75 research outputs found

    Hydrogeochemical characterization of an evaporite karst area affected by sinkholes (Ebro Valley, NE Spain)

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    The main processes controlling the hydrochemistry of an alluvium-covered evaporite karst area with high sinkhole risk (Ebro Valley, NE Spain) are examined by means of multivariate analyses (Principal Component Analysis and Hierarchical Cluster Analysis), ion correlations and geochemical speciation-solubility calculations. The hydrogeochemistry of the studied system seems to be governed by the interaction between the groundwater from the salt-bearing evaporitic karst aquifer and from the overlying Ebro River alluvial aquifer. The observed hydrochemical features in the alluvial-karst aquifer system are mainly determined by the relative contribution of gypsum/anhydrite and halite dissolution, showing a wide spectrum from relatively fresh recharge waters (mainly irrigation waters) to highly evolved groundwater from the evaporitic aquifer. The variability of these contributions is especially evident at sinkhole ponds which, in some cases, seem to be associated with discharge areas of the karst aquifer in the valley bottom alluvium. Calculated saturation indexes suggest that, in contrast to gypsum, the amounts of halite in the sampled portions of evaporitic aquifer are not large enough to attain equilibrium, which is consistent with the predominance of gypsum/anhydrite reported for these materials. Furthermore, the observed Na:Cl and Ca:SO4 correlations and stoichiometries suggest that other possible processes, such as glauberite dissolution or Na/Ca-exchange, generally play a minor role (compared to halite and gypsum dissolution) in this system. Another important process in the system is the dissolution of carbonate minerals (dolomite and, possibly, calcite) fostered by the input of CO2(g), which is probably produced by pedogenic processes. Dolomite dissolution seems to be particularly relevant in the evaporitic materials probably due to dedolomitisation triggered by gypsum/anhydrite dissolution

    ¿Qué es la inclusión financiera?: un análisis desde la teoría y la práctica

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    Este documento tiene como objetivo: contribuir al análisis sobre cómo es comprendida, desde la teoría y la práctica, la inclusión financiera (IF). Se debe resaltar que, para su realización, en primer lugar, se hizo un recorrido de la literatura escrita sobre IF, para, luego, llevar a cabo una serie de entrevistas a directivos de cooperativas de ahorro y crédito, bancos, ONG, organizaciones nacionales e internacionales relacionadas a la IF; quienes, sobre la base de su visión y práctica, aportaron con data cualitativa que fue procesada y analizada para dar respuesta al qué es, para qué, por qué y cómo es llevado a acciones reales el concepto de IF