2 research outputs found
Working for America
- Author
- Baldwin N.
- Cipolla F.
- Friel B.
- Gawthorp L.C.
- Gore A.
- Gore Al
- Hudson Institute
- John Crum
- Katherine C. Naff
- Kelman S.
- Levine C.H.
- National Commission on the Public Service
- Perry J.L.
- Richardson W.D.
- U S General Accounting Office
- U S General Accounting Office
- U S Ment Systems Protection Board
- U S Ment Systems Protection Board
- U S Merit Systems Protection Board
- U S Merit Systems Protection Board
- U S Merit Systems Protection Board
- U S Merit Systems Protection Board
- U S Merit Systems Protection Board
- U S Office of Personnel Management
- Publication venue
- 'SAGE Publications'
- Publication date
- Field of study
Federal Family-Friendly Workplace Policies
- Author
- Baum S.J.
- Carnevale D.G.
- Chems.
- Clinton W.J.
- Deuterman WV, Jr.
- Elbmg A.O.
- Gore A.
- Hammon H.
- Hochschild A.R.
- Kahne H.
- Kanter R.M.
- Kay Mathews
- Kogan M.
- Kramer R.M.
- Meier G.S.
- Meredith Newman
- Newman M.A.
- O'Toole J.
- Pierce J.
- Reno J.
- Ronen S.
- Taylor D.
- U S Department of the Intenor
- U S. Office of Personnel Management
- U S. Office of Personnel Management
- U S. Office of Personnel Management
- U.S Department of Education.
- U.S Department of Health and Human Services.
- U.S Department of Labor
- U.S Department of Transportation
- U.S Office of Personnel Management
- U.S. Department of justice
- U.S. Department of Justice
- U.S. Ment Systems Protection Board
- US Department of Health and Human Services.
- Wolf Rep F.R.
- Publication venue
- 'SAGE Publications'
- Publication date
- Field of study