762 research outputs found

    The ortho-to-para ratio of ammonia in the L1157 outflow

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    We have measured the ortho-to-para ratio of ammonia in the blueshifted gas of the L1157 outflow by observing the six metastable inversion lines from (J, K) = (1, 1) to (6, 6). The highly excited (5, 5) and (6, 6) lines were first detected in the low-mass star forming regions. The rotational temperature derived from the ratio of four transition lines from (3, 3) to (6, 6) is 130-140 K, suggesting that the blueshifted gas is heated by a factor of ~10 as compared to the quiescent gas. The ortho-to-para ratio of the NH3 molecules in the blueshifted gas is estimated to be 1.3--1.7, which is higher than the statistical equilibrium value. This ratio provides us with evidence that the NH3 molecules have been evaporated from dust grains with the formation temperature between 18 and 25 K. It is most likely that the NH3 molecules on dust grains have been released into the gas phase through the passage of strong shock waves produced by the outflow. Such a scenario is supported by the fact that the ammonia abundance in the blueshifted gas is enhanced by a factor of ~5 with respect to the dense quiescent gas.Comment: 16 pages, including 3 PS figures. To appear in the ApJ (Letters). aastex macro

    Elasticity of Diamond at High Pressures and Temperatures

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    We combine density functional theory within the local density approximation, the quasiharmonic approximation, and vibrational density of states to calculate single crystal elastic constants, and bulk and shear moduli of diamond at simultaneous high pressures and temperatures in the ranges of 0-500 GPa and 0-4800 K. Comparison with experimental values at ambient pressure and high temperature shows an excellent agreement for the first time with our first-principles results validating our method. We show that the anisotropy factor of diamond increases to 40% at high pressures and becomes temperature independent.Comment: 10 pages, 3 figures, 1 tabl

    Synthesizing Diverse Lung Nodules Wherever Massively: 3D Multi-Conditional GAN-Based CT Image Augmentation for Object Detection

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    Accurate Computer-Assisted Diagnosis, relying on large-scale annotated pathological images, can alleviate the risk of overlooking the diagnosis. Unfortunately, in medical imaging, most available datasets are small/fragmented. To tackle this, as a Data Augmentation (DA) method, 3D conditional Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs) can synthesize desired realistic/diverse 3D images as additional training data. However, no 3D conditional GAN-based DA approach exists for general bounding box-based 3D object detection, while it can locate disease areas with physicians' minimum annotation cost, unlike rigorous 3D segmentation. Moreover, since lesions vary in position/size/attenuation, further GAN-based DA performance requires multiple conditions. Therefore, we propose 3D Multi-Conditional GAN (MCGAN) to generate realistic/diverse 32 X 32 X 32 nodules placed naturally on lung Computed Tomography images to boost sensitivity in 3D object detection. Our MCGAN adopts two discriminators for conditioning: the context discriminator learns to classify real vs synthetic nodule/surrounding pairs with noise box-centered surroundings; the nodule discriminator attempts to classify real vs synthetic nodules with size/attenuation conditions. The results show that 3D Convolutional Neural Network-based detection can achieve higher sensitivity under any nodule size/attenuation at fixed False Positive rates and overcome the medical data paucity with the MCGAN-generated realistic nodules---even expert physicians fail to distinguish them from the real ones in Visual Turing Test.Comment: 9 pages, 6 figures, accepted to 3DV 201

    Transformation kinetics of alloys under non-isothermal conditions

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    The overall solid-to-solid phase transformation kinetics under non-isothermal conditions has been modeled by means of a differential equation method. The method requires provisions for expressions of the fraction of the transformed phase in equilibrium condition and the relaxation time for transition as functions of temperature. The thermal history is an input to the model. We have used the method to calculate the time/temperature variation of the volume fraction of the favored phase in the alpha-to-beta transition in a zirconium alloy under heating and cooling, in agreement with experimental results. We also present a formulation that accounts for both additive and non-additive phase transformation processes. Moreover, a method based on the concept of path integral, which considers all the possible paths in thermal histories to reach the final state, is suggested.Comment: 16 pages, 7 figures. To appear in Modelling Simul. Mater. Sci. En

