12 research outputs found

    Persistent right aortic arch in the cat: a case report from a late surgical approach

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    Anomalias do arco aórtico podem dar origem a anéis vasculares, como o arco aórtico direito persistente (PRAA), uma anomalia vascular rara em gatos com implicações significativas para a saúde. Aqui relatamos a correção cirúrgica tardia em um caso de PRAA em gato de quase 12 meses de idade com quadro clínico de disfagia e regurgitação pós prandial. O paciente deu entrada no hospital veterinário da FMVZ-USP com histórico de regurgitação crônica desde filhote após o desmame e piora importante do quadro clínico há 10 dias. A tomografia computadorizada teve um papel potencial no diagnóstico e detecção de complicações da PRAA, permitindo o planejamento cirúrgico. A abordagem por toracotomia esquerda e secção do ligamento arterioso resultou na resolução bem sucedida da compressão extrínseca do esôfago pela PRAA com restauração da deglutição normal de dieta seca pelo gato e ausência de sequelas esofágicas na avaliação radiográfica em seis meses de acompanhamento clínico.Aortic arch anomalies can give rise to vascular rings, such as persistent right aortic arch (PRAA), a rare vascular anomaly in cats with significant health implications. Here, we report late surgical correction in a case of PRAA, an almost 12-month-old cat with the clinical syndrome of dysphagia and postprandial regurgitation. The patient was presented to the veterinary hospital at FMVZ-USP with a history of chronic regurgitation since puppyhood after weaning, with a significant worsening of the clinical condition 10 days ago. Computed tomography had a potential role in diagnosing and detecting complications of PRAA, allowing surgical planning. Approach via left thoracotomy and section of the arteriosus ligament resulted in the successful resolution of extrinsic esophageal compression due to PRAA with the restoration of normal swallowing of a dry diet by the cat and absence of esophageal sequelae on radiographic assessment in a six-month clinical follow-up

    Enterococcus faecalis causes osteitis deformans in a Golden Lancehead snake (Bothrops insularis): a case report

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    Osteíte deformante (Doença de Paget) é um distúrbio ósseo crônico caracterizado por reabsorção óssea excessiva mediada por osteoclastos, seguida por nova formação óssea. O presente trabalho relata essa condição em uma serpente jararaca-ilhoa (Bothrops insularis) do Brasil de 18 anos. O paciente apresentou inicialmente anorexia e um inchaço no primeiro terço médio da coluna associado com a incapacidade locomotora. O diagnóstico foi estabelecido com o apoio de radiografia, ultrassonografia, tomografia computadorizada, citologia e cultura microbiológica. O diagnóstico por imagem mostrou alterações ósseas, fusão de vértebras e proliferação óssea. A citologia mostrou células sanguíneas como heterófílos tóxicos, monócitos reativos, células sanguíneas jovens e policromasia compatíveis com um processo infeccioso. A cultura bacteriana identificou uma cepa de Enterococcus faecalis suscetível à ampicilina. O tratamento com antibióticos foi iniciado imediatamente, mas a serpente morreu 25 dias depois. Histopatologicamente, o tecido ósseo mostrou um espessamento generalizado das trabéculas vertebrais. Portanto, foi demonstrado pela primeira vez a presença de E. faecalis associada ao desenvolvimento de osteíte deformante em uma serpente.Osteitis deformans (Paget’s disease) is a chronic bone disorder characterized by excessive osteoclast-mediated bone resorption followed by new bone formation. The present paper reports this condition in an 18-year-old captive golden lancehead (Bothrops insularis) from Brazil. This patient initially exhibited anorexia and swelling in the middle third of the spine associated with locomotor disability. For diagnosis, radiography, ultrasound, computed tomography, cytology, and microbiological culture were performed. Diagnostic imaging showed bone changes, vertebral fusion, and bone proliferation. Cytology revealed blood cells how toxic heterophiles, reactive monocytes, young red blood cells, and polychromasia compatible with an infectious process. A bacterial culture identified an ampicillin-susceptible strain of Enterococcus faecalis. Antibiotic treatment was promptly started, but the snake died 25 days later. Histopathologically, the bone tissue showed a generalized thickening of the vertebral trabeculae. For the first time, the presence of E. faecalis associated with the development of osteitis deformans in snakes was presented

    Radiologic images of the thoracic cavity of Golden Retriever dogs affected by muscular dystrophy

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    A distrofia muscular de Duchenne (DMD) é uma doença de origem genética, cuja principal manifestação clínica é enfraquecimento e atrofia progressiva dos músculos. Os cães da raça Golden Retriever podem apresentar distrofia muscular, com características genotípicas e fenotípicas muito próximas à distrofia muscular humana, sendo considerado o modelo animal mais apropriado para o estudo da DMD. Foram realizadas radiografias torácicas látero-laterais e dorsoventrais de 10 cães Golden Retriever afetados pela distrofia muscular, com o objetivo de relatar as alterações radiográficas associadas a essa patologia. O exame radiográfico da cavidade torácica evidenciou: (a) padrão pulmonar intersticial e alveolar predominante, (b) um quadro de pneumonia e edema pulmonar em fase inicial, (c) a cardiomegalia como o principal achado de comprometimento circulatório na cavidade torácica, (d) O megaesôfago torácico foi observado deslocando a traquéia e silhueta cardíaca ventralmente e, (e) a cúpula diafragmática apresentou modificação morfológica, mostrando protrusão para o interior da cavidade torácica e hérnia hiatal, com deslocamento do estômago para o espaço mediastino caudal. Os achados de necropsia evidenciaram efusão pleural e enfisema pulmonar e lesões compatíveis com processos degenerativos e metaplásicos da musculatura diafragmática e intercostal. A avaliação radiográfica constituiu-se como um meio diagnóstico auxiliar essencial na identificação de doença cardíaca e respiratória em cães Golden Retriever acometidos pela Distrofia Muscular, capaz de identificar processos pneumônicos primários, permitindo o estabelecimento de terapêutica adequada de tratamento, com prognóstico reservado nos estágios mais avançados desta alteraçãoDuchenne Muscular Dystrophy (DMD) is a genetic disorder with clinical signs of muscular weaknesses and progressive atrophy. Golden Retriever dogs show similar genotypic and phenotypic characteristics to Human Muscular Dystrophy and are considered a proper animal model for DMD studies. Latero-lateral and dorso-ventral thoracic radiographies were obtained from 10 Golden Retriever dogs affected by muscular dystrophy, to investigate possible radiographic alterations. Thorax radiographic examination revealed (a) interstitial and alveolar pattern, (b) initial phases of pneumonia and pulmonary edema, (c) cardiomegaly as a principal alteration in the thoracic cavity, (d) megaesophagus displacing the trachea and heart silhouette, and (e) cranial protrusion of the diaphragm lining into the thorax with development of a hiatus hernia displacing the stomach to the caudal mediastinum. Postmortem examination showed pleural effusion, pulmonary emphysema, degenerative and metaplasic processes in the diaphragm and intercostal muscles. Radiographic examination was considered essential for the diagnosis of cardiac and respiratory disease in Golden Retriever dogs affected by muscular dystrophy, and to identify the primary pulmonary process and to provide the establishment of suitable therapeutic treatment, with a reserved prognosis in advanced stage of the diseas

    Ultrasound Evaluation of Lung Fields in Healthy Dogs: Scanning Technic and Aspects of Normality.

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    Background: The ultrasound exam has always played a secondary role in pulmonary imaging, with its applicability restricted in emergency care to screen for pleural and/or pericardial effusion, pneumothorax and pulmonary contusion. The recognition of different reverberating artifacts arising from the normal aerated lungs (A lines) and in the presence of lungs with interstitial and/or alveolar infiltrates (B lines) led to wider application of the technique in patients with respiratory syndrome. The objective of this study was to describe the ultrasound imaging methodology and the aspects of the pleura, pleural space and lung fields in healthy dogs.Materials, Methods & Results: Twenty healthy dogs of different breeds and ages, males and females were evaluated in this study; good health status was confirmed by physical examination, electro and echocardiographic assessment, thoracic radiography and systemic arterial blood pressure measurements. Dogs were scanned by a single examiner experienced in diagnostic imaging and previously trained for 6 months in thoracic ultrasound image interpretation. A MyLab 40 with a microconvex multifrequency probe (5-8 MHz) was used in this study.  Evaluation was performed in an orthopneic position (standing or sternal recumbecy) under manual containment. Ultrasound examinations were based on the VetBLUE (Veterinary Bedside Lung Ultrasound Exam) protocol. Lung fields were regionally scanned at the 2nd-3rd, 4-5th, 6-7th and 8-9th intercostal spaces in the right and left hemithorax. A subxiphoid window was added to screen for free fluid in the pleural space and/or pericardial sac. Pleural sliding and A lines, that are hyperechoic parallel equidistant lines arising from the visceral pleura-lung interface could be easily seen at all intercostal spaces in all dogs in this sample, with more difficult visualization at the 2nd-3rd intercostal space. B lines were observed in seven out of twenty dogs (35%). However, this artifact was limited to one intercostal space and a maximum of two lines were detected per field. B line artifacts were more commonly seen in the right hemithorax, at the level of the 8-9th intercostal space however without significant differences. In the subxiphoid window evaluation A lines were not detected.Discussion: The observation of B lines in healthy dogs was previously described and as in our study there were no significant differences relative to B line observation relatively to the intercostal space neither between the right and the left hemithorax. B lines are generally associated with decreased pulmonary aeration in response to interstitial/alveolar infiltration, which generates reflections and comet tail artifacts. The low number of B lines observed in this study may be associated with larger veins or lymphatics vessels, focal interstitial thickening or microatelectasia. The high respiratory frequency does not interfere in the sonographic evaluation. The dyspnea presented for animals with acute respiratory syndromes can be aggravated in stress situations, such as the displacement to the radiology service and manipulation necessary to the radiographic projections. Regional scanning by some acoustic windows allows rapid assessment of the thorax, with significant contributions to decision making in emergency situations. However, ultrasonography does not eliminate the need for other imaging modalities such as radiography and computed tomography and should be seen as a screening tool for patients presenting with acute respiratory syndromes

    Retrospective study of radiographies with radius and ulna fractures in dogs

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    Survey of 528 radiographs of radius and ulna fractures selected from archive of Radiology Service of the Surgery Department into the Veterinary Hospital of Veterinary College of the University of Sao Paulo from July 1999 December 2005 we randomly selected the months to analyze. Radius and ulna fractures represent 20.9% of total fractures. 87.1% of these fractures attacked both bones. Transversal fractures were the most common type even in radius (75.5%) than ulna (76.6%), which occurred mainly at distal third radius (72.9%) and ulna (70.1%). Mix-breed dogs (40.2%), between the ages of six months and one year (34.3%), with displacement of axis bone (94.9%) were the most frequent types observed.Foram analisadas 528 radiografias simples de fraturas de rádio e ulna do arquivo do Serviço de Diagnostico por Imagem do Departamento de Cirurgia junto ao Hospital Veterinário da Faculdade de Medicina Veterinária e Zootecnia da Universidade de São Paulo realizadas no período de julho de 1999 a dezembro de 2005, selecionando-se os meses para análise de forma randomizada. Os principais resultados encontrados foram: Fraturas de rádio e ulna representam 20,9% do total encontradas, destas o tipo mais observado foi a transversal, tanto no rádio (75,5%) quanto na ulna (76,6%). 87,1% das fraturas acometeram o rádio e a ulna. O terço distal foi o mais acometido foi o distal, tanto do rádio quanto da ulna (72,9% e 70,1%, respectivamente). Esquírolas ósseas foram observadas em 13,8% e desvio de eixo ósseo em 94,9% dos casos. 40,2% dos cães não possuíam raça definida. 34,3% dos cães possuíam idade entre seis meses a um ano

    Agenesis of the seventh cervical vertebra with spinal cord compression in a goat

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    A 4-year-old male goat was presented to the Hospital of Bovines and Small Ruminants, University of São Paulo - Brazil, showing fasciculation in all limbs, ataxia progressing to paralysis and opisthotonos. After determination of the vital parameters and the specific evaluation of the nervous system, sensitivity in the region corresponding to the sixth cervical vertebrae (C6) and first thoracic vertebrae (T1) was observed on palpation. Further investigation using X-ray, myelography, and ultrasound revealed the decrease of the intervertebral space between C6 and T1, the presence of spondylosis and the absence of the seventh cervical vertebra (C7), which contained only the vertebral arch and local spinous process and the compression of the spinal cord. Goat congenital malformations are underdiagnosed, therefore, requires further discussion, and studies regarding the genetic variations

    Sinovite linfocítica plasmocítica associada à ruptura de ligamento cruzado cranial em um cão

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    Este relato descreve um caso de sinovite linfocítica plasmocítica associada à ruptura do ligamento cruzado cranial em joelho esquerdo de um cão, fêmea, Pit Bull com histórico de claudicação bilateral em membros pélvicos. Durante a artroscopia, observou-se membrana sinovial bastante congesta e irregular, hiperplasia e hiperemia de vilos sinoviais, além de lesões degenerativas de cartilagem. A análise histopatológica da membrana sinovial denotou a presença de nódulos linfoplasmocíticos

    Calving duration and obstetric assistance influence pulmonary function of Holstein calves during immediate fetal-to-neonatal transition.

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    Neonatal immediate adaptation to extrauterine life depends mainly on adequate lung function, which is under the influence of previous fetal maturation and obstetrical condition, both acting to stimulate the efficient liquid removal from the pulmonary parenchyma during the immediate transition period. The objective of the present study is to identify chest radiographic changes of neonatal calves born under the influence of different duration of calving and obstetric assistance and correlate with clinical analysis and blood acid-base balance. Experimental groups were determined according to the duration of calving: 2 h (n  =  16), 2-4 h (n  =  16) and >4 h (n  =  12), and additionally by two sub-groups: no-intervention calving (n  =  22) and intervention calving (n  =  22). Neonatal calves were evaluated for heart and respiratory rate at birth, 5 min, every 10 min until 90 min. Arterial acid-base balance was determined immediately after calving and thoracic radiographs were made at 10 min of life. Lung radiopacity was higher in the 2-4 hr Group compared to the 2 hr Group. When calving duration was greater than 4 hours, a significant respiratory depression was observed. Calving greater than 2 hours slower neonatal pulmonary clearance, 100% and 91.6% of the calves born in the 2-4 hr and >4 hr Groups, respectively, had mild to moderate lung parenchyma opacity. There was a positive correlation between lung radiographic changes and blood TCO2 and negative correlation between pulmonary opacity score and blood PaO2 and SO2. Hence, it is possible to infer that neonatal hypoxia during prolonged calving has an imperative influence on pulmonary fluid absorption in calves. In conclusion, calving greater than 2 hours impacts pulmonary function at birth, leading to altered lung gas exchange, pulmonary clearance, cardiac and respiratory pattern. Conversely, obstetric intervention when calving has duration greater than 4 hours is beneficial for neonatal oxygenation