102 research outputs found

    TillfredsstÀllelse i aktivitet hos friska Àldre personer: En kartlÀggning

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    De Àldre i samhÀllet blir allt fler och de önskar att vara fortsatt aktiva och sjÀlvstÀndiga. Detta krÀver kunskap och insatser för ett gott Äldrande. Inga tidigare studier pÄ tillfredsstÀllelse i aktivitet har gjorts pÄ gruppen friska personer över 70 Är. Syftet med studien var att kartlÀgga hur aktiva friska personer, 70 Är och Àldre Àr, samt hur de skattar sin tillfredsstÀllelse med vardagliga aktiviteter och upplever sin hÀlsa. Syftet var ocksÄ att undersöka om det fanns nÄgra skillnader i aktivitetsnivÄ och tillfredsstÀllelse med sin grad av aktivitet mellan kvinnor och mÀn samt ensamboende och sammanboende. En kvantitativ studie gjordes med hjÀlp av bedömningsinstrumentet Satisfaction with Daily Occupations. Resultatet visade att deltagarna var aktiva och tillfredsstÀllda med sin grad av aktivitet/delaktighet. Det fanns fÄ skillnader mellan kön och civilstÄnd. Ett signifikant samband mellan hÀlsa och tillfredsstÀllelse i aktivitet pÄvisades. Deltagarnas aktiva livssituation och höga tillfredsstÀllelse verkade ha betydelse för deras subjektiva hÀlsa

    Stress of conscience of COVID-19 among perianaesthesia nurses having worked in a COVID-ICU during the coronavirus pandemic:an international perspective

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    BACKGROUND: Several studies have reported that working in a COVID-ICU impacted nurses’ mental well-being. Yet little is known about how perianaesthesia nurses who have been working in a COVID-ICU perceived their stress of conscience. The aim of this study was to: (1) describe and compare stress related to troubled conscience among perianaesthesia nurses in three countries who have been working in a COVID-ICU during the pandemic, (2) compare their levels of troubled conscience between working in a COVID-ICU and their usual workplace, and (3) compare nurses that usually work in an ICU department with nurses who usually work outside of the ICU. METHODS: A descriptive, international cross‐sectional online survey including the Stress of Conscience Questionnaire (SCQ) was distributed between organizational member countries of the International Collaboration of PeriAnaesthesia Nurses. RESULTS: A total of 246 nurses from three countries participated. Significant differences were found in stress of conscience when working in the Covid-ICU between Sweden 31.8 (8.6), Denmark 23.1 (8.6), and Netherlands 16.4 (6.5) p < 0.001. Significant differences were also found between nurses working in a COVID-ICU in contrast with their usual workplace: 23.1(5.6) versus 17.7(5.3), p < 0.001. The most stressful aspect of conscience reported was that work in the COVID-ICU was so demanding, nurses did not have sufficient energy to be involved with their family as much as they desired. No statistical differences were found between nurses that usually work in an ICU department with nurses who usually work outside of the ICU. CONCLUSION: The COVID-19 pandemic has negatively impacted stress of conscience among nurses working in the COVID-ICU. Swedish nurses were found to be more significantly impacted. This could be related to low numbers of existing ICU beds and ICU nurses prior to the pandemic necessitating a longer time required for working in a COVID-ICU. Stress of conscience also increased when working in the Covid-ICU compared to working in the usual workplace, and the most stressing aspect reported was that COVID-ICU work was so demanding that nurses did not have the energy to devote themselves to their family as they would have liked

    Mapping registered nurse anaesthetists' intraoperative work: tasks, multitasking, interruptions and their causes, and interactions: a prospective observational study

