68 research outputs found

    Klasična i kvantna kozmologija Sáez-Ballesterove teorije

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    We study the generalization of the Sáez-Ballester theory for a flat FRW cosmology. Classical solutions are obtained by using the Hamilton-Jacobi approach. Contrary to claims in the literature, it is shown that the Sáez-Ballester theory cannot provide a realistic solution to the dark matter problem. Furthermore, the quantization procedure of the theory can be simplified by reinterpreting the theory in the Einstein frame, where the scalar field can be considered as part of the matter content of the theory. Finally, exact solutions are found for the Wheeler-DeWitt equation.Proučavamo poopćenje Sáez-Ballesterove teorije za ravnu FRW kozmologiju. Postigli smo klasična rješenja primjenom Hamilton-Jacobijeve metode. Suprotno tvrdnjama u ranijim radovima, pokazujemo da Sáez-Ballesterova teorija ne daje realno rješenje pitanja tamne tvari. Nadalje, postupak kvantizacije teorije može se pojednostaviti novim pristupom teoriji prema Einsteinu kada se skalarno polje tumači kao dio tvari u svemiru. Konačno, našli smo egzaktna rješenja Wheeler-DeWittove jednadžbe