10 research outputs found


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    Esta investigación se centra en un actor altamente significativo para el proceso educativo en Chilecomo son los padres/madres de niños y niñas de origen rural. En el entendido que todas las accionestendientes a mejorar la calidad y equidad de la educación pasan por comprender las subjetividades y elentorno cultural de los agentes sociales, es que estimamos necesario realizar un estudio con un enfoquecualitativo de tipo descriptivo, que considerara la visión que construyen los padres y madres en torno ala función social de la escuela, estas experiencias serán reconstruidas en entrevistas narrativascentradas especialmente en aquellos padres/madres con inamovilidad geográfica, que se mantienen ensus localidades de origen, enviando a sus hijos/as a la misma escuela rural a la que ellos/as asistieron.La muestra intencionada se situó en la novena región de Chile, en la provincia de Malleco. Entre lasprincipales conclusiones destacamos que la función de la escuela está orientada a reproducir un modelocultural que valora y legitima la disciplina, como medio para lograr “ser otro”.Palabras claves: Escuela, Identidad, RuralidadTHE RURAL SCHOOL FROM THE PARENTS’ VIEWAbstractThis research focuses on actors of great significance to the educational process in Chile, such asParents of children from rural areas. On the understanding that all actions aimed at improving thequality and equity of education involve an understanding of the subjectivities and cultural environmentof the social agents, we believe that a study with a descriptive qualitative approach is required in orderto consider the vision that parents construct about the social role of the school. These experiences willbe reconstructed through narrative interviews with a particular focus on parents/mothers withgeographical immobility, that is, those who remain in their places of origin and send their children tothe same rural school they attended. The intentional sample was taken in the ninth region of Chile,Malleco Province. Key findings highlight the role of the school in reproducing a cultural model thatvalues and legitimates discipline as a means to "become another".Key words: College, Identity, Ruralit


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    En el presente artículo se realiza una descripción de la Investigación-Acción realizada en Chile por docentes, para lo cual se tomaron en consideración dos experiencias concretas. A partir del análisis de documentos y entrevistas abiertas se recogió información que permiten dar cuenta de las características de la investigación-acción que se realiza en dicho país. Especialmente el estudio da información acerca del contexto que rodea la Investigación-Acción, los soportes teóricos y los aspectos metodológicos involucrados. Así mismo, el trabajo avanza en la discusión acerca de la vinculación de las políticas de Desarrollo Profesional Docente con la Investigación-Acción. El avance incipiente de esta modalidad de investigación como un camino para mejorar el Desarrollo Profesional y la falta de apoyo desde las entidades gubernamentales, son aspectos que deben ser considerados en la planificación de futuras políticas de formación profesional.Palabras Claves: Investigación-Acción, Desarrollo Profesional Docente, Investigación Docente ACTION RESEARCH BY CHILEAN TEACHERS AS A WAY FOR PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT: CHARACTERIZATION OF TWO EXPERIENCESAbstractIn this paper is a description of Teachers’ Action Research in Chile. In this work there are two experiences of Action Research realized by teachers in Chile. The analysis of documents and some interviews were collected to characterize the Action Research in Chile. Principally, the study shows the context around Action Research; the procedures, theoretical and methodological support. The discussion about the policies of Professional Development Teachers and its link with Action Research is relevant. The initial steps in Action Research as a way for Professional Development and insufficient governmental support are aspects that should be improved for a diversity of alternatives for the Professional Development of Teachers.Keywords: Action Research, Professional Development of Teachers, Teacher Research

    Multidisciplinary and participatory workshops with stakeholders in a community of extreme poverty in the Peruvian Amazon: Development of priority concerns and potential health, nutrition and education interventions

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Communities of extreme poverty suffer disproportionately from a wide range of adverse outcomes, but are often neglected or underserved by organized services and research attention. In order to target the first Millennium Development Goal of eradicating extreme poverty, thereby reducing health inequalities, participatory research in these communities is needed. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to determine the priority problems and respective potential cost-effective interventions in Belen, a community of extreme poverty in the Peruvian Amazon, using a multidisciplinary and participatory focus.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Two multidisciplinary and participatory workshops were conducted with important stakeholders from government, non-government and community organizations, national institutes and academic institutions. In Workshop 1, participants prioritized the main health and health-related problems in the community of Belen. Problem trees were developed to show perceived causes and effects for the top six problems. In Workshop 2, following presentations describing data from recently completed field research in school and household populations of Belen, participants listed potential interventions for the priority problems, including associated barriers, enabling factors, costs and benefits.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>The top ten priority problems in Belen were identified as: 1) infant malnutrition; 2) adolescent pregnancy; 3) diarrhoea; 4) anaemia; 5) parasites; 6) lack of basic sanitation; 7) low level of education; 8) sexually transmitted diseases; 9) domestic violence; and 10) delayed school entry. Causes and effects for the top six problems, proposed interventions, and factors relating to the implementation of interventions were multidisciplinary in nature and included health, nutrition, education, social and environmental issues.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>The two workshops provided valuable insight into the main health and health-related problems facing the community of Belen. The participatory focus of the workshops ensured the active involvement of important stakeholders from Belen. Based on the results of the workshops, effective and essential interventions are now being planned which will contribute to reducing health inequalities in the community.</p


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    La investigación aquí reportada se planteó como objetivo principal comprender elproceso de Desarrollo Profesional Docente en el contexto de una experiencia de aprendizajeprofesional guiada desde la investigación–acción con docentes de una comuna de la Región dela Araucanía de Chile, cuyos resultados serían las reflexiones de los docentes, expresadas enuna producción escrita. En el estudio se utilizó una metodología de carácter cualitativo quecontempló el análisis de los informes escritos de investigación-acción realizados por los/aspropios/as docentes, el cual fue efectuado a partir de una matriz construida con base en elconcepto de Desarrollo Profesional Docente propuesto en el marco teórico, lográndoseidentificar resultados positivos en éste a partir de la escritura de los artículos, a través de loscuales los docentes pudieron expresar sus reflexiones y dar a conocer cómo la investigación–acción se constituye en una herramienta útil para su trabajo en el aula, desde tres ámbitos: (a)el personal- social: satisfacción por el trabajo; (b) en el técnico- pedagógico: lo significativodel diario profesional y el plan de acción; y (c) en el institucional: se resalta el enriquecimientoprofesional a través del trabajo colaborativo y de pares.Palabras Clave: Desarrollo Profesional Docente, Investigación- Acción.TEACHER PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT ON THE CONTEXT OF ACTIONRESEARCHAbstractThe research reported here had as main objective to understand the process of TeacherProfessional Development in the context of a professional learning experience, guided fromthe action research with teachers in a district on the Araucanía Region of Chile, where theresult would be reflection of teachers expressed in a written production. The study used aqualitative methodology that included an analysis of the written reports of action researchdone for themselves teachers. The analysis was conducted from an array built on the conceptof Teacher Professional Development proposed in the theoretical framework, which allowedidentifying positive results of writing articles, through which teachers could express theirreflections and describe how the action research represents a useful tool for their work insidethe classroom from three areas: (a) personal and social satisfaction with the work, (b) in thetechnical-pedagogical significance of the professional journal and plan of action, and (c) in theinstitutional, professional enrichment is highlighted through collaborative work and peer.Key Word: Teacher Professional Development, Action Researc

    The Koolen-de Vries syndrome: A phenotypic comparison of patients with a 17q21.31 microdeletion versus a KANSL1 sequence variant

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    The Koolen-de Vries syndrome (KdVS; OMIM #610443), also known as the 17q21.31 microdeletion syndrome, is a clinically heterogeneous disorder characterised by (neonatal) hypotonia, developmental delay, moderate intellectual disability, and characteristic facial dysmorphism. Expressive language development is particularly impaired compared with receptive language or motor skills. Other frequently reported features include social and friendly behaviour, epilepsy, musculoskeletal anomalies, congenital heart defects, urogenital malformations, and ectodermal anomalies. The syndrome is caused by a truncating variant in the KAT8 regulatory NSL complex unit 1 (KANSL1) gene or by a 17q21.31 microdeletion encompassing KANSL1. Herein we describe a novel cohort of 45 individuals with KdVS of whom 33 have a 17q21.31 microdeletion and 12 a single-nucleotide variant (SNV) in KANSL1 (19 males, 26 females; age range 7 months to 50 years). We provide guidance about the potential pitfalls in the laboratory testing and emphasise the challenges of KANSL1 variant calling and DNA copy number analysis in the complex 17q21.31 region. Moreover, we present detailed phenotypic information, including neuropsychological features, that contribute to the broad phenotypic spectrum of the syndrome. Comparison of the phenotype of both the microdeletion and SNV patients does not show differences of clinical importance, stressing that haploinsufficiency of KANSL1 is sufficient to cause the full KdVS phenotype