1,263 research outputs found

    Selfless Time

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    Time studies in psychology or in consumer behaviour, traditionally think of the personal future as a Lewinian `life space', containing several well-known time dimensions: future time perspective, future anxiety, and hope. Those dimensions are used to test the predictive power of various behaviours (attitudinal change, health behaviour, delay of gratification, etc.) or more specifically: the temporality of consumer behaviours as implied in consumption of cultural goods, exploratory consumer behaviour, or mail order purchasing. However, the personal future is flexible enough to enable individuals to project themselves well beyond this `life space' into a post-mortem future. In this context, I propose to look at the concept of death anxiety. Researchers studying the influence of time representations on human behaviour should not limit themselves to apprehending the traditional dimension of personal future; they could integrate an understanding of the future that projects us beyond physical death. This requires first a close examination of the relationships between death anxiety and the traditionally applied future dimensions, and then broadening the scope to various human and consumer behaviours still unexplained by traditionally acknowledged temporal dimensions. I first present the classical Lewinian notion of personal future, highlighting some of its aspects, to show how death anxiety is part of the personal future, and presents major behavioural impacts. Second, by using structural equation modelling, and a multi-group approach, I present an empirical study aiming to show the nature and the intensity of the links between death anxiety and the other traditionally applied dimensions

    Terrorism and Parents\u27 Experience of Children\u27s schooling in Nigeria: A Phenomenological Study.

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    In Nigeria, displaced non-Muslim parents living in refugee camps face difficult decisions regarding the schooling of their teenage daughters, who are potential targets of Boko Haram terrorist activities. The purpose of this interpretative phenomenological analysis (IPA) was to qualitatively explore a deeper understanding of the lived experience of displaced non-Muslim parents in Nigeria concerning the schooling of their teenage daughters. Prospect theory provided a theoretical foundation for the study. The theory holds that decision-making is based on the perceived value of gains and losses under risk conditions, rather than solely the perceived final outcome of the risk. The research questions explored how the experience of terrorism affected parents\u27 school-related decision-making, perceptions of the schooling environment and value of education, and risk-taking attitudes. Data were collected through semistructured interviews held with 12 participants from 2 refugee camps. The data were then analyzed using the steps recommended in IPA. Identified themes included parents\u27 experience of trauma, their concern about the vulnerability of their school-going children, and their support for their daughters\u27 education. The findings produced a deeper understanding of the psychological implications of terrorist activities for the families, as well as their perception of the educational needs of teenage girls. Recommendations include providing governmental and nongovernmental support for affected parents and teenage girls. Contributions to positive social change include developing advocacy and resources in support of displaced parents and schools for improving the educational status of teenage girls in Nigeria

    Attitude face à la mort et comportement d'ajustement des consommateurs âgés : Vers l'élaboration d'une réponse marketing

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    This article stresses the point on a phenomenom seldom approached in marketing, from the point of view of the consumer as from the point of view of the marketer : the management of the death attitude of elderly consumer. It will answer the following questions: how do people over 60 years old apprehend they own death? What are their coping reactions? How and under which conditions can the manager treat these reactions ?Cet article attire l'attention sur un phénomène rarement abordé en marketing, tant du point de vue du consommateur que du point de vue du manager : la gestion du rapport à la mort des consommateurs âgés. Il répondra aux questions suivantes : comment les plus de 60 ans appréhendent-ils leur propre mort, quelles en sont les réactions adaptatives d'ajustement ? Comment et sous quelles conditions l'homme de marketing peut-il traiter ces réactions

    PolĂ­meros de coordinaciĂłn conmutables de hierro(II) para aplicaciones multifuncionales

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    Tesis inédita de la Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Facultad de Ciencias Químicas, leída el 21-02-2022In recent years, interest in coordination polymers (CPs) has grown rapidly with the demand for new materials that exhibit improved properties, are more cost-effective or can combine several desired properties. This particular development has been driven by crystal engineering, which entails the self-assembly of organic ligands and metal ions with specific functionality and directionality. This enables the design and synthesis of new molecules with targeted properties. Accordingly, a wide variety of CPs with potential applications in catalysis,1 gas sorption,2 luminescence,3 drug delivery,4 sensing,5 magnetism6 and anion exchange7 have been reported. Among them, the family of spin crossover materials (SCO) and coordination polymers exhibiting electrical properties hasgarnered considerable attention.The SCO effect occurs when the metal ion in coordination compounds undergoes a reversible and reproducible spin transition between the low spin (LS) and high spin (HS) electronic states, under the influence of external stimuli, such as temperature, pressure, light, magnetic field and the absorption/desorption of guest molecules...En los últimos años, el interés por los polímeros de coordinación (CPs por sus siglas en inglés) ha crecido rápidamente con la demanda de nuevos materiales que presenten mejores propiedades, sean más rentables o puedan combinar varias propiedades deseadas. Este desarrollo ha sido impulsado por la ingeniería cristalina, que implica el autoensamblaje de ligandos orgánicos e iones metálicos con una funcionalidad y direccionalidad específicas. Esto permite el diseño y la síntesis de nuevas moléculas con propiedades específicas. En consecuencia, se ha publicado una amplia variedad de CPs con aplicaciones potenciales en catálisis,1 absorción de gases,2 luminiscencia,3administración de fármacos,4 detección de moléculas,5 magnetismo6 e intercambio aniónico.7 Entre ellos, la familia de materiales de transición de espín (SCO por sus siglas en inglés) y los polímeros de coordinación que presentan propiedades eléctricas han recibido una atención considerable. El efecto SCO se produce cuando el ion metálico de los compuestos de coordinación experimenta una transición de espín reversible y reproducible entre los estados electrónicos de bajo espín (LS) y de alto espín (HS), bajo la influencia de estímulos externos, como la temperatura, la presión, la luz, el campo magnético y la absorción/desorción de moléculas huésped...Fac. de Ciencias QuímicasTRUEunpu

