28 research outputs found

    Penatalaksanaan Diabetes Mellitus (DM) Secara Mandiri Dengan Buku Saku Terhadap Pengetahuan, Sikap, Dan Kadar Gula Darah

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    Background: Diabetes mellitus (DM) is one of progressive chronic disease that attack million of people in the world. This disease is one significant cause of natality and mortality and also many complications accompany the patient. So, based on earlier study the educational program of DM that focus on self management is one good choice for developing in relating of increasing the quality of patient lifeMetode: The purpose of this study is to prove self management of DM by using pocket book toward knowledge, attitude, and the level of blood glucose. Type of this study is quasi experimental by using static pre and post test with control group design. The respondents were DM patients in area of Puskesmas II Sokaraja, Banyumas Regency. There were 40 respondents that were participated in this study. The knowledge and attitude of patients were measured by using pre and post test questioner. The level blood glucose was assessed by checking temporally blood glucose . Data analyse was used paired t test.Result: Majority of respondents education were primary school (SD and SMP) in range of 35 - 60 years old, majority of them were jobless, and duration of suffering from DM was short term dominantly. Pocket book of self DM management can increase knowledge of 17.4 point, attitude of 17.5 point and blood glucose of 17.45 point. Statistically, there was not effect of giving pocket book for self management of DM of knowledge (p = 0.07) and the level of blood glucose (p = 0.46). The pocket book of self management of DM was increase significantly of patients attitude (p = 0.00).Conclusion: Self management of DM by giving pocket book influence the attitude and the was not influence of knowledge and the level of blood glucose

    Pentingnya peran kader kesehatan pelayanan kesehatan di Posyandu

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    Background: One of promotive health effort to realize desa siaga is by revitalizing posyandu (Dinkes Prop Jateng, 2007). In Holding posyandu, cadres take an important role whether in all plans of posyandu preparation activities or in applying five tables system activities.There are 75 posyandu in working area of Puskesmas Leyangan ang kalongan and the level of program achievement is at about 68%(51 posyandu ), still in the category of unsteady posyandu that one of indicators is minimum role of cadres (active cadres is less than 5 people for each posyandu and the execution of posyandu is less than 8 time in one year and just 8% belongs to purnama category then in 2008 increase becoming 20,3%. But this number is still under SPM 2010 target at about 40%.Metode: This purpose of this research is to know the factors that influence the lack of cadres participation in posyandu activities in working area of Puskesmas Leyangan and Kalongan..Whereas the sample is inactive cadres whose presents are less than 6 time in the latest one year. The analysis technique is using content analysis. In analysis data, researchers need full focus, the movement of power, physical and mind.Result: Characteristic of respondents age is between 35 years up to 40 years. The level of education is almost all primary school. Most of them have good knowledge about posyandu. Respondent attitude shows that the execution of posyandu, said that  working is more important for them and most of them said that facilities in posyandu are not complete.Conclusion: The support of husbands is still lack, whereas the support from the chief  still lack. Most of respondents get support from health provider, especially from local midwive

    Supplementary Feeding Treatment toward Tuberculosis Patients in The Community

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    Tuberculosis patients, who are taking anti-tuberculosis drugs, often have problems in the gastrointestinal system such as anorexia, nausea and vomiting. So, they will tend to have problems with poor nutritional status and weight loss. This research aims to identify supplementary feeding treatment toward body weight gain of tuberculosis patients in the community. The research method uses quasi experimental with pre-post test with non-equivalent control group design. The population was tuberculosis patients who participated in tuberculosis treatment program in the Banyumas Community Health Center. The sample was 46 tuberculosis patients both male and female with aged 15-65 years, joint with the DOTS program and were taking anti tuberculosis drugs. The treatment provided were providing supplementary nutrition and assisting to take tuberculosis drugs. Research data collection was obtained through questionnaire. The results showed there was a significant difference in the level of weight gain between the intervention and control group. The mean pretest body weight in the intervention group was 48,43 and the post-test was 52,62 with p value = 0,000. On the other hand, there was no significant difference body weight in control group, whereas pre-test was 48,65 and post-test was 48,61 with p value = 0,933. Therefore, the supplementary feeding must be given for tuberculosis patients in the community as supportive therapy to maintain their quality of life. 


