34 research outputs found

    Single blind randomized Phase III trial to investigate the benefit of a focal lesion ablative microboost in prostate cancer (FLAME-trial): study protocol for a randomized controlled trial

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    Background: The treatment results of external beam radiotherapy for intermediate and high risk prostate cancer patients are insufficient with five-year biochemical relapse rates of approximately 35%. Several randomized trials have shown that dose escalation to the entire prostate improves biochemical disease free survival. However, further dose escalation to the whole gland is limited due to an unacceptable high risk of acute and late toxicity. Moreover, local recurrences often originate at the location of the macroscopic tumor, so boosting the radiation dose at the macroscopic tumor within the prostate might increase local control. A reduction of distant metastases and improved survival can be expected by reducing local failure. The aim of this study is to investigate the benefit of an ablative microboost to the macroscopic tumor within the prostate in patients treated with external beam radiotherapy for prostate cancer.Methods/Design: The FLAME-trial (Focal Lesion Ablative Microboost in prostatE cancer) is a single blind randomized controlled phase III trial. We aim to include 566 patients (283 per treatment arm) with intermediate or high risk adenocarcinoma of the prostate who are scheduled for external beam radiotherapy using fiducial markers for position verification. With this number of patients, the expected increase in five-year freedom from biochemical failure rate of 10% can be detected with a power of 80%. Patients allocated to the standard arm receive a dose of 77 Gy in 35 fractions to the entire prostate and patients in the experimental arm receive 77 Gy to the entire prostate and an additional integrated microboost to the macroscopic tumor of 95 Gy in 35 fractions. The secondary outcome measures include treatment-related toxicity, quality of life and disease-specific survival. Furthermore, by localizing the recurrent tumors within the prostate during follow-up and correlating this with the delivered dose, we can obtain accurate dose-effect information for both the macroscopic tumor and subclinical disease in prostate cancer. The rationale, study design and the first 50 patients included are described.Biological, physical and clinical aspects of cancer treatment with ionising radiatio

    Molecular dynamics simulations reveal that AEDANS is an inert fluorescent probe for the study of membrane proteins

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    Computer simulations were carried out of a number of AEDANS-labeled single cysteine mutants of a small reference membrane protein, M13 major coat protein, covering 60% of its primary sequence. M13 major coat protein is a single membrane-spanning, α-helical membrane protein with a relatively large water-exposed region in the N-terminus. In 10-ns molecular dynamics simulations, we analyze the behavior of the AEDANS label and the native tryptophan, which were used as acceptor and donor in previous FRET experiments. The results indicate that AEDANS is a relatively inert environmental probe that can move unhindered through the lipid membrane when attached to a membrane protein

    Diffusion and perfusion weighted magnetic resonance imaging for tumor volume definition in radiotherapy of brain tumors

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    Abstract Accurate target volume delineation is crucial for the radiotherapy of tumors. Diffusion and perfusion magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) can provide functional information about brain tumors, and they are able to detect tumor volume and physiological changes beyond the lesions shown on conventional MRI. This review examines recent studies that utilized diffusion and perfusion MRI for tumor volume definition in radiotherapy of brain tumors, and it presents the opportunities and challenges in the integration of multimodal functional MRI into clinical practice. The results indicate that specialized and robust post-processing algorithms and tools are needed for the precise alignment of targets on the images, and comprehensive validations with more clinical data are important for the improvement of the correlation between histopathologic results and MRI parameter images

    Magnetic Resonance-based Response Assessment and Dose Adaptation in Human Papilloma Virus Positive Tumors of the Oropharynx treated with Radiotherapy (MR-ADAPTOR): An R-IDEAL stage 2a-2b/Bayesian phase II trial.

