14 research outputs found

    Interactive effects of level and instability of situational motivation for learning during class

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    本研究では、大学生を対象に、授業中の学習における状況的動機づけと深い処理方略、学業達成との関連を検討した。特に、状況的動機づけを動機づけレベルと動機づけの変動性の2側面から捉え、それらの交互作用効果について着目した。対象の授業における調査および2回のテストに参加した、2つの大学の104名の大学生のデータを分析対象とした。大学、文脈的動機づけ、1回目のテスト得点を統制して階層的重回帰分析を行った結果、深い処理方略に対して動機づけレベルと変動性との交互作用効果が見られた。単純傾斜分析の結果、動機づけの変動が大きい場合、動機づけレベルが高いほど深い処理方略を多く使用することが示された。一方で、動機づけの変動が小さい場合には、深い処理方略に対する動機づけレベルの効果は示されなかった。また、階層的重回帰分析の結果、対象の授業におけるテスト得点に対しては動機づけレベルのみが正の関連を示した。本研究は、科学研究費助成事業(若手研究 課題番号:19K14398)の助成を受けて行われた

    Crucial role of vinexin for keratinocyte migration in vitro and epidermal wound healing in vivo.

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    In the process of tissue injury and repair, epithelial cells rapidly migrate and form epithelial sheets. Vinexin is a cytoplasmic molecule of the integrin-containing cell adhesion complex localized at focal contacts in vitro. Here, we investigated the roles of vinexin in keratinocyte migration in vitro and wound healing in vivo. Vinexin knockdown using siRNA delayed migration of both HaCaT human keratinocytes and A431 epidermoid carcinoma cells in scratch assay but did not affect cell proliferation. Induction of cell migration by scratching the confluent monolayer culture of these cells activated both EGFR and ERK, and their inhibitors AG1478 and U0126 substantially suppressed scratch-induced keratinocyte migration. Vinexin knockdown in these cells inhibited the scratch-induced activation of EGFR, but not that of ERK, suggesting that vinexin promotes cell migration via activation of EGFR. We further generated vinexin (-/-) mice and isolated their keratinocytes. They similarly showed slow migration in scratch assay. Furthermore, vinexin (-/-) mice exhibited a delay in cutaneous wound healing in both the back skin and tail without affecting the proliferation of keratinocytes. Together, these results strongly suggest a crucial role of vinexin in keratinocyte migration in vitro and cutaneous wound healing in vivo

    ガン サイボウ ニ オケル サイボウ セッチャクハン タンパクシツ ビネキシン ノ キノウ

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    京都大学0048新制・課程博士博士(農学)甲第14953号農博第1794号新制||農||976(附属図書館)学位論文||H21||N4502(農学部図書室)27391UT51-2009-M867京都大学大学院農学研究科応用生命科学専攻(主査)教授 植田 和光, 教授 阪井 康能, 教授 植田 充美学位規則第4条第1項該当Doctor of Agricultural ScienceKyoto UniversityDA

    Relationships Between Achievement Goals, Motivation Instability, and Learning Persistence in Asynchronous Distance Classes

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    This study examined the relationships between achievement goals, motivation instability, and learning persistence in asynchronous distance classes by focusing on mastery goals and performance-avoidance goals. A longitudinal online survey was conducted among university students in Japan at two time points. The first survey had 171 respondents. Out of them, 91 responded to the second survey. The data of the 91 students were analyzed. The results of partial correlation analysis indicated that mastery goals were negatively related to motivation instability and lack of persistence, while performance-avoidance goals were positively related to lack of persistence and unrelated to motivation instability. Mediation analysis indicated that the negative indirect effect of mastery goals on lack of persistence via motivation instability was found, and that the direct effect of mastery goals on lack of persistence was not found. The results highlight the vital role that mastery goals play in learning during asynchronous distance classes

    High temperature and low solar radiation during ripening differentially affect the composition of milky-white grains in rice (Oryza sativa L.)

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    Temperatures and solar radiation during ripening critically affect grain appearance in rice (Oryza sativa L.). Climatic factors to induce chalky grains were analyzed under the experimental conditions of high-temperature and shading treatment and also under the ambient condition in a high-temperature-prone region of Japan. The frequency of white-back (WB) and basal-white (BW) grains correlated with temperature and solar radiation, whereas that of milky-white (MW) grains was not correlated, suggesting that complicated climatic factors are involved in the formation of MW grains. Further investigation was carried out to identify the parameters that distinguish perfect and MW grains grown in high-temperature versus those grown in low-solar-radiation conditions. As reported previously, the chalk phenotypes in the transverse section of the MW grains were quite different between environments: oval-shaped chalk for MW grains grown in low-solar-radiation condition and center chalk for MW grains grown in high-temperature condition. Grain hardness and amylopectin chain-length distribution did not explain the difference in MW grains between environments. MW grains subjected to high temperatures had a lower protein content without a consistent reduction in the single-grain weight, whereas those from the low-solar-radiation condition had a lower amylose content with a consistent reduction in the single-grain weight, when compared with perfect grains that developed in either environmental condition. Overall, our results suggest that MW grains are formed through different physiological mechanisms with altered starch and protein synthesis under high-temperature and low-solar-radiation conditions. Abbreviations: BW: basal-white; DAH: days after heading; DP: degree of polymerization; MW; milky-white WB: white-bac