10 research outputs found
Students’ motivation to study music: The United States of America
- Author
- Central Intelligence Agency.
- College Board.
- Gary E. McPherson
- Hendricks K.S.
- Hendricks K.S.
- Jorgensen E.R.
- Karin S. Hendricks
- Mahlmann J.J.
- Mayday Group.
- Menc
- Miller D.C.
- Organizing for America.
- Reimer B.
- Swanson C.B.
- US Census Bureau.
- US Department of Education National Center for Education Statistics.
- US Department of Education National Center for Education Statistics.
- US Department of Education.
- US Department of Education.
- US Department of Education.
- US Department of Labor Employment Standards Administration.
- White House Blog Post.
- Publication venue
- 'SAGE Publications'
- Publication date
- Field of study
Migration, Benefit Spillovers and State Support of Higher Education
- Author
- Publication venue
- 'Informa UK Limited'
- Publication date
- Field of study
Not All Nonlabelers Are Created Equal
- Author
- Publication venue
- 'SAGE Publications'
- Publication date
- Field of study
State-Level Variability of Educational Outcomes of Students with Emotional Disturbance
- Author
- Blackorby J.
- Bradley R.
- Bureau of Labor Statistics
- Data Accountability Center
- Data Accountability Center
- Epstein M.
- Glassberg L. A.
- Gliona M. F.
- Harlow C. W.
- Kauffman J. M.
- Kauffman J. M.
- Kauffman J. M.
- Landrum T.
- Luebke J.
- Marder C.
- McClure G.
- Osborne A. G.
- US Department of Education
- US Department of Education National Center for Education Statistics
- Victor Villarreal
- Wagner M.
- Publication venue
- 'Informa UK Limited'
- Publication date
- Field of study
Vocational education and the revitalisation of manufacturing in the United States
- Author
- Aizenman A.
- Berger R.
- Bills D.
- Bowles S.
- Brewer E.
- Bryman A.
- Bureau of Labor Statistics
- Bureau of Labor Statistics
- Center of Excellence for Labor Market Research
- Darryn Snell
- Herrigel G.
- Hicks M.
- Hoffman N.
- Keeton W.
- Levinson M.
- Lynch R.
- McKinsey and Company
- Mid-America Regional Council
- National Association of Manufacturers
- Newman K.
- Parilla J.
- Schwab K.
- Scott G.
- Shulock N.
- Smith T.
- Snell D.
- Stanford J.
- Teddlie C.
- Uchitelle L.
- Uchitelle L.
- US Department of Education
- Windsor K.
- Publication venue
- 'Informa UK Limited'
- Publication date
- Field of study
Recommendations for Meeting the Pediatric Patient's Need for a Clinical Pharmacist: A Joint Opinion of the Pediatrics Practice and Research Network of the American College of Clinical Pharmacy and the Pediatric Pharmacy Advocacy Group
- Author
- Accreditation Council for Pharmacy Education
- American College of Clinical Pharmacy
- American College of Clinical Pharmacy
- American College of Clinical Pharmacy
- American Society of Health-System Pharmacists
- American Society of Health-System Pharmacists
- American Society of Health-system Pharmacists
- Aucoin
- Blair
- Board of Pharmacy Specialties
- Buck
- Campbell
- Child and Adolescent Health Measurement Initiative
- Children's Hospital Association
- Condren
- Corrigan
- Cox
- Cupit
- Daniels
- Dowling
- Elliot
- Feudtner
- Folli
- Gardner
- Haase
- Hahn
- Institute for Safe Medication Practices
- Kao
- Klotz
- Krupicka
- LaRochelle
- Leslie
- Levin
- Moffett
- Murphy
- National Center for Health Statistics
- National Institutes of Health National Institutes for Child Health and Human Development
- National Resident Matching Program
- Pedersen
- Rosenberg
- Scott
- Scott
- Slain
- So
- Stark
- The Joint Commission
- Tuffana
- US Department of Labor Bureau of Labor Statistics
