22 research outputs found


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    Objective: In the present study, Vicia faba fruit extract was screened for their hepatoprotective activity against cytotoxicity induced by acetaminophen in primary cultured rat hepatocytes.Methods: Vicia faba fruit, seed and leaf were subjected to assessment of its total phenolic content, reducing power, free radical scavenging activity, superoxide anion radical scavenging activity and lipid peroxidation. HPLC analysis, DNA damage protection and hepatoprotective activities of V. faba fruit extract were also analysed.Results: Among the tested extracts, V. faba fruit extract exhibited highest total phenolic content (104.90 mg gallic acid equivalents (GAE)/g), reducing power (0.83 ascorbic acid equivalents (ASE)/ml), free radical scavenging activity (IC50= 31.27 μg/ml), superoxide anion radical scavenging activity (IC50= 33.52 μg/ml) and LPO (IC50= 621.75 μg/ml). HPLC of V. faba fruit extract showed presence of polyphenols i.e. gallic acid (70.81 mg/100g) and catechin (49.63 mg/100g) and showed a significant reduction in the formation of nicked calf thymus DNA against either Fenton's reagent or UV radiation. Supplementation of V. faba fruit extract conferred significant protection against cytotoxicity induced by acetaminophen in primary cultured rat hepatocytes in comparison to standard hepatoprotectant silymarin.Conclusion: V. faba fruit extract possesses significant antioxidant, DNA damage protective and hepatoprotective activities and may be used for management of drug induced liver injury


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    Industrijska revolucija je dobar pokazatelj gospodarskog razvoja države, međutim, može biti i prijetnja za floru i faunu ako se u prirodu ispuštaju nepročišćene otpadne vode industrije. Cilj ovog istraživanja je procijeniti toksikološke učinke pročišćenih i nepročišćenih industrijskih otpadnih voda na aktivnost acetilkolinesteraze (AChE) kod Heteropneustes fossilis i Labeo rohita, jestivih riba različitih karakteristika poput razlika u morfologiji, staništu, ishrani, itd. Analizirani su fizikalno-kemijski parametri otpadnih voda kao što su: pH, električna vodljivost (EC), alkalitet, tvrdoća, otopljeni kisik (DO), fosfati, sulfati, nitrati, slobodni amonijak, kloridi, cink, željezo, krom i kalij jer ti parametri nisu bili u rasponu prema ISO smjernicama. Vrijednost LC50 za nepročišćene vode iznosila je 2,34% (v/v) i 0,80% (v/v) tijekom 96 h kod H. fossilis i L. rohita. Smrtnost riba u obrađenim otpadnim vodama nije zabilježena. Tijekom izlaganja subletalnim koncentracijama (1/15, 1/(10 ), 1/5 LC50) kod obje vrste riba aktivnost AChE u metabolički osjetljivim organima (mozak, mišići, škrge) je bila smanjena. Daljnja istraživanja biokemijskih i molekularnih pokazatelja mogla bi približiti mehanizam njihovog djelovanja.Industrial revolution is a good indicator of economic development of a country; however, it can be a threat to the flora and fauna if the untreated effluent of an industry is discharged. The present study is aimed to assess the comparative toxicological impacts of treated and untreated industrial effluents on acetylcholinesterase (AChE) activity in Heteropneustes fossilisand Labeo rohita, the most common edible fishes having diverse characters which include differences in morphology, habitat, food and feeding, etc. The physico-chemical parameters such as pH, electrical conductivity (EC), alkalinity, hardness, dissolved oxygen (DO), phosphate, sulphate, nitrate, free ammonia, chloride, zinc, iron, chromium and potassium of both untreated and treated effluent from the fertilizer industry were also analyzed as these parameters were not in range as per ISO guidelines. The LC50 value for untreated effluent was 2.34% (v/v) and 0.80% (v/v) for 96 h in H. fossilis and L. rohita, respectively, while no mortality was recorded in the treated effluent. The AChE activity in both fish species was found to decline in metabolically responsive organs like brain, muscle and gills through exposure to sub-lethal concentrations (1/15th, 1/10th and 1/5th of LC50 value) of the untreated effluent for 96 h. Further studies on biochemical and molecular aspects may reveal the mechanism of their action