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    ABSTRACT There are several mother’s characteristic such as the level of education, knowledge, and the number of children in the family and the mother’s income is assumed with the relation of  child under five nutrition status. This research constitutes quantitative study that employs descriptive correlation  method words : 118 sample of respondent (92,9%) by using questionnaires and observation of child under five nutrition status through the measuring of the body weight to the age.The research result by using  Rank Spearman analysis states there is a relation  between the level mother’s education with the child under five nutrition status (rho –0,252 and p-value 0,006), there is no relation between the mother’s knowledge with the child under five nutrition status (rho –0,103 and p value 0,265), there is no relation between the number of children in the family with the child under five nutrition status (rho –0,087 and p value 0,349), and  there is no relation between the mother’s income with the child under five nutrition status (rho 0,128 and p value 0,128). There are many of child under five in under nutrition status (16,9%), which need more attention  from health public services to give more intensive information for the mother with the child under five in under nutrition about the important  of nutrient for the child under five through the health public it self or home visit. Keywords : Mother’s characteristic, The child under five nutrition status  Kesmasindo  Volume 5,  Nomor 2,  Juli  2012,  hlm. 121- 135   &nbsp


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    ABSTRACT There are several mother’s characteristic such as the level of education, knowledge, and the number of children in the family and the mother’s income is assumed with the relation of  child under five nutrition status. This research constitutes quantitative study that employs descriptive correlation  method words : 118 sample of respondent (92,9%) by using questionnaires and observation of child under five nutrition status through the measuring of the body weight to the age.The research result by using  Rank Spearman analysis states there is a relation  between the level mother’s education with the child under five nutrition status (rho –0,252 and p-value 0,006), there is no relation between the mother’s knowledge with the child under five nutrition status (rho –0,103 and p value 0,265), there is no relation between the number of children in the family with the child under five nutrition status (rho –0,087 and p value 0,349), and  there is no relation between the mother’s income with the child under five nutrition status (rho 0,128 and p value 0,128). There are many of child under five in under nutrition status (16,9%), which need more attention  from health public services to give more intensive information for the mother with the child under five in under nutrition about the important  of nutrient for the child under five through the health public it self or home visit. Keywords : Mother’s characteristic, The child under five nutrition status  Kesmasindo  Volume 5,  Nomor 2,  Juli  2012,  hlm. 121- 135   &nbsp


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    ABSTRACT               The main problem in curing the patient with tuberculosis is pulling out from the medication schedule. The implication of retiring the treatment is spread out the disease towards other people especialy to family member. The goal of this research is to investigate the effect of using assertive leaflet towards the obedience consuming the drugs and motivation of recovering from tuberculosis. Moreover, the benefit of this research is to obtain the empirical data about using jingle assertive on the leaflet as remembering to consum drugs and having motivation to recover from tuberculosis. As a result, this study will support the successful of PMO program by inovatif action in curing patients with tuberculosis such as mental support and increasing motivation to recover from the ilness. The research design is quasy experiment. Pre and post test with control group design was used in this research., whereas it was measuring the differences between before anf after the intervention compare to the control group.The result of the research shows that there was a significant results in the intervention group group before and after using assertive leaflet towards the obedience consuming the drugs whereas p value 0,008<0,05, on the other hand there was no change before and after in the control group. Moreover, in term of motivation of recovering from tuberculosis, the intervention group has p value  0,007 < 0,05, It means that there was a significant improvement in motivation before and after using assertive leaflet. The control group was no different in term of motivation to recover from tuberculosis pre and post test.   Key words: Tuberculosis, leaflet aassertive, the obediance consuming the drugs, motivation of recovering. Kesmasindo, Volume 6, ( 1)  Januari 2013, Hal. 54-63 &nbsp


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    ABSTRACT               The main problem in curing the patient with tuberculosis is pulling out from the medication schedule. The implication of retiring the treatment is spread out the disease towards other people especialy to family member. The goal of this research is to investigate the effect of using assertive leaflet towards the obedience consuming the drugs and motivation of recovering from tuberculosis. Moreover, the benefit of this research is to obtain the empirical data about using jingle assertive on the leaflet as remembering to consum drugs and having motivation to recover from tuberculosis. As a result, this study will support the successful of PMO program by inovatif action in curing patients with tuberculosis such as mental support and increasing motivation to recover from the ilness. The research design is quasy experiment. Pre and post test with control group design was used in this research., whereas it was measuring the differences between before anf after the intervention compare to the control group.The result of the research shows that there was a significant results in the intervention group group before and after using assertive leaflet towards the obedience consuming the drugs whereas p value 0,008<0,05, on the other hand there was no change before and after in the control group. Moreover, in term of motivation of recovering from tuberculosis, the intervention group has p value  0,007 < 0,05, It means that there was a significant improvement in motivation before and after using assertive leaflet. The control group was no different in term of motivation to recover from tuberculosis pre and post test.   Key words: Tuberculosis, leaflet aassertive, the obediance consuming the drugs, motivation of recovering. Kesmasindo, Volume 6, ( 1)  Januari 2013, Hal. 54-63 &nbsp

    Use of Leaflets Compliance With Slogans Drinking Drugs Assertif And Cured Motivation in Tuberkulosis Patients

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    The goal of this research is to investigate the effect of using assertive leaflet towards the obedience consuming the drugs and motivation of recovering from tuberculosis. The research design is quasy experiment. Pre and post test with control group design was used in this research. The result of the research shows that there was a significant results in the intervention group group before and after using assertive leaflet towards the obedience consuming the drugs whereas p value 0,008<0,05, on the other hand there was no change before and after in the control group. Moreover, in term of motivation of recovering from tuberculosis, the intervention group has p value 0,007 < 0,05