    Les services biographiques répondent-ils aux motivations de récit de vie ?

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    National audienceFor older people, writing one's life story responds to the fundamental need of memory transmission. Many people express an interest in writing but few put it into practice despite an increasing supply of services. The study explores this situation through the lexicographical analysis of 557 tales of life extracts and 8 semi-structured interviews. The results lead to a better understanding of this behavioural patternLa rédaction d'une histoire de vie par la personne âgée semble répond aux besoins fondamentaux de mémoire et de transmission. De nombreux individus se disent intéressés par la démarche d'écriture et pourtant peu passent à l'action malgré une offre de services de plus en plus développée. A partir d'une analyse lexicographique menée sur 557 comptes-rendus d'histoires de vie et de huit entretiens semi-directifs, notre recherche exploratoire permet de mieux comprendre les fonctions de ce comportement

    Gender Discrimination in Nigerian School System

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    The researcher decided to carry out this research because women have seldom been discriminated against. Many training opportunities as well as career ladder have been either close to women or considerably less open to women than men. In Nigeria, it is believed that women’s place is in the kitchen and therefore they need not be educated. It is a general belief that the female always survive without formal education. The only hope for the male child is to be educated. If this problem of discrimination is eradicated, it would help women appreciate their values so that they would not be discriminated against in their day-to-day life, and illiteracy too would be eradicated.Keywords: Gender, Discrimination, Education, NigeriaInternational Journal of Development and Management Review (INJODEMAR) Vol. 7 June, 201

    An Essay Inquiry: Will the JOBS Act’s Transformative Regulatory Regime for Equity Offerings Cost Investment Bankers’ Jobs?

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    This jointly authored Article scaffolds our respective research interests that analyze laws, rules, regulations, and policy levers that may inhibit—or exploit— a market’s ability to recognize an asset’s intrinsic value, whether in terms of social, human, or financial capital. In particular, this Article describes recent material changes to the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) rules promulgated in 2013 that Congress authorized by passing 2012’s JOBS Act. Contrary to statutory timing, the SEC has delayed the implementation of these new rules that impact the ability of small and entrepreneurial businesses to attract equity capital financing via Internet platforms. By applying the Court’s historical tests for public equity offerings to the new regulatory regime, this Article analyzes what types of equity-securities offerings ought to be permitted under the new regulatory regime. This Article, however, also illustrates numerous material shortcomings of the JOBS Act and articulates the reasons underpinning those shortcomings and how they affect the U.S. economy, entrepreneurship, and job creation, thus undermining much of the purpose of the JOBS Act. To address these deficiencies, this Article suggests several proscriptive amendments to the JOBS Act that not only would enhance equity crowdfunding for small businesses and entrepreneurs, leading to job growth in the U.S., but also preserve investor protection. This Article concludes that the current regulatory regime may very well fail not only to create jobs by crowdfunded equity financing of new businesses sought by the JOBS Act but also eliminate the jobs of the traditional equity financers—investment banks—thereby leading to a potential equity capital crunch and a reduction, rather than an increase, in employment relative to equity financing

    Les services biographiques répondent-ils aux motivations de récit de vie ?

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    La rédaction d'une histoire de vie par la personne âgée semble répond aux besoins fondamentaux de mémoire et de transmission. De nombreux individus se disent intéressés par la démarche d'écriture et pourtant peu passent à l'action malgré une offre de services de plus en plus développée. A partir d'une analyse lexicographique menée sur 557 comptes-rendus d'histoires de vie et de huit entretiens semi-directifs, notre recherche exploratoire permet de mieux comprendre les fonctions de ce comportement.Récit de vie ; Services biographiques ; Transmission intergénérationnelle ; Identité

    L'influence de l'expérience du vieillissement sur la consommation socialement responsable : Une étude empirique.

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    Cet article étudie l'influence de l'expérience du vieillissement sur l'adoption de comportements de consommation socialement responsable. Une étude quantitative menée sur 242 français de plus de 50 ans montre que la générativité, l'âge subjectif et la nostalgie agissent positivement sur l'intention d'acheter responsable : prise en compte du comportement de l'entreprise, achat de produits-partage, achat chez les petits commerçants, origine géographique du produit, volume de consommation.
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