12 research outputs found

    Önvezető járművek szabad útvonal és célpont meghatározása, Lidar által érzékelt környezeti adatokból.: Definition of Freespace and target point for self-driving cars with Lidar enviromental senzor

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    The most important task of self-driving vehicles is to collect, process and output the information sent by the sensors according to the current task. Vehicles usually have multiple environmental sensors, the best equipped with cameras, radar and lidar, each providing some information to the on-board system, which collects information from all off the sensors. It fuses them to into one and make a decision suit to the task. The Shell Eco Marathon is an engineering race where teams strive to make their vehicle run with the least amount of energy. There will be a new race for the next race. Teams can now take part in autonomous, self-driving events, with vehicles facing five different challenges. One such competition is autonomous parking, where the vehicle has to stand alone navigate to the designated location, navigate and stop at the appropriate location without touching the course boundaries. The following shows how from the lidar data it is possible to determine the target. Kivonat Az önvezető járművek legfontosabb feladata az, hogy a szenzorok által küldött információkat összegyűjtse, feldolgozza és az éppen aktuális feladatnak megfelelő kimenetet adja. A járműveken általában több környezet érzékelő szenzor van, a legjobban felszerelt járművek kamerával, radarral és lidarral is el vannak látva, ezek külön-külön adnak valami információt a járműfedélzeten lévő rendszernek, ami összegyűjti az összes szenzortól kapott információt és ezek fúziójával egy a feladatnak megfelelő döntést hoz. A Shell Eco marathon egy mérnök verseny, ahol a csapatok arra törekszenek, hogy a járművük a lehető legkevesebb energia felhasználásával tegyék meg a versenytávot. A következő versenyen egy újfajta versenyszám is szerepet fog kapni. A csapatok mostantól autonóm, önvezető versenyszámokban is szerepelhetnek, a járműveknek öt különböző kihívásban kell helyt állniuk. Az egyik ilyen versenyszám az autonóm parkolás, ahol a járműnek önállóan, kell a kijelölt helyre, elnavigálni és a megfelelő helyen megállni a pályát határoló elemek érintése nélkül. A következőken azt mutatjuk be, hogy a lidar adatokból, hogy lehet a célpontot meghatározni. &nbsp

    Metformin Attenuates Palmitate-Induced Endoplasmic Reticulum Stress, Serine Phosphorylation of IRS-1 and Apoptosis in Rat Insulinoma Cells

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    Lipotoxicity refers to cellular dysfunctions caused by elevated free fatty acid levels playing a central role in the development and progression of obesity related diseases. Saturated fatty acids cause insulin resistance and reduce insulin production in the pancreatic islets, thereby generating a vicious cycle, which potentially culminates in type 2 diabetes. The underlying endoplasmic reticulum (ER) stress response can lead to even β-cell death (lipoapoptosis). Since improvement of β-cell viability is a promising anti-diabetic strategy, the protective effect of metformin, a known insulin sensitizer was studied in rat insulinoma cells. Assessment of palmitate-induced lipoapoptosis by fluorescent microscopy and by detection of caspase-3 showed a significant decrease in metformin treated cells. Attenuation of β-cell lipotoxicity was also revealed by lower induction/activation of various ER stress markers, e.g. phosphorylation of eukaryotic initiation factor 2α (eIF2α), c-Jun N-terminal kinase (JNK), insulin receptor substrate-1 (IRS-1) and induction of CCAAT/enhancer binding protein homologous protein (CHOP). Our results indicate that the β-cell protective activity of metformin in lipotoxicity can be at least partly attributed to suppression of ER stress

    Abstracts from the 20th International Symposium on Signal Transduction at the Blood-Brain Barriers

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    Real-Time LIDAR-Based Urban Road and Sidewalk Detection for Autonomous Vehicles

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    Road and sidewalk detection in urban scenarios is a challenging task because of the road imperfections and high sensor data bandwidth. Traditional free space and ground filter algorithms are not sensitive enough for small height differences. Camera-based or sensor-fusion solutions are widely used to classify drivable road from sidewalk or pavement. A LIDAR sensor contains all the necessary information from which the feature extraction can be done. Therefore, this paper focuses on LIDAR-based feature extraction. For road and sidewalk detection, the current paper presents a real-time (20 Hz+) solution. This solution can also be used for local path planning. Sidewalk edge detection is the combination of three algorithms working parallelly. To validate the result, the de facto standard benchmark dataset, KITTI, was used alongside our measurements. The data and the source code to reproduce the results are shared publicly on our GitHub repository

    Application of PETSC and other useful packages in finite element simulation

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    In the frame of the project TÁMOP 4.2.2.A, at the Széchenyi István University, the goal is to work out a new finite element package for the simulation and optimization of permanent magnet synchronous motors. These motors are then used to drive new electric cars. The aim of the two dimensional package is the fast numerical modeling of these electric devices by the use of free tools presented in the paper. Of course, the software is aimed to use it in the simulation of other devices, and three dimensional problems, as well