122 research outputs found

    Vascular phenotype in angiogenic and non-angiogenic lung non-small cell carcinomas

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    We have previously described a group of non-small cell lung carcinomas without morphological evidence of neo-angiogenesis. In these tumours neoplastic cells fill up the alveoli and the only vessels present appear to belong to the trapped alveolar septa. In the present study we have characterised the phenotype of the vessels present in these non-angiogenic tumours, in normal lung and in angiogenic non-small cell lung carcinomas. The vessels, identified by the expression of CD31, were scored as mature when expressing the epitope LH39 in the basal membrane and as newly formed when expressing αVβ3 on the endothelial cells and/or lacking LH39 expression. In the nine putative non-angiogenic cases examined, the vascular phenotype of all the vessels was the same as that of alveolar vessels in normal lung: LH39 positive and αVβ3 variable or negative. Instead in 104 angiogenic tumours examined, only a minority of vessels (mean 13.1%; range 0–60%) expressed LH39, while αVβ3 (in 45 cases) was strongly expressed on many vessels (mean 55.5%; range 5–90%). We conclude that in putative non-angiogenic tumours the vascular phenotype is that of normal vessels and there is no neo-angiogenesis. This type of cancer may be resistant to some anti-angiogenic therapy and different strategies need to be developed

    Phase transitions in the Potts spin glass model

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    We have studied the Potts spin glass with 2-state Ising spins and s-state Potts variables using a cluster Monte Carlo dynamics. The model recovers the +- J Ising spin glass (SG) for s=1 and exhibits for all s a SG transition at T_{SG}(s) and a percolation transition at higher temperature T_p(s). We have shown that for all values of s1s\neq 1 at T_p(s) there is a thermodynamical transition in the universality class of a ferromagnetic s-state Potts model. The efficiency of the cluster dynamics is compared with that of standard spin flip dynamics.Comment: 8 pages, Latex, with 8 EPS fig

    Percolation transition and the onset of non exponential relaxation in fully frustrated models

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    We numerically study the dynamical properties of fully frustrated models in 2 and 3 dimensions. The results obtained support the hypothesis that the percolation transition of the Kasteleyn-Fortuin clusters corresponds to the onset of stretched exponential autocorrelation functions in systems without disorder. This dynamical behavior may be due to the ``large scale'' effects of frustration, present below the percolation threshold. Moreover these results are consistent with the picture suggested by Campbell et al. in space of configurations.Comment: 8 pages, 11 figures, revised versio

    The Potts Fully Frustrated model: Thermodynamics, percolation and dynamics in 2 dimensions

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    We consider a Potts model diluted by fully frustrated Ising spins. The model corresponds to a fully frustrated Potts model with variables having an integer absolute value and a sign. This model presents precursor phenomena of a glass transition in the high-temperature region. We show that the onset of these phenomena can be related to a thermodynamic transition. Furthermore this transition can be mapped onto a percolation transition. We numerically study the phase diagram in 2 dimensions (2D) for this model with frustration and {\em without} disorder and we compare it to the phase diagram of i)i) the model with frustration {\em and} disorder and of ii)ii) the ferromagnetic model. Introducing a parameter that connects the three models, we generalize the exact expression of the ferromagnetic Potts transition temperature in 2D to the other cases. Finally, we estimate the dynamic critical exponents related to the Potts order parameter and to the energy.Comment: 10 pages, 10 figures, new result

    Cardiovascular care of patients with stroke and high risk of stroke: The need for interdisciplinary action: A consensus report from the European Society of Cardiology Cardiovascular Round Table.

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    Comprehensive stroke care is an interdisciplinary challenge. Close collaboration of cardiologists and stroke physicians is critical to ensure optimum utilisation of short- and long-term care and preventive measures in patients with stroke. Risk factor management is an important strategy that requires cardiologic involvement for primary and secondary stroke prevention. Treatment of stroke generally is led by stroke physicians, yet cardiologists need to be integrated care providers in stroke units to address all cardiovascular aspects of acute stroke care, including arrhythmia management, blood pressure control, elevated levels of cardiac troponins, valvular disease/endocarditis, and the general management of cardiovascular comorbidities. Despite substantial progress in stroke research and clinical care has been achieved, relevant gaps in clinical evidence remain and cause uncertainties in best practice for treatment and prevention of stroke. The Cardiovascular Round Table of the European Society of Cardiology together with the European Society of Cardiology Council on Stroke in cooperation with the European Stroke Organisation and partners from related scientific societies, regulatory authorities and industry conveyed a two-day workshop to discuss current and emerging concepts and apparent gaps in stroke care, including risk factor management, acute diagnostics, treatments and complications, and operational/logistic issues for health care systems and integrated networks. Joint initiatives of cardiologists and stroke physicians are needed in research and clinical care to target unresolved interdisciplinary problems and to promote the best possible outcomes for patients with stroke

    Induction, expression and characterisation of laccase genes from the marine-derived fungal strains Nigrospora sp. CBMAI 1328 and Arthopyrenia sp. CBMAI 1330

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    The capability of the fungi Nigrospora sp. CBMAI 1328 and Arthopyrenia sp. CBMAI 1330 isolated from marine sponge to synthesise laccases (Lcc) in the presence of the inducer copper (110 M) was assessed. In a liquid culture medium supplemented with 5 M of copper sulphate after 5 days of incubation, Nigrospora sp. presented the highest Lcc activity (25.2 UL1). The effect of copper on Lcc gene expression was evaluated by reverse transcriptase polymerase chain reaction. Nigrospora sp. showed the highest gene expression of Lcc under the same conditions of Lcc synthesis. The highest Lcc expression by the Arthopyrenia sp. was detected at 96 h of incubation in absence of copper. Molecular approaches allowed the detection of Lcc isozymes and suggest the presence of at least two undescribed putative genes. Additionally, Lcc sequences from the both fungal strains clustered with other Lcc sequences from other fungi that inhabit marine environments.M. Passarini was supported by Ph.D. grant from FAPESP (2008/06720-7), Sao Paulo, Brazil. The authors thank FAPESP for financial support (BIOTA-FAPESP grant 2010/50190-2 and FAPESP grant 2013/19486-0) and Roberto G.S. Berlinck and CEBIMAR for the support related to samples collecting. L.D. Sette thanks CNPq for Productivity Fellowships 304103/2013-6

    Expression of apoptosis regulatory proteins of the Bcl-2 family and p53 in primary resected non-small-cell lung cancer

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    Proteins of the Bcl-2 family as well as p53 are important regulators of apoptosis. Alterations in the expression of these proteins can contribute to the formation of cancer, as well as influence tumour response to chemo- and radiotherapy. We used antibodies specific for the human Bcl-2, Mcl-1, Bax, Bak and p53 proteins to examine the expression of these apoptosis-regulating genes in 49 archival specimens of patients with radically resected non-small-cell lung cancer (NSCLC). Tumour cells containing immunostaining for the antiapoptotic proteins Bcl-2 and Mcl-1 were present in 31% and 58% of the cases evaluated, respectively, whereas immunopositivity for the proapoptotic proteins Bax and Bak was found in 47% and 58% of the samples. p53 immunopositivity was detected in 61% of the samples. The expression of Bcl-2 and p53 and the expression of Mcl-1 and Bax showed a positive association (P= 0.02 and P= 0.06 respectively), whereas the expression of Bax was inversely related to p53 (P= 0.008). The expression of Bcl-2 had a negative influence on relapse-free survival in this population of primary resected NSCLC patients (P= 0.02). The expression of p53 and Bcl-2 was significantly associated with metastasis-free survival (P< 0.01). Only patients with p53-positive tumours developed metastases during the follow-up period. Our results establish the frequent expression of the Bcl-2 family proteins Bcl-2, Mcl-1, Bax and Bak in NSCLC. It can be expected that Bcl-2 family members have no straightforward impact on clinical outcome in this disease because their interactions in the regulation of apoptosis are complex. © 1999 Cancer Research Campaig

    Role of Bcl-2 as a prognostic factor for survival in lung cancer: a systematic review of the literature with meta-analysis

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    The role of the anti-apoptotic protein Bcl-2 in lung cancer remains controversial. In order to clarify its impact on survival in small and non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC), we performed a systematic review of the literature. Trials were selected for further analysis if they provided an independent assessment of Bcl-2 in lung cancer and reported analysis of survival data according to Bcl-2 status. To make it possible to aggregate survival results of the published studies, their methodology was assessed using a quality scale designed by the European Lung Cancer Working Party (including study design, laboratory methods and analysis). Of 28 studies, 11 identified Bcl-2 expression as a favourable prognostic factor and three linked it with poor prognosis; 14 trials were not significant. No differences in scoring measurement were detected between the studies, except that significantly higher scores were found in the trials with the largest sample sizes. Assessments of methodology and of laboratory technique were made independently of the conclusion of the trials. A total of 25 trials, comprising 3370 patients, provided sufficient information for the meta-analysis. The studies were categorised according to histology, disease stage and laboratory technique. The combined hazard ratio (HR) suggested that a positive Bcl-2 status has a favourable impact on survival: 0.70 (95% confidence interval 0.57-0.86) in seven studies on stages I-II NSCLC; 0.50 (0.39-0.65) in eight studies on surgically resected NSCLC; 0.91 (0.76-1.10) in six studies on any stage NSCLC; 0.57 (0.41-0.78) in five studies on squamous cell cancer; 0.75 (0.61-0.93) and 0.71 (0.61-0.83) respectively for five studies detecting Bcl-2 by immunohistochemistry with Ab clone 100 and for 13 studies assessing Bcl-2 with Ab clone 124; 0.92 (0.73-1.16) for four studies on small cell lung cancer; 1.26 (0.58-2.72) for three studies on neuroendocrine tumours. In NSCLC, Bcl-2 expression was associated with a better prognosis. The data on Bcl-2 expression in small cell lung cancer were insufficient to assess its prognostic value.Journal ArticleMeta-AnalysisResearch Support, Non-U.S. Gov'tReviewinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishe