72 research outputs found

    Ragam Spesies dan Karakteristik Habitat Nyamuk di Kecamatan Juai, Kabupaten Balangan, Provinsi Kalimantan Selatan

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    Filariasis merupakan penyakit tular vektor yang disebabkan oleh infeksi cacing filaria. Infeksi cacing ini selain mengakibatkan tingginya morbiditas dan kerugian sosial ekonomi, juga dapat menurunkan tingkat produktivitas masyarakat. Upaya pengendalian sudah dilakukan melalui program pengendalian vektor, namun belum maksimal. Hal ini disebabkan kurangnya informasi tentang bioekologi nyamuk vektor. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui jumlah jenis nyamuk, kepadatan, perilaku, karakteristik habitat, dan peranannya dalam penularan filariasis. Penelitian dilaksanakan pada bulan Januari sampai dengan April 2015 di Desa Hamarung dan Desa Hukai, Kecamatan Juai, Kabupaten Balangan, Provinsi Kalimantan Selatan. Penangkapan nyamuk dilakukan dengan metode Bare Leg Collection mulai dari pukul 18.00–06.00 WITA. Seluruh nyamuk hasil penangkapan diidentifikasi dan dibedah. Pengumpulan larva dilakukan pada habitat perkambangbiakan potensial. Hasil penelitian menemukan 15 spesies nyamuk yang terdiri dari lima genus yaitu Culex, Mansonia, Anopheles, Armigeres, dan Aedes. Lima jenis nyamuk yang banyak tertangkap adalah Cx. tritaeniorhynchus (36,80%), Cx. quinquefasciatus (29,60%), Ma. dives (11,73%), Ma. annulata (10,04%), dan Ma. uniformis (4,62%). Puncak aktivitas Cx. quinquefasciatus dan Cx. tritaeniorhynchus mengisap darah orang di kedua desa terjadi pada pukul 21.00–00.45. Berdasarkan jenis habitat, nyamuk genus Culex, Mansonia, dan Anopheles cenderung terdapat dalam satu habitat yaitu rawa. Hasil pembedahan nyamuk tidak ditemukan larva cacing filaria (L1, L2, L3)

    Perilaku Nyamuk Mansonia dan Potensi Reservoar dalam Penularan Filariasis di Desa Gulinggang Kabupaten Balangan Provinsi Kalimantan Selatan

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    Mansonia is the one of mosquitoes that can transmit filariasis in Indonesia. The research wasconducted to determine diversity of Mansonia in Gulinggang Village Balangan District South KalimantanProvince and the role of reservoir on transmitting filariasis. The research was conducted in January until Mei2015 with cross sectional data collection. Adult mosquitoes were collected by Bare Leg Collection method onthree houses, which have patients with positive filaria. Adult mosquitoes collecting were done in indoor andoutdoor start from 18.00-06.00. Blood sampling were done on cats that maintenance by the origin people toobserve of microfilaria. The result showed there were five species of Mansonia i.e. Ma. uniformis, Ma. dives,Ma. annulifera, Ma. annulata, and Ma. bonneae. Ma. uniformis was the most collected mosquitoes indoorbiting (37.99%), and Ma. dives was the most outdoor biting (56.80%). The biting activity of Ma. uniformiswas peak indoors at 18:00–18:45 and outdoor at 20:00–20:45. The biting activity of Ma. dives was peakoutdoor at 19:00-19:45. Eight from ten (80%) domestic cats were positive of microfilaria. Based on theresult, it was conclude that filariasis in Gulinggang village was supported by the existence of domestic catand the vectors

    Determinasi Strain Aedes aegypti (Linn.) yang Rentan Homozigot dengan Metode Seleksi Indukan Tunggal

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    Aedes aegypti is a type of mosquito that can carry dengue virus, yellow fever and chikunguya. Thespread of this mosquito is very broad, covering almost all tropical regions worldwide. This study aims todetermine the vulnerability status of homozygous Ae. aegypti. Sample of Ae. aegypti is mosquito strain fromHealth Entomology Laboratory Bogor Institute of Agriculture and at random sampling. Ae. aegypti eggswhich comes from the breeders hatched separately. Insecticide‐treated paper (impregnated paper)malathion, bendiokarb and deltamethrin are use for insecticides testing using WHO test kit. The analysisshowed that the mosquito Ae. aegypti tested with a single sib‐selection method and were exposed to theinsecticide malathion, propoksur, and showed an increasing trend sipermetrin vulnerability homozygous ateach generation. As for the fourth generation (F4) has not shown changes into a strain that is homozygoussusceptible to three types of insecticides. The formation of homozygous susceptible strains take over fivegenerations

    Karakteristik Habitat dan Keberadaan Larva Aedes spp. pada Wilayah Kasus Demam Berdarah Dengue Tertinggi dan Terendah di Kota Tasikmalaya

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    Dengue hemorrhagic fever is a vector-borne disease caused by dengue virus and transmitted by Aedes spp. controlling the mosquito population is currently the only means to prevent dengue outbreaks. The highest dengue case in Tasikmalaya City until July 2015 was in Cikalang village dan the lowest in Cibunigeulis village. This research was an observational study with a cross-sectional design with the aim to determine vector density and Aedes sp. presence risk factor based on habitat characteristic in the highest and lowest dengue cases regions. Aedes spp. breeding sites and their characteristic were examined indoor and outdoor at 100 house each in Cikalang dan Cibunigeulis village. The result showed that in Cikalang, larval presence was mostly found in a non-water-reservoir containers (18.4%), indoor (6.5%), made of cement/soil/rubber (11.1%), open lid (7.5%), <1 litre volume (14.6%), without draining (22.2%), without larvivorous fish (6.5%), with temephos poured (20.3%), and water company household water source (7,7%). As in Cibunigeulis larval habitats was mostly found in a non-water-reservoir containers (8.7%), indoor (0.9%), made of plastic/ceramic/metal/glass (0.9%), open lid (1.1%), <1 litre volume (4%), without draining (2.2%), without larvivorous fish (0.9%), without temephos poured (0.9%), and non-water company household water source (0.9%). Binary logistic regression analysis showed that household water source (p=0,021, OR=13,78) and drainage (p=0,001, OR=0,101) as a risk factor in Aedes larvae inhabit at Cikalang village and none for Cibunigeulis village. These results showed the importance effect of containers draining factor to the presence of Aedes spp. larvae in the highest dengue cases region


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    Ants are insects whit a nuisance in residential areas. Overall the presence of ants is strongly influenced by the availability of food, temperature, and humidity. This study aims to determine the diversity, dominance, and abundance of ants species urban settlement of Bogor. The study was conducted on February to June 2015 by purposive random sampling method at 10 markets, 25 restaurants, inside of the 30 houses and at perimeter of 30 house. Ants were collected by bait traps at 180 spots ( markets, restaurants, and inside the houses) and by hand collection at 30 spots of houses perimeter. The results showed that there were 11 ant species of three subfamilies (Dolichoderinae, Formicinae, Myrmicinae) in the markets, restaurants, and inside the houses. While, there were 20 ant species of 6 subfamilies (Dolichoderinae, Formicinae, Myrmicinae, Ponerinae, Proceratiinae, Pseudomyrmecinae) in house perimeters. The highest relative abundance and dominance of ant species in the market and inside the houses was Paratrechina longicornis, while in the restaurants was Anoplolepis gracilipes, Dolichoderus thoracicus was the highest abundance in perimeter of the house. Diversity index of ant species in the four locations were moderate category (H'= 1,2 at the market, H'= 1,6 at the restaurants, H'= 1.5 in the houses, and H'= 2.2 at houses perimeter)

    Infestasi skabies pada ternak kerbau rawa di desa Sukamaju kecamatan Ciampea kabupaten Bogor

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    The parasitic disease is one of the factors that can reduce the productivity of livestock. This study was conducted to identify the scabies cases in swamp buffaloes including species of mites, the clinical symptoms, and the prevalence. The 12 of swamp buffaloes were observed by physical examinations, followed by laboratory observations, and processing the collected mites, and finally detailed identifications. The result showed that based on physical examination, there were 2 of 12 swamp buffaloes showing clinical symptoms of scabies. The species of mite infested was Sarcoptes scabiei. The clinical symptoms of sarcoptic mange in swamp buffaloes showed alopecia, hyperemia, scabs, pruritus, and thickening of the skin. The prevalence of sarcoptic mange in buffaloes at Sukamaju village, Ciampea, Bogor was 16.6

    Distribution and The Habitat Characteristics of Anopheles vagus (Diptera: Culicidae) Larvae at Paddy Fields in The Vicinity of Dramaga IPB University Campus Dramaga Bogor West Java

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    Dramaga sub-district is an area that has rice fields close to buffalo stalls and a population of wild Macaca fascicularis as natural hosts for several species of Plasmodium. This causes the Dramaga sub-district to become a potential vector habitat for malaria, including Anopheles vagus. This study aims to analyze distribution of An. vagus larval stage in 4 villages (Cikarawang, Babakan, Margajaya, and Ciherang) in Dramaga subdistrict which have paddy field areas. Larvae were collected using a dipper, and each collection sites of the larvae habitat were marked using Global Positioning System. The physical characteristics of the water habitat measured were temperature, pH, total dissolved solids and the electrical conductivity of the water. Pearson's correlation test was used to analyze the relationship between the number of larvae An. vagus with each of the parameters water physical characteristics. The results of this study obtained 309 An. vagus larvae from the 27 collection points. Larvae of An. vagus was found in 3 villages (i.e. Cikarawang, Babakan and Ciherang), but was not found in Margajaya village. The habitat characteristics of An. vagus in paddy fields showed a water temperature of 26.6-31.7oC, pH 6.40-8.10, the total dissolved solid 36-285 ppm, and the electrical conductivity 72-262 μm/cm. The Pearsons correlation test results did not show a significant difference between the number of An. vagus larvae and each parameter (r= -0.26, 0.13, -0.15 and -0.16, respectively). The presence of An. vagus in this area could be considered in malaria vector control programs

    Karakteristik Kejadian dan Capaian Program Eliminasi Filariasis di Provinsi Bengkulu

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    Limfatik filariasis ditemukan hampir di seluruh provinsi di Indonesia dengan jumlah kasus tahun 2020 sebanyak 9.906 kasus. Provinsi Bengkulu merupakan salah satu provinsi endemis filariasis di Indonesia dengan jumlah penderita tahun 2011-2020 sebesar 66 orang. Program pemberian obat pencegahan massal (POPM) telah dilaksanakan sejak tahun 2011. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi sebaran penderita filariasis klinis serta gambaran pencapaian program eliminasi filariasis di Provinsi Bengkulu. Penelitian ini menggunakan data sekunder Dinas Kesehatan Provinsi Bengkulu yang mencakup seluruh wilayah kabupaten dan kota di Provinsi Bengkulu. Kasus dikelompokkan menjadi 8 kategori usia menurut depkes (2009) yakni < 11 tahun, 12-16 tahun, 17-25 tahun, 26-35 tahun, 36-45 tahun, 46-55 tahun, 56-66 tahun dan > 66 tahun. Perbedaan jumlah kasus berdasarkan jenis kelamin dan kelompok usia diuji menggunakan uji Chi-square. Sebaran tempat berdasarkan kabupaten dilaporkannya penderita, data ditampilkan dalam bentuk peta wilayah dan tabel. Data Program POPM dianalisis berdasarkan capaian pengobatan serta angka keberhasilan pengobatan sejak tahun 2011 hingga tahun 2017. Sebaran kasus filariasis di Provinsi Bengkulu menunjukkan bahwa penderita filariasis di dominasi jenis kelamin perempuan dan usia produktif. Penyebaran kasus filarisis sejak tahun 2011-2020 berfluktuasi, akan tetapi terjadi perluasan sebaran wilayah kabupaten yang melaporkan kasus filariasis. Gambaran pelaksanaan POPM baik angka capaian cakupan pengobatan dan keberhasilan pengobatan telah melebihi target nasional.Limfatik filariasis ditemukan hampir di seluruh provinsi di Indonesia dengan jumlah kasus tahun 2020 sebanyak 9.906 kasus. Provinsi Bengkulu merupakan salah satu provinsi endemis filariasis di Indonesia dengan jumlah penderita tahun 2011-2020 sebesar 66 orang. Program pemberian obat pencegahan massal (POPM) telah dilaksanakan sejak tahun 2011. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi sebaran penderita filariasis klinis serta gambaran pencapaian program eliminasi filariasis di Provinsi Bengkulu. Penelitian ini menggunakan data sekunder Dinas Kesehatan Provinsi Bengkulu yang mencakup seluruh wilayah kabupaten dan kota di Provinsi Bengkulu. Kasus dikelompokkan menjadi 8 kategori usia menurut depkes (2009) yakni < 11 tahun, 12-16 tahun, 17-25 tahun, 26-35 tahun, 36-45 tahun, 46-55 tahun, 56-66 tahun dan > 66 tahun. Perbedaan jumlah kasus berdasarkan jenis kelamin dan kelompok usia diuji menggunakan uji Chi-square. Sebaran tempat berdasarkan kabupaten dilaporkannya penderita, data ditampilkan dalam bentuk peta wilayah dan tabel. Data Program POPM dianalisis berdasarkan capaian pengobatan serta angka keberhasilan pengobatan sejak tahun 2011 hingga tahun 2017. Sebaran kasus filariasis di Provinsi Bengkulu menunjukkan bahwa penderita filariasis di dominasi jenis kelamin perempuan dan usia produktif. Penyebaran kasus filarisis sejak tahun 2011-2020 berfluktuasi, akan tetapi terjadi perluasan sebaran wilayah kabupaten yang melaporkan kasus filariasis. Gambaran pelaksanaan POPM baik angka capaian cakupan pengobatan dan keberhasilan pengobatan telah melebihi target nasional

    Karakteristik Habitat Larva Anopheles spp. di Desa Sungai Nyamuk, Daerah Endemik Malaria di Kabupaten Nunukan, Kalimantan Utara

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    Sebatik Island, Nunukan District, North Kalimantan Province, lies on the border of Indonesia and Malaysia. Sebatik Island is one of the malaria endemic regions in Nunukan District. In 2013, 61 people in Sungai Nyamuk Village tested positive for Plasmodium falciparum from a population of 7,525 people with an of API 8.11 per 1,000 population. A research about habitat characteristics of Anopheles spp. larvae was done in Sungai Nyamuk Village, Nunukan District, North Kalimantan Province from August 2010 to January 2012. This research aimed to analyse the characteristics of breeding places of Anopheles spp. The larvae wastaken from various types of breeding places with detention and rearing until adult mosquitoes, and identified using larvae identification key. The results showed that there were four types of potential breeding places of Anopheles spp. ie lagoon, ditches, unused fish ponds and marshes. Overall, larvae of Anopheles spp. comprising five species, namely An. vagus, An. subpictus, An. sundaicus, An. indefinitus and An. peditaeniatus. Types of potential breeding places were dominated by the unused fish pond, with standing water and muddy substrate, located around settlements surrounded by grasses, shrubs and trees. The unused fish pond containedof aquatic plants such as grasses and moss. Predators were found such as of a dragonfly nymph, crustaceans, tadpoles and small fish. The unused fish pond was a potensial breeding places Anopheles spp. and important for malaria vector borne diseases in Sungai Nyamuk Villages. Early malaria vector control at larval stage was a critical point of the success of malaria elimination programs in endemic areas

    Efektivitas Penjaringan dan Vaksinasi Hewan Penyebab Rabies di Kabupaten Tanah Datar, Sumatera Barat

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    West Sumatra is one of the provinces with endemic status for zoonotic and strategic animal diseases, namely Rabies. As a result of the infection the social and economic losses generated are classified as large, the impact of the fatality of this disease is the death of infected animals and humans. Collaborative efforts by the community and central and regional governments in the prevention, control and eradication of this disease are needed. In addition, the role of students through community service and real work is also needed to support efforts to liberate rabies in the province of West Sumatra. Until now, public knowledge of the importance of rabies vaccination for animal welfare and animal and human health in West Sumatra Province is still lacking, so appropriate methods and strategies are needed to reach West Sumatra Province free from rabies. Keywords: endemic, animal, human health, community service, rabie