537 research outputs found

    Accurate timekeeping is controlled by a cycling activator in Arabidopsis.

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    Transcriptional feedback loops are key to circadian clock function in many organisms. Current models of the Arabidopsis circadian network consist of several coupled feedback loops composed almost exclusively of transcriptional repressors. Indeed, a central regulatory mechanism is the repression of evening-phased clock genes via the binding of morning-phased Myb-like repressors to evening element (EE) promoter motifs. We now demonstrate that a related Myb-like protein, REVEILLE8 (RVE8), is a direct transcriptional activator of EE-containing clock and output genes. Loss of RVE8 and its close homologs causes a delay and reduction in levels of evening-phased clock gene transcripts and significant lengthening of clock pace. Our data suggest a substantially revised model of the circadian oscillator, with a clock-regulated activator essential both for clock progression and control of clock outputs. Further, our work suggests that the plant clock consists of a highly interconnected, complex regulatory network rather than of coupled morning and evening feedback loops. DOI:http://dx.doi.org/10.7554/eLife.00473.001

    Effectiveness of supportive therapy on quality of life among person with chronic schizophrenia: A randomized control trial

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    Background: Quality of life is a multidimensional concept comprising material, physical, social, emotional wellbeing; Supportive psychotherapy has been developed as an approach to address the long-term difficulties of patients with chronic diseases and complaints. Aim of the Study: Present study was aimed to investigate the effectiveness of supportive therapy on quality of life among person with schizophrenia at occupational rehabilitation centre. Methodology: This was a hospital based quasi experimental research in which pre and post with control group design was used. Twenty male patients diagnosed with schizophrenia according to ICD-10 DCR were selected for the study. Two stage sampling was used first stage participants (with screening) were selected purposively and in the second stage systematic random technique was used for creating experimental and control groups.  A self prepared Motivational Analysis Checklist and WHO Quality of Life Brief was used for pre and post assessment. Results: Study reports supportive psychotherapy significantly improves participant’s quality of life.  Keywards: Supportive therapy, quality of life, chronic schizophreni

    Remote Raman Spectroscopy of Minerals at Elevated Temperature Relevant to Venus Exploration

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    We have used a remote time-resolved telescopic Raman system equipped with 532 nm pulsed laser excitation and a gated intensified CCD (ICCD) detector for measuring Raman spectra of a number of minerals at high temperature to 970 K. Remote Raman measurements were made with samples at 9-meter in side a high-temperature furnace by gating the ICCD detector with 2 micro-sec gate to minimize interference from blackbody emission from mineral surfaces at high temperature as well as interference from ambient light. A comparison of Raman spectra of gypsum (CaSO4.2H2O), dolomite (CaMg(CO3)2), and olivine (Mg2Fe2-xSiO4), as a function of temperature shows that the Raman lines remains sharp and well defined even in the high-temperature spectra. In the case of gypsum, Raman spectral fingerprints of CaSO4.H2O at 518 K were observed due to dehydration of gypsum. In the case of dolomite, partial mineral dissociation was observed at 973 K at ambient pressure indicating that some of the dolomite might survive on Venus surface that is at approximately 750 K and 92 atmospheric pressure. Time-resolved Raman spectra of low clino-enstatite (MgSiO3) measured at 75 mm from the sample in side the high-temperature furnace also show that the Raman lines remains sharp and well defined in the high temperature spectra. These high-temperature remote Raman spectra of minerals show that time-resolved Raman spectroscopy can be used as a potential tool for exploring Venus surface mineralogy at shorter (75 mm) and long (9 m) distances from the samples both during daytime and nighttime. The remote Raman system could also be used for measuring profiles of molecular species in the dense Venus atmosphere during descent as well as on the surface


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    Objective: Salbutamol sulphate (SBS) and doxophylline (DOX) was used for the treatment of asthma and bronchitis. In the present study, two simple, accurate, precise, reproducible and economical UV-spectroscopic methods (A and B) for simultaneous estimation of SBS and DOX in tablet dosage form have been developed.Methods: In the present study the simultaneous estimation of SBS and DOX was carried out by two methods. Method A employs solving of simultaneous equations based on the measurement of absorbance at two wavelengths, 272 nm and 276 nm which are the ðœ†max values of SBS and DOX respectively in phosphate buffer (pH 7.4). Method B is based on the principle of Q-Analysis where in, absorbance was measured at 225 nm (iso-absorptive point, ðœ†1) and 276 nm (ðœ†max of DOX, ðœ†2) in phosphate buffer (pH 7.4).Results: Both SBS and DOX shows linearity at all the selected wavelengths and obeys beer's law in the concentration range of between 0.2-1.6ðœ‡g/ml and 0.1-3.5μg/ml at 276 nm; 0.2-1.6 µg/ml and 0.1-4.5 µg/ml at 272 nm and 0.2-2.0µg/ml and 0.2-3.5μg/ml at iso-absorptive point 225 nm. Recovery studies for SBS and DOX were performed and the percentage recovery for both the drugs was obtained in the range of 97.45-98.63% (Method A) and 97.49–98.87 % (Method B) confirming the accuracy of the proposed method.Conclusion: Both the methods showed good reproducibility and recovery with % RSD less than 2. Statistical validation of the data shows that the proposed methods can be successfully applied for the routine analysis of drugs in commercial tablets. Hence, it could be used in the analysis of laboratory samples and marketed formulations containing these two drugs in combined dosage form without the interference of common excipients