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    The Prosopis cineraria (L) Druce is an important tree (Khejri- a local name in Rajasthan)for the Thar Desert withhard climatic adaptation and one of the lifeline in desert habitat as mentioned in ancient literature. This is a speciesrepresenting all five F viz., Forest, Fiber, Fuel, Fodder and Food. This tree is also mythological important in localcommunities. High value of this species recognized as a State symbol (state tree of Rajasthan). Prosopis cineraria(L.) Druce is a tree endemic to hot deserts of India, belonging to the family Leguminosae. Pods locally called“Sangri” are considered as dry fruit of desert and are one of the main ingredients of quintessential Rajasthani dish -The Panchkuta. In the present article, we have attempted to review different characteristics of the pods, tounderstand its health benefits. Various phytoconstituents like tannins (gallic acid), steroids (stigmasterol,campesterol, sitosterol, etc.), Flavone derivatives (prosogerin A, B, C, D, and E), alkaloids (spicigerine,prosophylline), etc. have been isolated from the sangri pods .As this plant is found in water stress (or deficient area)so antioxidant potential of pods has also been discussed. Prosopis cineraria (L) Druce is one of the highly valuedplant in the Indigenous System of Medicine. P. cineraria pods provide protein, iron, vitamins A and C and othermicro minerals Unripe pods are also nutritious and are used to prepare curries and pickles. Its bark is said to be apotent drug for several ailments such as leprosy, dysentery, bronchitis, asthma, leucoderma, piles, muscular tremors,asthma, rheumatism and inflammations. Pharmacological activities like analgesic, antipyretic, antihyperglycemic,antioxidant, antihypercholesterolemic, antitumor, nootropic anthelmintic, antibacterial, antifungal, antiviral andanticancer activities have been reported from different plant extracts. In view of its medicinal importance, thepresent review is focused to delineate its chemical constitution and therapeutic potentiality, precisely

    Analyzing the Effects of Urban Photopollution on Photosynthetic Efficiency of Certain Trees through Chlorophyll Fluorescence OJIP Transient

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    Trees in urban areas provide important ecosystem services and are an essential element of urban green space. The constant increase in artificial light from anthropogenic activities around the world creates photopollution that affects the phenology and physiology of plants. Here we conducted a field study to investigate the anthropogenic impacts on six urban trees (Saraca asoca, Terminalia catappa, Bauhinia variegata, Holoptelea integrifolia, Ficus benjamina and Thevetia peruviana) using chlorophyll fluorescence analysis. OJIP curve, maximum quantum yield of primary photochemistry (ΦPo), quantum yield of electron transport (ΦEo), probability that an absorbed photon will be dissipated (ΦDo), photosynthetic performance index (PIcsm) and reaction center photochemistry were assessed. According to the results, various parameters of chlorophyll fluorescence showed significant and important effects on different tree species. T. peruviana and F. benjamina were found to be tolerant to street lighting, while on the other hand, S. asoca, T. catappa, B. variegata and H. integrifolia were found to be sensitive to artificial light induced by street lamps. This study clearly indicates that chlorophyll fluorescence analysis is a potent method for screening the tolerance of tree species to photopollution induced by artificial lights

    Physicochemical Characteristics of Fertilizer Industry Effluent and its Toxicological Impact on the Activity of Acetylcholinesterase (AChE) in Freshwater Teleosts Heteropneustes fossilis and Labeo rohita

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    Industrial revolution is a good indicator of economic development of a country; however, it can be a threat to the flora and fauna if the untreated effluent of an industry is discharged. The present study is aimed to assess the comparative toxicological impacts of treated and untreated industrial effluents on acetylcholinesterase (AChE) activity in Heteropneustes fossilis and Labeo rohita, the most common edible fishes having diverse characters which include differences in morphology, habitat, food and feeding, etc. The physico-chemical parameters such as pH, electrical conductivity (EC), alkalinity, hardness, dissolved oxygen (DO), phosphate, sulphate, nitrate, free ammonia, chloride, zinc, iron, chromium and potassium of both untreated and treated effluent from the fertilizer industry were also analyzed as these parameters were not in range as per ISO guidelines. The LC50 value for untreated effluent was 2.34% (v/v) and 0.80% (v/v) for 96 h in H. fossilis and L. rohita, respectively, while no mortality was recorded in the treated effluent. The AChE activity in both fish species was found to decline in metabolically responsive organs like brain, muscle and gills through exposure to sub-lethal concentrations (1/15th, 1/10th and 1/5th of LC50 value) of the untreated effluent for 96 h. Further studies on biochemical and molecular aspects may reveal the mechanism of their action

