7 research outputs found

    PROFESIONALISME APARAT KELURAHAN DALAM PELAYANAN PUBLIK (Studi di Kelurahan Kameloh Baru Kecamatan Sabangau Kota Palangka Raya)

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    There are many types of public services in the kelurahan which are still considered less than optimal by the apparatus, especially the apparatus of the Kameloh Baru Village, Sabangau Subdistrict, Palangka Raya City. There are so many problems that arise due to the lack of professionalism of the village apparatus towards public services which results in the community being dissatisfied.   The purpose of this study was to find out and analyze how the professionalism of the village apparatus in public services in Kameloh Baru Village and to find out and analyze what dimensions affect public services in Kameloh Baru Village.        In this study, the method used by the researcher is a qualitative data analysis method. The results of this study are in carrying out public services to the maximum with excellent and professional service for the urban village apparatus so that the community feels satisfied by applying good public services. Employee professionalism has a strong and positive influence on the quality of public services, with the result that the professionalism of the state civil apparatus has a strong and significant influence on service quality. This means that if the professionalism of the apparatus increases, the quality of public services produced will also increase. Likewise, if professionalism is very lacking, it will have an impact on service quality

    TRANSPARANSI PEMERINTAH DESA DALAM PENYELENGGARAAN PEMERINTAH: Studi Di Desa Bawan Kecamatan Banama Tingang Kabupaten Pulang Pisau

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    This study aims to determine: 1) to know the implementation of the principle of transparency, in the Bawan village government in Banama Tingang district Pulang Pisau, 2) to find out the factors that influence the implementation of the principle of transparency in the administration of the Bawan village government in the Banama Tingang sub-district Pulang Pisau. Transparency of governance in the Bawan village through the community’s right to access information is still not optimal because access to information provided to the Bawan village community is still not able to be reached or accessed quickly by the community. Supporting factors: to support transparency in the administration of government in the village, starting from the leadership element, in this case, the village head. The village head of Bawan always provides good support to all employees who carry out their duties well so that the process of implementing transparency in the village of Bawan can run well. Inhibiting factor: In every government administration of course there are obstacles / or obstacles to be faced, as is the case with the Bawan village starting from the budget shortage factor so that there are still many government programs that have not been implemented

    PERANAN DEWAN ADAT DAYAK (DAD) DALAM MITIGASI KONFLIK TANAH ADAT: (Studi di Dewan Adat Dayak Provinsi Kalimantan Tengah)

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    The protection and recognition of indigenous peoples is very important in the dynamics of national and state life in the Indonesian state considering the diversity of its nations consisting of various ethnic groups and the presence of institutions that represent these cultural identities are also very important to strengthen the protection and recognition of elements of the entity. which exists. In particular, one of them is in the Province of Central Kalimantan which has a wealth of customary culture that has its own customary rights and laws that reflect the identity of its indigenous people. The presence of customary institutions based on indigenous peoples has also become the focus of researchers where the Dayak Customary Council of Central Kalimantan Province is present in the midst of the community as a supervisory institution that assists in the development and fight for the rights of indigenous peoples. In this study, the researcher analyzes how the actions or role patterns are carried out by the Dayak Customary Council of Central Kalimantan Province and the factors that influence the role patterns taken by the institution based on the duties and functions of the institution as stipulated in the Central Kalimantan Provincial Regulation No. 16 of 2008 and based on the Decree of the Council. Dayak Adat Central Kalimantan Province No.1 of 2019 concerning the organizational structure of the Dayak Customary Council in Central Kalimantan through the progress of conflict resolution in customary land disputes. The research method uses descriptive qualitative research methods with a research approach using interviews or direct observation of the relevant sources who have credibility with the research object. From the results of the study, it was concluded that the Dayak Customary Council of Central Kalimantan Province carried out or managed conflicts based on Dean & Jeffrey Z.Rubin's theory of conflict mitigation, which tends to provide problem solving patterns with alternatives or instruments through traditional courts. The factor that hinders conflict resolution from the research findings is the existence of political interests with investors, both in the form of profit and power


