70 research outputs found

    An antimaximum principle for periodic solutions of a forced oscillator

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    Consider the equation of the linear oscillator u '' + u = h(theta), where the forcing term h : R -> R is 2 pi-periodic and positive. We show that the existence of a periodic solution implies the existence of a positive solution. To this aim we establish connections between this problem and some separation questions of convex analysis.Paris Observatory gran

    How many Keplerian arcs are there between two points of spacetime?

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    We consider the Keplerian arcs around a fixed Newtonian center joining two prescribed distinct positions in a prescribed flight time. We prove that, putting aside the "opposition case" where infinitely many planes of motion are possible, there are at most two such arcs of each "type". There is a bilinear quantity that we call b which is in all the cases a good parameter for the Keplerian arcs joining two distinct positions. The flight time satisfies a "variational" differential equation in b, and is a convex function of b.Comment: 16 pages, 3 figure

    All periodic minimizers are unstable

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    Abstract. We consider the periodic action functional associated to some lagrangian verifying Legendre convexity condition and show that all minimizers are unstable

    Forest Ecosystem Services: An Analysis of Worldwide Research

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    The relevance of forests to sustain human well-being and the serious threats they face have led to a notable increase of research works on forest ecosystem services during the last few years. This paper analyses the worldwide research dynamics on forest ecosystem services in the period from 1998 to 2017. A bibliometric analysis of 4284 articles was conducted. The results showed that the number of published research articles has especially increased during the last five years. In total, 68.63% of the articles were published in this period. This research line experiences a growing trend superior to the general publishing trend on forest research. In spite of this increase, its relative significance within the forest research is still limited. The most productive subject areas corresponded to Environmental Science, Agricultural and Biological Sciences and Social Sciences Economic topics are understudied. The scientific production is published in a wide range of journals. The three first publishing countries are United States, China and the United Kingdom. The most productive authors are attached to diverse research centres and their contributions are relatively recent. A high level of international cooperation has been observed between countries, institutions and authors. The findings of this study are useful for researchers since they give them an overview of the worldwide research trends on forest ecosystem services

    Horizontal transmission of streptococcus mutans in schoolchildren

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    Objetive: The aim of this study was to analyze possible horizontal transmission patterns of S. mutans among 6-7-yr-old schoolchildren from the same class, identifying genotypes and their diversity and relationship with caries disease status. Study Design: Caries indexes and saliva mutans streptococci and lactobacilli counts were recorded in 42 schoolchildren. Mutans streptococci colonies were identified by means of biochemical tests and all S. mutans strains were genotyped by arbitrarily primed polymerase chain reaction. A child was considered free of S. mutans when it could not be isolated in 3 samples at 1-week intervals. Results: S. mutans was isolated in 30 schoolchildren: 20 having one genotype and 10 two genotypes. Higher mutans streptococci and caries index values were found in those with two genotypes. Five genotypes were isolated in more than 1 schoolchild and one of these was isolated in 3 schoolchildren. Our results suggest that horizontal transmission may take place. Conclusion: Schoolchildren aged 6-7 yrs may be the source of mutual transmission of S. mutans

    Convergence and Numerical Solution of a Model for Tumor Growth

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    n this paper, we show the application of the meshless numerical method called “Generalized Finite Diference Method” (GFDM) for solving a model for tumor growth with nutrient density, extracellular matrix and matrix degrading enzymes, [recently proposed by Li and Hu]. We derive the discretization of the parabolic–hyperbolic–parabolic–elliptic system by means of the explicit formulae of the GFDM. We provide a theoretical proof of the convergence of the spatial–temporal scheme to the continuous solution and we show several examples over regular and irregular distribution of points. This shows the feasibility of the method for solving this nonlinear model appearing in Biology and Medicine in complicated and realistic domains

    TOpic: rare and special cases, the real "Strange cases"

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    Introduction: The bladder hernia represents approximately 1-3% of all inguinal hernias, where patients aged more than 50 years have a higher incidence (10%). Many factors contribute to the development of a bladder hernia, including the presence of a urinary outlet obstruction causing chronic bladder distention, the loss of bladder tone, pericystitis, the perivesical bladder fat protrusion and the obesity

    Documento de consenso sobre el tratamiento antimicrobiano de las infecciones bacterianas odontogénicas

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    Las infecciones de la cavidad bucal son un problema de salud pública frecuente y motivo constante de prescripción antibiótica; el 10% de los antibióticos se emplean para tratar este problema. Sin embargo, hasta la fecha son pocos los estudios realizados para determinar su incidencia. Asímismo, su relación con ciertas enfermedades sistémicas (cardiacas, endocrinas, etc...) confiere a estas patologías una importancia vital. A pesar de la reconocida frecuencia e importancia de las infecciones odontogénicas, llama la atención la actual dispersión de criterio en varios aspectos referentes a su clasificación, terminología y recomendaciones terapéuticas. El objetivo principal de este documento, realizado con el consenso de especialistas en microbiología y odontología, es establecer unas recomendaciones útiles para todos los profesionales implicados en el manejo clínico de estas patologías. Recibe especial atención el aumento de la prevalencia de resistencias bacterianas observado durante los últimos años y, en concreto, la proliferación de cepas productoras de betalactamasas. Otro factor causal importante de la aparición de resistencias es la falta de cumplimiento terapéutico, en especial en lo que respecta a la dosis y a la duración del tratamiento. Así pues, estas patologías constituyen un problema complejo cuyo abordaje requiere la instauración de antimicrobianos de amplio espectro, con adecuados parámetros farmacocinéticos, con buena tolerancia y una posología cómoda que permita que el paciente reciba la dosis adecuada durante el tiempo necesario. Amoxicilina/ácido clavulánico a dosis altas (2000mg/ 125mg) ha demostrado buenos resultados y capacidad para superar resistencias. Otros agentes como metronidazol y clindamicina, seguidos de claritromicina y azitromicina han demostrado también ser activos frente a la mayoría de los microorganismos responsables de las infecciones odontogé[email protected]