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    Background Current standard radiotherapy for oropharynx cancer (OPC) is associated with high rates of severe toxicities, shown to adversely impact patients' quality of life. Given excellent outcomes of human papilloma virus (HPV)-associated OPC and long-term survival of these typically young patients, treatment de-intensification aimed at improving survivorship while maintaining excellent disease control is now a central concern. The recent implementation of magnetic resonance image - guided radiotherapy (MRgRT) systems allows for individual tumor response assessment during treatment and offers possibility of personalized dose-reduction. In this 2-stage Bayesian phase II study, we propose to examine weekly radiotherapy dose-adaptation based on magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) evaluated tumor response. Individual patient's plan will be designed to optimize dose reduction to organs at risk and minimize locoregional failure probability based on serial MRI during RT. Our primary aim is to assess the non-inferiority of MRgRT dose adaptation for patients with low risk HPV-associated OPC compared to historical control, as measured by Bayesian posterior probability of locoregional control (LRC).Methods Patients with T1-2 N0-2b (as per AJCC 7th Edition) HPV-positive OPC, with lymph node <3 cm and <10 pack-year smoking history planned for curative radiotherapy alone to a dose of 70 Gy in 33 fractions will be eligible. All patients will undergo pre-treatment MRI and at least weekly intra-treatment MRI. Patients undergoing MRgRT will have weekly adaptation of high dose planning target volume based on gross tumor volume response. The stage 1 of this study will enroll 15 patients to MRgRT dose adaptation. If LRC at 6 months with MRgRT dose adaptation is found sufficiently safe as per the Bayesian model, stage 2 of the protocol will expand enrollment to an additional 60 patients, randomized to either MRgRT or standard IMRT.Discussion Multiple methods for safe treatment de-escalation in patients with HPV-positive OPC are currently being studied. By leveraging the ability of advanced MRI techniques to visualize tumor and soft tissues through the course of treatment, this protocol proposes a workflow for safe personalized radiation dose-reduction in good responders with radiosensitive tumors, while ensuring tumoricidal dose to more radioresistant tumors. MRgRT dose adaptation could translate in reduced long term radiation toxicities and improved survivorship while maintaining excellent LRC outcomes in favorable OPC.Trial registration ClinicalTrials.gov ID: NCT03224000; Registration date: 07/21/2017

    Technology-driven research for radiotherapy innovation

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    Technology has a pivotal role in the continuous development of radiotherapy. The long road toward modern 'high-tech' radiation oncology has been studded with discoveries and technological innovations that resulted from the interaction of various disciplines. In the last decades, a dramatic technology-driven revolution has hugely improved the capability of accurately and safely delivering complex-shaped dose distributions. This has contributed to many clinical improvements, such as the successful management of lung cancer and oligometastatic disease through stereotactic body radiotherapy. Technology-driven research is an active and lively field with promising potential in several domains, including image guidance, adaptive radiotherapy, integration of artificial intelligence, heavy-particle therapy, and 'flash' ultra-high dose-rate radiotherapy. The evolution toward personalized Oncology will deeply influence technology-driven research, aiming to integrate predictive models and omics analyses into fast and efficient solutions to deliver the best treatment for each single patient. Personalized radiation oncology will need affordable technological solutions for middle-/low-income countries, as these are expected to experience the highest increase of cancer incidence and mortality. Moreover, technology solutions for automation of commissioning, quality assurance, safety tests, image segmentation, and plan optimization will be required. Although a large fraction of cancer patients receive radiotherapy, this is certainly not reflected in the worldwide budget for radiotherapy research. Differently from the pharmaceutical companies-driven research, resources for research in radiotherapy are highly limited to equipment vendors, who can, in turn, initiate a limited number of collaborations with academic research centers. Thus, enhancement of investments in technology-driven radiotherapy research via public funds, national governments, and the European Union would have a crucial societal impact. It would allow for radiotherapy to further strengthen its role as a highly effective and cost-efficient cancer treatment modality, and it could facilitate a rapid and equalitarian large-scale transfer of technology to clinic, with direct impact on patient care

    Label fusion in multi-atlas based segmentation with user-defined local weights

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    Multi-atlas based segmentation is a popular method to automatically segment a target image, in which the correspondence to already segmented atlas images is used to construct multiple segmentations for a single structure in the target image. These multiple segmentations are then combined into a single segmentation for the target image in a process called label fusion. In the past, the result of multi-atlas based segmentation has mostly been evaluated using a volume overlap measure. However, such a measure can only be used to assess the global quality of a segmentation and does not take into account local differences in for example the clinical relevance of a certain region of the segmentation. We propose to use voxel-based weights in the evaluation of segmentations and show that by using these weights already during the label fusion process, one is able to obtain multi-atlas based segmentation results with an improved clinical relevance compared to unweighted atlas based segmentation. A method is proposed to implement this for multi-atlas based segmentation of the prostate. © 2011 IEEE

    Consensus opinion on MRI simulation for external beam radiation treatment planning

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    Aim: To determine the levels at which consensus could be reached regarding general and site-specific principles of MRI simulation for offline MRI-aided external beam radiation treatment planning. Methods: A process inspired by the Delphi method was employed to determine levels of consensus using a series of questionnaires interspersed with controlled opinion feedback. Results: In general, full consensus was reached regarding general principles of MRI simulation. However, the level of consensus decreased when site-specific principles of MRI simulation were considered. Conclusions: These results indicate variability in MRI simulation approaches that are largely explained by the use of MRI in combination with CT. (C) 2016 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved

    Late Side Effects After Image Guided Intensity Modulated Radiation Therapy Compared to 3D-Conformal Radiation Therapy for Prostate Cancer: Results From 2 Prospective Cohorts

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    Purpose: Technical developments in the field of external beam radiation therapy (RT) enabled the clinical introduction of image guided intensity modulated radiation therapy (IG-IMRT), which improved target conformity and allowed reduction of safety margins. Whether this had an impact on late toxicity levels compared to previously applied three-dimensional conformal radiation therapy (3D-CRT) is currently unknown. We analyzed late side effects after treatment with IG-IMRT or 3D-CRT, evaluating 2 prospective cohorts of men treated for localized prostate cancer to investigate the hypothesized reductions in toxicity. Methods and Materials: Patients treated with 3D-CRT (n = 189) or IG-IMRT (n = 242) to 78 Gy in 39 fractions were recruited from 2 Dutch randomized trials with identical toxicity scoring protocols. Late toxicity (>90 days after treatment) was derived from self-assessment questionnaires and case report forms, according to Radiation Therapy Oncology Group/European Organization for Research and Treatment of Cancer (RTOG-EORTC) scoring criteria. Grade >= 2 endpoints included gastrointestinal (GI) rectal bleeding, increased stool frequency, discomfort, rectal incontinence, proctitis, and genitourinary (GU) obstruction, increased urinary frequency, nocturia, urinary incontinence, and dysuria. The Cox proportional hazards regression model was used to compare grade >= 2 toxicities between both techniques, adjusting for other modifying factors. Results: The 5-year cumulative incidence of grade >= 2 GI toxicity was 24.9% for IG-IMRT and 37.6% following 3D-CRT (adjusted hazard ratio [HR]: 0.59, P = .005), with significant reductions in proctitis (HR: 0.37, P = .047) and increased stool frequency (HR: 0.23, P= 2 toxicity levels at 5 years were comparable with 46.2% and 36.4% following IG-IMRT and 3D-CRT, respectively (adjusted HR: 1.19, P = .33). Other strong predictors (P= 2 late toxicity were baseline complaints, acute toxicity, and age. Conclusions: Treatment with IG-IMRT reduced the risk of late grade >= 2 complications, whereas GU toxicities remained comparable. This clinically relevant observation demonstrates that IMRT and image-guidance should therefore be the preferred treatment option, provided that margin reduction is implemented with caution. (C) 2016 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved