92 research outputs found
Studi Kualitas Air untuk Kesehatan Ikan dalam Budidaya Perikanan pada Aliran Sungai Kampar Kiri
This research is done on October 2010 at Kampar Kiri river stream area,Riau Province. The purpose of this research is to find out the influence of goldmines without license activity to water quality and fish health. The method used issurvey method by measuring environmental factors of territorial water. Theconcideration that used namely the estimation to the source of contamination andwaste burden accepted by territorial water of development of aquaculture. Asreference, here include water quality of Kampar River completely as RiauGovernor Decree no 23 in 2003 (that guidances on PP 82/2001), about allotmentand permanent quality of water at Kampar River, Riau Province. Meanwhile, thefish area sampled from pond and cage that existed in every development area.From this research is known that generally each the quality of river water for fishhealth in aquaculture is still in tolerance level. The result of measurement waterquality is the fulfill permanent quality of first class water except some ofparameters in development aquaculture area in distric, like Kampar kiri River andhall fish breeding (BBI) Teso. Mophologically, fish health that watched is still beoptimal
Side Effects of Misoprostol Per Rectal for Treating Postpartum Hemorrhage in Vaginal Delivery versus Cesarean Section: What Do We Know So Far? Efek Samping Misoprostol Per Rektal untuk Pengobatan Perdarahan Pascasalin
Objective: To compare the incidence and profiles of misoprostol’ side effects given per rectal for treating postpartum haemorrhage in vaginal delivery versus cesarean section.Methods: A prospective observational study involving 40 women delivered by vaginal birth (VD) and 40 by cesarean section (CS) was undertaken in a gynecology ward of a hospital in West Java. The incidence of misoprostol’s side effects was identified through patient observation and medical note review. The side effect probability was rated by the panellists of healthcare providers. Patient characteristics and side effect data were summarized descriptively. The incidence rates of misoprostol’s side effect between the two groups were compared using Z-test.Results: Thirty-four patients (85.0%) in the VD group experienced side effects, whilst all CS patients reported at least one side effect. There was no significant difference in the proportion of patients having side effects in the two groups (p=0.366). There were 135 and 164 side effects in the VD group and CS group, respectively. There was no discernible difference in side effect profile between the two groups. Gastrointestinal side effects accounted for the most frequent side effects. Regarding the side effect probability, the panellists rated all side effects in VD patients as probable. Meanwhile, around70% of side effects in CS patients were regarded as probable leaving the remaining as definite.Conclusion: High incidence of misoprostol’s side effects was documented both in VD and CS patients. The incidence rates and side effect profile between the two delivery modes were quite similar.Keywords: cesarean section, misoprostol, postpartum haemorrhage, side effect, vaginal delivery
Tujuan:Membandingkan insiden dan profil efek samping misoprostol per rektal untuk pengobatan perdarahan pascasalin pada persalinan pervaginam versus seksio sesarea.Metode: Penelitian observasional prospektif melibatkan 40 perempuan yang melahirkan melalui persalinan pervaginan (VD) versus 40 pasien melalui seksio sesarea (CS) dilakukan di bangsal ginekologi sebuah rumah sakit di Jawa Barat. Insiden efek samping misoprostol diidentifikasi melalui pengamatan pasien dan kajian rekam medis. Probabilitas efek samping dinilai oleh panel tenaga kesehatan. Karakteristik pasien dan profil efek samping dianalisis secara deskriptif. Proporsi insiden efek samping misoprostol antara dua metode persalinan dibandingkan menggunakan uji Z.Hasil :Tiga puluh empat pasien (85,0%) pasien di kelompok VD mengalami efek samping, sementara semua pasien CS melaporkan setidaknya satu efek samping. Tidak ada perbedaan yang signifikan terkait proporsi pasien yang mengalami efek samping di kedua kelompok (p=0,366). Secara keseluruhan terdapat 135 dan 164 efek samping pada kelompok VD dan CS secara berurutan. Tidak ada perbedaan yang nyata dalam profil efek samping kedua kelompok. Efek samping terkait saluran cerna merupakan efek samping yang palings sering ditemukan. Terkait probabilitas kejadian efek samping, panelis menilai semua efek samping pada kelompok VD sebagai “mungkin”. Sementara itu, sekitar 70% efek samping pada pasien CS dikategorikan “mungkin” dan selebihnya “sangat mungkin”.Kesimpulan :Insiden tinggi efek samping misoprostol ditemukan baik pada pasien VD maupun CS. Proporsi insiden dan profil efek samping cukup seragam pada dua kelompok tersebut.Kata kunci: efek samping, misoprostol, perdarahan pascasalin, persalinan pervaginam, persalinan seksio sesare
Pengaruh Berbagai Frekuensi Pemberian Pakan pada Pembatasan Pakan terhadap Produksi Karkas Ayam Broiler
The research was aims to determine the influence of various feeding frequencies on feed restriction towards broiler chickens on carcass production. The experiment used 200 days old chick broilers unsex. Feed diet were calculated 22,69% crude protein; 2930 kcal/kg metabolizable energy. Design used in this research was Completely Randomized Design (CRD), with 4 treatments and 5 replications, so there were 20 cages as experiment units. Each experiment unit consisted of 10 brid. T0: ad libitum feeding according to PT. Charoen Pokphand standard. T1: feeding with 75% standard feed which is given 4 times a day, T2: feeding with 75% of standard feed which is given 3 times a day, T3: feeding with 75% of standard feed which is given twice a day. The carcass weight of broiler chickens on T0: 1378,6 g, T1: 1292,4 g, T2: 1294,4 g dan T3: 1295,4 g. The carcass percentage of broiler chickens on T0: 71,86 , T1: 70,89 , T2: 71,19 dan T3: 72,37 %. The carcass percentage cut portion breast of broiler chickens on T0: 35,17, T1: 37,24, T2: 35,35 dan T3: 36,14 %. The carcass percentage cut portion drumstick of broiler chickens on T0: 6,52, T1: 6,68, T2: 6,48 dan T3: 6,59 %. The carcass percentage cut portion thigh of broiler chickens on T0: 8,12, T1: 8,35, T2: 8,14 dan T3: 8,11 %. The carcass percentage cut portion wing of broiler chickens on T0: 5,46, T1: 5,42, T2: 5,83 dan T3: 5,51 %. The carcass percentage cut portion back of broiler chickens on T0: 11,97, T1: 11,86, T2: 11,66 dan T3: 11,56 %. The results showed that the influence of feeding frequency and feed restriction no significant effect (P> 0.05) on weight carcass, carcass percentage and carcass cut portio
Pelaksanaan Itsbat Nikah di Pengadilan Agama Rengat Kabupaten Indragiri Hulu
Marriage according to the Marriage Act aims to establish a happy family and eternal divinity by the Almighty. Marriage Law Article 2 Clause 1 and 2 state that marriage valid if done according to the law of each religion and belief and every marriage is recorded in accordance with the laws and undangan.Itsbat Nikah stated explicitly in the Compilation of Islamic Law, published in Article 1 Section 2, which states that in the case of a marriage that can not be proved by a marriage certificate can be submitted Ithbat illegitimate Religious Courts.The purpose of this study to determine the Implementation Ithbat Marriage Religious Court Rengat Indragiri Hulu and to identify constraints in check Ithbat Marriage Religious Court Rengat Indragiri Hulu.This research method or empirical sociological research, legal research field that studies of legal identification. The research location in the Religious Court Rengat Indragiri Hulu because many Ithbat marriage petition is filed, investigated using population and sample.Results of research and discussion shows that the implementation of Marriage in the Religious Ithbat Rengat Indragiri Hulu has not run as it should be because in 2014 many application for approval of marriage for the sake of the maintenance of the child\u27s birth certificate, the administration of the pilgrimage and therefore do not have a marriage certificate. But not all requests can be granted by a religious court, it is associated constraints experienced by the religious court in determining the legitimacy of a marriage, while these obstacles because the witness who had died, the husband and wife earlier would not be present at the hearing and the applicant Ithbat Marriage can not prove the legitimate guardians of religion Islam.Permohonan Ithbat marriage that can be submitted to the Court of religion is the existence of marriage in the context of a divorce settlement, the loss of a marriage certificate, any doubts about the legitimacy of one of the conditions of marriage, the marriage that occurred prior to the enactment of Law No. 1 In 1974, a marriage that is done by those who do not have a marriage impediment under the Act, the Marriage under dlakukan hands after the enactment of Law No. 1 of 1974 on Marriage
Studi Komparasi Sni 01-4449-2006 Dengan Jis a 5905 : 2003 .
Japan and Indonesia has own criteria in determinating the applicable standards for fiberboard in accordance with the development of industry in each country. JIS and SNI have differences and similarities that are only applicable in their respective countries so that the necessary information to evaluate these standards in order to be valid not only in each country. The purpose of this research is to compare SNI 01-4449-2006 with JIS A 5905-2003. Data analysis was done by using descriptive comparative technic that is compare standards specified in SNI 01-4449-2006 with JIS A 5905-2003 so that known differences and similarities of each standard. Result of the comparition between the parameter of JIS A 5905-2003 and SNI 01-4449-2006 show that the overall standard is different. The difference between these two standardsis available on the parameters of normative parameters of mold thickness, length and width, provided that te testing and measurement of test samples. JIS A 5905-2003has testing standards for fire resistance test and resistance for weather and SNI 01-4449-2006 doesn\u27t have that testing standards. Based of the comparition of the parameters between JIS A 5905-2003 and SNI 01-4449-2006, it can be concluded that JIS A 5905-2003is more complete than SNI 01-4449-2006
Effect of Problem Based Learning and Model Critical Thinking Ability to Problem Solving Skills
The purposes of this research were to analyze the different between physic resolving problem ability by using problem based learning model and direct instruction model, the different of physic resolving problem ability between the students that have critical thinking ability upper the average and the students that have critical thinking ability under the average, and the interaction of problem based learning model toward critical thinking ability and students\u27 physic resolving problem ability. This research was quasy experimental research that use critical thinking ability tests and physic resolving problem ability tests as the instruments. Result of the research showed that the students\u27 physic resolving problem ability by using problem based learning model was better than by using direct instruction model, students\u27 physic resolving problem ability and critical thinking ability upper the average showed better different and result than students\u27 critical thinking ability under the average, besides there was an interaction between problem based learning model and critical thinking ability in improving students\u27 physic resolving problem ability
Analisis Faktor Yang Mempengaruhi Kemandirian Pada Pasien Cedera Kepala Yang Pernah Dirawat Di Igd RSUD Dr. R. Koesma Tuban
Cedera kepala akibat kecelakaan lalulintas merupakan penyebab utama disabilitas dan mortalitas. Functional Independence Measure (FIM) merupakan salah satu pengukuran kemandirian pasien cedera kepala. Beberapa faktor yang dicurigai adalah usia, mekanisme cedera, skor awal GCS, hipotensi, diameter pupil dan reaksi cahaya, CT scan, konsumsi alkohol, dan lama perawatan. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mengetahui faktor yang mempengaruhi kemandirian pasien cedera kepala. Penelitian ini bersifat analitik observasional dengan menggunakan rancangan retrospektif terhadap107 sampel rekam medis RSUD dr. R. Koesma Tuban dari periode Januari-April 2016. Teknik sampling yang digunakan adalah teknik cluster random sampling dengan kriteria inklusi dan ekslusi. Instrumen yang digunakan lembar checklist dan lembar FIM. Analisis menggunakan uji koefisien kontingensi dan regresi logistik. Hasil uji regresi logistik menunjukan faktor yang mempengaruhi adalah GCS (p=0,996) dan Pupil (p=0,077). Persamaan yang didapat y = 0,357 + 19,434 (GCS) + 2,041 (Pupil). Hasil uji Hosmer and Lameshow menunjukan kalibrasi yang baik (p=1,000), nilai AUC menunjukan bahwa 93,6% persamaan regresi yang diperoleh mampu membedakan kemandirian pasien cedera kepala berdasarkan variabel GCS dan pupil, sisanya yaitu 6,4% dipengaruhi oleh faktor lain. Skor GCS yangrendah pada awal cedera berhubungan dengan prognosa yang buruk, sedangkan abnormalitas fungsi pupil, gangguan gerakan ekstraokular, pola-pola respons motorik yang abnormal seperti postur fleksor dan postur ekstensor, juga memprediksikan outcome yang buruk setelah cedera kepala.Kesimpulan dari penelitian ini adalah Skor awal GCS dan Pupil menjadi faktor yang dominan berpengaruh terhadap kemandirian. Oleh karena itu, perawat perlu meningkatkan manajemen pasien cedera kepala pada fase emergency dengan tidak mengabaikan pengukuran GCS dan Pupil
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