    A study on incidence of congenital anomalies in new borns and their association with fetal factors: a prospective study

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    Background: Congenital malformation represents defects in morphogenesis during early fetal life. Congenital anomalies account for 8–15% of perinatal deaths and 13–16% of neonatal deaths in India. The objective was to study incidence of clinically detectable congenital malformations in new-borns delivered at a tertiary hospital and their association with fetal factors.Methods: The present study is a prospective study of all the newborns delivered at Obstetrics and Gynecology Department, New Civil Hospital, Surat for a period of one year from 1st January 2010 to 31st December 2010. Total 5518 consecutive births including both live born babies and still born babies were examined after taking verbal and written consent of their mothers for a visible structural anomalies to determine the overall incidence and distribution of congenital malformations and their association with fetal factors. Data were statistically analyzed using SPSS software (trial version).Results: A total of 5518 babies were born out of which 75 were twins. Total numbers of malformed babies were 68, so total point incidence of congenital anomalies turned out to be 1.23%. There were 2963 male new-borns, out of that 40 were congenitally malformed (1.34%) and out of 2555 female new-borns 28 were congenitally malformed (1.09%). No significant association was found between congenital malformation and sex of the child. Out of total 5518 new-borns 5316 were live births and 202 were still births and out of 5316 live births 48 babies were malformed and out of 202 still births 20 babies were malformed. Out of total 5518 new-borns 1227 had birth weight less than 1500 grams and out of them 12 (0.97%) babies were congenitally malformed. Out of 5518 new-borns 221 were preterm babies and out of 221 preterm babies 26 (12.32%) babies were congenitally malformed.Conclusions: From present study it has been concluded that congenital anomalies in new-borns were significantly associated with fetal factors like still birth, prematurity and low birth weight

    Persistent time intervals between features in solar flare hard X-ray emission

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    Several solar hard X-ray events (greater than 100 keV) were observed simultaneously with identical instruments on the Venera 11, 12, 13, 14, and Prognoz spacecraft. High time resolution (= 2 ms) data were stored in memory when a trigger occurred. The observations of modulation are presented with a period of 1.6 s for the event on December 3, 1978. Evidence is also presented for fast time fluctuations from an event on November 6, 1979, observed from Venera 12 and another on September 6, 1981, observed from the Solar Maximum Mission. Power spectrum analysis, epoch folding, and Monte Carlo simulation were used to evaluate the statistical significance of persistent time delays between features. The results are discussed in light of the MHD model proposed by Zaitsev and Stepanov

    Incidence and distribution of congenital malformations clinically detected at birth: a prospective study at tertiary care hospital

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    Background: Congenital malformation represents defects in morphogenesis during early fetal life. Congenital anomalies account for 8-15% of perinatal deaths and 13-16% of neonatal deaths in India. The objective was to study overall and individual incidence and distribution of clinically detectable congenital malformations in newborns delivered at a tertiary hospital.Methods: The present study is a prospective study of all the newborns delivered at Obstetrics and Gynecology Department, New Civil Hospital, Surat, Gujarat, India for a period of one year from 1st January 2010 to 31st December 2010. Total 5518 consecutive births including both live born babies and still born babies were examined after taking verbal and written consent of their mothers for a visible structural anomalies to determine the overall incidence and distribution of congenital malformations. Data were statistically analyzed using SPSS software (trial version).Results: A total of 5518 babies were born out of which 75 were twins. Out of total 5518 newborns 5316 were live births and 202 were still births and out of 5316 live births 48 babies were malformed and out of 202 still births 20 babies were malformed. Total numbers of malformed babies were 68, so total point incidence of congenital anomalies turned out to be 1.23%. Out of total 5518 babies, 35 (0.63%) were having central nervous system malformations making its incidence of 6.34/1000 live births which turned out to be highest followed by gastrointestinal system (incidence of malformed babies: 5.44/1000 births) and genitor urinary system (incidence of malformed babies :1.09/1000 births). Commonest anomalies in central nervous system were meningomyelocele followed by hydrocephalus and anencephaly.Conclusions: From present study we conclude that incidence of congenital anomalies of CNS was highest amongst all types of congenital anomalies (meningomyelocele being the commonest). More emphasis should be given on prevention by regular antenatal care and avoidance of known teratogens and probable teratogenic agents
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