- Wang
- Publication venue
- 'Pediatric Pharmacy Advocacy Group'
- Publication date
- Field of study
Smoking is an occupational hazard
- Author
- 15 USC (United States Code) Section 1333
- 15 USC (United States Code) Section 1335
- 21 United States Code Section 301 et seq. (Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act)
- 42 USC (United States Code) Section 300x-26
- Benowitz
- Brigden
- CA EPA (California Environmental Protection Agency)
- CA Lab. Code (State of California Labor Code)
- California Assembly Bill 13 (AB 13)
- CDC (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention)
- CDC (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention)
- CDHS (California Department of Health Services)
- Chaloupka
- Croghan
- Curry
- Dement
- Eisner
- Enstrom
- FDA (Food and Drug Administration)
- Fiore
- Fiore
- First
- Florida Department of State Division of Elections
- Giovino
- Glantz
- Gorrod
- Green
- Grosch
- Hackshaw
- Hammond
- Hankey
- He
- Holman
- Hughes
- Husgafvel-Pursiainen
- Jaakkola
- Jarvis
- Johnsson
- Kessler
- Kessler
- Kreuzer
- Lancaster
- Law
- Leverett
- Mackay
- Morris
- Myers
- NAAG (National Association of Attorneys General)
- NAS/NRC (National Academy of Sciences/National Research Council)
- NCHS (National Center for Health Statistics)
- Nelson
- Niknian
- O'Neill
- Otsuka
- Pampel
- Repace
- Rigotti
- Ringen
- Sacks
- Samet
- Schauffler
- Schnönherr
- Siegal
- Smith
- Smith
- Sorenson
- Trout
- US DHEW (US Department of Health Education, and Welfare)
- US DHHS (US Department of Health and Human Services)
- US DHHS (US Department of Health and Human Services)
- US DHHS (US Department of Health and Human Services)
- US DHHS (US Department of Health and Human Services)
- US DHHS (US Department of Health and Human Services)
- US DHHS (US Department of Health and Human Services)
- US DHHS (US Department of Health and Human Services)
- US DHHS (US Department of Health and Human Services)
- US EPA (US Environmental Protection Agency)
- Viscusi
- Wegman
- World Bank
- Publication venue
- 'Wiley'
- Publication date
- 01/01/2004
- Field of study
Data quality: A statistical perspective
- Author
- Alan F. Karr
- American Statistical Association
- Anderson
- Ashish P. Sanil
- AT&T Labs Research
- AT&T Quality Steering Committee
- AT&T Quality Steering Committee
- AT&T Quality Steering Committee
- Bederson
- Biemer
- Brackstone
- Bradley
- Breiman
- Bureau of Economic Analysis
- Bureau of Justice Statistics
- Bureau of Labor Statistics
- Bureau of Labor Statistics
- Bureau of Transportation Statistics
- Census Bureau
- Census Bureau Executive Steering Committee for Accuracy and Coverage Evaluation Policy
- Chowdhury
- Converse
- David L. Banks
- de Leeuw
- Department of Defense
- Department of Education
- Dobra
- Dobra
- Dublin Core Metadata Initiative
- Duncan
- Energy Information Administration
- English
- Environmental Protection Agency
- Evoke Software
- Federal Transit Administration
- Fellegi
- Fellegi
- Fienberg
- Fienberg
- Fowler
- Friedman
- Galway
- Gomatam
- Gomatam
- Greenberg
- Groff
- Groves
- Groves
- Hidiroglou
- Huang
- Kan
- Karr
- Karr
- Karr
- Karr
- Kendall
- Laudon
- Lee
- Lestina
- Little
- Little
- Loshin
- National Agricultural Statistics Service
- National Center for Education Statistics
- National Center for Health Statistics
- National Institute of Statistical Sciences
- Newcombe
- Nousak
- Obenshain
- Office of Management and Budget
- Office of Management and Budget
- Redmond
- Rousseeuw
- Rubin
- Sakata
- Sanil
- SAS Institute Inc.
- SAS Institute Inc.
- SPSS Inc.
- Trillium Software
- Tucker
- Tukey
- Ullman
- US Geological Survey
- Vazirgiannis
- Visual Insights Inc
- Wang
- Wang
- Winkler
- Winkler
- Winkler
- World Wide Web Consortium
- Publication venue
- 'Elsevier BV'
- Publication date
- Field of study
Sex and sex dissimilarity effects in ongoing teams: Some surprising findings
- Author
- Arbuckle J.L.
- Ashforth B.E.
- Bales R.F.
- Benokraitis N.V.
- Browne M.W.
- Byrne D.
- Carli L.L.
- Cianni M.
- Davidson M.J.
- Dwyer C.A.
- Eagly A.H.
- Elsass P.M.
- Gilson L.L.
- Hackman J.R.
- Halpern D.F.
- Ibarra H.
- Kanter R.M.
- Kenny D.A.
- Konrad A.
- Laura M. Graves
- Lepine J.A.
- Motowidlo S.J.
- Mowday R.T.
- Pedhazur E.J.
- Perry E.
- Powell G.N.
- Priscilla M. Elsass
- Smith P.C.
- Stewart G.L.
- Thomas D.C.
- Turner J.C.
- US Department of Education National Center for Labor Statistics
- Publication venue
- 'SAGE Publications'
- Publication date
- Field of study
A portrait of a woman as a scientist: breaking down barriers created by gender-role stereotypes
- Author
- Baker D.
- Baker D.
- Balcom S.
- Bazler J. A.
- Bem S. L.
- Bem S. L.
- Bem S. L.
- Bem S. L.
- Bem S. L.
- Bem S. L.
- Bem S. L.
- Bem S. L.
- Bem S. L.
- Bem S.L
- Bigler R. S.
- Bigler R. S.
- Bigler R. S.
- Bigler R. S.
- Brown P.
- Byrne E. M.
- Calvert S. L.
- Campbell J. R.
- Chambers D. W.
- Clewell B. C.
- Connor J. M.
- Davis J.
- DeFleur M. L.
- Eccles J. S.
- Eccles J. S.
- Evans M. A.
- Gardner M.
- Gettys L. D.
- Griffin R. J.
- Griffin R. J.
- Hardin J.
- Hermelin F. G.
- Hill O. W.
- Hillenmeyer K.
- Humphreys S. M.
- Jones M. G.
- Kahle J. B.
- Kahle J. B.
- Kahle J. B.
- Kahle J. B.
- Kahle J. B.
- Kahle J. B.
- Kelly A.
- Koblinsky S. G.
- Koblinsky S. G.
- Kremer B. K.
- LaFollette M. C.
- Lauer-Williams K.
- Levy G. D.
- Liben L. S.
- Liben M. S.
- Liben M. S.
- Lock R.
- Maoldomhnaigh M. O.
- Mason C. L.
- Matyas M. L.
- Matyas M. L.
- Matyas M. L.
- Matyas M. L.
- Mead M.
- National Center for Education Statistics
- National Science Foundation
- Nelkin D.
- O'Bryant S. L.
- O'Bryant S. L.
- O'Bryant S. L.
- O'Keefe E. S. C.
- Oakes J.
- Peterson K.
- Potter E. F.
- Ross E.
- Ruble D. F.
- Ruble D. F.
- Shemesh M.
- Shepardson D. P.
- Signorella M. L.
- Signorella M. L.
- Skolnick J.
- Skolnick J.
- Smith W. S.
- Taylor J.
- Thompson S. K.
- US Department of Labor
- Vockell E. L.
- Vockell E. L.
- Vockell E. L.
- Wareing C.
- Wee E. L.
- Whitely P.
- Zerega M. E.
- Publication venue
- 'IOP Publishing'
- Publication date
- Field of study