    Herschel/HIFI deepens the circumstellar NH3 enigma

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    Circumstellar envelopes (CSEs) of a variety of evolved stars have been found to contain ammonia (NH3) in amounts that exceed predictions from conventional chemical models by many orders of magnitude. The observations reported here were performed in order to better constrain the NH3 abundance in the CSEs of four, quite diverse, oxygen-rich stars using the NH3 ortho J_K = 1_0 - 0_0 ground-state line. We used the Heterodyne Instrument for the Far Infrared aboard Herschel to observe the NH3 J_K = 1_0 - 0_0 transition near 572.5 GHz, simultaneously with the ortho-H2O J_Ka,Kc = 1_1,0 -1_0,1 transition, toward VY CMa, OH 26.5+0.6, IRC+10420, and IK Tau. We conducted non-LTE radiative transfer modeling with the goal to derive the NH3 abundance in these objects' CSEs. For the latter two stars, Very Large Array imaging of NH3 radio-wavelength inversion lines were used to provide further constraints, particularly on the spatial extent of the NH3-emitting regions. Results. We find remarkably strong NH3 emission in all of our objects with the NH3 line intensities rivaling those obtained for the ground state H2O line. The NH3 abundances relative to H2 are very high and range from 2 x 10-7 to 3 x 10-6 for the objects we have studied. Our observations confirm and even deepen the circumstellar NH3 enigma. While our radiative transfer modeling does not yield satisfactory fits to the observed line profiles, it leads to abundance estimates that confirm the very high values found in earlier studies. New ways to tackle this mystery will include further Herschel observations of more NH3 lines and imaging with the Expanded Very Large Array.Comment: 4+2 page

    Understanding the nature of "superhard graphite"

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    Numerous experiments showed that on cold compression graphite transforms into a new superhard and transparent allotrope. Several structures with different topologies have been proposed for this phase. While experimental data are consistent with these models, the only way to solve this puzzle is to find which structure is kinetically easiest to form. Using state-of-the-art molecular-dynamics transition path sampling simulations, we investigate kinetic pathways of the pressure-induced transformation of graphite to various superhard candidate structures. Unlike hitherto applied methods for elucidating nature of superhard graphite, transition path sampling realistically models nucleation events necessary for physically meaningful transformation kinetics. We demonstrate that nucleation mechanism and kinetics lead to MM-carbon as the final product. WW-carbon, initially competitor to MM-carbon, is ruled out by phase growth. Bct-C4_4 structure is not expected to be produced by cold compression due to less probable nucleation and higher barrier of formation

    Kinetic temperatures toward X1/X2 orbit interceptions regions and Giant Molecular Loops in the Galactic center region

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    Context: It is well known that the kinetic temperatures, Tkin, of the molecular clouds in the Galactic center region are higher than in typical disk clouds. However, the Tkin of the molecular complexes found at higher latitudes towards the giant molecular loops in the central region of the Galaxy is so far unknown. The gas of these high latitude molecular clouds (hereafter referred to as halo clouds) is located in a region where the gas in the disk may interact with the gas in the halo in the Galactic center region. Aims: To derive Tkin in the molecular clouds at high latitude and understand the physical process responsible for the heating of the molecular gas both in the Central Molecular Zone (the concentration of molecular gas in the inner 500 pc) and in the giant molecular loops. Methods: We measured the metastable inversion transitions of NH3 from (1,1) to (6,6) toward six positions selected throughout the Galactic central disk and halo. We used rotational diagrams and large velocity gradient modeling to estimate the kinetic temperatures toward all the sources. We also observed other molecules like SiO, HNCO, CS, C34S, C18O, and 13CO, to derive the densities and to trace different physical processes (shocks, photodissociation, dense gas) expected to dominate the heating of the molecular gas. Results: We derive for the first time Tkin of the high latitude clouds interacting with the disk in the Galactic center region. We find high rotational temperatures in all the observed positions. We derive two kinetic temperature components (150 K and 40 K) for the positions in the Central Molecular Zone, and only the warm kinetic temperature component for the clouds toward the giant molecular loops. The fractional abundances derived from the different molecules suggest that shocks provide the main heating mechanism throughout the Galactic center, also at high latitudesComment: accepted for publication in A&A 06/09/201

    AMI Large Array radio continuum observations of Spitzer c2d small clouds and cores

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    We perform deep 1.8 cm radio continuum imaging towards thirteen protostellar regions selected from the Spitzer c2d small clouds and cores programme at high resolution (25") in order to detect and quantify the cm-wave emission from deeply embedded young protostars. Within these regions we detect fifteen compact radio sources which we identify as radio protostars including two probable new detections. The sample is in general of low bolometric luminosity and contains several of the newly detected VeLLO sources. We determine the 1.8 cm radio luminosity to bolometric luminosity correlation, L_rad -L_bol, for the sample and discuss the nature of the radio emission in terms of the available sources of ionized gas. We also investigate the L_rad-L_IR correlation and suggest that radio flux density may be used as a proxy for the internal luminosity of low luminosity protostars.Comment: submitted MNRA

    Observation of nu_tau appearance in the CNGS beam with the OPERA experiment

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    The OPERA experiment is searching for nu_mu -> nu_tau oscillations in appearance mode i.e. via the direct detection of tau leptons in nu_tau charged current interactions. The evidence of nu_mu -> nu_tau appearance has been previously reported with three nu_tau candidate events using a sub-sample of data from the 2008-2012 runs. We report here a fourth nu_tau candidate event, with the tau decaying into a hadron, found after adding the 2012 run events without any muon in the final state to the data sample. Given the number of analysed events and the low background, nu_mu -> nu_tau oscillations are established with a significance of 4.2sigma.Comment: Submitted to Progress of Theoretical and Experimental Physics (PTEP