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    Introduction Safe anaesthesia care is a fundamental part of healthcare. In a previous study, registered nurse anaesthetists (RNAs) had the highest task frequency, with the largest amount of multitasking and interruptions among all professionals working in a surgical team. There is a lack of knowledge on how these factors are distributed during the intraoperative anaesthesia care process, and what implications they might have on safety and quality of care. Objective To map the RNAs' work as done in practice, including tasks, multitasking, interruptions and their causes, and interactions, during all phases of the intraoperative anaesthesia work process. Methods Structured observations of RNAs (n=8) conducted during 30 procedures lasting a total of 73 hours in an operating department at a county hospital in Sweden, using the Work Observation Method By Activity Timing tool. Results High task intensity and multitasking were revealed during preparation for anaesthesia induction (79 tasks/hour, 61.9% of task time spent multitasking), anaesthesia induction (98 tasks/hour, 50.7%) and preparation for anaesthesia maintenance (86 tasks/hour, 80.2%). Frequent interruptions took place during preoperative preparation (4.7 /hour), anaesthesia induction (6.2 /hour) and preparation for anaesthesia maintenance (4.3 /hour). The interruptions were most often related to medication care (n=54, 19.8%), equipment issues (n=40, 14.7%) or the procedure itself (n=39, 14.3%). RNAs' work was conducted mostly independently (58.4%), but RNAs interacted with multiple professionals in and outside the operating room during anaesthesia. Conclusion The tasks, multitasking, interruptions and their causes, and interactions during different phases illustrated the RNAs' work as done, as part of a complex adaptive system. Management of safety in the most intense phases-preparing for anaesthesia induction, induction and preparing for anaesthesia maintenance-should be investigated further. The complexity and adaptivity of the nature of RNAs' work should be taken into consideration in future management, development, research and education.</p

    Does the Reserve Options Mechanism really decrease exchange rate volatility? The Synthetic Control Method Approach

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    After the invention of the Reserve Option Mechanism (ROM) by the Central Bank of Turkey, it has been debated whether it can help decrease the volatility of foreign exchange rate. In this study, I apply a new micro-econometric technique, the synthetic control method, in order to construct a counterfactual foreign exchange rate volatility in the absence of the ROM. I find that, USD/TRY rate is less volatile under the ROM. However, the ROM has not worked efficiently after the announcement of FED's tapering in May 2013. Furthermore, the ROM could have decreased the volatility of foreign exchange rate if FED had not started tapering

    Tasks, multitasking and interruptions among the surgical team in an operating room: a prospective observational study

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    Objectives: The work context of the operating room (OR) is considered complex and dynamic with high cognitive demands. A multidimensional view of the complete preoperative and intraoperative work process of the surgical team in the OR has been sparsely described. The aim of this study was to describe the type and frequency of tasks, multitasking, interruptions and their causes during surgical procedures from a multidimensional perspective on the surgical team in the OR.Design: Prospective observational study using the Work Observation Method By Activity Timing tool.Setting: An OR department at a county hospital in Sweden.Participants: OR nurses (ORNs) (n=10), registered nurse anaesthetists (RNAs) (n=8) and surgeons (n=9).Results: The type, frequency and time spent on specific tasks, multitasking and interruptions were measured. From a multidimensional view, the surgical team performed 64 tasks per hour. Communication represented almost half (45.7%) of all observed tasks. Concerning task time, direct care dominated the surgeons’ and ORNs’ intraoperative time, while in RNAs’ work, it was intra-indirect care. In total, 48.2% of time was spent in multitasking and was most often observed in ORNs’ and surgeons’ work during communication. Interruptions occurred 3.0 per hour, and the largest proportion, 26.7%, was related to equipment. Interruptions were most commonly followed by professional communication.Conclusions: The surgical team constantly dealt with multitasking and interruptions, both with potential impact on workflow and patient safety. Interruptions were commonly followed by professional communication, which may reflect the interactions and constant adaptations in a complex adaptive system. Future research should focus on understanding the complexity within the system, on the design of different work processes and on how teams meet the challenges of a complex adaptive system.</p

    Predicted basal metabolic rate and cancer risk in the European Prospective Investigation into Cancer and Nutrition