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    This study aims to describe and analyze the role of political parties in accommodation interests in the fraction of DPRD Palangkaraya City and see the inhibiting factors and supporting the role of political parties in accommodation interests in the fraction of DPRD Kota Palangka Raya. The research method used qualitative descriptive research. Data analysis techniques conducted in this research is through data collection, data reduction, data presentation and verification. This research uses the function of political party with Sastroadmodjo theory. The indicators include the function of articulation of interests, the function of interest aggregation, the functions of policy making, the function of policy implementation and the function of judgment policy which is done by observation, interview and documentation. The results of this study indicate that the role of political parties in the accommodation of interest in the fraction of DPRD Palangkaraya in the articulation function of the faction interests in the DPRD absorbs and collects the aspirations of the community through the DPRD Resres and in the function of interest aggregation, the DPRD fractions to sort out and prioritize the demands or problems which is dominant, in the implementation of the policy making function, the fraction is expected to form a policy in favor of the people in terms of the function of the policy implementation of the fraction in charge of the Regional Regulatory Body first socialize the local regulation to the community and in the judicial function of the DPRD DPRD Palangka Raya Satpol PP as enforcer of regional regulation to discipline society that violate the rules. Suggestions on this research are expected to the Executive can equate the priority programs together with the Legislature and the community is expected to play an active role in submitting demands or suggestions to the government. Keywords: Role, Political Party, Accommodation Interests, Faction, DPR


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    Poverty is a situation where there is a shortage of things that are common to have such as food, clothing, shelter, and drinking water. Poverty sometimes also means that there is no access to education and jobs that are able to overcome the problem of poverty and get a proper honor as a citizen. The local government of Palangka Raya City through the Palangka Raya City Social Service has a joint business group program (KUBE) for the poor through social enterprises as an effort to reduce poverty in the Palangka Raya City area. Nur Lathifah (2021) states that the Joint Business Group (KUBE) is a group of poor families that was formed, grew, and developed on the initiative in carrying out productive economic business (UEP) to increase family income and social welfare.           This study used qualitative research methods. This research model is usually used in social observation and research. The purpose of this study was to determine whether the Mawar joint business group (KUBE) program for the poor through social entrepreneurship in Kereng Bangkirai Village, Sebangau District was running according to the main aspects of the KUBE program, namely social aspects, economic aspects, educational aspects and market aspects. The results of this study indicate that the economic aspects of the Mawar joint business group (KUBE) have not been realized to the maximum. Meanwhile, the social, educational and market aspects have been implemented wel


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    Salah satu kegiatan mahasiswa adalah Kuliah Kerja Nyata Tematik (KKN-T), yang mana termasuk kegiatan pengabdian masyarakat. Dalam tulisan ini diangkat topik Stunting yang merupakan kegiatan penyuluhan kepada anak-anak dan orang tua betapa pentingnya kebutuhan gizi anak yang tercukupi di Desa Tewang Pajangan Kecamatan Kurun, Kabupaten Gunung Mas, Provinsi Kalimantan Tengah. Hasil kegiatan berupa penyuluhan tentang stunting serta peningkatan gizi dengan pembagian makanan dan minuman kepada ibuhamil dan lansia. Berupa bubur kacang hijau, pisang, teh kotak dan kuebasah/buatan teruntuk lansia sedangkan teruntuk ibu hamil dan anak – anak berupa bubur kacang hijau, pisang, dan susu kotak indomilk. Hal ini dilakukan sebagai salah satustrategi untuk meningkatkan mutu gizi perseorangan, keluarga dan masyarakat melalui perbaikan polakonsumsi makan dan perilaku sadar giz

    Eksistensi Perempuan di Parlemen : Studi Kesetaraan Gender di Dewan Perwakilan Rakyat Daerah Kota Palangkaraya

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    Today, the problem of gender inequality in Indonesia can still be found in various spheres of life, both social and practical politics. Inequality eventually gives rise to various forms of injustice and gender equality. This is still happening in the structure of parliamentary representative institutions in our country. The demand for fulfilling a minimum of thirty percent (30%) of women's representation in practical politics, especially in the legislature has now become one of the crucial and fundamental problems. Amendment to Law No. 8 of 2008 became Law no. 7 of 2017 concerning the General Election of Members of the House of Representatives, Regional Representatives Council and Regional People's Representative Council, which every year opens a space or way of openness for women to be able to participate in practical political stages which are increasingly dynamic in reality