    A Machine Learning-Based Gradient Boosting Regression Approach for Wind Power Production Forecasting: A Step towards Smart Grid Environments

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    In the last few years, several countries have accomplished their determined renewable energy targets to achieve their future energy requirements with the foremost aim to encourage sustainable growth with reduced emissions, mainly through the implementation of wind and solar energy. In the present study, we propose and compare five optimized robust regression machine learning methods, namely, random forest, gradient boosting machine (GBM), k-nearest neighbor (kNN), decision-tree, and extra tree regression, which are applied to improve the forecasting accuracy of short-term wind energy generation in the Turkish wind farms, situated in the west of Turkey, on the basis of a historic data of the wind speed and direction. Polar diagrams are plotted and the impacts of input variables such as the wind speed and direction on the wind energy generation are examined. Scatter curves depicting relationships between the wind speed and the produced turbine power are plotted for all of the methods and the predicted average wind power is compared with the real average power from the turbine with the help of the plotted error curves. The results demonstrate the superior forecasting performance of the algorithm incorporating gradient boosting machine regression

    Assessment of genetic diversity among sugarcane cultivars using novel microsatellite markers

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    Genetic diversity based on the characterization of genetic makeup, using molecular markers is of utmost importance for breeders in crop improvement programme. A total of 26 microsatellite primers were used to determine the genetic diversity among 40 sugarcane genotypes including their parents. The polymerase chain reaction (PCR) products were examined for both size and polymorphism using these primers. Overall alleles are amplified with an average of 2.3 per locus in this study. Of the total 26 simple sequence repeat (SSR) markers, only 10 (38.4%) displayed polymorphism, with polymorphism index contents (PIC) values ranging from 0.15 to 0.67. The observed homozygosity (Ho) and gene diversity (Nei’s) for individual loci varied from 0.0000 to 0.277 and 0.129 to 0.473, respectively. Shannon’s informative index (I) was found to be highest (0.661) in SKM04 while the lowest was 0.252 in SKM01 SSR loci with an average of 0.524. Fixation index was also calculated which was in the range of -0.074 to 1.00. A genetic relationship among cultivars and parental genotype was also analyzed by cluster analysis using unweighted pair group method with arithmetic mean (UPGMA), the average-linkage method, with the similarity matrix as input data. The genetic relationship and genetic diversity among the cultivars depicted from this study can be used to select the parents in sugarcane breeding programme. Keywords: Sugarcane, microsatellite, genetic diversity, SSRAfrican Journal of Biotechnology, Vol 13(12), 1444-145

    Wind Energy Scenario, Success and Initiatives towards Renewable Energy in India—A Review

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    Power generation using wind has been extensively utilised, with substantial capacity add-on worldwide, during recent decades. The wind power energy sector is growing, and has turned into a great source of renewable power production. In the past decades of the 21st century, the capacity of installed wind energy has almost doubled every three years. This review paper presents the crucial facets and advancement strategies that were approved and adopted by the Government of India for intensifying the country’s own power safety, by the appropriate use of existing power sources. From India’s viewpoint, wind energy is not only utilized for power production but also to provide power in a more economical way. The particulars of India’s total energy production, contributions of numerous renewable sources and their demand are also encompassed in this paper. After an exhaustive review of the literature, detailed facts have been identified about the present position of wind energy, with an emphasis on government achievements, targets, initiatives, and various strategic advances in the wind power sector. Wind power potential is discussed, which can assist renewable power companies to select efficient and productive locations. All analyses carried out in this paper will be incredibly valuable to future renewable energy investors and researchers. The current scenario of wind power production in India is also paralleled with that of other globally prominent countries