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    Emerging evidence suggests that a metabolic profile associated with obesity may be a more relevant risk factor for some cancers than adiposity per se. Basal metabolic rate (BMR) is an indicator of overall body metabolism and may be a proxy for the impact of a specific metabolic profile on cancer risk. Therefore, we investigated the association of predicted BMR with incidence of 13 obesity-related cancers in the European Prospective Investigation into Cancer and Nutrition (EPIC). BMR at baseline was calculated using the WHO/FAO/UNU equations and the relationships between BMR and cancer risk were investigated using multivariable Cox proportional hazards regression models. A total of 141,295 men and 317,613 women, with a mean follow-up of 14 years were included in the analysis. Overall, higher BMR was associated with a greater risk for most cancers that have been linked with obesity. However, among normal weight participants, higher BMR was associated with elevated risks of esophageal adenocarcinoma (hazard ratio per 1-standard deviation change in BMR [HR1-SD]: 2.46; 95% CI 1.20; 5.03) and distal colon cancer (HR1-SD: 1.33; 95% CI 1.001; 1.77) among men and with proximal colon (HR1-SD: 1.16; 95% CI 1.01; 1.35), pancreatic (HR1-SD: 1.37; 95% CI 1.13; 1.66), thyroid (HR1-SD: 1.65; 95% CI 1.33; 2.05), postmenopausal breast (HR1-SD: 1.17; 95% CI 1.11; 1.22) and endometrial (HR1-SD: 1.20; 95% CI 1.03; 1.40) cancers in women. These results indicate that higher BMR may be an indicator of a metabolic phenotype associated with risk of certain cancer types, and may be a useful predictor of cancer risk independent of body fatness

    Musik, en omvÄrdnadshandling

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    I den dagliga vĂ„rden av patienten stĂ„r sjuksköterskan inför mĂ„nga utmaningar dĂ€r en helhetssyn pĂ„ patienten ska ligga till grund för sjuksköterskans vĂ„rd. Att lĂ„ta patienten lyssna till musik kan uppfattas som nĂ„got ”extra”, dvs. inte som nĂ„got som ingĂ„r som en naturlig del i det dagliga vĂ„rdarbetet. Lugn musik kan skapa en förĂ€ndring i patientens inre, i upplevelsen av en situation samt stĂ€nga ute oönskade och obehagliga ljud. Musik kan distrahera, ge avkoppling, öka vĂ€lbefinnande, frĂ€mja hĂ€lsa och lindra lidande. Musik Ă€r dĂ€rför en omvĂ„rdnadshandling som hör hemma i dagens sjukvĂ„rd, den Ă€r billig samt krĂ€ver inte mycket tid eller resurser. Aktuell artikel avser att ge en sammanstĂ€llning över nuvarande kunskapslĂ€ge av musik som omvĂ„rdnadshandling.Clinical nursing practice faces many challenges in caring for the needs of hospitalized patients. Meeting the holistic needs of patient’s poses another challenge because these therapeutic interventions, e.g. music intervention, are usually viewed as “extras”, not as basic skills. Providing music to the patients is an inexpensive technique, which does not require the use of extra manpower and resources. Music intervention can maximize the effort of promoting comfort and relaxation, as well as reduce or control distress for the patient. This paper intends to provide an overview over the present knowledge of describing the clinical effects of music intervention in hospitalized patients

    Ungdomars stress i skolan

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    Syftet med studien Àr att undersöka vilken kunskap lÀrare med elever i Ärskurs 6-9 har om elevers stress och vad de gör och kan tÀnka sig göra för att underlÀtta för stressade elever, och vad jag i min kommande profession som svensklÀrare kan ta med mig ut av deras erfarenheter. Metoden jag anvÀnt för att ta reda pÄ svaren till frÄgestÀllningarna Àr kvalitativa intervjuer. Resultatet visar pÄ att lÀrare Àr relativt kunniga om vad stress Àr, dock skulle de behöva mer kunskap för att se symptomen pÄ stress hos sina elever. LÀrarna har en hel del konkreta metoder för att förebygga och underlÀtta för stressade elever, och mÄnga av dem finner stöd i litteraturen. Jag har fÄtt en del nya idéer om hur man just i svenskÀmnet kan förebygga stress. Slutligen Àr det viktigt att identifiera stress pÄ ett tidigt stadium sÄ att man pÄ sÄ sÀtt kan sÀtta in stressförebyggande ÄtgÀrder och eliminera stressfaktorerna sÄ vi inte utsÀtter eleverna för mer stress Àn nödvÀndigt.The purpose of this study is to examine what knowledge teachers with students in the age 12 to 15 have regarding student stress and what they do and are prepared to do to relive stressed pupils, and what I in my future profession as Swedish Instructor can take with me of their experiences. The metod I have used to determine the answers to the questions was qualitative interviews. The result shows that Teatchers are relatively knowledgable about stress, but they could use more knowledge about recognizing the symptoms in thier students. The teatchers have a lot of concrete ways to prevent stress make it easier for stressed students, many of them find solice in literature on the subject. I have obtained some new ideas about how you can prevent stress in the swedish subject. Finaly its important to identify stress at an early stage so that stress realiving metods can be aplied and the stress factors eliminated so that we don't put the pupils through unnecesary stress

    Vietnamese, activity and pain : A cultural perspective in occupational therapy focus

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    Hur pĂ„verkar kulturen det kliniska arbetsterapeutiska arbetet med mĂ€nniskor frĂ„n en annan kulturell bakgrund? Den/de referens-ram/ar arbetsterapeuter anvĂ€nder sig av kommer, Ă„tminstone oftast, frĂ„n vĂ€stvĂ€rlden med de vĂ€rderingar och normer som finns hĂ€r. I östasiatiska kulturer finns en delvis annan ”tids- och jag-uppfattning” Ă€n i vĂ€stvĂ€rlden. Om vĂ€rderingar och normer inte stĂ€mmer med patienternas finns en risk att behandlingen inte blir av tillrĂ€ckligt god kvalitet. SmĂ€rtpatienter Ă€r en stor patientgrupp i primĂ€rvĂ„rden. FörĂ€ndringar av aktivitetsförmĂ„gan som pĂ„verkar delaktighet i bĂ„de personligt liv, socialt liv och arbetsliv förekommer ofta. För att knyta samman de bĂ„da aspekterna, kultur och aktivitet, gjordes en kvalitativ studie med syfte att belysa uppfattningar om smĂ€rta vid aktivitet samt kulturens betydelse för en grupp vietnameser boende i Sverige. Fem informanter med smĂ€rta valdes genom lĂ€mplighetsurval och intervjuades med semistrukturerade frĂ„gor. Genom snöbollssampling valdes tvĂ„ informanter för ett samtal om kulturens betydelse med hjĂ€lp av frĂ„geomrĂ„den frĂ„n en teoretisk modell. Genom att anvĂ€nda begreppen i tvĂ„ olika teoretiska modeller och fenomengrafisk metod redovisas uppfattningar om smĂ€rta vid aktivitet och hur kulturen pĂ„verkar dessa uppfattningar. Resultatet visar att smĂ€rtan pĂ„verkar aktivitetsförmĂ„gan negativt och att kulturella faktorer kan göra att arbetsterapeut och patient missuppfattar varandra.How does culture influence occupational therapy practice with people from another cultural background. The clinical frame/es used by occupational therapists is, most likely, based on values and norms from the western world. In East Asian culture there is partly a different way to relate to self and temporal orientation than in west. If values and norms don’t fit the patient the risk is that the treatment will not be good enough. Patients in pain are a large group in primary care. Change in activities will often have affect on the participation in personal, social and work related areas. In order to connect these two aspects, culture and activity, a qualitative study was made in  purpose of enlightening opinions on pain in activity and the influence of culture in a group of Vietnamese living in Sweden. Five informants with pain were chosen by suitable selection and were interviewed by semi structured questions. With snowball selection two informants were chosen to a conversation about the influence of culture. The questions emerged from a theoretical model. In using the concepts of two different theoretical models and phenomenografical method the experience of pain due to activity and how culture influence these opinions is shown. The result show that pain has a negative impact on the ability to be active and that cultural factors might lead to misunderstanding between occupational therapist and patient
