common in men in a ratio of approximately 2:1. From all the malignant lymphomas, T-lymphoma represents 65% and B-lymphoma 20%, while the remaining 15% can not be morphologically clasifi ed. Tumoral mycosis fungoides (TMF) is a rare clinical form which presents with tumoral lesions on normal skin. Sometimes, the clasical clinical manifestation with patches and plaques appears aft er the tumors (inversed mycosis). Case presentation. We present the case of a patient examined in the Republican Dermato-Venerologic Dispensary, Chișinău, for multiple lesions, localized mainly on the abdomen and lateral side of the trunk. Th ere were multiple isolated tumors, 0.5-2 cm or 3 cm in diameter, well delimited, with wide implantation base, red-violaceus, smooth and irregular surface, hard at palpation and more recent, erythematous plaques. Th e lesions started 15 years ago at the thorax with 2 solitary tumors. Surgical excision of these tumors was followed by the dissemination of the lesions, as the patient mentioned. Th e diagnosis was established aft er pathological examination of the excised abdominal tumor. Treatment: surgical excision, topical and systemic corticoids, chemotherapy (methotrexate, vincristin), PUVA therapy, symptomatic treatment (antihistamins etc). Conclusion. Tumoral mycosis fungoides is a rare presentation variant of T cell lymphoma, with possible hematogenic or lymphatic metastasis aft er excision or inadequate radiotherapy

    Dermoscopy in hair and scalp disorders – literature review

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    Introducere. Pierderea podoabei capilare poate avea un efect semnificativ asupra calităţii vieţii pacientului, fiind necesar un diagnostic rapid al cauzelor posibile și un tratament prompt. Metodele standard de diagnostic al patologiei scalpului și părului, cum ar fi inspecţia clinică, examinarea microscopică, biopsia variază în reproductibilitate și invazivitate, deaceea este nevoie de o metodă neinvazivă, care ar ajuta clinicianul în practica de zi cu zi. În utimii ani, au fost publicate mai multe studii privitor la utilizarea dermatoscopiei în diagnosticul patologiei scalpului şi părului, iar termenul de trichoscopie este utilizat pentru definirea acestei noi aplicaţii a tehnologiilor de diagnostic. Scopul lucrării. Prezentarea dermatoscopiei ca metodă nouă pentru diagnosticul prompt al patologiei scalpului și părului în practica cotidiană a medicilor dermatologi. Material și metode. Am folosit ca surse reviste și website-uri medicale, în care am găsit articole cu date actualizate. Am încercat să sistematizăm informaţiile și să le aranjăm în capitole, prezentând caracteristici dermatoscopice, observate la nivelul scalpului normal, în afecţiuni inflamatorii și infecţioase ale scalpului, alterări ale tijei firului de păr, dar și în alopeciile cicatriceale și necicatriceale. Pot fi utilizate atât dermatoscopul portativ, cât și videodermatoscopul, ultimul având posibilitatea memorării imaginilor, stocării lor în baza de date pentru o urmărire și comparaţie ulterioară. Concluzii. Trichoscopia este foarte utilă pentru diagnosticul in vivo al patologiei scalpului și părului și poate ameliora substanţial managementul clinic. Utilizarea dermatoscopului îmbunatăţește acurateţea diagnosticului și poate contribui la înţelegerea patogeniei maladiilor părului. Dermatoscopia scalpului și părului (trichoscopia) este o tehnică rapidă și neinvazivă, ceea ce permite identificarea patologiei scalpului și părului, bazându-ne pe analiza structurilor și pattern-urilor dermatoscopice specifice, fără a fi nevoie de îndepărtarea părului în scop diagnostic, dar și de biopsia inutilă.Introduction. Hair loss can have significant effects on patients’ quality of life, in this case a prompt diagnosis of the different causes of hair loss and early treatment are needed. The standard methods to diagnose hair and scalp disorders, such as simple clinical inspection, the pull test, and biopsy, vary in their reproducibility and invasiveness, and there is a need for noninvasive methods that help the clinician in everyday practice. Many studies on dermoscopy of hair and scalp disorders have been published in the last few years and the term trichoscopy has specifically been coined to describe this novel application of the technique. Objectives. Presentation of dermoscopy as a new method of prompt diagnosis in hair and scalp disorders in daily practice of dermatologysts. Materials and methods. We used as sources medical journals and websites in which we found articles with updated data. We tried to systematize information and arrange it in chapters, showing characteristics observed in the dermoscopy of normal scalp, in inflammatory and infectious scalp disorders, hair shaft alterations, and the dermoscopic features described in non-scarring and scarring alopecia. Both handheld dermoscope and videodermoscope can be utilized, the former however providing the possibility of a fast storage of images for future comparison and follow-up studies. Conclusion. Trichoscopy is very useful for in vivo diagnosis of scalp and hair disorders and can greatly improve clinical management. The use of dermoscopy improves the diagnostic accuracy and may contribute in understanding the pathogenesis of hair disorders. Hair and scalp dermoscopy (trichoscopy) is a fast and noninvasive technique that allows the identification of hair and scalp diseases on the basis of analysis of trichoscopy structures and patterns without the need for removing hair for diagnostic purposes or unnecessary biopsies

    Aesthetic aspects in representation lace from traditional Moldovan towel

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    Interest in national values increases with interest in culture, diversity, national identity. The handcrafted Moldovan towel (romanian – ”prosop”) is part of the national heritage of the Republic of Moldova. He belongs to the group of ceremonial textiles and represents a symbol of national culture. A special significance has the handcrafted towels, made of vegetable textile fibers. Of great interest are the laces (horboțică) with which their terminations are decorated. Towels decorated on two sides, on 3 and 4 sides, are identified. Depending on the occasion, they vary according to the complexity and type of ornamental elements used, but also their width. For example, towels given by young married people to godparents have ornaments reproduced in lace such as peacock, turkey, cuckoo, complex floral ensembles, with a width of 30-40 cm

    Rumbe-variety of Bessarabian carpets

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    The beauty of Bessarabian carpets is known beyond the borders of the Republic of Moldova, becoming a subject of interest both for those who are passionate about art, as well as for the great fashion houses, design agencies in the world. As overflowing as they are through their beauty, as diverse as they are both aesthetically and structurally, technologically realized. Rumbeles are part of the group of wall carpets, bedding on the floor, beds, chairs, upholstery; as the main decoration textiles of the interiors, having the main aesthetic visual element of communication – Rhombus. The paper presents the results of the study carried out within the State Program 20.8009.0807.17 REVICULT "Education for the revitalization of the national cultural heritage through the traditional processing technologies used in the Republic of Moldova, in the context of multiculturalism, diversity and European integration"

    Interior textiles – motifs, meanings and reproduction techniques

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    The paper presents the result of the study with reference to the comparative analysis of the possibilities of aesthetic diversification of products through the prism of traditional textil, involving various motives.The concern for decorating the interiors of houses is attested since ancient times. The topics of interest are the most diverse, presenting various ornamental motifs: vegetal, anthropomorphic, scheomorphic, avimorphic reproduced by various sewing techniques but also by weaving. Depending on the predestination of textiles, there was a diversity of image complexity. Wall textiles feature complex patterns of ornamental compositions