150 research outputs found

    Gravitational Decoherence

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    We discuss effects of loss of coherence in low energy quantum systems caused by or related to gravitation, referred to as gravitational decoherence. These effects, resulting from random metric fluctuations, for instance, promise to be accessible by relatively inexpensive table-top experiments, way before the scales where true quantum gravity effects become important. Therefore, they can provide a first experimental view on gravity in the quantum regime. We will survey models of decoherence induced both by classical and quantum gravitational fluctuations; it will be manifest that a clear understanding of gravitational decoherence is still lacking. Next we will review models where quantum theory is modified, under the assumption that gravity causes the collapse of the wave functions, when systems are large enough. These models challenge the quantum-gravity interplay, and can be tested experimentally. In the last part we have a look at the state of the art of experimental research. We will review efforts aiming at more and more accurate measurements of gravity (G and g) and ideas for measuring conventional and unconventional gravity effects on nonrelativistic quantum systems.Comment: Invited topical review article for Classical and Quantum Gravity, 78 page

    Physisorption of molecular oxygen on single-wall carbon nanotube bundles and graphite

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    We present a study on the kinetics of oxygen adsorption and desorption from single-wall carbon nanotube (SWNT) and highly oriented pyrolytic graphite (HOPG) samples. Thermal desorption spectra for SWNT samples show a broad desorption feature peaked at 62 K which is shifted to significantly higher temperature than the low-coverage desorption feature on HOPG. The low-coverage O2 binding energy on SWNT bundles, 18.5 kJ/mol, is 55% higher than that for adsorption on HOPG, 12.0 kJ/mol. In combination with molecular mechanics calculations we show that the observed binding energies for both systems can be attributed to van der Waals interactions, i.e. physisorption. The experiments provide no evidence for a more strongly bound chemisorbed species or for dissociative oxygen adsorption.Comment: 7 pages, 5 figures, 1 tabl

    Wigner Function Reconstruction in Levitated Optomechanics

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    We demonstrate the reconstruction of the Wigner function from marginal distributions of the motion of a single trapped particle using homodyne detection. We show that it is possible to generate quantum states of levitated optomechanical systems even under the effect of continuous measurement by the trapping laser light. We describe the opto-mechanical coupling for the case of the particle trapped by a free-space focused laser beam, explicitly for the case without an optical cavity. We use the scheme to reconstruct the Wigner function of experimental data in perfect agreement with the expected Gaussian distribution of a thermal state of motion. This opens a route for quantum state preparation in levitated optomechanics.Comment: 9 pages, 3 figure

    Macroscopicity in an optomechanical matter-wave interferometer

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    We analyse a proposal that we have recently put forward for an interface between matter-wave and optomechanical technologies from the perspective of macroscopic quantumness. In particular, by making use of a measure of macroscopicity in quantum superpositions that is particularly well suited for continuous variables systems, we demonstrate the existence of working points for our interface at which a quantum mechanical superposition of genuinely mesoscopic states is achieved. Our proposal thus holds the potential to affirm itself as a viable atom-to-mechanics transducer of quantum coherences.Comment: Accepted for publication in Optics Communications, special issue on "Macroscopic Quantumness: Theory and Applications in Optical Sciences

    Effects of Newtonian gravitational self-interaction in harmonically trapped quantum systems

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    The Schr\"odinger-Newton equation has gained attention in the recent past as a nonlinear modification of the Schr\"odinger equation due to a gravitational self-interaction. Such a modification is expected from a fundamentally semi-classical theory of gravity, and can therefore be considered a test case for the necessity of the quantisation of the gravitational field. Here we provide a thorough study of the effects of the Schr\"odinger-Newton equation for a micron-sized sphere trapped in a harmonic oscillator potential. We discuss both the effect on the energy eigenstates and the dynamical behaviour of squeezed states, covering the experimentally relevant parameter regimes.Comment: 22 pages, 14 figure